Isn’t that the truth? As Election Day nears, the propaganda machine revs up. It was only a few months ago when all the talk was that a big red wave was going to hit in November. If you listen to all the ass-hat political filth pushers, the red wave is at a slow fizzle. According to the polls, ole Pudding Brain has a 48% approval rating too. Polls – don’t get me started.
Nearly every five minutes, some wanna be is saying that the races are tightening, very close like in Georgia, now most are saying there will likely be no clear winner between the Al Sharpton like Democrat Warnock and Herschel Walker. Even the race out in Arizona between superstar Kari Lake and what’s her face is neck-n-neck. Hell, to hear them tell it, the guy who can’t hardly think much less speak in Pennsylvania is bound to take the election from Oz who, whether you like him or not, clearly has the advantage because he, well, can speak. Lol. Yep, to hear them tell it, it’s all gonna come down to the wire…

I keep saying it but, as I often do, I’ll repeat myself. This coming election is going to once and for all resolve the question about free and fair elections. I absolutely refuse to believe the majority of the people in our beloved America are going to vote for more of what they have today and have had for the last two years. This election is going to confirm to us one way or the other just what kind of country we’re living within. By all accounts, any fair minded person should have the unyielding expectation for there to be a big red wave. Go back and re-read the picture above and ask yourself, how it is remotely possible for the majority of Americans to want more of it?
You notice Biden’s handlers only talk about women’s healthcare & the gazillions of dollars they’ve passed via the most idiotic bills, short of Obamacare, ever passed. They hammer daily what all these bills are “going” to do. How much better our lives are “going” to be and how they are the party who believe women should be the only ones to choose what goes on with their bodies or healthcare as they like to falsely sell it. When I hear this I always respond by saying; “You mean like whether or not they should get an unproven vaccine that’s not a vaccine? Or 10 booster shots because they don’t stop you from getting the virus, I mean cold, or are you talking about them having a say as to whether or not they wear a mask?” I say that because millions were “forced” to do these things or lose their jobs. The way these people can go all Hitler on you one minute and in the very next minute act as though that never happened is astounding. But hey, it’s what they do and by all accounts they are pretty damn good at it. When it comes to those in our country who still openly call themselves Democrats, after all they’ve seen and been made to endure, and they continue to support these downright insane policies, spending, lies and cheats I can only say; What in the hell is wrong with you? What on earth happened to you growing up to have caused such brain damage? How can you possibly be so close minded as to overlook the party that is making your life so much more difficult? How? By all accounts, these people haven’t a clue of the difference between right and wrong, boy & girl or up from down. To say that it boggles the mind is an understatement. What is as clear as day to most is completely lost on others. They have eyes, they have ears, they have families, they have homes, cars, jobs, bills, bank accounts yet they overlook it all and follow the liberal democrat government filth.

Having said all that, needless to say, my expectation this November is for a huge, I mean, huge red wave. I fully expect the good people of this country to say enough is enough and send a resounding message to Pudding Brain, Nasty Nancy and yes to cocaine Mitch and do nothing McCarthy. Your time is up! Get out of the way because this country belongs to us not you life-long, filthy, lying, cheating pick pockets in Washington DC.
Anything short of this and I’ll be throwing the rigged election flag again and looking into the probability of constructing a bunker on my property. One filled (Mr. Rip) with my own damn supply of Bourbon! Seriously though, this election is a make or break moment for our country. The Democrats paint the election the same way, the sky will fall if they don’t win. I guess they’re right. If holding them accountable for all they’ve done to this country and her people accounts for the sky falling, then yeah, I agree. Having said that, I highly doubt giving Congress back to the Republicans will hold these ass-hat bedwetting DC Democrats accountable for much. That’s going to take several elections and a President Trump to get that done. The old saying “you gotta start somewhere” best describes this November midterm election. Like the old man used to say “steady peck breaks the rock.” Let’s start pecking away this November and remain steady there forward until such time as we take it all back and hold all those accountable for delivering us all this despicable filth we see today. You know, like trying to shove down our throats that taking kids to watch dikes dance is somehow okay or watching a six foot tall man out swim a 5’ 4” girl. Or burning down cities, killing cops and robbing stores is, well, nothing more than what Nasty Nancy said at the time “people doing what they will.” Bullshit. All of it.
Okay brother and sisters. This concludes this week’s DG Rant. I could go on but then what would I have to talk about next week? Ha, ha!
Keep debunking the lies my friends, keep pushing the truth. The time leading up to this election is going to get louder and worse. I know y’all are up to the challenge so as Trump always says, never give up, never give in. This is our country, our home, our families, our friends, our businesses, our churches, our roads, our schools, our parks, our forests, our rivers, our farms, our cities, and our Constitution. Defend it friends, it was written for you and it’s damn well worth defending! And all that you CAN BELIEVE.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead.