That’s how I feel most of the time, like I am preaching to the choir. It is a rare event that I tell any of my readers something they don’t already know or something they disagree with. We all seem to be on the same page and not just once in a while but always. Either that or y’all are just being nice.
I had a few friends on Twitter this week tell me they are looking forward to reading this week’s blog which is fantastic. Little did they know when I read that the first thing that popped into my pea brain was “great, what will I write about?” Oh don’t get me wrong, this world of ours, our country in particular doesn’t leave one short on topics. But good grief, how many times can I tell the same story, push the same message and still keep you guys interested enough to come back for more? Well, I reckon it doesn’t really matter because I started doing this as a way to vent (rant). It was never about getting more readers, although that has been a wonderful surprise for which I am honored and grateful and you have no idea how good it feels to know I am not alone in my thinking. That might very well be the best part of it all. Hoping you feel the same.
So let’s dive into just a few of this past week’s highlights shall we? Do any of you wake up each morning and grab your phone to see if, I don’t know, pudding brain has done something to cause WWIII? I do. This guy is so weak and so unstable. I carry this thought in the back of my mind all the time. He called Putin a war criminal this week which obviously didn’t go over well with Putin. Putin’s initial response was to say “this is unforgivable.” His second response was on point though. He said something that basically equated Biden being mentally challenged causing him to have outbursts of anger of which he (Putin) will not take seriously. How’s that for having respect around the world? The entire planet knows America is currently being led by a sick headed old man who, at the very least, has seen better days. He’s not respected, not feared and not taken seriously. Great. Hell, how many countries as he reportedly called, begging to buy oil, and they have said no or simply refused to even answer the phone? The man has us on such weak footing right now that it is downright scary. He’s bankrupting the country, turning our great military into wusses, leaving our border wide open for every evil-doer on the planet to stroll in and do their dirty deeds and meanwhile managing to make us the laughing stock of the world.
Congress however has our backs, right? Yep, while the Russia/Ukraine war continues and gas prices here at home soar, border left open, inflation breaking all time records, and the Executive Branch of the Government make fools out of our beloved country, the House passed the historic “Crown Act” which for those of you who don’t know, listen up because this is important, like I said, historic. The Crown Act prohibits discrimination based on ones hair texture or style. Whew, thank God they’ve taken time out to get that done. I don’t know about y’all but, I am sick and damn tired of people discriminating against the texture of my hair… It’s hurtful. Holy Batman, what is wrong with these people? I swear we need to fire them all and start all over again.

What other insane topic shall we discuss? Oh yes, Lia Thomas won another swim meet this week. “The first ever transgender wins women’s 500 yard freestyle NCAA title.” First off, who gives a flying you know what? He’s a he for God’s sake. What is wrong with this country that we condone this crap? And why aren’t these girls refusing to swim? Why aren’t the parents of these poor girls who have trained most of their lives to compete refusing to allow their daughters to swim? The answer is scholarships. These young ladies are attending college on scholarships and by refusing to swim I assume they would lose their scholarships. So the woke colleges have these women and their parents by the throat. It sickens me that neither the media nor our government will stand up for these girls and where are all those pink hat women lib outfits, just as quiet as church mice. Why isn’t Gloria Allred puking in front of cameras threatening to sue these so called institutions of higher learning? More like institutions of liberal nonsense is what they are. I feel soooo bad for these girls. It makes me angry. Why oh why do we condone this kind of BS? The vast majority of Americans do not condone it yet here we are bowing down to a small minority of weirdos and screwy leftist idiots. By the way, I don’t like Lia Thomas texture of hair either.

Finally the big breaking news story of the week is the New York Times admitting the Hunter Biden laptop is real. Well no shit! Can someone tell me why it takes the NYT to say something is real before we can know it’s real? That rag of a newspaper has the credibility of a gnat, no worse, has the credibility of a politician which makes a gnat appear intelligent.
I’ve got news for everyone, Hunter’s laptop is real, Hillary created the Russia, Russia, Russia collusion bologna, Trump’s impeachment over his phone call with Ukraine was pure partisan bullshit and the freaking 2020 election was rigged. Pudding brain didn’t get 81 million votes and this whole damn Government is as corrupt as the year is long. The saying is “as the day is long” but this Government is way worse than that. The only so-called “collusion” going on in this country is between these leftist blood suckers and their one world order evil money doers. Don’t forget to add all the alphabet agencies and of course, let us not forget our number one enemy, the rotten to the core media who is, in case y’all didn’t know, officially state run. These lap dogs have let us down and in a big way. Finally, the worst of the worst for me are these RINO Republicans and there are a lot of them. I am so sick and tired of seeing these people tweet out everything under the sun except to talk about the rigged election. “The border is not secure!” These are Biden’s gas prices!” “Biden is the cause for inflation!” “The Democrats just gave themselves a 21% raise!” Yeah and guess what Republicans? You, YOU certified a rigged election that made all those headlines possible. Bunch of weak, rotten politicians, that’s all they are. If we don’t fire all those who are up for re-election this year and if we don’t take back Congress then this on-going debate about whether or not our elections are rigged is over. It’s already over for me but it seems we still have folks believing we can win elections so bring on the mid-terms, like we did in the last election, we’ll show up like never before and when we do, we better by God have our votes counted this time and the dead people, the illegal people, the mail in vote people best sit this one out. I am so done talking about all the side attractions in this country. I want 2020 fixed. It’s my singular focus because all the rest is just a side attraction under a very large circus tent. Fix 2020 and the rest of the nonsense will go away. This record of mine may be broken but I’m still playing it.
Okay family and friends. I have now completed my rant of the week and you know what? I feel a little better. The key word being “little.” Now, know that I am wishing you all nothing but good luck as you apply for your loan to buy gas and groceries this week. I went shopping with my wife this week. We paid $10 for grapes. Ten dollars! Based on my reaction it appears I won’t soon be getting another invitation to go shopping… No wonder she comes home in a bad mood.
On a serious note, as always, I wish each of you a great rest of your weekend and for you to have, somehow, some way, a great week ahead. Who knows, maybe pudding brain won’t return from another one of his long weekends. 🙂