Good afternoon family and friends. Yep, the good, bad and ugly, we had some of each this week didn’t we? Should I start with the good or go right to the ugly? I might as well because the bad is a reoccurring event that won’t end as long as the puppet masters hold onto the strings of ole pudding brain himself. These ass-hats dance this clown around making a complete fool of him and his wife stands by watching as if it’s all just fine. It really is amazing when you think about it. The U.S. Government, filled with thousands of political hacks and Government paid stooges are apparently just going to live with this guy and his fake administration all while knowing damn well his brain is mush and just as bad, standby knowing there isn’t one single soul in his entire cabinet that anyone can take seriously much less respect. Seriously, they are all weak, useless peons following the lead of a guy who is just a jackass, a mouthpiece who by the way can’t even talk, can’t walk and sure as hell can’t govern. All of Congress is fine with it. The ABC departments are fine with it, the Military is fine with it and the illustrious Supreme Court is fine with it. And then there are the Democrat voters, words cannot describe their idiocy. If this commander-n-dumbassory can do all the things he’s done this past year without any push-back whatsoever then just what is it that one must do in order to be thrown to the curb? Perhaps it will take something completely outrageous like, I don’t know, building a wall? Or maybe something even worse, say, lowering gas prices… We are living in the dumbest of times my friends.

That covers the bad. Let’s move on to the ugly. Kind of funny, I use the word ugly and y’all’s minds automatically picture Maxine Waters, or Nasty Nancy or that dude that dresses like a woman. You know, pudding brain’s pick for assistant HHS secretary. I can’t remember his/her name. I don’t want to remember his/her name, Rachel something. Who cares? #Ugly
Nah, I am talking about Nina Jankowiez, the new head of the new “Disinformation Governance Board.” Pretty amazing isn’t it? Elon Musk no sooner buys Twitter and suddenly out of the blue this lame Administration announces the need to control disinformation. The people who are the ministers of disinformation are going to govern over it. They might as well announce they are putting MSNBC, or CNN or hell for that matter Adam Schiff in charge of it. Those Americans familiar with the book 1984 immediately started calling it the “Ministry of Truth.”, another one of those “funny, not funny” things. James Wood tweeted “will y’all be wearing arm bands too?” #Priceless

Well at least this was no sooner announced, when all of the good folks in the Republican leadership jumped all over it, wrong! We haven’t heard a peep from them. It kinda reminds me of the 2020 election. The GOP is every bit as much of the problem in this country as these evil SOBs on the Left. Believe it! At this point there are less than a dozen Republicans on the hill that I want anything to do with. And speaking of ugly, how about good ole McCarthy? What a turncoat he is, huh? As it turns out, old McCarthy has a lot in common with old Romney and Cheney, doesn’t he? Actually he’s worse. Cheney and Romney don’t hide and pretend they’re something they’re not. McCarthy has been pretending to be a Trump guy, a MAGA supporter. Snakes, they are all snakes slithering their way through the tall grass of DC ready to do whatever it takes to get re-elected. Filth, that’s what they are, filth.
What else fits the “ugly” category this week? How about student loan forgiveness. How well are you able to swallow that poison pill? Get ready friends, the closer we get to November the more vote buying we’ll see. Pretty freaking amazing there are people in this country who think this is a great idea. So we are going to have the truck drivers, plumbers, carpenters, grocery store workers, car salesmen, road workers, painters, welders, landscapers, resort staffers, airport workers, Walmart greeters, fast food workers well, let me put it this way, we’re going to have all the folks who didn’t go to college, you know the ones that make this country run, pay for all those who went to college but don’t have jobs? Well hell, that makes total sense. If that doesn’t sound like a pudding brain idea, a “I’m an Indian” idea, a “I was a bartender” before a congresswoman idea, a “I have seven houses” idea, then nothing does.

I don’t know about you but I think we’d be a helluva lot better off if we had some of the people who actually know how to work and pay their bills running this country than these complete socialist, highly educated morons. Someone tweeted the other day “Elon Musk doesn’t even have a master’s degree!” LOL. The man built a rocket that flies up into space and then comes back to earth and lands standing up as if it never left. Masters degree? He don’t need no stinking master’s degree.

Okay, enough of the ugly. Unless you want me to go on. It’s not like there isn’t more ugly to talk about you know. Whoopy Goldberg. There, now I’ll stop.
On the good side of the week I have to admit I was a little wrong about the Elon Twitter thing. While his buying Twitter doesn’t focus on my favorite topic, fixing 2020, I have to say he did bring a lot of joy and a few good laughs to a lot of folks who needed it. He also brought thousands of good people back into the twitter game. I personally was overjoyed to see a few friends return who I lost during the great twitter reset of 2020. While Elon isn’t yet in charge nor has he made any changes, many of us gained a lot of new followers this week. Why, I have no idea. I guess just the idea of Jack-n-the-box Dorsey leaving was enough to get people to come back and rejoin the fight. At any rate, during a time when good things are rare, this was a welcomed event.
The other thing that occurred late on Thursday was the return of President Trump tweeting or in this case, Truthing. Elon said the name Truth Social was dumb but I like it because the owner of the company is a truth teller. Although I liked Elon’s suggestion to call it “Trumpit” too. Lol. It was a fun few days and I look forward to hearing from my President now and then. With any luck he’ll even shoot off a few mean truths! You know something like, “Adam Schiff is a liar” or “Why didn’t Nancy Pelosi increase security when I (Trump) asked her too on January 6th” Mean truths like that. Same as he did on Twitter.
Alright friends, I’ve taken too much of your valuable time already. It’s time to put an end to this week’s rant. Together we’ve been through a lot and most of the time it feels like a few of us against the entire world. What this Left and the evil doers have put us through and are still putting us through is unforgivable and simply cannot and must not stand. Let us keep plowing forward, calling balls and strikes as we see them. Don’t let time diminish how you feel nor forget what they’ve done to us and remember always, “We know who won the 2020 election.” #BeatTheDrum
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead. Let us hope it’s a week with more good than bad and ugly. #Fix2020
Hey Dan,
Yet another spot on post; good job! I don’t know how many followers you have but I hope it’s in the millions! There aren’t enough hours in the day for me to respond in depth to all your topics however….
1).Top of the list is Nasty Cadaver Nancy is without a doubt the poster child for why we need to have term limits. Any of you have jobs that you were told when you were hired it’s yours until you die regardless of your performance? I know I wasn’t.
2). Find me one single rational American that can explain how the AssHats in “charge” created the “Misinformation, Disinformation Governance Board”, a division of our illustrious Homeland Security
without a shred of public opinion or votes? I cannot believe what I’m witnessing-the dismantling of our First Amendment (and there does not seem to be a single thing we can do unless it’s a full on revolution and wiping the corrupt slate clean. Who do you need to fear? A man that has nothing to lose and this administration is creating thousands of them.
3). Y’all need to read up on Nina Jankowicz (a former disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center ). This appointed twisted puppet spreader of propaganda needs to be yanked and soon-she’s dangerous folks!
4). Ol’ Pudding Brain-where do I begin? My wife and I just spent a week on vacation and ran in to a lot of people from all over the world and America. I asked each and every one of them what their countries/state view was of “our president” and 100% of them laughed and then went on to say he’s a joke. Given what’s going on in the world having this old fool in the Oval Office is frightening. Sorry folks but we really do need a force to be reckoned with military. Just because you have it doesn’t mean we need to use it but the flipside is not having one means we all stand around with our pants around our ankles.
5). Student loans: I guess the House of Corruption approved this “free money program” again. This country has run on the backs of the rapidly diminishing middle class since the beginning of time. Keep in mind this is the same government that declared student loans are THE only thing you cannot bankrupt out of.
6).Elon/Twitter: Initially I applauded this change of ownership. Freedom of speech is something that is rapidly disappearing. My since hopes are that Twitter will become the transparent platform it once was and that the corrupt governmental criminals won’t be able to control “freedom of speech” with their poisonous lies nd propaganda. Censoring freedom of speech regardless of content is a slippery slope. By the way, I don’t have a college education and was still able to build a company and provide for my family for the past 28 years. Any idea how many college educated people I’ve come across that can’t common sense themselves out of a paper bag? Too many to count.
Well that’s all for me-thanks for reading my spout-off and thank you Dan for caring about our once great country & your weekly rant!
Good stuff Mr. Dave! Love it, agree with you 100%. Keep “spouting off!” You’d be surprised how many there are out there who feel the same.
Good afternoon Mr Dan. Very well put. Wow were do Allen and I begin. lol
I am so embarrassed telling people I’ve met on groups I’m in the USA because of all the insane crap coming from this administration. But on a positive note they know my sorrow cause many have the same.
I’ve watched in horror while the Easter Bunny has more clout then FJB. We can’t even watch when we see the fool trying to stumble through a complete sentence of really hard words.
As for McCarthy I told Allen months ago when he had his nose shoved up channys skirt trying to get her back in the GOP. He is nothing but a scum bag liar. Then last week I heard with my own ears him and cranny disgussing him getting President Trump to resign over the planed January 6th bull shit. And people want this POS to be speaker of the House. NOT.
You are right friend these really are UGLY times we’ve been forced to live in.
On a positive note small wins we’ve gotten also.
MTGreen was awesome to ole Jimmy boy failed cnn glory goof. She made me proud.
I’m still with you 💯. If this fraudulent election doesn’t get fixed. Not a damn thing matters cause the circus will be in every town like Groundhog Day forever. You think we’ve got whack-a-doodles now. Lord help us all. Funny how the savers of the election were all over talking about what their going to do. Now their on every news channel begging for money for either their campaign or book to save us all 🤮🤮 I’m done listening to them. Fix it or shut up!!
My dear husband is urging me to close before this turns into a book. Plus his mouth is wanting his baked spud and steak.
Have a blessed weekend Mr Dan.
LOL – I hope Allen got his spuds and steak! Love, love, love it when you post your own rants Jan! But then again, I can’t seem to get enough of the truth! Thank you and let-r-rip friend!