Good Saturday afternoon family and friends. Funny, not funny. That about sums up the state of affairs in the country, don’t you think? While there is one comical occurrence after another nowadays we laugh all while knowing, these “things” aren’t funny at all.

This week a bird poops on him. Now you have to admit, that’s pretty funny. What’s not funny is just how many people around the world laughed that the “pretend” President of the United States of America was pooped on, on national television no less. Remember when the office of the President was respected and it was fighting words when someone outside the country took shots at the office. Good Lord, are those days over or what? On Thursday of this week he gave a speech that hardly anyone could even understand (typical) and when he finished he turned to his right, stuck his hand out as if he was about to shake someone’s hand but there was no one there. Looking confused, (also typical) he turned in a circle and walked the opposite direction off the stage. Twitter went wild making jokes of the worn out, pudding for brains man which again, it’s funny but the guy is supposed to be the leader of the greatest nation on earth. There are only about a thousand similar stories like these to tell with old Tried Brain. He claims to have been a college professor, a truck driver, a tough guy with hairy legs that all of the kids liked to pet and he once stared down that evil gang member corn pop. Funny, not funny. The man is the laughing stock of the entire world and he’s dragging this great country of ours down with him. While ding dong Boris Johnson walks the streets of Ukraine during a war, our installed puppet goes home to Delaware to ride his bike and chase his dog down the hallway naked. People asked why he isn’t leading and why he isn’t he going to Ukraine. Hell, we can’t even get him to our own southern border. Do you really think he’s going to go to Ukraine? Funny, not funny. He’s probably not going to Ukraine because they’ll arrest him for all the fraud he’s committed over there. There is just no getting around it. The guy’s brain is fried and he’s knee deep in corruption.
Speaking of Fried:
Nikki Fried is running for Governor of Florida against Ron DeSantis who might very well be the most popular Governor in the country or ever for that matter. Well, he’s popular among those Americans who actually have a functioning brain and who actually think our kids deserve to be protected.
I’m not writing about Ms. Fried though, she’s an idiot. What really bothered me this week was a tweet from fellow patriot Caturd. He tweeted a video showing a rally that Fried was holding. You probably saw it. There were maybe 12 people at the rally, maybe. Caturd posted several laughing faces and made some appropriate comment about her not having a prayer on earth beating DeSantis. I couldn’t help myself but to reply and say “Yeah, well Biden didn’t have any turnout either. I trust nothing anymore. This picture doesn’t make me laugh, it makes my stomach turn. But, that’s just me.” His post was another “funny, not funny,” at least for me. Please don’t misunderstand, I am a Turd fan. Maybe I take things too seriously.

Like me, I think there are many who are not convinced the cheating of 2020 won’t happen again in 2022 and 2024. By way of the 2020 election results, albeit totally rigged, I am not moved by how stupid someone is or how little support they appear to have. There isn’t a living human being who can convince me Joe freaking Biden won the election yet here we are watching all the beautiful things President Trump had done, laid to waste and the entire country sits idly by in a pool of self pity watching it. Someone who is a lot smarter than I am is going to have to show me why these up-coming elections are going to be any different than the last election we had…
Am I the only one on the planet that isn’t all giddy about Elon taking a run at Twitter? Oh, don’t get me wrong, anyone who can do anything to bring twitter to its knees is a-okay with me. If it takes the richest guy in the world to put these leftist, woke, pusses in their place then so be it, go Elon! Lord knows our “representative republic” isn’t going to do it.
While I’d like to think I have the ability to juggle more than one ball at a time, I find myself hell bent on the singular focus of fixing 2020. When anything else takes up my time I get irritated. Not for myself so much but for the country. All these side bars end up being distractions to the American people. Whether it’s this twitter buyout, the war in Ukraine, some idiot shooting up a train in New York or pretending our gas prices are due to the fake, made up Putin gas hikes. It’s all one big side show that doesn’t move the 2020 fraud needle at all and you know me and where I stand. Fix 2020 and all the other nonsense goes away, and quickly. Sorry, I am a bit off track from the title, funny, not funny, I just need to get this Elon/twitter thing out of my system. 🙂
I am happy to take any win, no matter large or small. If Elon can throw Jack out onto the street I’ll take it with a smile for sure. Watching the Left go crazy over this is almost worth the distraction for me. Hearing them denounce a billionaire taking over a major media platform is precious and typical isn’t it? As so many have pointed out, they’re okay with Bezos’ owning the Washington Post but Elon owning Twitter, “it’s the end of earth as we know it!” Funny, not funny.

What’s Funny, not funny with the above is that millions of Americans have read both of these headlines and agree with both of them wholeheartedly. They are disengaged and a product of a failed education system where 1+1 = 30 genders…
And that’s a wrap. Thank you all for taking the time to listen to another DG rant of the week. I hope this post catches y’all having a blessed Easter weekend. Let us all be thankful. Wishing each and everyone of you a great week ahead!

Thank you. Great read.