For years now we’ve been inundated with so much filth, lying and nonsense that reality becomes somewhat of a blur. I reckon this is why the evil doers say “tell a lie often enough and the people will believe it.” We kind of make fun of this, but sadly it would seem it’s true.
When I think back on everything that we’ve been hit with in this country, I find it so incredibly hard to believe, much less understand, and how we as human beings allow it which means we accept it, right?
In an attempt to explain what I mean, I honestly don’t know where to start and there are so many examples that I couldn’t even begin to list them all. I will do what I always do though, just list them as they come to me.
But first, lets get this week out of the way;
This week the January 6th kangaroo court finished up with their final hearing. Their pals in the media did their part in building it up. “Never before seen video footage to be unveiled” they said. “The J-6 Committee has the October surprise” and so on. I didn’t watch a single minute of it. As with everything else I knew damn well I’d get my fill via social media and that I did as I am sure you did as well. As it turns out, the never before seen footage was of Nasty Nancy herself on that solemn “fatal day”. “Miss Pelosi is my hero”, Nancy showed us what real leadership looks like”, “Don’t tell me women can’t handle the pressure” one Leftist blue check mark proclaimed and on it went. Seriously friends, tell me, it can’t just be me.
How can people possibly be this naive? How on earth, Leftist or not, can anyone not see right through this? Do they not find it at all odd that for some crazy reason at just the right moment Nasty Nancy had an entire film crew in her office following her around? Doesn’t it raise an eyebrow that the crew was headed by her very own daughter? It can’t just be me who automatically threw out the bullshit flag. It’s so obvious. This evil woman set this entire event (January 6th) in motion. Then she stood back and watched it unfold; from declining President Trump’s call for more law enforcement many days in advance, to Ray Epps stirring up the crowd, the magnetic locks on the Capitol all unlocking and the Capitol police waving the folks in. Then she floated above it all on her broom and you could envision her make-up artist puffing up her face, her hair dresser making sure all was in order and then the on-scene director with the mega-phone calling out to the lead actress “Lights, Camera, Action!” “If Trump steps foot on the Capitol grounds I am going to punch him” or some nonsense like that. My God, if there was ever a time to use the words “Horse Shit” now would be it.

Finally the big October surprise I guess was the very serious saviors of the democracy rigged committee announcing they would subpoena the President to testify before them. “Yeah” the Leftist crowd roared. “It’s about time!” the fake news proclaimed. All while anyone with, as I always say, a single functioning brain cell knew, including the committee themselves, they’d never see him sitting before them. Even better, with fingers crossed, once the Republicans take over Congress this rigged, one sided, POS committee will no longer exist. Nor will Miss Piggy, nor the cry baby nor Nasty Nancy. If that isn’t enough to get you motivated to vote then do us all a favor, don’t. By the way, it can’t just be me wondering just how much Nancy’s daughter was paid to put on this drama. Oh what the hell, a million here and million there. Who cares, right?
To my Twitter pals; what a week huh? It can’t just be me picturing in my head these twits working for Twitter. Do you envision someone that cannot be around a magnet because they’ve placed so much metal piercings in their bodies the magnetic force would drag them further into the gutter of society? You know their hair is every color under the sun other than black, brown or blonde and as for dress, the sky is the limit, a whole lot of skinny jeans for sure, each sitting in mommy’s basement live chatting with one another “let’s screw with this conservative a-hole today.” I lost nearly 4,000 followers which truth be told were likely a bunch of pre-program bots anyway. I went from following nearly 30,000 folks to following none, then some, then 26,000. Ha! I have maybe a dozen with whom I converse every day. Well, every day that I can find them anyway. It was weird, I didn’t see a single Leftist on Twit complaining they had lost a bunch of followers.
What in the hell are these idiots doing anyway? Any “normal” company who was about to do anything that could possibly disrupt its customers would send out a notice of some type. “Dear faithful twitter friends: We will be doing some important work within our system on Thursday evening between the hours of X and Y and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause” blah, blah, blah. Not these pricks. As for the Elon purchase, coming from someone that doesn’t know poop about the deal, paying 40 billion dollars for this crap-filled outfit proves he ain’t all that smart. Sorry, not sorry. I wouldn’t give them twelve cents, although the thought of firing all the soy boys and girls who want to be boys and boys who want to be girls does give me the chills. To be perfectly honest, I’ve long given up caring what twitter does. All my closest friends are on Truth. Let the games continue. Verify this, suspend that, most people don’t say this, do you want to edit or delete your tweet? Bite me twitter. I don’t care.
As far as “It Can’t Just Be Me” tell me it can’t. When you watch thousands upon thousands of people stand in the cold, wind and rain just to hear a man speak and then announce the guy who sat in his basement the whole time won the election, I simply refuse to believe it. When you personally watch your retirement savings double in four years, gas prices drop like never before and a big beautiful wall going up only to then say that 81 million Americans, the most ever, voted for the guy who couldn’t fill 12 circles and a woman who’s own party had kicked her to the curb won. I don’t believe it. We can talk about 2000 mules, mail in ballots and suitcases under the table all we want to and each have merit, but for me, my eyes, my pocketbook and common sense tells the story of who the rightful winner was. Is it just me?
They can run ads, tweet and make up stories until their heads fall off, killing a baby up to and after birth is murder, it’s insane. They can fly the rainbow flag all day and night, no man should be in my granddaughter’s bathroom and no man can have a baby. There’s no such thing as chest feeding and I’ll call mom, mom and dad, dad. And dudes shouldn’t be ruining women’s sports. They can keep shoving all this crap down our throats, none of it flies with me and never will. Tell me, it’s not just me.
I am a white male supporter of President Trump. I am not a terrorist, I am not a white supremacist, I don’t want to take over the government I want them to give me my country back. I do not dislike people of color and in fact, the only one talking about people of color are the racists which I am most certainly not! If you are honest, work hard, and do what’s right when no one is watching, I’m your biggest fan. I want our kids to be taught how to read, write and add not to be taught how to change their gender. It can’t just be me. I don’t believe in climate change and believe those that do are money grabbing evil lying thieves. And those who support that nonsense are just stupid. It can’t just be me.
I want this up-coming election to be conducted honestly and I know if it is, the people of this country will remove these people who have caused us too much harm. They locked us down, taken our wealth (what little we may have had), they put us in harm’s way in Ukraine, left our border wide open, forced us to get a vaccine that we knew all along would come with serious side effects, they locked our kids out of school and wouldn’t let us say goodbye to our dying moms, dads, grandmas and granddads, they doubled and tripled our gas prices, threw us into recession and inflation is eating our savings away. It can’t just be me that thinks that this isn’t okay.
All of this and so much more is made worse when just two short years ago none of these things were a part of our lives. They’re forcing us to live with a guy whose mental capacity is non-existent. They can cover for him all they want. Our eyes and ears don’t lie to us, they do. I certainly can’t be the only one that thinks this is wrong, unacceptable and cannot be allowed to stand. This pretend ass-hat doesn’t know Jack, didn’t win anything and is being allowed to destroy this country and us along with it.
Together we endure knowing good will prevail, knowing wrong will be righted, and knowing that justice is possible and must be brought to bear on the many people who have done us wrong. We hold dear our beliefs and refuse to bend. We remain thankful for a President who doesn’t give up, doesn’t give in and in fact he inspires us all to follow his lead. He’s no God, he’s not a perfect man, nor have any of us ever said he was. We took a chance on him and he came through. There’s nothing and no one that can change that fact. So my friends when I say “it can’t just be me” I know the answer is no, it’s not. Y’all stand to be counted every single day. It’s your strength that I count on. We feed each other with the truth and together we call out the lies. We are in it to win it. I’ll see you at the polls soon. We will be proud of what we will have accomplished and hopeful once again as we turn the tide to our favor, to the favor of this nation we call home. As for President Trump, he remains our steadfast leader, showing us the way and telling us the truth. He has our backs and we his. As a young kid on a trip with my dad I would ask, “Dad are we there yet?” He’d always reply, “Just around the next corner son.” Hold onto your hats friends because our victory truly is, “just around the next corner.”

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. It’s easy enough to do. Just turn off the TV, log out of the computer, set your phone aside and go outside! All of which none of us will do. LOL. This is a relay race we are in. You pass the baton to me and I’ll carry it for a spell while you rest. Then I’ll pass it back to you while I rest. One big American MAGA team relay! Go USA! :-).