Never A Dull Moment

Ain’t that the truth! I keep saying the only thing, “the” only thing we can count on is some kind of nonsense occurring in this upside down world we find ourselves sitting in. Well, on that account, this week didn’t fail us did it? Let’s get to ranting shall we?

Fetterman/Oz Debate:

Although most of us didn’t need to watch the debate to know that Fetterman was unfit to hold a position in Congress, we watched anyway & ended up feeling sorry for the guy. Not, I feel sorry so I’ll vote for him sorry but, sorry his wife, family and the evil Democrat Party felt the need to put him on stage and make an utter fool of himself. These Leftists don’t give a hoot about the quality of the people they support. They only care if they can control them. In fairness, Republicans like Mitch McConnell are the same. That old fart wants nothing to do with America First candidates because he knows he won’t be able to control them. I left the debate just shaking my head thinking “this is where we are in America now” followed by “just what we need, another brain dead individual in congress, like we don’t already have enough of them.” I’ll close on this one by saying; If PA elects this guy then one of two things are in play. 1. The people of PA are freaking morons or 2. They cheated, again. Sadly, there’s at least a 50-50 chance that both of these are in play. Oz is no Kari Lake but Fetterman? He makes pudding brain sound like a smooth talker…

Like Jill Biden, Mrs. Fetterman ought to be ashamed for putting this guy on stage. I can’t count the number of times the wife and I looked at each other in horror as he stood there in silence trying to find words to say. 2022 the year of the stumbling, bumbling, lying dumbacrats.

Paul Pelosi Attacked:

As the current story goes, someone broke into their San Francisco home and beat him with a hammer. Whoever did this must have been a fence climbing fool! I certainly don’t get any pleasure out of this. Crime in this country is completely out of control. Especially in these Democrat run cities. It’s hard however not to throw some of the Democrat, Left Wing nonsense back in their faces. Examples; Following this incident one should assume the Democrats and ole pudding brain himself will come out strong against hammer ownership. They must be banned, don’t you know and if they can’t get that passed then certainly FBI background checks are in order. It goes without saying that you must be at least 21 years or older to own such an evil device. Hopefully they don’t make too big of a deal about this incident after all, to quote Nasty Nancy during an interview about the ANTIFA riots, “people will do what they do.” End of quote.

It’s true I don’t get any pleasure out of this but I find the whole story line hilarious! It’s the fruit of the loom chronicles…

My Twitter friends have the best sense of humor. As of this writing my post following the breaking news Pelosi had been injured by a man in his underwear has reached 6,500 likes, an all time DG record. lol Here’s the post for those of you smart enough to stay off twitter;

Ok lets settle down people. There is no way Pelosi had some homosexual dude in his house while Nancy was out of town & then things went sideways. There wasn’t any drinking or drugs involved & you know as well as I it’s normal to break into homes in your underwear. Just stop it!

I close this one out by saying this; These so called elites seem to always have some kind of weirdness going on around them. This so called nudist scaled the Pelosi walls, evading whatever security they had onsite, ripped a hammer out of Pauli’s hands (Is it just me or does anyone else have a difficult time picturing the Pelosi’s even owning a hammer?) all while yelling “where’s Nancy” all at the very moment no less “someone” had called for a wellness check. And what’s up with the wellness check? Was the drunk driving, stock trading guru missing in action for sometime causing Nasty to have someone check in on him? At this point in time about the only thing I believe is that two people (I’m going with people because calling them guys just doesn’t seem right) in their underwear got in a spat. The rest of it is subject to fake news.

Musk Closes Deal On Twitter:

This is the highlight of the week as far as I’m concerned. While I operate on the “proof is in the pudding” theory I can’t see how there is a down side to Twitter having new ownership. How could it get any worse than it has been? I have personally been jailed three times just for suggesting Donald Trump won the election, forcing me each time to change wording of my morning message. I’ve been jailed several more times for tweeting other truths or at least for tweeting things I personally believe to be true. You know, wild things like, the border isn’t secure or the virus came from Chy-na. My favorite jail time occurred when I suggested someone who was claiming New York City was safe for him to go for a ride on the subway after midnight and get back to me. Twitter claimed I was advocating violence. LOL, they made my point. Idiots. I know there are thousands, if not millions of you out there that have been dealt the same fate. My son was banned for life! When I asked him why, he said “Hell if I know.” Needless to say, if Elon indeed allows free speech to flow it will be a good thing and just a small step in the right direction for this country. It certainly couldn’t come at a better time. As y’all know, Twitter has really turned up the Leftist channels in time for the midterms. You can’t get any more conservative than I, yet nine out of the 10 posts I see throughout any given day are Leftist spewing their bald face lies. We have to search for our like minded friends if we want to hear what they’re saying. It’s pure BS. #LetFreedomRingElon

Election Narrative:

The Democrats are so freaked out that they are not even pretending to be honest brokers of the Republic anymore. They look you right in the face and lie their slimy asses off. Not that this is anything new but it is all out “in your face” today. Hell, to hear him tell it, ole pudding brain would have you believe things have, well, never been better! Inflation is under control, gas prices are great, students don’t have to pay their loans off, the border is secure and if you bounce a check well that’s ok too! Oh let us not forget those pesky hidden charges for more leg room on the airplanes, outrageous! Don’t worry pudding brain is all over it. Just whatever you do, make sure you vote for a Democrat so you can get more of this great stuff we are experiencing in the country. It’s great!! No really “folks.” According to every Leftist in the country, Republicans are going to take away your social security… reminds me of every election year narrative ever! “Republicans will throw granny off the cliff” stuff don’t you know. The best tweet from pudding brain’s writers is if Republicans get control they want to keep the tax cuts! LOL. Can you even imagine being of a mind where keeping tax cuts is considered a bad thing? These people are insane. Another good one is watching them campaign on killing babies. All these talking points would be hilarious if it weren’t for so many downright stupid people in this country agreeing with them. That’s the scary part. Well, that and all the dead people who vote… I don’t know how they ratchet up the election year lies more but you can bet they will. Who knows, they might even go as far as blaming some Red Hat Ultra MAGA of taking a hammer to a democrat or something…

I’m going to remain hopeful for a somewhat fair election. I have no delusions of grandeur that it will be 100% honest. That’s never going to happen. As long as evil exists, cheating will too and let’s face it, evil ain’t going away anytime soon. In a just world we should lay our heads down on the night of November 9th knowing in January the Republicans will have the majority in congress. We will indeed sleep well that night knowing Nasty Nancy will have the gavel ripped out of her claws and that slimy crying Chuck Schumer will be relegated back to the dungeon from which he came. Then we wake up the next morning and begin our push to oust the two useless Republican leaders. No Mitch, no Kevin. Nothing changes with them at the helm. While a Republican held congress would certainly slow the Biden stupidity it will by no means stop it. The fact of the matter is, Republicans, when they’ve held the majority, they fight like little sissies, if at all. It is for this reason that we must continue our battle to get President Trump back in the oval office. As much as I like Ron DeSantis, he ain’t no Trump who as you know, is the only one with the ego, balls and brawn to take on the establishment and all evil doers worldwide. So there you have the DG action plan. 1. Give congress to the Republicans. 2. Change Republican leadership and finally and most importantly 3. Get our President back in the Oval office. Bonus? We get Melania too! No more curtain wearing pretend Doctor who’s fine with her daughter showering with her husband or sees no problem with her son smoking crack, having sex with minors and shoveling millions of international dollars under the table to her racist, molded brain bearing of a husband. Can you say “refreshing!” And before I forget, there’s a number four to the DG action plan and that occurs in 2026 where we continue our endeavor to remove the remaining RINOs in the party. They think we’ll forget, WRONG! Yep, it’s a four step plan. I know y’all will stand back to back with me on each of these steps as we take America back and as my favorite President always says, we “Make America Great Again!”

Wishing every last one of you a great rest of your weekend! Avoid the goblins and focus more on the “treat” than the trick! Until next week my friends.

Hard To Know What To Believe

Isn’t that the truth? As Election Day nears, the propaganda machine revs up. It was only a few months ago when all the talk was that a big red wave was going to hit in November. If you listen to all the ass-hat political filth pushers, the red wave is at a slow fizzle. According to the polls, ole Pudding Brain has a 48% approval rating too. Polls – don’t get me started.

Nearly every five minutes, some wanna be is saying that the races are tightening, very close like in Georgia, now most are saying there will likely be no clear winner between the Al Sharpton like Democrat Warnock and Herschel Walker. Even the race out in Arizona between superstar Kari Lake and what’s her face is neck-n-neck. Hell, to hear them tell it, the guy who can’t hardly think much less speak in Pennsylvania is bound to take the election from Oz who, whether you like him or not, clearly has the advantage because he, well, can speak. Lol. Yep, to hear them tell it, it’s all gonna come down to the wire…

The Biden effect – Each box contains the truth yet, this election is going to come down to the wire. Really? Americans want more of this?

I keep saying it but, as I often do, I’ll repeat myself. This coming election is going to once and for all resolve the question about free and fair elections. I absolutely refuse to believe the majority of the people in our beloved America are going to vote for more of what they have today and have had for the last two years. This election is going to confirm to us one way or the other just what kind of country we’re living within. By all accounts, any fair minded person should have the unyielding expectation for there to be a big red wave. Go back and re-read the picture above and ask yourself, how it is remotely possible for the majority of Americans to want more of it?

You notice Biden’s handlers only talk about women’s healthcare & the gazillions of dollars they’ve passed via the most idiotic bills, short of Obamacare, ever passed. They hammer daily what all these bills are “going” to do. How much better our lives are “going” to be and how they are the party who believe women should be the only ones to choose what goes on with their bodies or healthcare as they like to falsely sell it. When I hear this I always respond by saying; “You mean like whether or not they should get an unproven vaccine that’s not a vaccine? Or 10 booster shots because they don’t stop you from getting the virus, I mean cold, or are you talking about them having a say as to whether or not they wear a mask?” I say that because millions were “forced” to do these things or lose their jobs. The way these people can go all Hitler on you one minute and in the very next minute act as though that never happened is astounding. But hey, it’s what they do and by all accounts they are pretty damn good at it. When it comes to those in our country who still openly call themselves Democrats, after all they’ve seen and been made to endure, and they continue to support these downright insane policies, spending, lies and cheats I can only say; What in the hell is wrong with you? What on earth happened to you growing up to have caused such brain damage? How can you possibly be so close minded as to overlook the party that is making your life so much more difficult? How? By all accounts, these people haven’t a clue of the difference between right and wrong, boy & girl or up from down. To say that it boggles the mind is an understatement. What is as clear as day to most is completely lost on others. They have eyes, they have ears, they have families, they have homes, cars, jobs, bills, bank accounts yet they overlook it all and follow the liberal democrat government filth.

I could spend all day attempting to project what today’s liberal democrat voter stands for or, I could just point you to this meme. Thanks to my friend Rip for allowing me to steal it. He said, short of Bourbon, what’s his is mine so… lol

Having said all that, needless to say, my expectation this November is for a huge, I mean, huge red wave. I fully expect the good people of this country to say enough is enough and send a resounding message to Pudding Brain, Nasty Nancy and yes to cocaine Mitch and do nothing McCarthy. Your time is up! Get out of the way because this country belongs to us not you life-long, filthy, lying, cheating pick pockets in Washington DC.

Anything short of this and I’ll be throwing the rigged election flag again and looking into the probability of constructing a bunker on my property. One filled (Mr. Rip) with my own damn supply of Bourbon! Seriously though, this election is a make or break moment for our country. The Democrats paint the election the same way, the sky will fall if they don’t win. I guess they’re right. If holding them accountable for all they’ve done to this country and her people accounts for the sky falling, then yeah, I agree. Having said that, I highly doubt giving Congress back to the Republicans will hold these ass-hat bedwetting DC Democrats accountable for much. That’s going to take several elections and a President Trump to get that done. The old saying “you gotta start somewhere” best describes this November midterm election. Like the old man used to say “steady peck breaks the rock.” Let’s start pecking away this November and remain steady there forward until such time as we take it all back and hold all those accountable for delivering us all this despicable filth we see today. You know, like trying to shove down our throats that taking kids to watch dikes dance is somehow okay or watching a six foot tall man out swim a 5’ 4” girl. Or burning down cities, killing cops and robbing stores is, well, nothing more than what Nasty Nancy said at the time “people doing what they will.” Bullshit. All of it.

Okay brother and sisters. This concludes this week’s DG Rant. I could go on but then what would I have to talk about next week? Ha, ha!

Keep debunking the lies my friends, keep pushing the truth. The time leading up to this election is going to get louder and worse. I know y’all are up to the challenge so as Trump always says, never give up, never give in. This is our country, our home, our families, our friends, our businesses, our churches, our roads, our schools, our parks, our forests, our rivers, our farms, our cities, and our Constitution. Defend it friends, it was written for you and it’s damn well worth defending! And all that you CAN BELIEVE.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead.

It Can’t Just Be Me

For years now we’ve been inundated with so much filth, lying and nonsense that reality becomes somewhat of a blur. I reckon this is why the evil doers say “tell a lie often enough and the people will believe it.” We kind of make fun of this, but sadly it would seem it’s true.

When I think back on everything that we’ve been hit with in this country, I find it so incredibly hard to believe, much less understand, and how we as human beings allow it which means we accept it, right?

In an attempt to explain what I mean, I honestly don’t know where to start and there are so many examples that I couldn’t even begin to list them all. I will do what I always do though, just list them as they come to me.

But first, lets get this week out of the way;

This week the January 6th kangaroo court finished up with their final hearing. Their pals in the media did their part in building it up. “Never before seen video footage to be unveiled” they said. “The J-6 Committee has the October surprise” and so on. I didn’t watch a single minute of it. As with everything else I knew damn well I’d get my fill via social media and that I did as I am sure you did as well. As it turns out, the never before seen footage was of Nasty Nancy herself on that solemn “fatal day”. “Miss Pelosi is my hero”, Nancy showed us what real leadership looks like”, “Don’t tell me women can’t handle the pressure” one Leftist blue check mark proclaimed and on it went. Seriously friends, tell me, it can’t just be me.

How can people possibly be this naive? How on earth, Leftist or not, can anyone not see right through this? Do they not find it at all odd that for some crazy reason at just the right moment Nasty Nancy had an entire film crew in her office following her around? Doesn’t it raise an eyebrow that the crew was headed by her very own daughter? It can’t just be me who automatically threw out the bullshit flag. It’s so obvious. This evil woman set this entire event (January 6th) in motion. Then she stood back and watched it unfold; from declining President Trump’s call for more law enforcement many days in advance, to Ray Epps stirring up the crowd, the magnetic locks on the Capitol all unlocking and the Capitol police waving the folks in. Then she floated above it all on her broom and you could envision her make-up artist puffing up her face, her hair dresser making sure all was in order and then the on-scene director with the mega-phone calling out to the lead actress “Lights, Camera, Action!” “If Trump steps foot on the Capitol grounds I am going to punch him” or some nonsense like that. My God, if there was ever a time to use the words “Horse Shit” now would be it.

This is another one of those memes that would be funny if it weren’t likely true. Notice Old man Clyburn, he looks to be in quite the panic doesn’t he…
Just imagine if you will, what the media and the Democrats would have done had Trump said he wanted to punch someone out… This Nasty woman gets away with any and everything. #Filth

Finally the big October surprise I guess was the very serious saviors of the democracy rigged committee announcing they would subpoena the President to testify before them. “Yeah” the Leftist crowd roared. “It’s about time!” the fake news proclaimed. All while anyone with, as I always say, a single functioning brain cell knew, including the committee themselves, they’d never see him sitting before them. Even better, with fingers crossed, once the Republicans take over Congress this rigged, one sided, POS committee will no longer exist. Nor will Miss Piggy, nor the cry baby nor Nasty Nancy. If that isn’t enough to get you motivated to vote then do us all a favor, don’t. By the way, it can’t just be me wondering just how much Nancy’s daughter was paid to put on this drama. Oh what the hell, a million here and million there. Who cares, right?

To my Twitter pals; what a week huh? It can’t just be me picturing in my head these twits working for Twitter. Do you envision someone that cannot be around a magnet because they’ve placed so much metal piercings in their bodies the magnetic force would drag them further into the gutter of society? You know their hair is every color under the sun other than black, brown or blonde and as for dress, the sky is the limit, a whole lot of skinny jeans for sure, each sitting in mommy’s basement live chatting with one another “let’s screw with this conservative a-hole today.” I lost nearly 4,000 followers which truth be told were likely a bunch of pre-program bots anyway. I went from following nearly 30,000 folks to following none, then some, then 26,000. Ha! I have maybe a dozen with whom I converse every day. Well, every day that I can find them anyway. It was weird, I didn’t see a single Leftist on Twit complaining they had lost a bunch of followers.

What in the hell are these idiots doing anyway? Any “normal” company who was about to do anything that could possibly disrupt its customers would send out a notice of some type. “Dear faithful twitter friends: We will be doing some important work within our system on Thursday evening between the hours of X and Y and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause” blah, blah, blah. Not these pricks. As for the Elon purchase, coming from someone that doesn’t know poop about the deal, paying 40 billion dollars for this crap-filled outfit proves he ain’t all that smart. Sorry, not sorry. I wouldn’t give them twelve cents, although the thought of firing all the soy boys and girls who want to be boys and boys who want to be girls does give me the chills. To be perfectly honest, I’ve long given up caring what twitter does. All my closest friends are on Truth. Let the games continue. Verify this, suspend that, most people don’t say this, do you want to edit or delete your tweet? Bite me twitter. I don’t care.

As far as “It Can’t Just Be Me” tell me it can’t. When you watch thousands upon thousands of people stand in the cold, wind and rain just to hear a man speak and then announce the guy who sat in his basement the whole time won the election, I simply refuse to believe it. When you personally watch your retirement savings double in four years, gas prices drop like never before and a big beautiful wall going up only to then say that 81 million Americans, the most ever, voted for the guy who couldn’t fill 12 circles and a woman who’s own party had kicked her to the curb won. I don’t believe it. We can talk about 2000 mules, mail in ballots and suitcases under the table all we want to and each have merit, but for me, my eyes, my pocketbook and common sense tells the story of who the rightful winner was. Is it just me?

They can run ads, tweet and make up stories until their heads fall off, killing a baby up to and after birth is murder, it’s insane. They can fly the rainbow flag all day and night, no man should be in my granddaughter’s bathroom and no man can have a baby. There’s no such thing as chest feeding and I’ll call mom, mom and dad, dad. And dudes shouldn’t be ruining women’s sports. They can keep shoving all this crap down our throats, none of it flies with me and never will. Tell me, it’s not just me.

I am a white male supporter of President Trump. I am not a terrorist, I am not a white supremacist, I don’t want to take over the government I want them to give me my country back. I do not dislike people of color and in fact, the only one talking about people of color are the racists which I am most certainly not! If you are honest, work hard, and do what’s right when no one is watching, I’m your biggest fan. I want our kids to be taught how to read, write and add not to be taught how to change their gender. It can’t just be me. I don’t believe in climate change and believe those that do are money grabbing evil lying thieves. And those who support that nonsense are just stupid. It can’t just be me.

I want this up-coming election to be conducted honestly and I know if it is, the people of this country will remove these people who have caused us too much harm. They locked us down, taken our wealth (what little we may have had), they put us in harm’s way in Ukraine, left our border wide open, forced us to get a vaccine that we knew all along would come with serious side effects, they locked our kids out of school and wouldn’t let us say goodbye to our dying moms, dads, grandmas and granddads, they doubled and tripled our gas prices, threw us into recession and inflation is eating our savings away. It can’t just be me that thinks that this isn’t okay.

All of this and so much more is made worse when just two short years ago none of these things were a part of our lives. They’re forcing us to live with a guy whose mental capacity is non-existent. They can cover for him all they want. Our eyes and ears don’t lie to us, they do. I certainly can’t be the only one that thinks this is wrong, unacceptable and cannot be allowed to stand. This pretend ass-hat doesn’t know Jack, didn’t win anything and is being allowed to destroy this country and us along with it.

Together we endure knowing good will prevail, knowing wrong will be righted, and knowing that justice is possible and must be brought to bear on the many people who have done us wrong. We hold dear our beliefs and refuse to bend. We remain thankful for a President who doesn’t give up, doesn’t give in and in fact he inspires us all to follow his lead. He’s no God, he’s not a perfect man, nor have any of us ever said he was. We took a chance on him and he came through. There’s nothing and no one that can change that fact. So my friends when I say “it can’t just be me” I know the answer is no, it’s not. Y’all stand to be counted every single day. It’s your strength that I count on. We feed each other with the truth and together we call out the lies. We are in it to win it. I’ll see you at the polls soon. We will be proud of what we will have accomplished and hopeful once again as we turn the tide to our favor, to the favor of this nation we call home. As for President Trump, he remains our steadfast leader, showing us the way and telling us the truth. He has our backs and we his. As a young kid on a trip with my dad I would ask, “Dad are we there yet?” He’d always reply, “Just around the next corner son.” Hold onto your hats friends because our victory truly is, “just around the next corner.”

I want this man back in charge. It can’t just be me.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead. It’s easy enough to do. Just turn off the TV, log out of the computer, set your phone aside and go outside! All of which none of us will do. LOL. This is a relay race we are in. You pass the baton to me and I’ll carry it for a spell while you rest. Then I’ll pass it back to you while I rest. One big American MAGA team relay! Go USA! :-).

It All Makes Sense, Right?

Good evening friends! Just to get this out of the way from the get go, the title is like our Government, it’s a joke! Absolutely nothing coming out of DC and mash potato brain makes a lick of sense. This clown is a never ending supply of pure nonsense with a smooth topping of filth.

Let’s take a look at the past week (and it ain’t even over yet).

While giving a speech about his trip to Puerto Rico this week, Pudding Brain/liar-n-chief said he was “sort-a ” raised in the Puerto Rican community. Makes sense right? I mean everyone knows ole Blue collar Joe and Scranton, Pennsylvania are known for their Puerto Rican communities. After seeing the clip of this, it was Jill’s facial expressions that told the real story. It was as if you could hear her saying “what in the holy hell is he talking about?” Unlike the rest of us, when we heard him say this, we said what we always say when hearing him speak, “What a dumb-ass.”

Then Mr. Tough guy makes his way to Florida where he’s heard on an open mike say to the mayor “No one Fucks with a Biden.” By my estimate there are at least 80 million Americans throughout the country that would love to meet this tough guy out back behind the gym. In my lifetime I’ve learned the guy that runs his mouth about being tough is more often than not, he tends to be the biggest puss in the street, bar or playground. This coming from a guy that only lost one fight in his lifetime and that’s because I fell running around the corner trying to get away. LOL

And I would add China, North Korea, Russia, drug cartels, human traffickers and every illegal alien crossing the border. “Tough guy”

OPEC, isn’t it just fantastic that OPEC is back in our lives? This is another thing that makes perfect sense. I mean come-on, doesn’t it make sense to close off America’s ability to produce the energy we need for our people so that we (Pudding Brain) can get down on our knees and beg OPEC to produce oil so we can pay triple the price per barrel? Yeah, no one F’s with a Biden alright. The Saudis just told him to pound sand by decreasing their output by two million barrels, A DAY, and why not? Humor me, let’s say you’re running a country and your number one revenue generator is oil. Then let’s say that a world leader dumb-ass, say the one that uses more oil than 100 other countries combined suddenly announces that they will no longer be using oil and demands all vehicles are electric. I don’t know about you but, if I am running the country that supplies most of the oil around the world I ain’t too happy. Worse though, that same dumb-ass works overtime trying to cut a deal with the number one enemy (Iran) of said oil producing countries allowing said enemy to go nuclear. Yeah, makes sense. Man, it’s sure good to be back in the good old days where we are dependent on OPEC for our oil and chums with a country that has openly said they want us all dead! Good times…

No oil for you, next! Hey, there’s always Venezuela right…

Speaking of good times, how about all these billions that ole corrupt face himself and his pals in the Democrat filth party are sending over to Ukraine? This week he announced another $625 billion! Again, it makes perfect sense. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah sure Florida was just flattened by a major hurricane leaving thousands of Americans without a roof over their head and so what if Russia says they aren’t kidding about using nuclear weapons to fight “their” war with Ukraine. I realize we are being invaded at our southern border and inflation is causing the average family to spend upwards of $5,000 more a year to feed themselves and sure folks that worked their entire lives to enjoy their retirement years are now faced with the possibility of having to go back to work. The important thing is to keep sending America’s treasures to Ukraine because, you know, our National Security is at risk… (Someone, anyone, please tell me I’ve been in a coma and this nightmare was just, well, a nightmare.)

10% for the big guy… Well poop, at least we don’t have any mean tweets right?

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant by discussing the latest breaking news that the Feds “think” they have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and false statements related to a gun purchase. Just a couple of comments, first, they think? Give me a freaking break! Secondly, they have a laptop (and most of us have now seen what’s on it) and nothing about that? What about the crack smoking, child porn, 10% to the big guy China/Ukraine corruption stuff, zip on that. This is yet another “it makes sense right? I’ll grow my hair back if that corrupt slime ball sees a day behind bars and who’s kidding who anyway? We all know Daddy will pardon him. The fact of the matter is that I would prefer all of this Hunter illegality crap wait until Trump is back in office so that real justice is served. What’s the thinking on this anyway? Slap Hunter on the wrist so they can say justice was served and now we can all stop talking about it? That is not gonna happen. Even if you can shut the American people up, which you can’t, you ain’t gonna shut Trump up. Like puss face Garland is going to indict Hunter Biden anyway… Bald not stupid.

Feds turn up the heat on Hunter Biden, that’s the funniest damn thing I’ve heard all week.

So there you are friends. Once again I thank you with all sincerity for allowing me this time each week to get these rants out of my system. Between us we will continue to yell out the obvious and not so obvious filth we are being made to endure under this completely out of control and corrupt, to the moon and back, government of ours. November cannot come soon enough as far as I’m concerned. Let’s get this show on the road! Let’s see if we make a right hand turn toward fixing this mess or not. We need to know because it will tell us what we need to do next. And I’ll just leave it right there, for now.

Wishing each and every one of you a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. I’m sure next week we will find even more common sense coming out of these moronic evil doers… Grrr.

It’s Hard To Understand

For more than two years, we’ve ended our week(s) by saying to ourselves (in so many words) “I wonder what insanity we will see next week?” And sadly this insane time we are living in has never, not surprised us by always having some downright bizarre thing occur. While we long for the days of normal or even, God forbid, days of great news, we find ourselves being slapped upside the head with pure filth and/or stupidity and lately, some of both. I don’t know about you but sometimes plowing forward through all the nonsense can become a bit draining. My guess is that I am not alone in thinking this. While each of us is busy juggling things in our personal lives, it sometimes becomes overwhelming to find the will to fight back against the insanity that is the Liberal Left. They say God only gives us what we can handle. Trouble is, He almost always thinks we can handle more than “we” think we can handle. Newsflash, trust Him because He’s smarter than you and me. 🙂

Enough of the DG philosophy stuff. As if I have a clue what God thinks or how you are feeling. I do however know for a fact that God is good and so are you! And that’s all I have to say about that.

I think it is fair to say that ole pudding brain is getting worse by the day. It is astonishing to think this guy is the appointed leader of the free world. One of my twitter friends tweeted this week something along the lines of; “If calling out for dead people to stand up and turning to shake hands with someone on stage that doesn’t exist isn’t cause for invoking the 25th Amendment then just abolish the Amendment.” He, like the rest of us, well, the rest of us who maintain operating brain cells anyway, was making the point that if these now almost weekly mind numbing, embarrassing episodes pudding brain is having aren’t enough to have him removed from office then nothing is. Seriously, with each passing day calling this guy pudding brain is becoming an understatement. Good golly man he’s a walking, talking disaster. Did you see the video of him at the FEMA headquarters when he finished his speech and then walked off while the FEMA representative was trying to stop him from going the wrong way? Not a day goes by where this kind of thing doesn’t happen. He was brain dead before he was given the office. Today he can’t even hide it. That’s how bad he’s become. We all know he’s not in charge of anything. The scary and unacceptable thing is that we don’t really know who is in charge. Most say it’s Obama. I disagree. Obama is just another bought and paid for stooge. I tend to look toward the globalist money exchanging evil doers for this nightmare we are living in.

They’ve really set us up, haven’t they? As we watch in complete dismay and embarrassment as pudding brain makes a complete fool out of himself and us, we ponder the idea of him being thrown to the curb and his number-two stands at the DMZ and proceeds to talk about our great alliance with “North” Korea. The whole “you can’t make this shit up” thing has become the joke of the century & sadly the norm. Get rid of dumbass and get someone who actually makes him look palatable. Get rid of both of them and you start to feel some encouragement until you realize that the witch from the west, Nasty Nancy is next. Like I said, they really set us up didn’t they? One shit show alternative after another.

Today we are being governed by an old man who, as President Trump once said, doesn’t even know he’s alive, a woman who is hated by her own party and who, by the way, is dumb as a rock, an old rich ass plastic face drunk who can’t keep her teeth in place and a slimy dude from New York that runs around behind the others doing whatever he’s told (crying Chuck). What in the hell have we let them do to us? It’s hard to understand.

This however is not hard to understand. Hard to accept, yes, understand? no.

Speaking of hard to understand, just try making sense out of the fact there are, still to this day, people in this country who support these morons. How is that even possible? The border remains open, thousands being killed by the drugs coming through, inflation only getting worse (only by an inch…) gas back on the rise, gazillion of our dollars being laundered, I mean being sent to Ukraine, a Nasty ole crazy bitch calling for the border states to keep the illegals because we have crops to pick and every Democrat run city in America so riddled with crime one would have to be out of their mind to go for a walk after dark. Hell, in many of these shit-hole cities even the daylight hours are risky. Someone asked this week, “Do you think Biden and the Democrats are willing to go to war with Russia to stay in power?” The replies were as you’d expect. There is NOTHING these dumb evil Mo-Fo’s won’t do to stay in power. Hell, if we’re not careful they might even rig our elections… Y’all know that the list of evil, theft, corruption and lies goes on and on. Make it make sense. I’ll wait. #Power/Money/Greed

Sorry but this meme was one of my favorites this week. It hits home for me. While millions in this country post pictures of the salad they made for lunch on Facebook the country is turning into an insane asylum. Call out the lies, preach the truth and eat lots of bacon.

I’ll wrap-up this week’s rant by touching on Hurricane Ian. Wow! The sad state of affairs the good folks of Florida are going through is just awful. We have dear friends in Fort Myers who lost so much but are alive which we are so relieved & thankful for. Others were not so lucky and it’s heartbreaking. The power of that storm was incredible to say the least. These folks will spend years trying to put their lives back together. Let us all pray for them and help where we can. While the Left tries to make political points and pretend spending un-ending amounts of money will somehow stop Mother Nature’s powerful reminders, those of us with common sense and loving hearts know better and choose to focus on how we can help our neighbors in the south put their lives back together. God Bless them all.

Ok friends, welcome to October. Wishing y’all a good rest of your weekend and eyes, fingers, toes crossed and a rabbits foot in my pocket for a better week ahead. While I know it’s (the nonsense we endure) hard to understand, I also know we’ll come out the other side of this mess stronger, happier and more thankful than ever. We might very well have some mud on us but all we have to do is keep our heads down plowing forward focused on the end goal . It will take every last one of us but we can and will get this job done. #TakeAmericaBack

We’ve only just begun. Never give up, never give in.