Let’s Just Talk, Shall We?

Let’s Just Talk, Shall We?

Good afternoon y’all. What’s the good news? These days, most, if not all of us have to do a little digging to come up with an answer to that question, don’t we? If you stand on one leg, tilt your head to the right, close one eye and stick your fingers in your ear you can turn almost anything into good news. The key word there is “almost.”

Let me give you an example. After I retired, my wife and I moved across the country to be closer to my two boys. It was great and then came the grandbabies, which made the move and retirement that much, well, greater! Having them over, swimming in the pool, joking, playing around, and just being a family together was pretty much a dream come true. Then after a few years my older son and his young family decided they wanted to move. They had their reasons and it wasn’t my place to try and stand in their way, nor would I nor would have it mattered. Then just this week my younger son and his family announced they too were moving, this time for job promotions. At least a bit closer though so that a day trip is possible. That leaves “guess who” in a state where we have zero family. Both kids said, as they were packing, “you can always move too Dad!” Wife and I love our home and have managed to meet new friends here and we both said when we moved out here this was it, we weren’t going to chase the kids any around the country. So, what’s the good news? Hold on a minute while grab my shovel, (you know, to dig for the good news). Well, the good news is that both my kids have been successful enough to live where they choose. For that I am grateful and proud of them. Being successful in this world today isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Both are healthy, both have beautiful families and despite their leaving I know they love me. Will I ever forgive them? Maybe. LOL just kidding, we wish them nothing but the best and stand beside them in anything they want to do. The good news is, they’re really good kids and we share a bond that span’s any distance between us.

We all have choices in life. We can choose to wallow in the “oh poor me” mud if we want to, but I gotta tell you, if you do that, you’re going to get dirty and you sure as hell aren’t going to get happy. Find the good news in your life and focus on that!

Let’s see, what’s going on this week? I hear that Nasty Nancy is on her Asia tour. Why? Can anyone tell me why we need that word slurring, have cocked, multi-millionaire, stock trading queen, ice cream hoarding, loose teeth, plastic head, drunk mask-less beauty salon patron representing us in Asia? What could she possibly do over there that is in any way good for We The People over here? You know, we the people trying to scrape enough together to fill our gas tanks. China evidently (remember we hear this crap from the media so…) has warned her not to stop in Taiwan or else! What’s the over-under on her stopping there? Personally I find it all a bit comical, China owns her and pudding brain so stop all the bullshit. One thing is for sure. If she does go to Taiwan and China does intervene, you can bet they won’t keep her. They aren’t that dumb and besides, they aren’t in the business of doing us any favors. On a scale 1 -10 of I don’t give a care, this comes in at #10.

According to the Government and the media, we’ve had two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. The second quarter came in at 0.09% negative growth. Y’all know what that means right? It means it came in at 10% negative growth or there about. How can you trust anything coming from a government that tells you something is going to cost between one and five billion dollars? Can you imagine running your household budget with this kind of variance? What is it, one billion or five? I’ll give you a 3% margin of error, that’s it. Besides this is the same Government and media that says two quarters in a row isn’t really considered a recession right? Yep, and the same one that said Trump lost the election. The same one that said you won’t get Covid if you get the vaccine, and then, you’ll get it but it won’t be as severe. The ones that tell us there are 22 genders, men can get pregnant and that we are experiencing the greatest economy in 50 years! 0.09% LOL.

I dedicate this one to all those still supporting Pudding Brain and still believing what they hear in the news.

Next on the agenda for pudding brain is to declare a few new National Emergencies. These are important as we get nearer and nearer to the November election right? First up, Monkey Pox! According to the media both San Francisco and New York have thousands of cases and both are seeking additional “vaccines”. Not to be a complete jerk but, who comes up with these names? Why is it called Monkey Pox? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it Doggy Pox? The damn monkeys can’t catch a break. So as I understand it, Monkey Pox is caused by folks engaging in anal sex. The breakout cases are among the gay community and if that is true, then why the “National Emergency”? Might this be a San Francisco emergency? Yes. Might this be a New York City emergency? Yes. Might this be a South Beach (no cases yet) emergency? Perhaps. The other 99.9% of the population? No. What am I missing? These idiots running the Government will go to all ends to put fear into the lazy minded fools in this country. Y’all better not worry about inflation or gas prices in November. You better vote for Democrats so they cure the Monkey Pox… #Idiots

Next up is the ole standby itself, “Climate Change.” Yep, they just passed a multi-billion dollar spending plan to combat “the” biggest threat to the world as we know it, climate change. Don’t worry this isn’t going to cost you a single penny. Pudding Brain said so. It’s going to be great because it’s not only going to save the world by changing the climate but it’s going to create hundreds of thousands of jobs and not only that, it’s going to reduce the deficit and help the economy. You know the economy that’s already the best it’s ever been. I’ve been laughing listening to folks say “what happened to Joe Manchin?” Or “What do they have on Manchin to make him change his vote?” Folks, he’s a Democrat! Always has been, always will be. Sheez.

Every time these clowns spend our money I think back at what a nightmare it was for Trump to come up with four measly billion dollars to build the wall. These bastards are on a spending spree like no other and it’s about to break this country in two or you know, “transition” us…

Seriously you have to be a complete moron to think a Government that can’t even keep our children safe in school is going to somehow change the climate. You wanna help the climate in this country? Put all these SOBs in prison and watch the temperature decline. I know they keep me walking around with 110 degree temperature. I’m guessing y’all are the same. They have a way of making your blood boil, don’t they?

Pictured above in a Democrat at the annual congressional baseball game flipping off the Republican bench as she wobbles by. Classy huh? The entire Democrat party is flipping us all off. The Republicans won the game 10-0. Great, now win our country back.

Well, there you go, that’s about enough of the “good news” for this rant don’t ya think? I have to believe a time will come in this country wherein our people will throw down the interference flag on this lame government of ours and take them out behind the barn. We have to take back control of this mess or our country will become just another shit hole third world Nation run by the kings and queens of the cesspool we all know as the One World Order. Every day that goes by we get further and further from what our founding fathers envisioned for us and what our Constitution guaranteed us. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is about to be erased from our memories if we don’t say enough is enough. Millions upon millions of us in the streets, in their face, all the time until this nonsense comes to an end. The rigged election didn’t move us, will the mid-terms? Will 2024? What will we look like by then? Scary times my friends. Keep calling balls and strikes. Good always wins in the end. Just so you know, I’d like to be alive to see that so hurry the hell up! 🙂

As always enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good week ahead.

A DG Educational Moment

My Twitter and Truth followers will recognize this title. My family and friends will see it and think to themselves “now what.” I use this in tweets to point out some of the most basic facts that one would think are not necessary to be pointed out. Things you’d think everyone already knows. Some have been funny and all have been factual. Because this week has been a yawn, I thought I’d give y’all an expanded educational moment. By the way, Pudding Brain having Covid and/or saying he has cancer is a yawn to me. Don’t care. He’s a walking talking disaster. Bannon being convicted of Contempt of Congress is also a big yawn. You’d have to be living on planet dumbass not to know that was going to happen. He’s a Trumper, like the rest of us, he must be painted as a bad man. And don’t even get me started on climate change. A hoax brought to you by the world’s money laundering evil doers. They, BTW, are easy to pick out. They are the ones flying private jets all over the place giving speeches about fossil fuels destroying the earth. They’re the ones spending their down time on some of the most expensive beautiful yachts in the world. Finally, they are the ones who have multiple lavish homes. Most of which are water front. But remember, the seas are rising at a most dangerous rate. Oops, I told you not to get me started.

A DG Educational Moment(s): In no particular order of stupid

Black Lives Matter, the organization, better known as “thugs” does not, I repeat, does not care about black lives. The country would be far better off if these racist money grabbing, city burning, statue tearing down, cop killing, store robbing domestic terrorists were disbanded and their so called leaders put in prison.

ANTIFA is another domestic terrorist group that has no business in society. They openly hate America and represent the lowest rungs of the human ladder. They destroy everything they touch and play no positive role in this country whatsoever, another group that ought to be served with justice and in the harshest way possible.

We are not a country that provides equal protection under the law. We are indeed a country of laws. The problem is, we (they) don’t follow them. Sadly, it appears the only ones who get the book thrown at them nowadays are the ones that didn’t even break the law. Our Government makes the mob of old days look like the church choir.

Trump did not collude with Russia. Tired of talking about this? You shouldn’t be because the evil empire worked overtime to frame an American President. If that doesn’t bother you then you, well, bother me. Do you know there are still, after all we’ve learned, people in this country that believe Trump was/is in bed with Putin? Worse, these people are allowed to vote.

Anyone who even pays attention just a little bit knows that Ukraine is filled with corruption. It is known as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Billions upon billions of our tax dollars have been and continue to be, sent to them. No receipt required. This is happening while millions of Americans struggle to pull together enough to fill up their gas tanks to go to work, Vets living under bridges, homeless citizens living in tent cities in our biggest leftist run cities in America, retirement accounts are being drained and inflation is climbing making a $100 bill the new $20.

There was no insurrection on January 6th, 2021. There was however a rally followed by a protest. There were no firearms found on anyone that day except the coward capitol police murderer who shot and killed Ashley Babbitt. With a big mouth (Ray Epps) telling folks to enter the Capitol, and capitol police removing barriers, and Capitol doors left unlocked or opened, with Capitol police waving folks in, with the DC Mayor and Nasty Nancy not preparing for the day’s event by not installing fences or taking Trump’s offer to have the National Guard present anyone with an ounce of common sense would conclude that the storming of the Capitol was a Government imposed set-up. Instead of watching and listening to the Kangaroo January 6th hearings consider the fact that Trump has held hundreds of rallies with hundreds of thousands supporters in attendance and not once did any violence take place. Not once.

Biden did not win the 2020 election. They took a guy who hasn’t accomplished anything his entire life and coupled him with a woman who couldn’t even get 3% of her own party to like her. Then neither of them even really campaigned. When they did, we saw the 12 circles in a parking lot filled with mostly reporters and family members, while thousands upon thousands of Trump supporters attended his rallies. Then on November 3rd when Trump was well ahead across the country they stopped counting the votes; weird at best, complete voter fraud at worst. America woke up the next morning being told by the media that pudding brain had won the election. Not only did he win, he got more votes than any President ever. Ever! Again, the guy who didn’t even campaign, the guy who lost severely in two prior attempts to become President, the known liar, the known racist who once championed the first black President as being clean and articulate. The guy who said he’d shut fossil fuels down, who would raise your taxes, who said that climate change was “the” most dangerous thing facing the country and world, the guy who said he’d defund police, the guy who when he spoke no one could understand what the hell he was saying won the election. The election was rigged and nearly two years later our citizens and our Nation suffer.

I’ll never accept the results of the 2020 election and neither should you nor the country

There are only two genders. There are however people that are attracted to other people of the same gender. There are also some people who prefer the look and conceived lifestyle of the opposite gender.

Men cannot give birth. That’s it, I just want to clear that up once and for all.

The Covid vaccines and their highly government rated boosters do not (despite what pudding brain said) stop you from catching the virus. There are no proven facts that they make the virus milder either. There are however many proven facts that the side effects of the vaccine can be and have been deadly and side effects are many. We are just now seeing the effects of these vaccines. The media and government suppress this information but it’s real, from the young to the old. It is sad to watch.

While I openly admit I am not a well educated man and I do not hold a degree in the study of anything, I will tell you this. The summer months in the country tend to be warm, sometimes even downright hot. During the periods of the year we call winter, more often than not we experience cold temperatures. In some areas it snows. A lot! In other areas the rain at times freezes making travel difficult, even scary. As I said, I have no degree, just 67 years of personal experience.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these DG Educational Moments. Having read them you have to admit. You’re more educated now than ever before. Lol

As I put an end to this week’s blog I remind you today represents Pudding Brains 550th day in office. Can you come up with even one single thing this puppet has accomplished that is good for the country? Good for you and your family? Remember he said he’d bring back civility to the country. Would you call what he’s done civility? His supporters don’t talk about the great things he’s done, they just celebrate that Trump is out of office. It has been a rough 550 days and sadly, as his age and medical condition grow we the people will be made to endure even more. We’ll never look at our Government in the same light as we once did. Perhaps his and Trump’s greatest accomplishment is just that. Together they’ve opened the sleeping giants’ eyes. We’ve experienced the best of times and the worst of time. Let us all do our part to get us back to the best of times again. Beat the drum of liberty my friends. Be accepting of nothing less than the truth.

Build Back Better huh? Nearly two years later and literally nothing is better. #Fix2020

Have a good rest of your weekend and a great week ahead! #MAGA

Simple Questions Unanswered, Why?

This morning, as I was pondering what to write about this week, I found myself thinking about the many questions we have. These are simple questions, common sense questions that go unanswered and are actually flat out ignored. If you live in the mainstream media world, the chances are that you haven’t even heard the questions. Frankly, even if you had heard them, you’d have no idea why they are being asked. Between this government and the media, the free flow of information is so locked down that the average Joe walks around spouting clueless statements that are baseless in facts and truth. These fellow Americans are a part of the problem in this country but in all fairness, it’s not necessarily their fault. They are exposed only to the government narrative and they live among family and friends who see and hear the same talking points.

One of the many things my Dad taught me was to be the listener in the room, not the talker. He said I’d learn much more if I kept my mouth shut than I would if I ran it. Today, when I listen to others in and around my world I find myself feeling a number of emotions, most are not good. Fearful for our country, disgusted, flat out pissed off and plain ole dumbfounded. In the rare event I bump into someone that has looked beyond the headlines, I almost want to hug him or her. They give me the energy I need to keep going and they give me hope. In return, I give them the respect they deserve. With the others who spew stupidity, I tend to just walk away before I break Dad’s golden rule and lose my ever loving mind telling them how wrong and shallow they are. I don’t have a calm bone in my body when it comes to the harm of those I love. My lack of ability to verbally express myself in a calm, collected manner has always been a disappointment to me. Today I find myself reflecting on the many discussions I had with the old man. He’d calmly present his case and I’d lose my mind. When I look back on this, I realize, that I was the one spewing the stupidity. Sorry Pop.

Some of the simple questions that I and many Americans who see past the headlines and who are listening instead of talking are as follows;

Why didn’t Nasty Nancy and the DC Mayor agree to Trump’s offer to bring in 10,000 or more National Guard Troops on January 6th? It’s a simple question and one that should be answered.

Why can’t we see all the video tapes of that day in January? Would these not make the case for the Democrats and the two RINOs on the commission? They show us some of the videos but they are very selective aren’t they? They’ve yet to show the tape of the President saying go to the Capitol and peacefully let your voices be heard, “peacefully.” They’ve yet to show the President addressing the Nation later than afternoon telling people to go home, telling us he understands how we feel but we can’t play into their (the evil Left) hands. “Go Home.”

This Ray Epps guy, we’ve seen (you and I, that is because you’ll never find it on any of the MSM feeds) him in his red Trump 2020 hat directing folks to storm the Capitol, showing them which way to go. He’s on tape doing it. So the simple question is; why isn’t he being called to testify in the J-6 hearings? An even better question is; why isn’t he among the others being held in Federal Prison? We saw the guy wearing horns inside the Capitol who by all appearances, other than the goofy horns and outfit seemed pretty peaceful. He went to prison. Mr. Epps on the other hand who on tape clearly was an instigator evidently is traveling around with his wife in a motor home and no one on this “get Trump” hoax of a commission wants to talk to him or about him at all. Why?

He’s not testifying nor in prison because he was a part of the Government insurrection hoax. Change my mind…

I refuse to take this commission or these hearings seriously until such time these simple questions are answered and these are just a few. Why did the Capitol Police wave the protesters into the Capitol? Why were the doors unlocked? Why does the commission keep saying four police officers were killed that day? Ashley Babbitt was the only one killed.

Sadly, most Americans are not asking these simple and fair questions. The majority read the prescribed DC talking points and wonder why Trump hasn’t been arrested… pretty damn sad don’t you think.

Why has the Supreme Court refused to hear the election fraud case? How many Americans know about the fraud that took place? How many know about the 2000 mules, the fake ballots, the dead people vote, the illegals who voted, those that voted multiple times and how many know there were more votes counted than registered voters in the country? Worse, how many even care? In my twitter world you all care and you all use your voices the best that you can. Millions of others don’t and sadly they don’t care. How is it even possible you don’t care if your vote counted or not? By all accounts it’s not just Joe public who doesn’t care, it’s many, far too many, of our own elected so called servants who don’t care either, it is Senators, Representatives, and those alphabet soup outfits who are as corrupt as the day is long.

Of course the world these Leftist live in 2+2=5 so…

During a historic pandemic where millions have died, where people from other countries were banned from flying into the U.S., a time of economic hardship for the country, a time so bad that the Government took extraordinary steps to mandate that we wear masks, where employers mandated that their people get vaccines, where the greatest military on the planet dismissed our volunteer troops if they refused the vaccine, a time when schools were closed down and people were left to die without being able to say goodbye to loved ones and the list goes on, why was the border left wide open and why for God’s sake weren’t those who are invading our country made to wear masks and be vaccinated? Does that even make sense? This simple question escapes the vast majority of the population of this country. Either that or they simply don’t care. As long as Trump is no longer President the sky is the limit. Do whatever you want to do all mighty Government.

Speaking of all mighty governments, why would ours take oil from our reserves and send it to other countries and why of all things, to China? Make it make sense because I can’t.

With inflation hitting 9.1% this week which means it’s really 20%, with gas prices twice what they were less than two years ago, with billions still being sent to Ukraine, with Moms (now referred to as birthing people) desperately searching for baby formula, with crime at an all time high while criminals are being let go, with dozens of food plants catching fire and our farmlands being bought up by China, with retirees losing half their retirement savings, with interest rates rising, the dollar falling and literally no plan to fix any of it, why is there no talk of impeachment for this man of American destruction. He can’t talk, he can’t ride a bike, he can’t walk up stairs, he can’t read a teleprompter, he has allowed all of this to happen and he has no regrets. Why is he still in office? Why is there only one person in the press briefing room asking tough questions? Why does his son get away with owning an illegal gun then dumping it in a trash can? Why did the oil go to a company in China that Biden’s son still has interest in? And why isn’t anyone asking him these questions?

Why? Because the evil Globalist money exchangers own this miserable America hating SOB, that’s why.

You see, the media and the Democrats would have the American people believe that if they remove Trump from politics and prevent him from ever holding office again, all will be good again in America. What they refuse to understand or see is that it is not about Trump. We are going to feel like we do with or without Trump. We’re not going to stop caring about justice just because Trump isn’t President. We are not going to stop wanting Government out of our personal lives just because Trump isn’t doing rallies. We are going to continue to believe that men can’t get pregnant, that our rights come from God not the Government, that killing babies is wrong, that man-made global warming is a lie, that making America great is a good thing and that our right to bear arms is, well, our right. Trump was right when he said they’re not coming after him, they are coming after us. Boy, was he ever right.

I guess my final and overriding question for today’s rant is this. Why are we putting up with all of this? This is our country and it’s high time we start acting like it. These people ruling over our lives are evil and to say they don’t have our best interests in mind is a huge understatement. Divide and concur. That’s their plan and they are well down the road to accomplishing it.

Hold your ground friends, keep the faith, unite with those with whom you see eye to eye and watch your backs from those you don’t. This is a long road we find ourselves having to travel. Dad said that a steady peck breaks the rock. So keep pecking away toward the freedom and liberty you rightfully deserve and expect.

Have a good rest of your weekend. I can’t express how great it is to have each of you to vent to. That’s a two way street by the way so feel free to speak up! I’ll be the one doing the listening. #Fix2020

Fuel On The Fire

That’s pretty much how I feel each week writing these rants about this insane Government we are being made to endure. All of my faithful readers are already so pissed off they can barely breathe and what do I do? Add to their anger.

I’ve tried to be clear from the very start about these weekly rants by saying they are more for me than anyone else. Everyone has their method of releasing their frustrations. Mine is to write about them. Please know that I never mean to ruffle feathers among those I love and call my friends.

The maddening thing is that we never seem to have a break in the on-going filth and outright stupidity thrown at us by these nimrods in Washington. This guy who is fulfilling the wishes of his masters is taking the country down one day at a time. The few, very few do-gooders out there are up against a mountain of evil here within and globally. When you combine all of this with a complete and utter useless media you, well, feel defeated most of the time.

It’s so true. I’ve gotten to a point when I hear someone quote a lie they’ve heard I just shake my head and keep moving only to make a mental note about the person; “Idiot”. I shouldn’t do that but the truth is, I am not a great debater. I’ll tell them the truth but they want nothing to do with it. TDS

Take this week as an example;

The Biden Administration of freaks and corruption filed a lawsuit against Arizona because the state codified what the Constitution says. Only American citizens can vote in elections. Normally, those with even an eyelash size brain would say, well, duh of course only American citizens are allowed to vote in American elections. One has to remember the big fight when Trump attempted to only have “American Citizens” complete the “American Census”. The courts shut that insane idea down. The pretend President of the United States has directed his idiot (that’s as kind as I can be) DOJ to sue Arizona because they want illegal, non-Americans voting. If that doesn’t anger you then honestly, why are you reading this and more importantly what the hell is wrong with you?

Republican Senator Rick Scott, out of nowhere on Wednesday tweeted how important it is that we (the US) go after that dictator (Maduro) of Venezuela for the poor treatment of his people. I might have been alone in this but his tweet flat out pissed me off. “Hello, anybody home?” Color me wrong but, we have our own damn dictator to deal with. Can these Republicans focus just for two minutes on our country, our filth, or our needs? No, let’s spend our time worrying about other countries. Let’s send our treasures overseas while our own people try to figure out how to afford to fill up their cars or find freaking baby formula. What a complete circus we find ourselves living in.

Pudding Brain removes millions of barrels of oil from our strategic reserve which is designed to be our back up during times of crisis to none other than China… It is hard to even say those words without exploding <mad face> To make matters worse, according to non-MSM outlets, the oil went to a private equity firm in China that was co-founded by none other than crack head, pedophile, Hunter Biden who still to this day has a 1.7 billion dollar stake in the company. I, Dan Garrison, a complete nobody in the scheme of things, have to report this not the media, not the department of justice (justice, give me a break) but never fear friends, I am sure the Republicans will put their foot down on this one. NOT! Just like the 2020 election, 99% of them are completely silent. Just for one second think about the hell that the Democrats would be raising if President Trump had done this. Holy shit Batman! These leftist bastards in this country along with these RINO pusses in the Republican Party must think the American taxpayers are complete morons. And lately I am beginning to think they are right. <another mad face>

Trump makes a simple phone call to Ukraine and gets impeached. Pudding Brain sends our oil (at a time of real need for our people no less) to our arched enemy and crickets.

Right track, wrong track: Reportedly 88% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. Just as a reminder, I don’t believe any of the polls, not even the ones I want to like. It’s pretty hard for me to believe this isn’t about right though. I think we can all agree 12% of the American public are like Biden himself, haven’t a clue what day it is much less what a right track wrong track is. Besides, I think 12% is about the right number of people who actually did vote for this jackass. This 88% number is record breaking! Yeah Joe, you broke another record, you corrupt brain dead bassackwards creep who showers with his daughter and chases his dog naked down the hall to pull its tail and who can’t walk up a staircase or ride a bicycle. Yeah. You.

Like we needed to take a poll to figure that out… What’s next? A poll asking if we like the gas prices?

It’s amazing to me when you look back at the debates and many rallies Trump held just how right he was about Biden and the Democrats. It’s actually funny in some way – not the ha, ha kind of funny. Those people in this country still supporting numb-nuts are literally the dumbest people on the planet. Mean tweets, huh? Give me an f-ing break… Trump said Biden would come after our First Amendment. He said our gas prices would go to five, six or even seven dollars a gallon. He told us they’d break America’s back with their new green deal. He warned us they’d pack the court. This one is just around the next corner. Trust me.

Okay family and friends, this concludes another weekly rant from your favorite ranter-n-chief. Is ranter a word? It is now! I mean, if the idiots can make up “birthing person” then I can make up words too. It should come as some relief to know that the first female, black, gay White House Press Secretary said this week that our economy is the best in the history of the country. Whew, all is well in circus land. We live among thieves my friends.

You can laugh at this or cry. You’d be right either way.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Remember, at least you and I know right from wrong and the difference between up and down. The rest of these job killing, global warming, 22 genders, baby killing, racist, gun, bible and America haters can bite me.

Have a great day! LOL

A DG Declaration of Independence Moment:

On July 4th, 1776 our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence declaring our independence from Great Britain.

While I will openly admit I am not a history buff by any means I do hold dear the importance of this day and remember these famous and “Important” words; “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

As we celebrate Independence Day on Monday, it’s hard for me not to think about the Founding Fathers and the Declaration of Independence which arguably is our most important governing document.

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That Whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it’s foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Um… “Consent of the governed” That would be you and me. Just to be clear, I have not nor do I consent to any of the nonsense lawlessness we are being made to endure today. “Government becomes destructive”. If this current Government is anything, it’s destructive. Open borders, inflation, gas prices, American treasures sent to foreign countries, hell, we don’t even have baby food. “Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”. I don’t know about you but, in my lifetime I don’t know of anything that has even come close to these times today where altering or abolishing this corrupt-filled Government seems more necessary than ever.

Impeaching this guy would be the kindest act we could give him. He needs to be thrown in prison for the ills he himself alone has caused.

They have locked us down, forced us to be injected with a drug of unknown effects, ruined our economy, stolen an election, burned our cities, opened our borders, killed our babies and stolen our wealth. If this isn’t considered “Government becoming destructive” then I’d hate to think what is. “Safety and Happiness”. Do you feel safe today? Why are gun sales breaking records if everyone feels so safe? Are you comfortable walking down any street in any liberal run crime ridden city in America after dark? Are you happy? Do you feel you are free to even seek happiness? I ask this only because we have a pretend President calling us terrorists. We have a legal system that more often than not favors the criminal over the law abiding. We’ve become a Nation focused on everything except the majority. They don’t govern based on the “consent of the governed”; it’s as though we don’t even exist. Let’s face it. They do whatever the hell they want.

Educate the whole masses of people… At every opportunity, at every moment possible, speak up, speak out at the top of every rooftop in America. We must unite. Our freedom is in peril.

There was a time when I believed our power lies with our vote. Not any more, not after 2020. Sadly, we’ve lost all control over those with whom we’ve put in power. Even more sadly, I am no longer sure we had anything to do with putting them in power in the first place. Seeing all that has transpired after the election of 2020, it feels like the money exchangers and their lackeys in Government and the media accidently fell asleep in 2016 when Trump was elected. It feels like we somehow got lucky and the evil doers actually allowed the real votes to stand. Worse though, it feels like they learned their lesson and will never make that mistake again.

Based on everything we’ve been made to endure in this country, it seems as though the time has long since passed where “We The People” need to retake what is rightfully ours, our country. We need to take back our country from these evil SOBs who are working overtime to destroy us and the America our Founding Fathers set up for us. In 1776 we declared our Independence from Britain. It’s high time we declare our Independence from our own evil empire. Dad used to say “I brought you into this world and I’ll take you out” (not really but it fits for the story here) that’s exactly how I feel about our Government today. Millions upon millions, the likes of which we’ve never seen need to stand up and as the saying goes yell out “I’ve had enough and I won’t take it anymore.”

I don’t want to be the grandfather that tells his grand-kids, you cannot buy a house, you cannot have another baby, you have to buy an electric car, you must not wear that, you better not let them see you pray…

The masses in this country are completely asleep. While they may pick up on a headline here and there they think nothing of it and just go about their business. And besides, more times than not the headline is fake, false and misleading. The far Left and their so-called “liberal world order” being shoved down our throats with the help of pudding brain must be brought to their knees.

Yeah well guess what “pal” we’re sick and tired of you period. You are ruining our beloved country and in the process hurting our people, the very ones you swore to protect and defend.

If it hasn’t been clear to you yet, I think it ought to be by now. We need the President we elected back in office now more than ever. We either fix the fraud of the 2020 election or sadly to the streets we must go.

Wishing all y’all a wonderful Independence Day. May the fireworks light up your skies and your heart! Proudly display your great American flag and always remember, this is your country and it is indeed your God Given Right to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness.

God Bless these United States of America and God give us the wisdom we need to do what’s needed for our people.

Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead my friends.