This morning I did what I always do. I made a cup of coffee, logged onto Twitter and Truth, and posted my daily tweet reminding everyone that we know who won the 2020 election. Then I responded to most everyone who connected with me the last time I was logged in. Then you can find me shooting off some smart ass responses to the others who either took shots at our President (Trump) or repeated some stupid left wing talking point they heard on CNN. Once that is done, the part of my morning I dislike the most begins. I read all of the nonsense that is occurring in our country. One of the things I’ve come to dislike the most, believe it or not is Republican Senators, Marsha Blackburn comes to mind, tweeting about things all of us are well aware of but things that she and the others do nothing about except to point out the obvious. It has become routine for me to remind them that the cause and effect of all the nonsense, injustice, and pure stupidity lies at their feet for certifying the rigged election. When these people point out what the current Administration is doing, I tend to remind them there wouldn’t be a “current” administration had they stood up for the very people who put them in office and refused certification. Which for the record is true.
My temperature will jump up a few notches when from time to time I’ll get a fellow proclaimed conservative and follower tell me that Biden won and I should get over it and look toward the midterms. This is always followed by them receiving an ear-full from me followed by my unfollowing them and depending on their response, an #instablock. You see, as the months go by, I’ve become less and less tolerant of opposing views related to the biggest hoax of our time, the election. Sorry, but that’s where I am. Anyone who says we should just move on is a part of the problem, and one of the reasons we find ourselves in the position we are in. Utter chaos. #Fix2020
Like so many, I suspect, I am just a guy who stands by the very basics of life. Honesty, responsible, hard working, love of family, friends and God fearing. I am not some crazy anti-government conspiracy theorist walking around with guns strapped to my hip while driving a raised-up camo painted truck with cannons attached to it. I don’t live in a compound out in the woods and I don’t own a burner phone and I don’t know how to communicate on the ‘dark’ web.
But I gotta tell you, it’s starting to look like I ought to be. What in the hell are we doing? Why are we putting up with this nonsense? For the people, by the people? Seriously? “United We Stand?” Really? “Home of the Brave?” Eh… Looking in the mirror I hardly think my tweeting or writing this weekly blog qualifies me as being brave. Also like so many others we are all sitting in our lounge chairs waiting for “someone” else to lead the way or we are still holding out hope that these Republicans are going to turn this shipwreck around or that our illustrious justice system will finally hold those accountable who are perpetrating these evil acts. You know what they say, hope is not a strategy. Trump may very well be that ‘someone’ we are looking for but to date, we’ve all but let him down. How does the saying go? “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?”
Now that I’ve made y’all feel warm and fuzzy… good grief. Let me talk about just a couple of things that happened this week starting with the installed puppet himself. Joe Pudding Brain Biden.
Did you see any of the Obama/Biden gatherings at the White House this week? Surely you saw some of the clips where Biden looked like an unwanted party crasher seeking attention which he would never get. Talk about being upstaged. What a disgrace and honestly a very sad look. We’ve all become so numb that we’ve practically accepted this is just the way it is now. The guy is supposed to be the leader of the free world, yet he can’t even get his own colleagues to give him the time of the day. There was a time, just a little over a year ago when the President of the United States entered a room every head turned in awe. Boy, are those days ever over. Now when pudding brain speaks, we listen carefully not because we care about what he might be saying but because we are desperately trying to understand what in the hell he is saying. We literally have a tired, worn out, medically induced, damaged mindless old man who honestly doesn’t know what time it is, pretending to lead the greatest nation on earth. And boy oh boy is the earth ever paying the price for it. On a daily basis, I go from pissed off, to sad, back to pissed off again. How much does it cost anyway to paint your truck in camo? Lol

I am not going to spend any time talking about the non-biologist getting voted in as the first ever black “female” supreme court justice. There was never any doubt she would get the job just as there was never any doubt the three RINO Republicans would vote for her. She’s unqualified just as the three Senators are unqualified to be Senators. Besides, look who she’s replacing. At the moment, the mix of the court is unchanged. They replaced a white leftist loon with a black leftist loon. So what, we are even Steven. It’s pretty clear now that just about anyone can become a supreme court justice. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” right? Right.
The other topic however that keeps me awake at night is this whole war on kids crap. It is remarkable to me that we are even having this discussion much less debating whether it’s right or not. At the very top level of Government, we are debating whether or not kids as young as five years old should be taught about sex, should be told just because they have a penis doesn’t mean they have to be a boy or that even using the word boy is unacceptable. I mean what in the holy hell are we doing? Oh and just out on Thursday I read where California is working on a bill that will allow a parent to end the life of a newborn up to seven days after its birth. You know, in case they change their mind about being a parent. Where did they come up with that? Car dealerships? Why friends, why are we having these discussions? Why are we allowing all this BS based on, I don’t know, 5% of the weirdest people on the planet? Why! Leave the kids alone already! It is one thing to tax me for pure insane things like global warming or say you’re going to force me to drive an electric car, but this kid stuff is going to drive me over the edge. We have got to get these disgusting people off the stage and out of our lives. We are up against a lame government and a state-run media complex but guess what, there are WAY more of us than them. Somehow, someway we’ve got to take our country back. A good start would be for all of us to scream our bloody heads off and not once or twice but every day until this crap comes to an end. I don’t see how the Lord will ever forgive us if we continue to stand idly by. These are innocent kids born (hopefully) into one screwed up insane, ugly world. We must protect them. Think about it, we just allowed the idiots on the hill to place a “woman” (that’s right I said it) on the bench of the highest court in the land who is soft on crimes against children. Now is when you say, but what can we do Dan? Well, something, anything would have been good. Instead (I am no better so don’t get offended) we just bitch and moaned on twitter… Forget it, y’all know of any openings at any of the right-wing compounds near you? Grrrr.

Okay friends, I’ve finished my ranting for this week. Off to the next week we go. You know where we will hear that any minute now Arizona is going to decertify their election or that Durham is about to drop the hammer, or that Hunter is in real trouble, or Hillary is scared or hell, maybe even Ms. Blackburn will inform us that the gas prices are Biden’s fault. That would be good to know don’t you think… Crazy times my friends, crazy times.

Wishing each and every one of you all the best for the rest of your weekend and week ahead. Until we meet again, keep doing what you can to right the wrongs and if we do finally decide to make a stand, trust me when I say, I look forward to meeting you in person on the field of Liberty. God help us all.