I don’t think anyone can disagree that this Nation is divided like never before. Obama started it and now Pudding Brain has revived it in a big, big way. In fairness, he has had a whole lot of help from his fellow Dumocrats in DC and of course his lapdogs in the media of course. Between them, we are a Nation under siege. There is literally nothing that I can think of which falls into the positive upbeat category right now relating to this illustrious government of ours.
The American people who reside on the Left believed the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. They believed the Ukraine hoax and cheered when the Democrat controlled House voted to impeach Trump. They believe the Democrat narrative that “orange man” is bad in spite of the fact that while he was in office, these Lefties enjoyed (they won’t admit it) two dollar gas, received a tax break, had a controlled border, had no new wars to fund and fully stocked grocery store shelves. Hell, they didn’t even have to think about baby formula, toilet paper, or inflation. Before the China Virus, the economy was on fire like never before. Folks were working and their wages went up. Those smart enough to invest in their 401ks saw their retirement savings double. To this very day they refuse to acknowledge any of this and as the House of Nasty Nancy puts forth her Hollywood show trial, the mindless watch and cheer as they script the videos and rewrite January 6th to fit their narrative “Orange Man Bad.” Lacking a lick of common sense, the American Left have completely bought into the current hoax that January 6th was indeed an insurrection, an attempt by those ultra MAGA people to overthrow the Government. A Nation with 300 million or more guns attempted to overthrow the once most powerful Nation on the planet but they left their guns at home. Nothing was burned down and they entered the Capital led by the Capitol police. Despite what these Leftist drones hear, no one was hurt (except Ashley Babbitt who was unarmed). Knowing that the attendance to hear him speak would be large, the Orange Man approved the use of the National Guard two weeks prior to January 6th. The Nasty one and her puppet, the mayor of DC turned down his offer. Why? We’ve seen bits and pieces of the video that day. One with a guy in a MAGA hat (Ray Epps) rallying those in attendance to storm the capitol. Who is Ray Epps? While many who were in attendance on that day still rot in a Federal prison, why is he not among them? We all (well not the Leftist, they only watch state run media) saw him and heard him call upon folks to storm the capitol? Last I heard, he was living his life peacefully in Arizona as if he played no role at all.

In fairness (I don’t know why I keep saying “in fairness” it’s not as though it’s a two way street with these people) those on the Left who continue to believe the many lies, they don’t know any of this and the fact is, even if some do, they would just disregard it. You see, they’ve drank the kool-aid, they’ve taken the blue pill. They don’t acknowledge any of the obvious. To them, there is no problem in any of the Democrat controlled cities in America where someone is killed every day, where the streets are not safe at night and in some areas, not safe in the light of day. While one puts their life at risk just riding the New York subway, or walking around the needles and human waste on the sidewalks of San Francisco they continue to stay with the narrative “Orange Man Bad.” They believe the Nation’s number one threat are the white supremacists even though they’ve never seen them, much less see them burn cities down, topple statues, rob stores, turn cop cars over or worse, kill them. Still to this day they support BLM and think nothing of the destruction and mass chaos caused by the puss squad ANTIFA. They lack an ounce of common sense or the ability to think for themselves.

For as long as the Democrats push this “Orange Man Bad ” narrative and for as long as their lackeys in the media back them up, this Nation will continue to decline. I know of no one who wants to see another civil war and I am safe in saying the ultra MAGA crowd, as pudding brain puts it, doesn’t want to see an actual insurrection. “We” do however want to see equal justice. We starve to see Lady Justice put her blindfold back on. We believe in the rule of law and welcome justice being served regardless of political party affiliation.
Certainly you have to admit there is no common sense applied when all you do is follow the Leftist narrative. Trump did not collude with Russia; that was a political hoax brought to us by Hillary Rodham Clinton and her political allies (DNC, FBI, CIA, etc.). Trump’s call to Ukraine was so fine he released the tapes of the call. Does anyone on the Left wonder what Biden’s calls to Ukraine contain? Nah. January 6th was a peaceful protest not an insurrection. The so-called “summer of love” was not mostly peaceful. It was an all out riot causing death and destruction. The 2020 election was not fair. Biden did not get the most votes of any President ever. Hell, the man didn’t even campaign and how did we end up with more votes in the election than we have registered voters? While painfully slow this too will be proven in the end.
It isn’t surprising that the Democrats in DC lie, cheat, and steal. Sadly, that has all but become the accepted norm in this country and it’s not as though the Republicans are any better and in fact most are just as bad except they don’t have the stones to fight. It is the American Left, the citizen, the voter that angers me the most. They are so brainwashed, their lack of common sense is astounding and their willingness to sell their fellow Americans out will be the demise of this country as we know it. If you think about it, ask yourself, how is it possible, how is it even remotely possible to support this puppet President or the evil people in Congress who continue to bold face lie, continue to watch these same news networks who have joined in on the lies, to read these same newspapers that print the lies, to trust these social media giants who push the Leftist lies? How can you lack even the basic amount of common sense to see they don’t have your or the country’s best interest in mind. You have to be completely deaf, dumb and blind not to see they don’t give a hoot about you or the country. They don’t get to tell us what we can drive. They don’t get to make you wear a mask, get a shot or to whom you must love. That’s your job, your right not theirs.

I’ll put an end to this week’s rant by stating the obvious. As fellow Americans we couldn’t be more frustrated with the state of affairs in this country. This pudding for a brain who currently occupies the oval office and all those controlling him has divided us like never before. I heard he was concerned he was being compared to Jimmy Carter. Hell, I knew Jimmy Carter and pudding brain, you are no Jimmy Carter. You are much, much worse. While we know he is tearing this country apart, it is our neighbors who reside in the world of mainstream media we need to educate somehow. Not an easy chore for sure. It remains the ultimate mystery how these folks can support this government while knowing they too are dropping a 100 dollar bill to fill up their cars. While they pay $20 for a pack of toilet paper, search for baby formula and watch in belief this one sided show trial condemning their fellow American’s and the American President who put them first just for insisting an audit take place on an election outcome that was mathematically impossible. No one was trying to overthrow anything. We simply wanted to be assured the election was fair and honest. How dare we, right? These people scream “it’s a waste of tax money!” while they don’t even blink when the ass-hats in DC send billions to Ukraine and leave the border wide open for us to feed, educate, house and provide medical care. Needless to say, these are some up-side-down, inside out folks that really, truly, need to get their heads screwed back on. Sadly, they’ve had their heads scrubbed to think the same way about us.

Needless to say my friends, we have our hands full. Correcting this mess will never happen until such time the 2020 election is resolved and the one sided nonsense is brought to an end. Let us keep beating the drum of common sense and let us not tire for our work is not done. Hell, it has barely begun.
Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend filled with sunshine, family and friends.