Liberal Tears, MAGA Cheers

Last week I said I was looking forward to the day when I’d be able to write about some good news, something positive. Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle (still okay to say that?), if our President (Trump) didn’t hear my wish and throw us a few bones this week.

On Wednesday, the Supreme Court upheld the people’s right to bear arms. As I understand it, New York was attempting to make it nearly impossible for a legal gun owner not only to buy a gun but to carry it. The Court clearly let them know that people have the right to protect themselves. The liberals went crazy and we heard all the same old “the sky is falling” rhetoric. “The Court put every American in grave danger today.” The so called Democrat leaders in DC, including pudding brain were saying stupid crap like that which you know its not his fault, he was just following the instructions given to him on his cheat sheet (card). Party boy and mayor of New York Eric Adams tweeted; “We are not going to turn New York into the Wild, Wild West.” I replied; “I shouldn’t have to tell you this but, New York already is the Wild, Wild West.” I then invited him to go take a ride after midnight on one of his subways. Go unarmed and without bodyguards. You know, like regular folks are made to do every day. As I told him, he has about a 50/50 chance of surviving. My favorite was a tweet from Lindsey Graham who praised the Court for their decision. I re-tweeted his comments and added “So says the guy who just voted with Democrats against our Second Amendment rights. He voted along with several other Republicans to allow the legalization of the so-called “Red Flag” laws. I don’t know anyone who has a problem with securing guns away from any individual who has mental problems. The issue becomes who is going to be the decider? We certainly don’t trust anyone in Government to decide. That’s just another way to take away our right to bear arms again. This is just another example of Government being reactive based on the Texas school shooting. The law does absolutely nothing to protect our kids at school. Typical DC maneuver, remember “Never let a good crisis go to waste!”

At any rate, THANK YOU President Trump for appointing not one but three conservative justices. Well, mostly conservative anyway. I’ll put it this way, thanks not appointing dumb-ass liberals like Sotamayor and Kegan who don’t even understand much less like the Constitution.

Roe v. Wade: I will be the first to admit I didn’t think they would hold their ground on this one. Once the Leftist (whoever it was) leaked out the draft opinion and the loving, accepting paid protesters started harassing the conservative justices I was certain they’d fall to their knees and change their minds out of sheer cowardice. Nope I was wrong (like that’s a first…) they held their ground. Good for them and once again, this wasn’t even possible without Trump full fulfilling his promise to fill any open seats with constitutional justices. Promises made, promises kept. When it comes to Washington and the Government you know what that is? RARE! That’s why we continue to stand beside him, isn’t it friends.

To the Left there is nothing worse than someone who makes promises and then keeps them. That’s what President Trump did & will do again. How many innocent babies lives did he just save? Thousands!

It will be interesting (low vocabulary) to see what the Left does now. AOC has already been seen chanting “hit the streets.” They’ve had several weeks to round up all their ANTIFA and BLM friends for this moment. I am writing this on Friday afternoon. I will assume by today these freaks are indeed hitting the streets. These paid rioters actually believe the lies coming from the Left. The Court’s decision does not ban abortions. It puts the decision back to the States and the people where it should have always been. The truth of the matter is that this probably would have never been an issue had the Left not done what they always do. Take it too far. Once these disgusting people started pushing the length of the term for abortion normal people woke up. When they started talking about (some states already allow it) killing the baby after birth then folks threw the bullshit flag and stood up. Seriously, just what kind of sick son-of-a-bitch do you have to be to be okay with killing a newborn after birth? I’ll tell you who, Nasty Nancy Pelosi, Chuck “the cry baby” Schumer and yes, Joe “pudding brain” Biden, all good loving prayerful Catholics right? Wrong!

I apologize for the language in the above tweet but it illustrates just how loving and accepting the typical Liberal is in this country. #Disgusting

Daniel seems like an accepting loving kinda of guy, doesn’t he? Don’t fret friends. I am certain the FBI is all over this guy. BTW, he deleted his account right after posting this. I’d be in favor of deleting him from society! Hey, maybe I could be the red flag decider!

Here are a few memes that made me smile this week. Not because they are good but because they expose the truth and, well, they’re funny (sort of.)

Not funny at all but it surely is truthful. We had a President who stood up to the world on behalf of America. We need him back and now!

This one didn’t really make me laugh but it did make me say to myself, “This is true.” This week pudding brain, when discussing gas prices lowered his creepy voice and said to the oil companies “These are not normal times.” I thought to myself, “No shit Sherlock.” There is nothing normal about having a complete idiot who wasn’t voted into office sitting in our White House along with a woman who’s own party kicked her off the stage because they disliked her so much playing the role of the first woman VP. There’s nothing normal about sending another country billions upon billions of tax dollars while at the same time saying he’s going to reduce gas prices for the American people by 18 cents per gallon (about $20 a year). And there is nothing normal having a puppet who has to be given cue cards before going into a meeting. This one made me laugh, shake my head and repeat to myself what I find myself always saying when referring to this, this, Mr. Magoo. “IDIOT!”

YOU: Pack your bags and leave our White House

To the Democrats and their stooges in the media, this is all normal stuff, nothing to see here folks. Good Lord. The next thing we know this idiot will fall off his bike or something…

Finally, funny guy (he’s actually slowly getting it) Bill Maher said this;

What’s scary is the Left doesn’t even see how stupid they look and sound

Is this funny? I thought it was. Does it make a point? I think it does. Will the sick finger suckers get the point, highly unlikely and, even if they do, it won’t matter because for some sick reason these LGBTQ and now I know my ABC’s weirdoes are hell bent on sexualizing our kids. You know, “if” they are allowed to be born.

So family and friends let us celebrate a few wins this week. We’ve earned it! And let us enjoy the Leftist tears. We’ve earned that too. When you think about all the heartache we’ve been made to endure and continue to endure it seems only fair we pause for this short time to smile and once again be grateful for the four years we had with President Trump. I don’t have to tell you this but, when Trump was President “we the people” were winning again. So was our beloved America. It took some 50 years for the courts to overturn Roe v. Wade. Let us pray it doesn’t take that long to overturn the rigged 2020 election. Some days (more than most) it feels like it will never be made right. I heard Texas denounced the election this week. Fingers, eyes crossed and a rabbit’s foot in my pocket hoping more will follow. There’s that “hope” word again…

Have a good rest of your weekend as you watch the loving Left tear DC apart and the accepting DC Democrats not only promote this behavior but accept it as perfectly normal. Word of the day “Prayerful.” Enjoy the Liberal tears as we MAGA’s celebrate these wins with our Cheers! #Winning

Another Week Of Nonsense

My sincere hope is that sooner rather than later, I could write this blog filled with upbeat, positive thoughts about the goings on of this nation. As my wife often reminds me though, hope is not a strategy. I hate it when she’s right…

It’s just so damn frustrating to be forced to wallow in all this ugliness, all the stupidity and all of the downright insanity this Government is handing down. Every week it’s something else. This January 6th commission is nothing more than a continuation of the DC initiative to get Trump. It started with Russia, Russia, Russia, continued to the perfect Ukraine phone call to this fake insurrection bologna. All the same players are involved in all three of the big fat lies (and you don’t think I have much of a vocabulary, ha!). All the same fake news outlets too; all pushing the lies.

It really is quite amazing how fearful the Washington filth is of that man and oh boy do they ever fear us. Hate is more like it. We’ve gone from a basket of deplorables all the way to domestic terrorists, and for what, for supporting Trump who, hold onto your hat, supported us and all things USA. That bastard, how dare he put America first…

Just who in the hell did he think he was to close the borders and create the “stay in Mexico” policy. What was he thinking when he made America energy independent? How dare he stop buying oil from nations who hate us! What hidden goal did he have when he lowered taxes, or worse, when he didn’t even start a new war? Unacceptable! Oh and let us not forget those mean tweets, oh no don’t forget those. We cannot have the President of the United States tweeting out such awful things as the TRUTH! That’s just being mean.

On Friday the President spoke at the Freedom Caucus. I swear for many of us when we get a chance to hear from him directly it’s a morale booster. He talked about the election; “I spoke in front of like 72,000 people, Biden couldn’t fill the eight circles, remember the circles? And then they say he won. I don’t think so.” How mean of him to point out Biden couldn’t fill the eight circles right? Wrong! It’s the truth. After laying out many of the complete insane Biden policies he said “What are we doing? Just make America great.” The crowd stood and cheered.

When you look at all the nonsense, you have to admit that this lame fake administration isn’t doing anything, not a single thing that is good for America. If you know of something please let me know because I can’t come up with anything. I’ve always been a “glass half full” guy. Today, I’m a “where in the hell is the glass” kind of guy.

People who continue to hate Trump and support pudding brain are seriously in need of mental healthcare. Can the Democrats tell me why a guy who they claim wanted to overthrow the Government approved the use of 20,000 National Guardsmen on January 6th and while they’re at it, please explain to me why the people (Nasty Nancy and the DC Mayor) who are claiming he wanted this insurrection would decline the use of the National Guard? These aren’t deep questions, just simple “I don’t know crap about nothing” questions.

I knew Biden would be a nightmare but honestly, I have to admit that I had no idea it would be this bad. I never in my life thought we’d be called domestic terrorists. This brain dead mother sucker yells at us and tells us he is tired of being blamed for the economy. Really? The guy basically lies every time he speaks. And then yells like some tough guy when, on a rare occasion, someone asks him a real question. The man is a freaking joke.

Biden pictured here screaming at the American people because they want answers. He’s all hat, no cattle. Yeah “Brandon” the local big mouth that no one pays any attention to.

Bill O’Reilly said this week that Biden doesn’t know anything. He doesn’t write anything, he just signs and reads whatever is put in front of him. I don’t think O’Reilly’s wrong. The only thing I would add to that is “he reads whatever is put in front of him, poorly.”

Y’all have seen the meme that says to Pudding Brain; “Do us a favor and just let us read your speech so we can understand what it says.” It’s so true. Funny too.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard him say something where I didn’t say to myself “What in the hell is he talking about.” But 81M votes right… Please.

Well even with all the filth, lies, cheating and lack of justice, I am banking on you and the other 80 million America fans, all of you who believe in the Constitution, all you folks who say what you mean and do what you say. All of those where I can shake your hand and know that it’s as good as or better than a written contract. You are the folks who can take a joke and don’t get offended at every little ass thing that pops up before you. Yep, I am banking on you to keep fighting for the truth, for the country, for your families and that grumpy guy next door. In the end, you are the ones that will expose the lies and reveal the truths that the evil doers work so hard to hide from us.

Stop taking everything so personal. Laugh damn it, it’s good for you!

Dad used to say “steady peck breaks the rock”. That’s what I am doing relating to this freak show we are dealing with right now. I keep pecking away at the truth by pointing out what’s right and what’s wrong hoping I might change one or two minds along the way. The truth will come out, that I have no doubt.

Until then my friends keep being who you are and for God’s sake never give up and never give in. We’ll get through this together. I’ll have it no other way! Oh I almost forgot, will you do me a huge favor and;

Washington DC’s worst nightmare is America’s biggest hope. #MAGA

What Is Wrong With People

I don’t think anyone can disagree that this Nation is divided like never before. Obama started it and now Pudding Brain has revived it in a big, big way. In fairness, he has had a whole lot of help from his fellow Dumocrats in DC and of course his lapdogs in the media of course. Between them, we are a Nation under siege. There is literally nothing that I can think of which falls into the positive upbeat category right now relating to this illustrious government of ours.

The American people who reside on the Left believed the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. They believed the Ukraine hoax and cheered when the Democrat controlled House voted to impeach Trump. They believe the Democrat narrative that “orange man” is bad in spite of the fact that while he was in office, these Lefties enjoyed (they won’t admit it) two dollar gas, received a tax break, had a controlled border, had no new wars to fund and fully stocked grocery store shelves. Hell, they didn’t even have to think about baby formula, toilet paper, or inflation. Before the China Virus, the economy was on fire like never before. Folks were working and their wages went up. Those smart enough to invest in their 401ks saw their retirement savings double. To this very day they refuse to acknowledge any of this and as the House of Nasty Nancy puts forth her Hollywood show trial, the mindless watch and cheer as they script the videos and rewrite January 6th to fit their narrative “Orange Man Bad.” Lacking a lick of common sense, the American Left have completely bought into the current hoax that January 6th was indeed an insurrection, an attempt by those ultra MAGA people to overthrow the Government. A Nation with 300 million or more guns attempted to overthrow the once most powerful Nation on the planet but they left their guns at home. Nothing was burned down and they entered the Capital led by the Capitol police. Despite what these Leftist drones hear, no one was hurt (except Ashley Babbitt who was unarmed). Knowing that the attendance to hear him speak would be large, the Orange Man approved the use of the National Guard two weeks prior to January 6th. The Nasty one and her puppet, the mayor of DC turned down his offer. Why? We’ve seen bits and pieces of the video that day. One with a guy in a MAGA hat (Ray Epps) rallying those in attendance to storm the capitol. Who is Ray Epps? While many who were in attendance on that day still rot in a Federal prison, why is he not among them? We all (well not the Leftist, they only watch state run media) saw him and heard him call upon folks to storm the capitol? Last I heard, he was living his life peacefully in Arizona as if he played no role at all.

When there is no equal justice there cannot be a “United We Stand” Rest in peace dear Ashley we aren’t forgetting what they did to you.

In fairness (I don’t know why I keep saying “in fairness” it’s not as though it’s a two way street with these people) those on the Left who continue to believe the many lies, they don’t know any of this and the fact is, even if some do, they would just disregard it. You see, they’ve drank the kool-aid, they’ve taken the blue pill. They don’t acknowledge any of the obvious. To them, there is no problem in any of the Democrat controlled cities in America where someone is killed every day, where the streets are not safe at night and in some areas, not safe in the light of day. While one puts their life at risk just riding the New York subway, or walking around the needles and human waste on the sidewalks of San Francisco they continue to stay with the narrative “Orange Man Bad.” They believe the Nation’s number one threat are the white supremacists even though they’ve never seen them, much less see them burn cities down, topple statues, rob stores, turn cop cars over or worse, kill them. Still to this day they support BLM and think nothing of the destruction and mass chaos caused by the puss squad ANTIFA. They lack an ounce of common sense or the ability to think for themselves.

They’d have us believe this never happened. It is mind boggling to watch all the hoopla over January 6th while all the real death and destruction is dismissed. These people need to be brought to their knees.

For as long as the Democrats push this “Orange Man Bad ” narrative and for as long as their lackeys in the media back them up, this Nation will continue to decline. I know of no one who wants to see another civil war and I am safe in saying the ultra MAGA crowd, as pudding brain puts it, doesn’t want to see an actual insurrection. “We” do however want to see equal justice. We starve to see Lady Justice put her blindfold back on. We believe in the rule of law and welcome justice being served regardless of political party affiliation.

Certainly you have to admit there is no common sense applied when all you do is follow the Leftist narrative. Trump did not collude with Russia; that was a political hoax brought to us by Hillary Rodham Clinton and her political allies (DNC, FBI, CIA, etc.). Trump’s call to Ukraine was so fine he released the tapes of the call. Does anyone on the Left wonder what Biden’s calls to Ukraine contain? Nah. January 6th was a peaceful protest not an insurrection. The so-called “summer of love” was not mostly peaceful. It was an all out riot causing death and destruction. The 2020 election was not fair. Biden did not get the most votes of any President ever. Hell, the man didn’t even campaign and how did we end up with more votes in the election than we have registered voters? While painfully slow this too will be proven in the end.

It isn’t surprising that the Democrats in DC lie, cheat, and steal. Sadly, that has all but become the accepted norm in this country and it’s not as though the Republicans are any better and in fact most are just as bad except they don’t have the stones to fight. It is the American Left, the citizen, the voter that angers me the most. They are so brainwashed, their lack of common sense is astounding and their willingness to sell their fellow Americans out will be the demise of this country as we know it. If you think about it, ask yourself, how is it possible, how is it even remotely possible to support this puppet President or the evil people in Congress who continue to bold face lie, continue to watch these same news networks who have joined in on the lies, to read these same newspapers that print the lies, to trust these social media giants who push the Leftist lies? How can you lack even the basic amount of common sense to see they don’t have your or the country’s best interest in mind. You have to be completely deaf, dumb and blind not to see they don’t give a hoot about you or the country. They don’t get to tell us what we can drive. They don’t get to make you wear a mask, get a shot or to whom you must love. That’s your job, your right not theirs.

By all accounts the roles have reversed. This Government has put the fear of God in the good and descent and law abiding Americans. It’s sad, it’s wrong and it must not stand.

I’ll put an end to this week’s rant by stating the obvious. As fellow Americans we couldn’t be more frustrated with the state of affairs in this country. This pudding for a brain who currently occupies the oval office and all those controlling him has divided us like never before. I heard he was concerned he was being compared to Jimmy Carter. Hell, I knew Jimmy Carter and pudding brain, you are no Jimmy Carter. You are much, much worse. While we know he is tearing this country apart, it is our neighbors who reside in the world of mainstream media we need to educate somehow. Not an easy chore for sure. It remains the ultimate mystery how these folks can support this government while knowing they too are dropping a 100 dollar bill to fill up their cars. While they pay $20 for a pack of toilet paper, search for baby formula and watch in belief this one sided show trial condemning their fellow American’s and the American President who put them first just for insisting an audit take place on an election outcome that was mathematically impossible. No one was trying to overthrow anything. We simply wanted to be assured the election was fair and honest. How dare we, right? These people scream “it’s a waste of tax money!” while they don’t even blink when the ass-hats in DC send billions to Ukraine and leave the border wide open for us to feed, educate, house and provide medical care. Needless to say, these are some up-side-down, inside out folks that really, truly, need to get their heads screwed back on. Sadly, they’ve had their heads scrubbed to think the same way about us.

Dear Democrat: What Is Wrong With You?

Needless to say my friends, we have our hands full. Correcting this mess will never happen until such time the 2020 election is resolved and the one sided nonsense is brought to an end. Let us keep beating the drum of common sense and let us not tire for our work is not done. Hell, it has barely begun.

Wishing y’all a great rest of your weekend filled with sunshine, family and friends.

Controlling The Narrative

The masses in this country still get their news from the mainstream news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC) and if you’ve spent even a few minutes watching any of these, you know why the vast majority of the population are so brainwashed and, well, brain dead. Even Fox, other than a few shows, spend their 24 hour news cycle on the controlled narrative coming from our corrupt Government. Some folks still read the leftist newspapers like the New York Times. If you’ve been paying attention; you know it’s consistently filled with lies and the controlled narrative. Many, I’d guess in the millions get their news online by opening up popular sites like Yahoo, quickly scanning the headlines and then moving over to their email inbox.

Right now, many of us are living in a state of frustration. We don’t understand how so many people in this country can be so beyond stupid when it comes to all the insane things that the narrative is forcing down their throats. The corruption, the crime, the border, inflation, drugs, wokeness, vaccines, masks, fuel prices, empty store shelves and an election that swept in an old tired worn out lifelong politician who hasn’t accomplished anything and who didn’t even really campaign.

Never underestimate the power and mind control that the media has over the ordinary citizen. As we attempt to educate these folks, we are immediately met with media talking points. Example: We must ban assault rifles because of these mass shootings. Most cannot even describe what an assault rifle is. None seem to care or even seem to know how many people were shot and killed in any of the major cities on the very same day that the news reported (the narrative) a school shooting. This week a black man shot up a hospital. This might have received three seconds of air time. Why? The shooter was black. He does not meet with the narrative, which to point out the obvious is all this white, evil, MAGA, supremacist BS. Many millions of our fellow citizens continue to believe that January 6th was indeed an insurrection. You know, one without any guns just flags, hats and white people. The pretend President repeated just this week that four people were killed during the (narrative) insurrection. This of course is a complete lie and those of us who look beyond Yahoo, MSM, etc. know the only person shot and killed on that day was an unarmed “white” woman with no history of crime and who served in our military, Ms. Babbitt. Still, our corrupt Government through their paid activists, the media has managed to convince millions the insurrection is real. You and I know it was nothing more than a protest over a rigged election. There were no fires started, no cop killings, no statue overturned blah, blah, blah. It was a protest and by all accounts peaceful. Try telling that to people though. They’ll jump down your throat quoting the media narrative lies.

Those words were true back then and remain true today. Perhaps even more so today. The gun killed the kids! Wrong, the sick in the head deranged killer did. Hold him accountable for “his” actions.

Another example of controlling the narrative are polls. The poll takers carefully select who they are going to poll, carefully word the question or questions and then spread the cooked up results throughout the state run media. In a recent poll, the vast majority of Americans are concerned over the climate. In a recent poll, the vast majority of Americans believe the Government should forgive student loans and it goes on and on, shaping the minds of the sheep as they themselves struggle to afford life as we know it today. These are the same folks who hated Trump not because of anything he did but because the media told them to. They quote one of his so called “mean” tweets and then proceed to tell the sheep why it was mean. The sheep believe it while at the same time they are receiving a tax break, $1.50 gas, closed border, no wars and a wage increase. These people actually believe, thanks to the media that people like Nasty Nancy Pelosi are good, honest people who are prayerful and who care deeply for them. To say its mind numbing is an understatement. Remember back in the day when the Democrats said Republicans want to throw granny off the cliff? The media got their marching orders and guess what, the masses believed it. Now they enjoy Government run healthcare which is nothing less than a complete and utter failure and an expensive one at that.

It has come to the point if I am talking to someone and they tell me they watch CNN or any of the others I know I am fighting a losing cause. When I tell them to change the channel they say “To what Fox News?” No not Fox News! Just turn the damn thing off.

At the moment the narrative is guns. We must ban guns. Tired brain says a 9mm bullet will blow the lungs right out of a person’s body. Never mind that he was the one promoting we own shot guns which actually would blow the lungs out of your body. And these ARs, these so called weapons of war, they have got to go! “Why do people need these? Are the deer wearing kevlar vests?” We don’t own these types of guns to shoot deer, you moron! We own them because you’ve allowed the country to go to hell in a handbag. We own them to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the crazy loons you allow to roam free robbing our stores, raping our women and children and killing innocent people. You know, like David Dorn, Ashley Babbitt and countless others. We own them to protect ourselves from an out of control Government who every single day comes up with some other insane, degrading idea to make our lives even more miserable. We (MAGA) are the only damn people in this country who follow the Constitution and the rule of law. Your (Government) loony supporters and you yourselves are the law-breakers, you are the ones that disregard the Constitution you swore an oath to protect not us.

You want our guns? Get back to us when you collect all the ones held and used illegal in Chicago, New York, LA and every other lawless Democrat controlled hell hole

Back to the evil media narrative: None of the main news outlets spent two minutes on the Durham trial but the minute Durham lost his case against Clinton’s attorney that’s all they talked about. They did however flood the news cycle with that stupid, non-important trial between Johnny what’s his name and that dippy ass woman he married. Even the folks who I know read beyond the mainstream news lies got caught up with that nonsense. For me that whole show trial was nothing more than a distraction for the masses. While the sheep watched that shit show pudding brain worked on college loan forgiveness, banning 9mm ammo and begging other countries to sell us some baby formula.

All I am saying is we should never underestimate the power of the media. They continue to play a role that is even bigger than this evil corrupt Government of ours. They spread the controlled narrative and win over the minds of the weak and boy do we ever have a lot of weak minds in this country. These networks, newspapers, and internet media outlets are doing more harm to this nation than even these evil bastards in Government.

And, I’ve once again just spent the morning telling you, my good friends and family what you already knew. LOL. But it sure felt good releasing it and I thank you for putting up with me.

Now, enjoy the rest of your weekend and week ahead and turn the damn TV off! Oh and do me a favor this week, FIX the 2020 election! Our life depends on it. 🙂