It is impossible to put a price on or estimate the total effect that the global Leftist evil doers have caused this country and her people and really, the world. While seeing our dreams come true by seeing these people brought to justice, the damage left in their wake is truly insurmountable.
We will never know what good would have been accomplished had these dark money, one world order, evil doers not gone after President Trump. It is easy (not really) to forget that he was forced to fight for his life the very minute following his announcement to seek office. The amount of money and time he was forced to spend fighting these battles are losses for this Nation that we will never be able to realize. We never received the true greatness of his ability because of this. We’ve all been amazed and impressed with what he was able to accomplish under the drastic conditions he was forced to deal with but, just imagine what else could have been accomplished and would still be happening had these people not gone after him.
The best we can hope for at this point is for justice to be served but even if it is, and oh boy what an “if” that is. We will never be made whole. While there will be great satisfaction seeing Hillary and all the others who gladly jumped on her crime wagon sent off to prison, I’ll always wonder what could have been.
Sadly, I don’t see justice being served. As thrilling as it is to hear that Durham is still working and along with the announcement from “Miss crooked campaign manager” admitting that she knew it was a hoax, I remain with one eye closed knowing that the judge is Obama appointed and half the jurors are Clintonites. The depth of filth in this country is widespread and she knows it. From Russia, Russia, Russia to the fake Ukraine impeachment to the 2020 rigged election. These evil sons-a-bitches have been pulling the levers of corruption ensuring their power over the people. There are no limits to which they will go in order to maintain that power.

When you look at the damage they have caused and are causing it almost becomes unimaginable. These people controlling pudding brain are so filled with hate and power it truly is scary. What they are putting us through just blows my mind and angers me beyond words.
As long as we sit back and lay our futures on someone in Government doing the right thing, we are losing. This level of anti-America hate is much deeper and much bigger than the courts or a few Republicans who might want to do the right thing. Only the people, the silent majority, can force the change we need and must have. I hate the idea of hitting the streets. I hate the idea of the blood and destruction it will take to right these wrongs but that is what they are setting us up for. We are not going to talk our way out of this disaster. Not this time. It’s just too deep, too far gone without mass protests and all that goes with that.

Many lay their hopes in the up-coming midterm elections followed by a victory in 2024 bringing President Trump back. I can’t allow myself this hope. These people are dug in and they aren’t going to allow another fair election and even if there is a red wave in November we still have a Government filled with paid actors determined to follow the evil doer money-changer globalist agenda. From the clerks to the judges and all those in between, the swamp is vast, deep, dark and powerful.
I don’t know friends. Maybe my bout with Covid these past two weeks just has me down and out. During that time I could barely watch the news. When I logged onto twitter all the posts seemed like one long blurred line of bullshit. The white hats continue to throw out their appeals and the black hats mostly ignore everything and do what they want to do. The news media continues to hide the real stories out there that need to be heard and the Government, no matter what the polls are, just keep rolling over the people. Gas prices? Whatever. Threats to supreme court justices? Good, says the Left. Black mass murders, whatever. One white nutcase murder? We are a racist country, domestic terrorists. Care about the life of innocent babies? We hate women. Hunter’s laptop? Whatever. Open border, flooding drugs into the country? So what, let’s talk about making Sweden a part of NATO… huh? Out of control inflation causing millions of Americans great pain? Let’s send 40B to Ukraine. Say what? We are living in some seriously sick times my friends.

I reckon I ought to stop. Before I do though, I have said this before and I will say it again. I am nearing the point where y’all just need to let me know when you are ready to take on the bully. Until then it’s all just one big bucket of bullshit. These people will continue to have their way with us until such time we are ready to put everything on the line. Home of the brave? I don’t see it. Land of the free? Pay your taxes and STFU.
How we, as a country can continue to standby and allow all that is being forced upon us remains a great mystery to me. We were on the right path on January 6th. But then we left…
How was that for a depressing rant? I’d blame my attitude on the vaccine except I never got one so… I guess it’s all on me.
Having said all of this, I do wish y’all a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. Until such time we hit the streets I’ll do what the rest of us do. Keeping beating the drum calling out the wrong and spitting in the eye of the evil doers. I know you’ll do the same.
God Bless us all and Fix2020.