Good evening friends! Just to get this out of the way from the get go, the title is like our Government, it’s a joke! Absolutely nothing coming out of DC and mash potato brain makes a lick of sense. This clown is a never ending supply of pure nonsense with a smooth topping of filth.
Let’s take a look at the past week (and it ain’t even over yet).
While giving a speech about his trip to Puerto Rico this week, Pudding Brain/liar-n-chief said he was “sort-a ” raised in the Puerto Rican community. Makes sense right? I mean everyone knows ole Blue collar Joe and Scranton, Pennsylvania are known for their Puerto Rican communities. After seeing the clip of this, it was Jill’s facial expressions that told the real story. It was as if you could hear her saying “what in the holy hell is he talking about?” Unlike the rest of us, when we heard him say this, we said what we always say when hearing him speak, “What a dumb-ass.”
Then Mr. Tough guy makes his way to Florida where he’s heard on an open mike say to the mayor “No one Fucks with a Biden.” By my estimate there are at least 80 million Americans throughout the country that would love to meet this tough guy out back behind the gym. In my lifetime I’ve learned the guy that runs his mouth about being tough is more often than not, he tends to be the biggest puss in the street, bar or playground. This coming from a guy that only lost one fight in his lifetime and that’s because I fell running around the corner trying to get away. LOL

OPEC, isn’t it just fantastic that OPEC is back in our lives? This is another thing that makes perfect sense. I mean come-on, doesn’t it make sense to close off America’s ability to produce the energy we need for our people so that we (Pudding Brain) can get down on our knees and beg OPEC to produce oil so we can pay triple the price per barrel? Yeah, no one F’s with a Biden alright. The Saudis just told him to pound sand by decreasing their output by two million barrels, A DAY, and why not? Humor me, let’s say you’re running a country and your number one revenue generator is oil. Then let’s say that a world leader dumb-ass, say the one that uses more oil than 100 other countries combined suddenly announces that they will no longer be using oil and demands all vehicles are electric. I don’t know about you but, if I am running the country that supplies most of the oil around the world I ain’t too happy. Worse though, that same dumb-ass works overtime trying to cut a deal with the number one enemy (Iran) of said oil producing countries allowing said enemy to go nuclear. Yeah, makes sense. Man, it’s sure good to be back in the good old days where we are dependent on OPEC for our oil and chums with a country that has openly said they want us all dead! Good times…

Speaking of good times, how about all these billions that ole corrupt face himself and his pals in the Democrat filth party are sending over to Ukraine? This week he announced another $625 billion! Again, it makes perfect sense. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah sure Florida was just flattened by a major hurricane leaving thousands of Americans without a roof over their head and so what if Russia says they aren’t kidding about using nuclear weapons to fight “their” war with Ukraine. I realize we are being invaded at our southern border and inflation is causing the average family to spend upwards of $5,000 more a year to feed themselves and sure folks that worked their entire lives to enjoy their retirement years are now faced with the possibility of having to go back to work. The important thing is to keep sending America’s treasures to Ukraine because, you know, our National Security is at risk… (Someone, anyone, please tell me I’ve been in a coma and this nightmare was just, well, a nightmare.)

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant by discussing the latest breaking news that the Feds “think” they have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and false statements related to a gun purchase. Just a couple of comments, first, they think? Give me a freaking break! Secondly, they have a laptop (and most of us have now seen what’s on it) and nothing about that? What about the crack smoking, child porn, 10% to the big guy China/Ukraine corruption stuff, zip on that. This is yet another “it makes sense right? I’ll grow my hair back if that corrupt slime ball sees a day behind bars and who’s kidding who anyway? We all know Daddy will pardon him. The fact of the matter is that I would prefer all of this Hunter illegality crap wait until Trump is back in office so that real justice is served. What’s the thinking on this anyway? Slap Hunter on the wrist so they can say justice was served and now we can all stop talking about it? That is not gonna happen. Even if you can shut the American people up, which you can’t, you ain’t gonna shut Trump up. Like puss face Garland is going to indict Hunter Biden anyway… Bald not stupid.

So there you are friends. Once again I thank you with all sincerity for allowing me this time each week to get these rants out of my system. Between us we will continue to yell out the obvious and not so obvious filth we are being made to endure under this completely out of control and corrupt, to the moon and back, government of ours. November cannot come soon enough as far as I’m concerned. Let’s get this show on the road! Let’s see if we make a right hand turn toward fixing this mess or not. We need to know because it will tell us what we need to do next. And I’ll just leave it right there, for now.
Wishing each and every one of you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. I’m sure next week we will find even more common sense coming out of these moronic evil doers… Grrr.