This is one of those weeks where honestly I would just as soon not write my blog. The truth of the matter is, lately most weeks have been that way for me. The number of side shows going on in this country make my stomach turn and churn. The things we find ourselves talking about were nearly unimaginable just a few short years ago, killing babies up to 28 days after birth (California). Seriously? Disney is choosing to die on the hill of grooming children about gendering. There’s actually a word “gendering?” The pretend President tweets he is sending Ukraine another 800 million as if this is something to be proud of or something we are supposed to be impressed by or thankful for? We are 30 trillion in debt for God’s sake. We have vets sleeping under bridges. You have to step over the homeless when walking down the streets of every major freaking Democrat controlled city in America. Some loon shoots up a mall and is released in time to clock in for his scheduled shift at work the following Monday. The U.S. House of Representatives leader of the Republican Party (Kevin “weak ass” McCarthy) is caught on tape talking to one of the biggest, most hated traitors to the party, Liz Chaney, saying he will ask the President (Trump) to resign?
See what I mean? And those are just a small sample of the pure nonsense side shows going on right now. 18 or so food processing plants have either caught on fire or blown up over the past month. The DOJ is going to appeal the judge’s ruling over mask mandates because the Democrats feel the courts should not have power over the CDC. You know the CDC, they are a group of people none of us elected, none of us hired, none of us can fire and who haven’t been right about anything since this whole Chynia virus BS began. We are now at a place in this country where the Democrats aren’t afraid to just come right out and say someone is above the law, which is what they are saying here. The Constitution means nothing to them. I am actually at a point where I don’t think the constitution means anything to 90% of these idiots running this country.
As the days go by, we are learning more and more about the many side effects of the vaccine(s) and yet our Government continues to push these on us. The director of HHS admitted the side effects were twice as bad for the black community. Heart inflammation has been proven to be much more prevalent among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Well no shit Sherlock. Geez.
The border is an utter nightmare. Millions have entered the country and so what is pudding brain proposing, making it even easier via the scrapping of title 42. Come one, come all. I love Texas and appreciate what message the Governor down there is doing by bussing illegals to D.C. but honestly, enough with the freaking politics and game playing. If you got these aliens on a bus, take their illegal butts back across the border and the hell out of our country. If you’re hell bent on sending a message to Tired Brain at least send them to Delaware and drop them off outside the gates of hell, I mean his house. Did you see the story about the handyman (is that still a word?) who is suspected of slaying a mom who was found in a duffel bag? He is in the US illegally. Yeah, that’s a story… this kind of thing is happening. Right here, right now, go USA… <mad face>

The idiot who is led around by an Easter Bunny is releasing millions of barrels of oil out of our reserve to help, as he says, with Putin’s gas prices. Then I read 80% or more of the oil is going over to Europe. What is the name of Batman or Batwoman, should you choose, is this ass-hat doing? And why on God’s green earth are we allowing it?

I guess I am supposed to look on the bright side of things. Elon Musk is ready to take over Twitter. Hip, hip, hooray! Gotta be honest, it barely hits my radar screen of importance. CNN + goes under after only 30 days. Again, whoopie! Don’t care. Chris Wallace resigns. While that may give me two seconds of joy, it means nothing to me really. He’s an idiot and well, what he does or doesn’t do is about as close to useless to me as you can get.
Every poll shows the Democrats are in big trouble come the midterm elections. Even liberal news networks are turning on Biden. It’s going to be one big red wave come November. Yawning…
So we are going to use the very same election process we did in 2020 and everything is going to be on the up and up, fair as can be this time? Is that what I am supposed to believe? I’ll input one of my favorite sayings here “bald not stupid.”
As y’all may have noticed DG is not an overly happy camper this Saturday, April 23rd here in the year of 2022. For the record, I don’t know as if DG will ever be a happy camper again until or unless that rigged 2020 election is fixed. For me everything going on is a component of that utterly fraud riddled election. Certainly “we” all know none of it would be occurring had the election been fair and the rightful winner had remained in office. That I know we can all agree on. And when I say “all” I mean you and me.
I love this country, just not the one we are being forced to live in right at this moment in time. I’ll keep fighting for her to return though as I know you will too. Bush 41’s “Thousand Points of Light” right now is more like a thousand cuts with a knife. Regan’s “The Shining City on the Hill” that he envisioned as having been built on rock, stronger than an ocean, windswept, God blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace, now feels and looks like the movie “Escape from New York” and we ain’t got no Snake Plissken to save us from ourselves.
If there is going to be any turning this shit show (pardon my language, low vocabulary you know) around it’s going to take you and me and somewhere around 75 million other folks who feel just as we do, folks who really just want to be left alone to enjoy the fruits of their labor, their families and friends. Folks who have little interest in sticking their nose into other people’s affairs, folks who want to live a life they choose not one chosen for them. We don’t look toward others to make our lives whole, we are in charge of that. We are in charge of ourselves. We don’t look toward Government to solve our problems, we created them. We’ll deal with them. In matters of our lives, we’ll decide.
Now, you’ll be relieved to know this concludes another weekly rant from the shinny headed guy on the hill. Lol. Before I leave you, here are a few memes I enjoyed this week. I hope you do too.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends! Keeping beating the drum of freedom and fairness, of justice and truth. We’ll get through this mess, honestly, we will. “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…