The masses in this country still get their news from the mainstream news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) and if you’ve spent even a few minutes watching any of these, you know why the vast majority of the population are so brainwashed and, well, brain dead. Even Fox, other than a few shows, spend their 24 hour news cycle on the controlled narrative coming from our corrupt Government. Some folks still read the leftist newspapers like the New York Times. If you’ve been paying attention; you know it’s consistently filled with lies and the controlled narrative. Many, I’d guess in the millions get their news online by opening up popular sites like Yahoo, quickly scanning the headlines and then moving over to their email inbox.
Right now, many of us are living in a state of frustration. We don’t understand how so many people in this country can be so beyond stupid when it comes to all the insane things that the narrative is forcing down their throats. The corruption, the crime, the border, inflation, drugs, wokeness, vaccines, masks, fuel prices, empty store shelves and an election that swept in an old tired worn out lifelong politician who hasn’t accomplished anything and who didn’t even really campaign.
Never underestimate the power and mind control that the media has over the ordinary citizen. As we attempt to educate these folks, we are immediately met with media talking points. Example: We must ban assault rifles because of these mass shootings. Most cannot even describe what an assault rifle is. None seem to care or even seem to know how many people were shot and killed in any of the major cities on the very same day that the news reported (the narrative) a school shooting. This week a black man shot up a hospital. This might have received three seconds of air time. Why? The shooter was black. He does not meet with the narrative, which to point out the obvious is all this white, evil, MAGA, supremacist BS. Many millions of our fellow citizens continue to believe that January 6th was indeed an insurrection. You know, one without any guns just flags, hats and white people. The pretend President repeated just this week that four people were killed during the (narrative) insurrection. This of course is a complete lie and those of us who look beyond Yahoo, MSM, etc. know the only person shot and killed on that day was an unarmed “white” woman with no history of crime and who served in our military, Ms. Babbitt. Still, our corrupt Government through their paid activists, the media has managed to convince millions the insurrection is real. You and I know it was nothing more than a protest over a rigged election. There were no fires started, no cop killings, no statue overturned blah, blah, blah. It was a protest and by all accounts peaceful. Try telling that to people though. They’ll jump down your throat quoting the media narrative lies.

Another example of controlling the narrative are polls. The poll takers carefully select who they are going to poll, carefully word the question or questions and then spread the cooked up results throughout the state run media. In a recent poll, the vast majority of Americans are concerned over the climate. In a recent poll, the vast majority of Americans believe the Government should forgive student loans and it goes on and on, shaping the minds of the sheep as they themselves struggle to afford life as we know it today. These are the same folks who hated Trump not because of anything he did but because the media told them to. They quote one of his so called “mean” tweets and then proceed to tell the sheep why it was mean. The sheep believe it while at the same time they are receiving a tax break, $1.50 gas, closed border, no wars and a wage increase. These people actually believe, thanks to the media that people like Nasty Nancy Pelosi are good, honest people who are prayerful and who care deeply for them. To say its mind numbing is an understatement. Remember back in the day when the Democrats said Republicans want to throw granny off the cliff? The media got their marching orders and guess what, the masses believed it. Now they enjoy Government run healthcare which is nothing less than a complete and utter failure and an expensive one at that.

At the moment the narrative is guns. We must ban guns. Tired brain says a 9mm bullet will blow the lungs right out of a person’s body. Never mind that he was the one promoting we own shot guns which actually would blow the lungs out of your body. And these ARs, these so called weapons of war, they have got to go! “Why do people need these? Are the deer wearing kevlar vests?” We don’t own these types of guns to shoot deer, you moron! We own them because you’ve allowed the country to go to hell in a handbag. We own them to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the crazy loons you allow to roam free robbing our stores, raping our women and children and killing innocent people. You know, like David Dorn, Ashley Babbitt and countless others. We own them to protect ourselves from an out of control Government who every single day comes up with some other insane, degrading idea to make our lives even more miserable. We (MAGA) are the only damn people in this country who follow the Constitution and the rule of law. Your (Government) loony supporters and you yourselves are the law-breakers, you are the ones that disregard the Constitution you swore an oath to protect not us.

Back to the evil media narrative: None of the main news outlets spent two minutes on the Durham trial but the minute Durham lost his case against Clinton’s attorney that’s all they talked about. They did however flood the news cycle with that stupid, non-important trial between Johnny what’s his name and that dippy ass woman he married. Even the folks who I know read beyond the mainstream news lies got caught up with that nonsense. For me that whole show trial was nothing more than a distraction for the masses. While the sheep watched that shit show pudding brain worked on college loan forgiveness, banning 9mm ammo and begging other countries to sell us some baby formula.
All I am saying is we should never underestimate the power of the media. They continue to play a role that is even bigger than this evil corrupt Government of ours. They spread the controlled narrative and win over the minds of the weak and boy do we ever have a lot of weak minds in this country. These networks, newspapers, and internet media outlets are doing more harm to this nation than even these evil bastards in Government.
And, I’ve once again just spent the morning telling you, my good friends and family what you already knew. LOL. But it sure felt good releasing it and I thank you for putting up with me.
Now, enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead and turn the damn TV off! Oh and do me a favor this week, FIX the 2020 election! Our life depends on it. 🙂
Good Monday morning MrDan. I have to say your right as rain again this week. The evil media truly are the enemy of not just the people the entire world.
The only news We get is from twatter Patriots and Dan Ball when he’s not taking about crap We don’t give a crap about. lol
If we see the great divider and home grown terrorists speak all I can say to Allen is listen to that lying sack of crap.
Were beyond frustrated now. Thank God we live way out in the boonies. I just can’t do stupid anymore. This past week I’ve told five life time friends I just can’t talk to them anymore about anything election. They can’t do it. They lecture me about killing people cause I won’t get vaxed. And how much they hate Trump. Yet when I say is it my turn to speak. Everything I say is lies Trump deranged bla bla. I’m done
This country really is in the biggest cluster. You know we’ve ever been in.
But as true Patriots we just keep marching on.
I have to walk sometimes now from all this. To collect some sanity. The deer are having their babies to show off to us. Great distraction.
Thank you MrDan for writing your blog weekly you really have no idea how much we appreciate it.
Have a wonderful week.
They say the Best is yet to come.
God Bless every single Patriot.
Good afternoon Jan & Allen – It truly is amazing isn’t it? Every single day it’s some other completely insane thing. There is no arguing the fact that we have a corrupt Government, state run media and whole lot of dumb-ass people in this beloved country of ours. Now LGBTQRSWXYZ are hosting kids at strip clubs? Seriously, WTF is wrong with people? And the parents… arrest them and take those kids away from them. Good Lord.
Yeah, they say the best is yet to come… hell, at this point I’m open to the idea of just having “the second best is yet to come” lol. Not really, I want the best, all of it and like yesterday! Blessings to you guys and thanks so much for your continued friendship.
Well Brother your right on point as always. The media has the sheep so sucked in that they believe anything their told. No doubt about it. They are all hypnotized to the easy way to get news via the tv tube. To lazy to to do any research on their own. Most All have been dumbed down by our inept education system that teaches anything but knowledge and common sense.
Thanks for putting in a the time to help keep things in perspective
Always a pleasure to hear from you Bernard. I wish this country had more just like you. What a freaking mess we have on our hands…
Excellent piece my friend, Keep it up.
Consider posting on, you would have to show credits for pics, but you can show links there also.
Again Superb Job.
Much thanks friend and thanks for the suggested sites.