Earlier this week I tweeted; With the daily onslaught of pure nonsense & corruption I am having one of those days where I feel like saying “let me know when the shooting starts, until then, I’m out.” Sadly, I am still in that mood.
What am I supposed to write about this week? My asking isn’t because of the lack of things to discuss. This past week was just as all the others before, full of just stupid, disgusting goings-on. In fact, I recall a few months ago that one of my blogs titled “I can’t believe we are talking about this”, I wrote about a number of the insane topics the country was discussing at the time. Well, this week the title of the blog has changed but the message is the same… And you know what, for me, the message hasn’t changed for a very long time.
I don’t know about the rest of you but there are times when I just want to throw the bullshit flag and walk off the field. While I’ve thrown the flag many times, I’ve yet to leave the field but you can bet I’ve thought about it a few times. The things we are having to watch and put up with in this country are enough to drive a normal person to pull his hair out and y’all have seen my picture so… lol.
Seriously though, do y’all really want me to spend my time today talking about Disney? Is there anything I can tell you about their latest stunt that you don’t already know? What would be the point? It’s like pouring gasoline on the fire, isn’t it? They protest Florida’s “Don’t say gay” bill. There is no Florida don’t say gay bill. Their CEO or whatever she is wants to die on the hill that says it is okay for teachers to teach kindergartners about sex, how to masturbate and choose which sex they want to be? Really, this is the conversation we’re having? Old Walt Disney, just like old Sam Walton of Walmart and just like the Founding Fathers are all sitting around the heavenly campfire right now with their heads hanging down and tears falling from their eyes. All my life Disney has been “the” wondrous playground for kids of all ages. Today? Not so much and really pretty damn sad if you ask me. Doesn’t Disney have a Board of Directors? Do they all feel the same as their CEO? If not, why are they allowing this person to remain employed for another minute? This is some real disgusting stuff my friends.

While I point to Disney’s Board in dismay I look myself in the mirror and ask, “why are we allowing this Government to ruin our company, I mean country?” As we sit on the sidelines watching the Government’s daily onslaught on the American way of life how can we claim to be any better? “Boycott Disney!” Yeah I’ve got no problem with that. How do we boycott this Government and that ass-hat, useless pudding brain of a man that’s been shoved down our throats?
Maybe I should talk about the Will Smith, Oscar thing? On a scale of 1 -10 it doesn’t even hit the scale. What these self absorbed people in Hollyweird do is of zero concern to me. They are and have always been a part of the problem in this country and society in general. Most live the most disgusting lives imaginable. I suspect a large percentage of them make Hunter Biden look good, if that’s even possible.

Speaking of Hunter, do y’all wonder why all of a sudden the state run media liars are talking about this? One can only guess… Are the globalists done with Biden? Are they setting up for their move to Harris? Or is it that they just want to bite this bullet now, get it done prior to heading to the ballot boxes for the midterm election? You know there’s a reason.
And finally there is always plenty to talk about when it comes to our illustrious puppet master in the White House. This week we saw the cue cards (cheat sheets) he uses during press conferences to answer media questions and what’s amazing to me is that none of us even blinked. This didn’t surprise any of us in the slightest, did it? The man can’t even tie his shoes, walk up stairs, change his diapers, or talk for that matter. Why would his use of cue cards to answer questions surprise us? It doesn’t. What is surprising is how this country allows this idiot-n-chief to continue on as the make-believe President. We are watching in real time, the destruction of our country and no one is doing anything to stop it. And right there is the reason why “I’m in one of those moods.”
I’ve been reminded that the wheels of justice move slow. I suppose that’s true but when you’re someone like me who doesn’t even do well standing in line, the lack of justice to date is about to drive me up the wall & the slow wheels of justice are going to get us all killed if they don’t find a way to get the wheels turning. It feels like they are stuck in the mud and in need of a tow.
It appears all hope is based around the success of the midterms. Every GOP/Republican is continually telling us how awful Biden and the Democrats are while pointing out every mistake they make. I keep telling them that they are preaching to the choir and reminding them that none of this would be happening had “they” not certified the 2020 rigged election. I’ll never forgive them for not standing up for the President or the millions of Americans like me who put them into office. Their lack of spine is unforgivable and the price we are paying for it is insurmountable. Another thing; this talk about Biden needing to open up keystone and drilling in the country is a joke. He could do all of that and we still wouldn’t have cheaper gas. He’s put the EPA back in charge and has all the old Obama restrictions in place. Whether it is energy, inflation, the economy, jobs, or world order the “only” thing that will fix all of that is fixing the 2020 election. Trump is the only one and that includes Ron DeSantis, who has the guts, drive, and fearless passion to get us back on the right track. This isn’t questionable. I know this as a fact because I watched him do it once before. As for the midterms, of course I’ll be voting. So will my wife and my kids. Do I think it will matter? I don’t know why I should think it will. We are already hearing the drums beat about another Covid variant, I suspect those drums will slowly get louder and louder just in time for voting so they can attempt to lock the country down again, open back up the famous ballot drop boxes and vote by mail. You know these programs, they are the ones we are now seeing where people stuffed the boxes with hundreds of ballots at a time in 2020, where we had more votes than registered voters and machines hooked up to the internet and social media globalists pouring hundreds of millions into local elections to secure the vote. Yes, I will vote but remain one with little faith in the honesty of the outcome. Fact is, without fixing 2020 and bringing those who defrauded the country to justice, I don’t see how I can ever trust the system again. Needless to say, for me, there is a lot more riding on the midterms than simply the number of votes. People say, “we must have a big turnout” I say “you mean like we had in 2020?”

Friends, I reckon I’ve said enough for this week. I’m sorry if I didn’t spend time talking about the top stories of the week. Don’t worry. There will be new ones to talk about next week and the week after that. By the time we do get to the November midterms diaper boy will have probably bought off every voter who remains on the fence with his free this or free that. Rumor is he’s considering giving everyone a gas card, lol. What an ass-hat. He gives freaking Ukraine 14B in a blink of an eye and soon maybe we’ll all get, I don’t know, a $50 gas card. Problem solved! #Idiot
Wishing y’all a wonderful rest of your weekend and week ahead. As always THANK YOU for letting me rant. Let us all live to fight another day. Health, family, friends, God and guns! We will do this together.
The fake News outlets (local TV) subliminally rule the minds of so many very good people. My sister and brother-in-law are the nicest people you’d ever wanna meet. They think Biden is doing a wonderful job. Trying not to scream I said what about Hunter Biden and his laptop. Etc. their answer was what laptop. We watch the news every day and I’ve never heard of that ! Go figure
The media’s role in all of this is un-measurable John. I’d guess over 70% of the country are just like your sister and brother-in-law. I have a mother-n-law who’s exactly the same. Wonderful person who’s completely clueless to the goings on. Millions of American’s to this day still think Trump colluded with Russia… Go figure is right. Thanks for taking the time to read my weekly rant and especially for “jumping in!” Much appreciated. Hope you have a good week.