Here we are again, another horrific school shooting and debating gun control. Joe pudding brain said this week that he’s sick of it, sick of the killings. You know pudding brain, he’s the guy that has opened our border wide open so every drug dealing, human smuggling, child rapist, terrorist can waltz into the country at will. He’s the guy that helped pass a bill in our illustrious Congress back in the 90’s making schools “gun free zones”. Which for the record aren’t gun free zones, not for the deranged killers anyway.

Republican leader McConnell informed his fellow Republican Senators to be open minded and willing to discuss gun control with the Democrats. Meanwhile, this week Senate Leader and one of New York’s finest, crying Chuck Schumer blocked a bill that would actually help protect the kids and you know why? Because he didn’t have anything to do with taking guns away from law abiding Americans.
Out on the deck of a local golf club this week, one of the guys (retired from New York now living in my home state of South Carolina) said; “you know what we have to do to stop these school shootings, right?” “I replied, what’s that?” “We have to get rid of these guns.” This is just another example of people leaving their shit-hole state and bringing their stupidity with them. “You don’t see these shootings in Europe,” he says. My response: “So you want me to give up my gun and that will somehow stop these idiot killers from using theirs? Because you know damn well, they aren’t giving up theirs.” His response: “that’s a stupid argument.” This old man is a perfect example of people who listen to the media and even to this day, after all that has happened in this country, they are happy we have Joe Biden in office and glad Trump is gone. They are truly a part of what is wrong in this country. They are mind numbing drones who believe everything they are told and haven’t the capacity to think anything through and develop any common sense approaches to anything. They are indeed people who live their lives waiting for someone else to tell them what to do and then they do it. The good news in this; I now know more about this guy and better news, he knows where I stand.
These people in DC don’t give a hoot about safety in the schools. Remember, these gun control nuts are the very same people that are all-in when it comes to killing babies up to and after they are born. What they care about is disarming America. Which has worked out so well in other countries around the world, right? Wrong!
Protecting our kids in these schools is not difficult. Of all the problems we have in this world solving these school shootings is among the least difficult to solve. So why don’t they solve it, because they don’t care. There cannot be another answer. It’s the whole “don’t let a good crisis go to waste” for these heartless fools.
Single point entry, locked doors, armed guards. You know, like any court house in the country. Like any police station in the country. How come there are no mass shootings in Congress? How come Congress folks have armed security? How come my kids and I have to go through security before we can get on an airplane? How come there is only one door in and out of my local bank and who is that person in uniform standing outside the door? Y’all see that video on twit this week of some deranged punk on the New York subway bullying riders, making them move out of their seats or else? You couldn’t get me on the subway without being armed. I’d be an idiot for even attempting it. But the Government forces people to risk their lives everyday just like they are risking the lives of our children in these public schools. They simply don’t care.
Like pudding brain, I am sick of the killings too but unlike pudding brain, I actually do care and find the whole debate to be like everything else nowadays. Fake and with alternative agendas, and the media, true to form, are pushing this fake school safety narrative right on queue.
The other thing I keep seeing are folks making the point that the 40B in aid to Ukraine would have gone a long way in helping protect our kids in the schools, which is a valid point, kind of. These schools have plenty of money especially on the heels of COVID lockdowns over the past two years. Most of the schools closed down. Did y’all stop paying your local school tax? No you didn’t. It was like owning a business, closing it down but the revenue kept pouring in. They don’t need more money, they need common sense security provisions and then, and this is key, they need to follow them! The back door was left open or unlocked in Texas? Completely unacceptable. And by the way, is it too much to ask in 2022 that once school begins and doors are locked when and if a door is suddenly opened an alarm throughout the school goes off? Will someone be fired over this? Nah.
Then smack dab in the middle of all of this school shooting nightmare, what does Mr. Divider-n-Chief, Mr. Racist himself, Obama do? He tweets a reminder for us to remember it is the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. Stir that pot Obama you piece of racist country dividing shit. And newsflash smart ass, no one and I mean no on, gives a rats ass about George Floyd the criminal. These people make my skin crawl.

So there you have it for this week right. No more talk about baby formula, no more chatter about Hillary approving the fake Russia hoax, even Ukraine took a back seat. Stock market continued to fall, gas prices continued to rise and the White House had to correct pudding brain for saying something again off script (Yes we will protect Taiwan if China invades.) And evidently we now have troops back in Somalia. What a freaking train wreck. This country is one big cluster-you know what. Week after week, month after month. Oh well, the midterms will fix everything… Bullshit! Stop pussy footing around and FIX 2020.
Time to wrap this up friends before I pop a blood vessel. As a father and grandfather I cannot even pretend to understand the sorrow these parents and loved ones must be going through. My heart bleeds for them. It’s just awful and so unnecessary. The American people are being made to endure so much but losing your child or your spouse is so sad, so heartbreaking. Their lives will never be the same. While this Government plays games with these lives, these folks are broken. I don’t know what else to say. I pray God holds them close and somehow gives them strength to go on.
I continue to hope that someday, sooner rather than later this sleeping Nation of Americans will wake up and take this country back. It belongs to us and we ought to start acting like it. Our real fight isn’t with China or Russia or the Middle East. Our fight is with this out of control Government of ours. Lord, give us the strength and wisdom to turn this utter mess around.
Finally, wishing you all a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. Let us remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our Nation free and please, let’s not let their sacrifices go to waste by allowing our enemies within to take those very freedoms away.

Good afternoon MrDan. We agree with every word you wrote this week. We’ve so angry I can’t even put into words how much hate we have for the demonrats and their rhinos. Yes every damn one belongs to the demrats.
For the wins we’ve had this week we can’t even celebrate them. Because of all the terror we’ve had to sadly watch unfold.
We have friends from Uvalde and many in the area. I can tell you this I haven’t cried this much this past week as I have for a long time. Talking to friends that know these families tell me this is unforgivable.
And one of the teachers husband had a heart attack and passed away himself leaving behind four amazing children.
Here’s the hate flowing through me again. The demonrats just can’t allow ANYONE to grieve. Bozo has to barge into meeting we’re Governor Abbot is trying to give the grieving families some answers to their zillions of questions. That POS has no soul. Then Barry from Kenya puts out his disgusting statement. Let me be the first to say floyd is exactly were he needs to be.
The only way this is going to STOP is when we stop it. Give us a time and place we will be there.
Never forget what this weekend stands for. Tell every child you can. God Bless our Military.
Thank you MrDan for being a sound of board. Bless you and your family.
Good evening Jan and Allen – This country has got to wake up, stand up and shut up these leftist evil SOB’s. There’s so much to do it’ll take us all to get it done. I wish I knew “when and where” Jan, I wish I knew. Every single day, week and month it’s one lousy crap filled news coming from this lame government. The majority of the American people are left with no trust for anything it seems. Media, Government top to bottom. It really is a “Us against them” situation. The Us needs to show up… Try an have a nice weekend with your family and friends guys and thank you once again for “jumping in!”