Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. Well the clock is ticking down to the hour we’ve all been waiting for. The next time we talk we will know which direction, once and for all, our beautiful homeland will go. I know you join me in hoping it goes the way we want.
It is nearly unimaginable to think there could be anything but a big red wave. Here we sit, smack dab in the middle of arguably the biggest economic and social mess of our lifetime. Many of our Moms and Dads, or grandparents lived through the great depression which was awful. In many ways this is our great depression and sadly it’s only getting started. The depression forced people to food lines and no place to find work. Our depression comes to us via inflation which turns America’s funny money into paper that loses its worth with each passing day. But there is even more on the line than this economic nightmare, we find ourselves in a societal war too and for me, it’s as or more important to win that than anything else.
Did you ever think that we would have to fight to stop killing babies “after” they’re born? Well, here we are and it’s disgusting. After electing the first black American (remains debatable) twice, most level-headed people felt the race relations war was over. It only got worse. Did you ever think our courts would turn against the Constitution? Well they have and they did so some time back. It boggles the mind when you hear the US Census must include non-Americans. That’s what the courts deemed. While we always had concerns about the honesty in our elections, did you ever think the courts would turn their backs on half of the population? Well they did.
What about the media? If we’re honest with each other, you have to admit we had no idea just how corrupt they are until Trump entered our lives. He accused them of some crazy things, so crazy that we started to watch closer and low and behold, what we found was an Oh My God moment(s) and it’s only gotten worse. Did you ever think you could watch a crime being committed right before your own eyes only to have the media tell you it didn’t happen? Remember the CNN reporter standing in front of buildings on fire saying the protest was mostly peaceful. Or when they claimed Kyle Rittenhouse committed murder when we watched in horror as he defended himself. Remember when they told us Trump’s chances of winning the 2016 election was less than 2%? Well, they did…
Did you ever think that the government and their paid media friends would work so hard to push all of this LGBQARSWXYZ down our throats? Well they did and it’s only getting worse. Kids being dragged to, well, drag queen shows. Really? Seriously? Making it legal to surgically change a child’s gender? This is the world they are trying to force upon us?
And now there’s this guy occupying our White House…

The pretend President of the United States addresses the nation: A nation suffering with the high costs of inflation, suffering to afford to fill up their cars to get to and from work, or to heat their homes, a Nation afraid of crime that is running out of control. Crime that is so bad in our major cities folks are being killed for just standing on the sidewalk or riding the subway or waiting for a bus or shopping in a store. A nation filled with folks who want nothing to do with being involved in another war, a Nation worried for its children’s education and safety. A Nation filled with retirees like me who are watching their lifelong savings dwindle. A Nation filled with people who for two years were forced to get a vaccine or lose their jobs, forced to wear a mask walking down the street and a Nation who lost mothers, fathers, and grandparents and weren’t allowed to even hold their hands and say goodbye. During that address, he didn’t mention even one of these major concerns. Not one! No open border, no drugs killing thousands of Americans, no concern with running out of diesel, none of it.

Instead he continued to accuse half of the American population (at least half) of being a grave danger to Democracy as we know it. “Trump and the MAGA Republicans will fundamentally take America back to some very dark and dangerous time if they are elected.” He said.

I don’t have to tell you, it’s all hogwash, bullshit is what it is. If the Republicans don’t take back the House and Senate this country as we know it is done. They will say that the election was a mandate showing that Biden and his evil doer policies are supported by the American people. If that happens it won’t be a matter of “more of the same” it will be a matter of “holy shit batman!” If you think gas prices are high now, ha! Just wait. If you think spending is out of control now, you ain’t seen nothing yet. If you think we’ve spent too much money in Ukraine, Katie bar the door friends.
I know I am preaching to the choir when I tell you all of this. It’s just so damn scary to think this country, via this election next week could allow this nightmare to continue. As I’ve always said, it’s not as though the Republicans are the end all, they’re not. But for all that’s holy we have to, at the very least, make a change. This election is our steady peck towards getting Mr. Kickass don’t give a political hoot of a President back in office. We’ll know if we’ve been robbed again if Kari Lake or Ron DeSantis lose. There shouldn’t be any question in their races. If indeed the American people are awake and concerned, if indeed as Clinton said, “it’s the economy stupid” Oz should win, JD should win, Hershel should win and the whole lot of Republican candidates should win because I don’t have to tell you, despite the Biden lies that all is well with the economy, it sucks and so does he.
Before I put this week’s rant to bed I wanted to make sure to let you know I finally figured out what went so wrong with Fetterman in the debate last week.

I am looking forward to celebrating with y’all next week! The time is upon us to send a message like never before (well, like we did in 2020 but this time without the cheating.) This election is our time to have our voices heard loudly and clearly. At every level, our Government is out of control. There isn’t a single thing that’s acceptable today, not one. From the White House, to Congress, the FBI, DOJ, Board of Education, Transportation, CDC, and energy to the Pentagon it’s one big corrupt evil empire that we the people must take back control and continue our vigilance toward making her great again. On Thursday at the Ohio rally the boss said he will probably, very, very, very most likely, run again! LOL! There was never any doubt. God Bless the man, the country and each of you. Now get your butts out and vote!! Don’t make me come over there! 🙂 One last thing. Between now and Tuesday whatever you hear, do not believe it. The BS meter is pegged on maximum right now. Polls are for fools, so is the media, hollywierd, and past Presidents who told you, you can keep your doctor…
Talk to you soon! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the Trump rallies! #MAGA