For more than two years, we’ve ended our week(s) by saying to ourselves (in so many words) “I wonder what insanity we will see next week?” And sadly this insane time we are living in has never, not surprised us by always having some downright bizarre thing occur. While we long for the days of normal or even, God forbid, days of great news, we find ourselves being slapped upside the head with pure filth and/or stupidity and lately, some of both. I don’t know about you but sometimes plowing forward through all the nonsense can become a bit draining. My guess is that I am not alone in thinking this. While each of us is busy juggling things in our personal lives, it sometimes becomes overwhelming to find the will to fight back against the insanity that is the Liberal Left. They say God only gives us what we can handle. Trouble is, He almost always thinks we can handle more than “we” think we can handle. Newsflash, trust Him because He’s smarter than you and me. 🙂
Enough of the DG philosophy stuff. As if I have a clue what God thinks or how you are feeling. I do however know for a fact that God is good and so are you! And that’s all I have to say about that.
I think it is fair to say that ole pudding brain is getting worse by the day. It is astonishing to think this guy is the appointed leader of the free world. One of my twitter friends tweeted this week something along the lines of; “If calling out for dead people to stand up and turning to shake hands with someone on stage that doesn’t exist isn’t cause for invoking the 25th Amendment then just abolish the Amendment.” He, like the rest of us, well, the rest of us who maintain operating brain cells anyway, was making the point that if these now almost weekly mind numbing, embarrassing episodes pudding brain is having aren’t enough to have him removed from office then nothing is. Seriously, with each passing day calling this guy pudding brain is becoming an understatement. Good golly man he’s a walking, talking disaster. Did you see the video of him at the FEMA headquarters when he finished his speech and then walked off while the FEMA representative was trying to stop him from going the wrong way? Not a day goes by where this kind of thing doesn’t happen. He was brain dead before he was given the office. Today he can’t even hide it. That’s how bad he’s become. We all know he’s not in charge of anything. The scary and unacceptable thing is that we don’t really know who is in charge. Most say it’s Obama. I disagree. Obama is just another bought and paid for stooge. I tend to look toward the globalist money exchanging evil doers for this nightmare we are living in.
They’ve really set us up, haven’t they? As we watch in complete dismay and embarrassment as pudding brain makes a complete fool out of himself and us, we ponder the idea of him being thrown to the curb and his number-two stands at the DMZ and proceeds to talk about our great alliance with “North” Korea. The whole “you can’t make this shit up” thing has become the joke of the century & sadly the norm. Get rid of dumbass and get someone who actually makes him look palatable. Get rid of both of them and you start to feel some encouragement until you realize that the witch from the west, Nasty Nancy is next. Like I said, they really set us up didn’t they? One shit show alternative after another.
Today we are being governed by an old man who, as President Trump once said, doesn’t even know he’s alive, a woman who is hated by her own party and who, by the way, is dumb as a rock, an old rich ass plastic face drunk who can’t keep her teeth in place and a slimy dude from New York that runs around behind the others doing whatever he’s told (crying Chuck). What in the hell have we let them do to us? It’s hard to understand.

Speaking of hard to understand, just try making sense out of the fact there are, still to this day, people in this country who support these morons. How is that even possible? The border remains open, thousands being killed by the drugs coming through, inflation only getting worse (only by an inch…) gas back on the rise, gazillion of our dollars being laundered, I mean being sent to Ukraine, a Nasty ole crazy bitch calling for the border states to keep the illegals because we have crops to pick and every Democrat run city in America so riddled with crime one would have to be out of their mind to go for a walk after dark. Hell, in many of these shit-hole cities even the daylight hours are risky. Someone asked this week, “Do you think Biden and the Democrats are willing to go to war with Russia to stay in power?” The replies were as you’d expect. There is NOTHING these dumb evil Mo-Fo’s won’t do to stay in power. Hell, if we’re not careful they might even rig our elections… Y’all know that the list of evil, theft, corruption and lies goes on and on. Make it make sense. I’ll wait. #Power/Money/Greed

I’ll wrap-up this week’s rant by touching on Hurricane Ian. Wow! The sad state of affairs the good folks of Florida are going through is just awful. We have dear friends in Fort Myers who lost so much but are alive which we are so relieved & thankful for. Others were not so lucky and it’s heartbreaking. The power of that storm was incredible to say the least. These folks will spend years trying to put their lives back together. Let us all pray for them and help where we can. While the Left tries to make political points and pretend spending un-ending amounts of money will somehow stop Mother Nature’s powerful reminders, those of us with common sense and loving hearts know better and choose to focus on how we can help our neighbors in the south put their lives back together. God Bless them all.
Ok friends, welcome to October. Wishing y’all a good rest of your weekend and eyes, fingers, toes crossed and a rabbits foot in my pocket for a better week ahead. While I know it’s (the nonsense we endure) hard to understand, I also know we’ll come out the other side of this mess stronger, happier and more thankful than ever. We might very well have some mud on us but all we have to do is keep our heads down plowing forward focused on the end goal . It will take every last one of us but we can and will get this job done. #TakeAmericaBack

Well put/said. Exactly how the Tuckers brain cells think. Let me begin by saying it sure has been so relaxing and enjoyable the past three days. Being censored from both media places gave Allen and I some much needed us time.
Decorations for Halloween done. Replaced four of our 10 flags. Then spent the rest of the day sitting on our front deck. Laughing and just enjoying each other’s conversation.
Everyone has got to unplug totally and get back to the most important things. Living life laughing so hard you can’t breath. Life is so short we have to spend it wisely.
This evil installed administration will never change course they know what their doing to this beautiful country yet they care only for their power and their greed of money. Hell they’ll throw us into WWlll if it gets them what they desire the most.
By the looks of things not even the bitching do nothing Republican Party will lift a finger to stop any of this madness. In fact a lot more then we realize are siding with these mad ass hats.
Watching President Trump last night always gives us a glimmer of what’s coming and really it can go either way at this point. Nothings been done to secure or elections. I have faith in God and faith that Donald J Trump will fight to his last breath for America and every single hard working Patriot. Thank you MrDan for always standing with us shoulder to shoulder in this evil fight. We will NEVER give up and absolutely NEVER give in. God Bless this amazing country. God Bless you for making all this shit were chocking on daily taste a bit better with adding a tad of sugar.
As always Jan, much thanks for your continued dialog. The time on the porch is priceless and good advice for us all, especially me! It seems with each passing week I find it more and more difficult to know what to say. This ground-hog time we find ourselves in just doesn’t seem to go away much less get better. In a country of 330 plus million it is astonishing to me to think we have less than a dozen, if that, in so called leadership willing to fight for what’s right. But here we are. Sadly we allowed this hole we find ourselves in. Every time we accepted filth from DC the hole got bigger. Today that hole makes the Grand Canyon look like a little ditch in my garden. Year by year, inch by inch they’ve taken slices out of our liberties and freedoms. Today we are to get in line or else. They’ve taken so much power away from the people they no longer fear us. Not today and not on election day. Prevail we must! There is no other option, no middle ground no meeting half way. We’ve got to take back a hold of this country and never, ever let it go again. This coming November we will learn how this is accomplished. If they cheat us again then the gloves must come off. As they say, enough is enough… My fear is that as we line up to make our voices heard at the ballot box a dozen or so money exchanging evil doers watch and laugh. Surely I am wrong. Please tell me I am wrong. We’re about to find out. Will we inch forward toward changing the balance of power or not? Our time on the porch is on the ballot… The hill is steep, climb it we will. One step at a time. Wishing you and Allen all my best! See you in filthville.