Lordy, Lord, Lord, Lord, are we living in a clown world or what? I spend most of my time shaking my head and rubbing my eyes in disbelief at the daily onslaught of just downright stupid “stuff” flowing out of this world we are attempting to live in. I listen to this stuff and can barely believe what I just heard. I swear we are living in a clown world right now. Not funny clown, the scary one.
This week, a follower on twitter posted “World leaders do not fear Joe Biden” which is true. I responded with “The only people who fear Joe Biden are the American people”, which is also true. We fear that his stupidity will be the ruin of our way of life and Lord knows he is well on his way. I mean let’s face it. Everything this clown touches turns to, well, you know, that stuff you get on the bottom of your shoes if you’re not careful.
I’m not a biologist:

Oh for Christ’s sake, really? Marsha Blackburn really stole the show in the hearing of Supreme Court nominee Judge Jackson didn’t she? “How would you define a woman?” Blackburn asks Jackson. “I don’t know Senator, I am not a biologist.” Welcome to the world of woke-ism at the Federal Judge level folks. And by the way, just think about it, we are living in a time where this question must be asked of a person who is about to become a supreme court justice, a lifetime appointed supreme court justice no less. I sent Blackburn a note suggesting she ask the judge a follow-up question the next day which was; “While you cannot define what a woman is, let me ask you; how do you feel about being nominated for this position solely because you are, what you cannot define, a woman & how does it make you feel you’ve been selected solely b/c you’re black? I thought it would be a good follow-up question. Sadly, Ms. Blackburn didn’t take my advice. Just think of all the fun we could have had with Judge Jackson’s response to that! Not to mention how all the race baiting Leftists would have reacted. You know how they are when it comes to the truth…
Seriously though, this nomination of Jackson is no laughing matter. I would submit, based on her background and her performance in the hearings that she is not qualified to be a judge in a turtle race, much less the supreme court. The very last thing this country needs are judges who are soft on crime, especially soft on pedophile crimes. These sick headed pedophiles need to be locked away from all of humanity. You know, people like Hunter Biden. You know him. He’s his father’s son. As an FYI, In 2009 Judge Jackson was appointed as vice chair to the U.S. Sentencing Commission by Obama. During her time, the commission retroactively amended sentencing guidelines to “reduce” the guideline range for crack cocaine offenses. (See Wikipedia.) Who do we know that has a crack cocaine problem? See what I mean friends? “You really can’t make this up.”

The food shortage is real:
I don’t know about y’all but every time I hear pudding brain is going to speak or attend some conference or anything really I cringe knowing he is going to embarrass our country and make a complete fool out of himself. The other thing I always fear is what he will give away. There appears to be no end to his reach into the taxpayer pocket and it’s not slowing down, it is getting worse. While anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that continued spending leads to continued and higher inflation, this mush for brains just keeps doubling and tripling down. As we all feel the pain at the pump, grocery stores and making our everyday bills, this slime pretends the economy is on fire and our state-run media just runs with it. To say it is disgusting is an understatement. By all appearances he wants us all to be down and out, flat broke and begging for the government to rush in to save us. “I can please have some cheese.”
This week, Mr. Tired Brain said the quiet words out loud, “one world order.” During one of his lame speeches he talked about how there is going to be a one world order and how we (U.S.) must be leaders. While many of us talk about the evil globalists in our world who wish to usher in a one world power where we all live by their rules, ole pudding brain said it out loud this week confirming what was supposed to always be some right wing conspiracy theory right? Wrong.
For the past few years it seems every so called “conspiracy theory” being floated around either has come true or is about to come true. From digital money to depopulation, the global plan is moving forward full steam ahead. This, in my opinion, is the biggest reason behind the “get Trump” firing squad. He was the cork in the leaking damn that was about to break following eight years of Obama, better known as the divider-in-chief. Through the rigged 2020 election, that cork (Trump) is now out of the way and the globalist, one world order deluge is once again flowing freely. Right down our throats.
In Poland a few days ago, Biden was asked about a possible global food shortage. “It’s real” he said. Of course nothing he says is ever real such as the winter of darkness or this booming economy he keeps touting but, these one world order globalist bastards aren’t fooling around. If I were to guess, I’d say they are behind all the evil doings we’ve been made to endure these last few years. Whether the Cyhina virus, the rigged election or this propped up war in Ukraine you can bet these sons-a-so-in-so’s have their greedy claws on the steering wheel. They say go left and pudding brain moves to the left. They say spend a billion on this and pudding brain makes it so. They tell their employees in the media to report that, they report that. They tell congress to jump over there, and there they go. I don’t know, sometime I think I’ve lost my ever loving mind.

One thing is for certain, we have a fake pretending to be our President who says the food shortage is real all while he allows the southern border to remain wide open so that more than a million illegals can enter the country and in the same sentence he announces the U.S. will pledge another billion in aid to Ukraine and take in a hundred thousand (100,000.00) Ukraine refugees. Well poop, at least we won’t be standing in the food lines alone. We’ll have our dear friends from Ukraine, south of the border and all those vetted (wrong) Afghans standing beside us. Does all of this sound like America First to you? Does any of it sound like anyone gives a hoot about you, or you, or me? I think not… Once again, “you can’t make this up.” This America last, one world order, globalist take over is front and center, in your face 24/7/365 and we better damn well put our foot down while we have one.
Thank God for President Trump. Without him, this week would have come to a conclusion just as so many before it. When I heard the news he had filed a lawsuit against crooked Hillary and her band of evil doers, I jumped for joy. He made my week! I will be on my bended knees praying for an honest judge in the case and one that will allow the trial to be televised. Talk about a pay per view money maker! I am not sure I have the ability to fully express the joy it would give me to witness the scum of the earth who put our President and our country through a living hell for four years squirm in the witness chair as Trump’s attorneys drill them with already proven facts related to their Russia, Russia, Russia hoax. A hoax that was not only designed to ruin President Trump but, to ruin this great country of ours. Let the games begin! As for these Left wing attorneys out there saying they can’t wait to get Trump on the stand I say, good luck. The man has more brains under his pinky finger nail than all of them put together. None of the BS that any of them have tried against him has stuck and you know why, because none of it was true. “The truth shall set you free!” I believe that and with the grace of God, in the end, we’ll all see it happen in real time.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch as they say, we need to keep calling balls and strikes and hammering these people on…you got it, the rigged 2020 election. We cannot and should not and will not go forward until that is fixed. Until then, nothing is real, nothing should be accepted, and nothing else should be discussed. A United States of America election was rigged and stolen in broad daylight and we by God better not let it stand.
Now, whether you are a biologist or not I insist you have a wonderful rest of your weekend and if I should bump into you while waiting in line for my share of the Government cheese know that I will do the unthinkable by letting the women go first. Oh, just to clear this major controversy up regarding the definition of a woman. In my house, the woman is the one that makes everything happen. You can tell who she is because she’s always busy making sure the rest of us have what we need. If that still doesn’t quite clear it up for you, she’s the one with boobs and the one that will kick your butt if you try to take her evening glass of wine from her.
Have a great week ahead friends! #UnitedWeStand #BeatTheDrum
Really good read, Dan. Appreciate so much that you do write.
I’ll be tweeting about it and here is what you’ll see:
Quoting two of your statements here, represents a synopsis of what lives in my heart all day, every day.
“This America last, one world order, globalist take over is front and center, in your face 24/7/365 and we better damn well put our foot down while we have one.”
“A United States of America election was rigged and stolen in broad daylight and we by God better not let it stand.”
Also, a nod to your wife and your acknowledgement and obvious appreciation for who she is and all she does. Beautiful.
I saw that Susan and appreciated it. It is so nice to have a few friends who take the time to read my weekly ranting and ravings. It helps to know there are others who feel the same as I do. Well, for the most part anyway. LOL Certainly we all agree the direction of the country is no good right now and the election of 2020 is a travesty. Thanks again! Wishing you a nice Sunday.