Let’s Just Talk, Shall We?
Good afternoon y’all. What’s the good news? These days, most, if not all of us have to do a little digging to come up with an answer to that question, don’t we? If you stand on one leg, tilt your head to the right, close one eye and stick your fingers in your ear you can turn almost anything into good news. The key word there is “almost.”
Let me give you an example. After I retired, my wife and I moved across the country to be closer to my two boys. It was great and then came the grandbabies, which made the move and retirement that much, well, greater! Having them over, swimming in the pool, joking, playing around, and just being a family together was pretty much a dream come true. Then after a few years my older son and his young family decided they wanted to move. They had their reasons and it wasn’t my place to try and stand in their way, nor would I nor would have it mattered. Then just this week my younger son and his family announced they too were moving, this time for job promotions. At least a bit closer though so that a day trip is possible. That leaves “guess who” in a state where we have zero family. Both kids said, as they were packing, “you can always move too Dad!” Wife and I love our home and have managed to meet new friends here and we both said when we moved out here this was it, we weren’t going to chase the kids any around the country. So, what’s the good news? Hold on a minute while grab my shovel, (you know, to dig for the good news). Well, the good news is that both my kids have been successful enough to live where they choose. For that I am grateful and proud of them. Being successful in this world today isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Both are healthy, both have beautiful families and despite their leaving I know they love me. Will I ever forgive them? Maybe. LOL just kidding, we wish them nothing but the best and stand beside them in anything they want to do. The good news is, they’re really good kids and we share a bond that span’s any distance between us.
We all have choices in life. We can choose to wallow in the “oh poor me” mud if we want to, but I gotta tell you, if you do that, you’re going to get dirty and you sure as hell aren’t going to get happy. Find the good news in your life and focus on that!
Let’s see, what’s going on this week? I hear that Nasty Nancy is on her Asia tour. Why? Can anyone tell me why we need that word slurring, have cocked, multi-millionaire, stock trading queen, ice cream hoarding, loose teeth, plastic head, drunk mask-less beauty salon patron representing us in Asia? What could she possibly do over there that is in any way good for We The People over here? You know, we the people trying to scrape enough together to fill our gas tanks. China evidently (remember we hear this crap from the media so…) has warned her not to stop in Taiwan or else! What’s the over-under on her stopping there? Personally I find it all a bit comical, China owns her and pudding brain so stop all the bullshit. One thing is for sure. If she does go to Taiwan and China does intervene, you can bet they won’t keep her. They aren’t that dumb and besides, they aren’t in the business of doing us any favors. On a scale 1 -10 of I don’t give a care, this comes in at #10.
According to the Government and the media, we’ve had two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. The second quarter came in at 0.09% negative growth. Y’all know what that means right? It means it came in at 10% negative growth or there about. How can you trust anything coming from a government that tells you something is going to cost between one and five billion dollars? Can you imagine running your household budget with this kind of variance? What is it, one billion or five? I’ll give you a 3% margin of error, that’s it. Besides this is the same Government and media that says two quarters in a row isn’t really considered a recession right? Yep, and the same one that said Trump lost the election. The same one that said you won’t get Covid if you get the vaccine, and then, you’ll get it but it won’t be as severe. The ones that tell us there are 22 genders, men can get pregnant and that we are experiencing the greatest economy in 50 years! 0.09% LOL.

Next on the agenda for pudding brain is to declare a few new National Emergencies. These are important as we get nearer and nearer to the November election right? First up, Monkey Pox! According to the media both San Francisco and New York have thousands of cases and both are seeking additional “vaccines”. Not to be a complete jerk but, who comes up with these names? Why is it called Monkey Pox? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it Doggy Pox? The damn monkeys can’t catch a break. So as I understand it, Monkey Pox is caused by folks engaging in anal sex. The breakout cases are among the gay community and if that is true, then why the “National Emergency”? Might this be a San Francisco emergency? Yes. Might this be a New York City emergency? Yes. Might this be a South Beach (no cases yet) emergency? Perhaps. The other 99.9% of the population? No. What am I missing? These idiots running the Government will go to all ends to put fear into the lazy minded fools in this country. Y’all better not worry about inflation or gas prices in November. You better vote for Democrats so they cure the Monkey Pox… #Idiots
Next up is the ole standby itself, “Climate Change.” Yep, they just passed a multi-billion dollar spending plan to combat “the” biggest threat to the world as we know it, climate change. Don’t worry this isn’t going to cost you a single penny. Pudding Brain said so. It’s going to be great because it’s not only going to save the world by changing the climate but it’s going to create hundreds of thousands of jobs and not only that, it’s going to reduce the deficit and help the economy. You know the economy that’s already the best it’s ever been. I’ve been laughing listening to folks say “what happened to Joe Manchin?” Or “What do they have on Manchin to make him change his vote?” Folks, he’s a Democrat! Always has been, always will be. Sheez.
Every time these clowns spend our money I think back at what a nightmare it was for Trump to come up with four measly billion dollars to build the wall. These bastards are on a spending spree like no other and it’s about to break this country in two or you know, “transition” us…
Seriously you have to be a complete moron to think a Government that can’t even keep our children safe in school is going to somehow change the climate. You wanna help the climate in this country? Put all these SOBs in prison and watch the temperature decline. I know they keep me walking around with 110 degree temperature. I’m guessing y’all are the same. They have a way of making your blood boil, don’t they?

Well, there you go, that’s about enough of the “good news” for this rant don’t ya think? I have to believe a time will come in this country wherein our people will throw down the interference flag on this lame government of ours and take them out behind the barn. We have to take back control of this mess or our country will become just another shit hole third world Nation run by the kings and queens of the cesspool we all know as the One World Order. Every day that goes by we get further and further from what our founding fathers envisioned for us and what our Constitution guaranteed us. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is about to be erased from our memories if we don’t say enough is enough. Millions upon millions of us in the streets, in their face, all the time until this nonsense comes to an end. The rigged election didn’t move us, will the mid-terms? Will 2024? What will we look like by then? Scary times my friends. Keep calling balls and strikes. Good always wins in the end. Just so you know, I’d like to be alive to see that so hurry the hell up! 🙂
As always enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good week ahead.
Good evening MrDan. We wish you and your family the very best in all your adventures.
You sure nailed nasty Nancy to a tee. I’ve dreamt that China takes her out. But that’s just a dream to me.
This past week is the same chit just a different day. Manchin is a joke. I feel the same as you and millions. He’s a roll in the slime demonrat
Their gonna take our guns bla bla bla. If they really tried. This will be Patriots reply. WeRideAtDawn.
Boy do they make my blood boil and then I have to pay the cuss jar. But the lies they spew drives me crazy.
They keep blowing our money and China will own us all.
I go total open both cans of whoop ass cans when they screw with the children. This makes me crazy. Sick disgusting administration.
Today I’ve had more trolls and bots then I’ve had in months. We’re do these slime balls come from. I can’t reply to all of them I can only play with stupid for so long.
Another wonderful rant. I’m counting the days when you’ll be writing nothing but goodness in this amazing country. Amen.
Have a wonderful coming week. Allen got rid of Siri He turned all downloads off so they can’t download all their crap. Grrr
I think the closer we get to the midterms they are inundating us with bots and liberal trolls. I am suddenly seeing more stupid liberal tweets than anything else on my timeline and I have to hunt to find my inner circle of friends nowadays. They are shadow banning me to death. I take that as a compliment. lol I swear it’s been so long to have positive things to talk about I hope when the time comes I know how to talk about them again… We are surrounded by scum my friend. I take at least two showers a day attempting to wash it off.
Have a nice evening, thanks for the “talk”. 🙂
Dan, great rant once again! You always hit the nails on the head, now if we could only do that to liberals! 😂
Enjoy your weekend and coming week!
@OhHellNoHelen 😁
Thanks so much Helen and yeah, that would be nice! Lord knows they need someone to knock some common sense into their pea brains. Have a nice evening and thanks for the note!