When pudding brain said this week “The MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history” I wanted to reach through the screen and prove him right. I am so sick and tired of this pretend tough guy taking shots at the American people. The guy is all mouth. I’m telling you, he’s a puss. I’ve met my share of phony tough guys. They’re all mouth and no go. And without exception, they’re not good people. They will take you for everything you’re worth if you let them and they will never let you alone until and unless you confront them. Eyeball to eyeball, face to face. They’re like the kid trying to steal your lunch money. I operate under the personal belief that if someone wants my lunch money, that’s fine but they’re gonna earn it. Ha, now I sound like a tough guy. I am not. I lost my share of lunch money growing up, believe me. But, for what’s it worth, only once from the same ass-hat. You see, people like pudding brain and the other tough guys walking the planet tend to seek out the weak, go for the easy way out. They want nothing to do with anyone who is going to fight back.
That was a DG way of saying Biden wants nothing to do with us because we aren’t going to roll over and let him take our lunch money (country) away from us. It’s not extreme to want justice to be served. It’s not extreme to want our border protected. It’s not extreme to want our country to be energy independent. It’s not extreme to want our votes counted. It’s not extreme to want our hard earned dollars going toward America’s needs ahead of other countries. When it comes to your health and the health of those you love, it’s not extreme to want the Government out of your business. You see, pretend tough guy Biden somehow thinks he rules like a king. He’s not a king, he’s a brain dead, out of touch, out of his mind old fool.
Let’s talk about extremes. Do you think it’s extreme to just shut down the entire energy sector of the United States and then sit back and watch as Americans struggle to pay for their energy? Do you think it’s being extreme when you have all the energy you need but instead you go buy what you need from people who hate you? That’s exactly what this ass-hat is doing. Don’t you think it’s a bit extreme to tout a great economy when inflation is outpacing wage growth and by a lot, I might add. What about the decision to institute a so-called “Ministry of Truth?” It seems a little extreme to me that when you don’t like what someone is saying, you develop a plan using the full weight of the Federal Government to shut them up. Maybe it’s just me.
How about this; Is it extreme to watch an entire year of riots, burning, looting and killing and act as if it didn’t happen but when a few people enter the capital after the police open the doors and wave them in and once these people are in they don’t hurt anyone, you never stop talking about it, hold Congressional witch hunt hearings and jail all those who were invited in. Is that extreme or no?

I mean come on now. Don’t you think it’s a bit overboard, just a bit extreme to think a man can have a baby or a period? Seriously, this is what the guy who calls us extreme believes. I mean if you don’t think so, prove me wrong. Have you heard him push back on this “extreme” idea? Of course you haven’t. What about this idea of men in women’s sports? What about men in ladies bathrooms? How about this, you hear him or his lame administration push back at all about teaching kindergartners about sex or even worse, changing their sex? Not a peep. These are the people we are allowing to run this country. How dare we? How dare we?
This week, lying Adam Schiff tweeted about the leaked Supreme Court draft regarding Roe v. Wade. He said; “I don’t care about the leaks that’s a side show.” A sideshow? Well of course, right? Why should Mr. Leaker himself care about that? There are a number of reasons to care about it. One is that before long we will be watching a remake of the summer of love (See picture above for a reminder.) Our favorite and evidently “non-extremist” ANTIFA and BLM have the Democrat green light to start up their bullshit again. Yep, this time in the name of women’s rights! Burn the place down, tear down the businesses, topple statues, and fight the police and anyone who dares to disagree with you. Let the games begin. These groups are punks too and they’ll never stop until someone gets up in their face and makes them stop.
This whole Roe v. Wade thing is really something. It honestly amazes me what hill some people choose to die on. Chuckie Schumer says he will be “forcing” a vote on this next week. He says he’ll make every Senator go on record as to where they stand on Roe v. Wade. Like this is some kind of threat or something? I replied to his threat and thanked him. I’d love to know which Senator stands for killing babies and which ones don’t. Information is a beautiful thing, don’t ya know?

These leftist Democrats and their “the sky is falling” BS never ends. You have to give them credit, when something happens that they don’t like, they are all in, 100% to the bitter end. Republicans? Eh, not so much. Most of the time, you have to remind the Republicans what they ought to be thinking about. Idiots, most of them anyway. They’re punks too, only they’re the ones that keep giving the bully their lunch money. They make it possible for the bullies to continue being bullies.
I’ll end by saying this; I am proud to be a member of the extreme MAGA crowd. We are a crowd of people who love our country, our families, our flag, our guns and our bible. We take responsibility for our actions. We believe in the constitution, we believe in law and order, we believe justice should be blind, what’s right is right and yes, what is wrong is wrong. We believe they’re only two genders. We believe it’s our duty to protect the unborn while also caring about the mother and wanting her to be safe as well. Hell, we even believe the mother should be called the mother. We’ve no interest in birthing persons or 22 different genders. At the end of any given day all we want is to be left alone. We’re not interested in what goes on behind closed doors. We want our laws followed, our country protected and our right to live and speak freely.
Other than that, do whatever knocks your socks off. Just do us a favor and pick them up when you’re done.
So family and friends another weekly rant bites the dust. I hope the Supreme Court has the courage to do the right thing. Even Justice Ruth Ginsberg said the law was flawed. This issue has always belonged to the States. Making a wrong, right, is indeed the right thing to do. As for pudding brain, what else needs to be said? The man is corrupt and what brain he might have once had is gone. I know it, you know it and the whole world knows it. And boy, are we ever paying a price for it. Everyone is saying go see 2000 Mules. I probably will but here’s the thing. I already know the election was rigged. I know it was stolen. I’ve only been saying it since the morning of November 4th, 2019. I’ll keep saying it and I’ll keep my “extreme” view that nothing matters in this country if we don’t fix 2020. The only way to fix all the nonsense we are being made to endure in this country is to fix 2020.

Wishing all the “Moms” out there a most wonderful, beautiful Mother’s Day. I hope the kids let you know just how special and important you are. I lost my mom when I was 12. If she were here today I’d hug her and never let go. Sometimes we don’t know what we have until it’s gone. Trust me. Know what you have and hold it near and dear to your heart.
Have a good rest of your weekend friends.
Good morning Mr Dan. Wow just another day on our hill. Over the past four years we’ve been called some pretty nasty things and we always take the hits as badges of honor. We pick ourselves up and carry on.
Nothing like what takes place with this party on our way to far left. They declare all their evil deeds the summer of love by ripping apart everything good and holy apart.
I have always stuck up for the underdogs my entire life. My brother was bullied in school. I took care of that bully quick. He never bothered my brother again. Yeah he got razzed that his sister took care of it. Sometimes in life things get messy but I’m a firm believer good always wins over evil.
Allen and I are going to watch THE movie also. Your right we all knew the party of evil cheated. Okay so now that the proof is in the pudding what’s happening with the fraud of the 2020 election? Cricket sounds. And well ya got to watch the movie. So yeah jack shit will happen.
I have no words for this baby harvesting game these murders are wanting to continue. Sanger was raped by a man of color and she got a doctor to abort the baby. Then she decided to murder that race.
Great rant and everything you said is true. Have an amazing weekend. We’ll see you next rant.
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.