Good afternoon family and friends. I hope this week’s rant finds y’all doing well and busy doing the things “you” want to do.
As most of you know the bedwetters at Twitter have permanently suspended my account which is a rant in itself. Not being there and hearing from all of you and all the nonsense that dribbles out of the leftist bubble heads, it’s hard to know what the overall feeling is related to the election. Thus the title, “I can only tell you how I feel.”
If I had to give you one word that best describes my overall feeling it would be disappointed. That’s not to say I am not elated if we’ve taken back the House. Are you kidding? You’d be hard pressed to hand me anything that would give me more pleasure than ripping the gavel out of Nasty Nancy’s claws. The only thing that would make it better is if a few of her fake fingernails come with it. The amount of disgust I have for that woman is nearly indescribable. Some would advise me not to hold grudges, let bygones be bygones. Nope. While taking back the House will, in theory, stop or at least slow Mr. Broken Brains spending extravaganza which obviously is the most important thing, knowing the drunken, wicked witch of the west will be kicked to the curb is, for me, the ice cream on top of my cone.
As of this writing the fate of the Senate is still hanging in the balance of the evil doers, the cheaters, and the same 2020 election thieves. And just like 2020 we wait for another runoff in Georgia. How many times have I said it? How many times have y’all said it? Fix 2020! Nope, we’ve been shadow banned, thrown in twit jail, suspended, called election deniers, insurrectionists, and every other name under the sun for our insisting that the 2020 election be fixed and now, here we are, same scum sucking states holding up the outcome while they figure out how best to announce they won without appearing so obvious. Any state still using mail in ballots, drop boxes and major voting centers instead of the local libraries, high schools and the volunteer fire departments will continue to make a complete and utter joke out of our elections. And they sure as hell won’t be able to change the hearts and minds of the people into believing their elections are on the up and up. While half the country may not give a damn, the other half does.

The Kari Lake race in Arizona is a real beauty isn’t it? The dumb as a rock woman she’s running against is the current secretary of state who, as you know, is in charge of running the election. Well that ought to work out well. You know, like having the bank robber as the bank manager. I’ve heard some people say that Hobbs should have recused herself. Ya think? And why in the hell didn’t we hear about this ahead of time? Maybe y’all did, I, sadly, most embarrassing, didn’t put two and two together. Of course in my defense, having been taught over these last couple years two and two doesn’t add up to four, how can you blame me? Last I checked Ms. Lake had pulled ahead. If anyone can keep these ass-hats in line it will be her. I like her a LOT!
Moving to Nevada for a second, having lived in northern Nevada for 40 years I can tell you I have little faith that race will turn out as we want it or as it should. As I understand it they are currently counting Clark County ballots, Vegas. Leftist filled, union stealing city or as they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Dirty Harry Reid country. This is the city of sin where the cards are dealt from under the table. It will be a stone cold miracle if Laxalt pulls through. That or they (the Left) accidentally drop the deck on the floor.
As for Pennsylvania, what could I possibly tell you that you don’t already know? Remember, this is the state on November 3, 2020 where we all went to bed knowing Trump was ahead by 600,000 votes only to wake up to be told he lost. This race between Mr. Frankenstein and Oz has drawn out many so-called MAGAs hammering the President, blaming him for Oz’s loss. “Trump should have picked better candidates” I keep hearing over on Truth and GTTER. In fact I hear a lot of these part time Trump supporters blaming him for the lack of a so-called “red wave.” To all of them I simply would ask, what outcome would we have had without Trump. The man worked his ever loving ass off. He held I don’t know how many rallies to help the candidates, invested a hell of a lot more of his time than the stupid, worthless GOP and worn out, good for nothing Mitch McConnell did, who by the way spent more dollars to help freaking Lisa McDumbass in Alaska than he did for anyone else. Think about it, close one eye, stand on one foot and picture the election without Donald Trump. Do you see what I see? Yeah. An election where you look down the hole of the outhouse and see the Republican party floating in the shit. (Too graphic?)

So my final comments about the election involve perhaps the most disgusting part of it all, the American people. Setting aside the cheating, the printers not working, running out of paper, the drop boxes and mail in “fraud” waiting to happen BS, a large number of the American people actually voted in favor of high crime, inflation, 6.5% interest rates, high gas prices, open border, war and outright corruption. So much for “it’s the economy stupid” now it’s just “you’re stupid, stupid.” Well by God they were going to do whatever it took to make damn sure that killing a baby was going to be a-okay, even though this election outcome changes nothing about aborting babies. I’ve said it a hundred times if I’ve said it once, “we are living among some of the stupidest people on the planet.” Sorry, not sorry. Do you disagree? Before you do, let me politely remind you, people actually voted for John Fetterman. No seriously, they did. We even had fellow Americans vote for Beto the “hell yes I’ll take your ARs” O’Rourke and Stacey “ you can drive a truck through the gap in my teeth” Abrams. Speaking of which, those two defeats were indeed another DG highlight! Talk about a couple of losers.
Let it be said, let it be written, “one” of the reasons we did not see a BIG RED WAVE is because we live among the brain dead who, like the pudding brain in the White House, don’t even know what day it is, much less how to save themselves from an out of control Government.
During broken brains news conference following the election, a female reporter asked if he could go back, would he change anything he has done since being elected (installed lady, not elected.) His response was “No, not a thing”. Not that it’s a surprise but he’s openly saying that killing the energy sector in this country causing high gas prices, forcing Americans to get a shot with unknown (back then and now) side effects, closing schools, forcing boosters, leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, leaving the border open and letting millions to enter with drugs that are killing thousands of Americans per year, advocating the defunding of police all remains ok. Nope he wouldn’t change any of it. God help us all for our battle for this Nation, by all accounts, is just beginning. This asshat gives America the middle finger every time he opens his filthy, lying trap.

As for President Trump, folks ought to join me by thanking him for his tireless efforts as he continued and continues to save this Nation from the filth we’ve been forced to endure. As for his comments on DeSantis, let me cover this elephant in the room. Should DeSantis decide to run for President in 2024 the gloves will come off. Trump fights to win, not to play nice. DeSantis knows this. If he doesn’t, then boy is he ever going to be surprised. I am 100% Trump. Let me ask you, what did you know of DeSantis before Trump came to Washington? Was DeSantis kicking ass and taking names back then? No he wasn’t. He was a good Senator, playing by the DC rules. Once Trump came into play DeSantis learned, he saw what a fighter looks like and he did a good job emulating it. I’m taking nothing away from him. At every turn he’s done the right thing. I like him a lot! I’ll vote for him without hesitation. In 2028. In the meantime, our President is gearing up to run again. As he said last week at his rally, “Get Ready!” I’m telling you right now, it won’t be for the faint of heart.
Alright my dear friends, as I always do and always will, I wish y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Nothing would tickle me more than to have some more Red occur since this writing. Fingers and eyes crossed! To my twitter friends, please trust me when I say, I miss you all very much. Thank you for your support and to those of you who found your way over to Truth or GETTR to connect, double thanks to you! I’ll continue to hope for the return of my account and the 30K followers I worked so hard to develop over these past eight years. It’s kind of interesting if you think about it. I managed for eight years to maintain my account under ole leftist Jack and his bedwetters and then came Elon and boom, gone! I didn’t even last a month. Interesting isn’t the right word… Until next week then! Same time, same place. #MissYa