These people in our Government are Gods when it comes to pointing fingers, aren’t they? No matter what is occurring in the country or around the world it never has anything to do with how they are leading. In the corporate world, big business and small, if the person running the business and it fails, he’s fired. Not so in Government because, you know, it’s never their fault…

In the past 13 months when being questioned as to this piss poor economy we are being made to endure, this fake administration and the useless Left has blamed Trump, the C-hina virus and now we’re back to Russia, Russia, Russia. This week Biden, as his meds were wearing down during one of his ramblings, yelled while waving his fists “I’m sick and tired of people blaming inflation on spending, it has nothing to do with that.” The next day he signed a 2700 page bill handed to him by Congress that no one has read (with the support of 17 Republican war hawks) for 1.7 trillion. Of this, 14 billion will go to Ukraine. Really makes you scratch your head when you think about the time Trump begged, pleaded and threatened Congress for four billion to build the wall. By the way, that was the wall to secure “our” border. Congress couldn’t find the money back then. You know, back then when the economy was on fire, when unemployment was at an all time low, when wages were going up and gas was $2 a freaking gallon. And oh by the way, inside this non-inflation, emergency Bill was a 21%, no that’s not a typo, a 21% pay increase for House staffers.

When the lying, awful and hard to listen to red head in her press briefing this week got done blaming Russia for the high gas prices she was asked if the Administration was just going to blame Russia for everything until the midterms are over? She, in her arrogant way, replied by saying they would continue to be honest in their reporting of the matters that affect the American people. She makes a calm person want to reach through the TV screen and strangle her.

Meanwhile, pudding brain has been on the phone with Iran and now Venezuela begging them to send us more oil. Iran and Venezuela! Reportedly he put a call into our pals in Saudi Arabia too but they declined to take his call. Good Lord. We no longer operate under the “strength through peace” approach do we? Do you know why? Because WE ARE NOT STRONG that’s why. This tired old fool has taken the strongest country in the history of the world and in a short 13 months turned it into a woke, sissified, and broke country. And some 330 million Americans are standing by allowing it to happen. Hell half of them are cheering him on…so damn aggravating. And people are stressed, concerned and many, as they should be, are downright pissed off.
Below is a direct message I received from one of my twitter followers:
“I wake when my body says ‘enough sleep for now’. No alarm. No job to run off to. No kids crying they’re hungry. I thank God for the beginning of a new day. I make the bed, feed the cats, put on the coffee, and take a shower. I grab my coffee and think “now I’m ready for the day”. I look outside and it looks to be another glorious day. Time for … the news. And so, another day
begins with politics in America. Tired of the noise that comes from any typical talk show that identifies as ‘news’, my choice on this day; Rumble. Choices: sea lions on the beach, a cat with a dog and a deer, a baby recovered from chemo. I settle on a speech on the Hill addressing the January 6 Commission. On the table are the atrocities perpetrated on those imprisoned in DC for the insurrection that wasn’t an insurrection. What an impassioned speech. All the right words coming from someone I admire. So true, all of it. It was all there; the unbelievable overreach by the commission itself, the dishonesty of gov’t to arrest and imprison American citizens without due process. The obvious illegality and unconstitutionality of what they have done to American citizens. It was all there. There wasn’t much new in the speech though. We know exactly how Gestapo-like every governmental step has been in this charade. We’re not shocked by it anymore, in fact, we’ve become numb. Somehow though, listening makes it feel as though someone is doing something, anything to help our fellow patriots. Okay, I’m really waking up now. I see the sun cresting through the window. God’s glory blinding me as I write but the thought, the gratitude is abruptly interrupted by the sheer frustration of another meaningless pontification by what is supposed to be someone that was placed into public service to represent the will of the American people. I’m exhausted from meaningless words. I’m frustrated by the voice in my head yelling “well, do something!”. What? What do I do? What can I do? My God. I have just enjoyed another blissful night sleep, a morning shower, and a relatively good cup of coffee; as my patriotic American brothers and sisters are sequestered from all other life; save the abuse by their captors. They have no idea when or if they will ever be freed. They must be thinking: “Is anyone even trying to help? Is anyone paying attention? Does anyone even know we are here anymore?” Over a year! They are suffering mental and physical abuses at the hands of my own government: a government which I have loved and trusted (well, mostly trusted) all my life. Every elected official seated through honest election or fraud, State level or DC; has deserted us. Every single one. It isn’t true that they can’t do anything and it isn’t true that we can’t do anything. We’re all doing what the citizens of every fallen country has done; we’re waiting for someone else to do something. What are we doing? We’re whining and complaining on SM about the injustice of it all. We’re making speeches and writing memoires like I am right now. What the hell are we doing? The truth is; we’re doing nothing. I’m ready. I’m old and I’m not as strong as I could be. But I’m still here and for as long as I am, I’m ready. We just watched millions of people agree, not only for themselves, but also for their children to be injected with a biological cocktail of unknown substance and unknown consequence because the United States Government told them to. Is everyone not absolutely terrified by that? People’s jobs and livelihoods threatened unless they accepted poison. We’re watching as our United States Military is stripped of those men and women that are true America loving patriotic heroes because they could be a problem when the military is set against us. We’re seeing our children poisoned and indoctrinated. We watching the perversion of our society on such an escalating rate that our heads should be spinning. I’m asking again: What are we doing? What do you think all the people were thinking between 1941 and 1945 as 6 million people were exterminated? The people that weren’t murdered … what were they thinking? If we let this stand, we are no different. We have a responsibility, a duty to those that came before us and those that will follow; to protect this country and all her freedoms. We are honor bound as American citizens and me personally, as a Christian before all other things, to STAND UP for truth, for freedom, for justice. Those people, the ones unlawfully imprisoned … THEY STOOD UP. Not us though. It isn’t someone else’s responsibility. It isn’t someone else’s duty. It’s mine. God help me.”
You see what I mean? From my limited interactions with this follower I can tell you she is a nice person with a good head on her shoulders, an American patriot who cares deeply about our country and only wants what is best for the people of our Nation. Truth, Justice and Freedom. You know, Constitutional “stuff”. Thank you friend for sharing your thoughts and allowing me to share them. Millions of us agree with you.
We can dance around this all we want but the fact is, America has a big time problem right now and we’ve known it for over a year, we knew it the minute the TV told us who won the election. Here comes the DG broken record; everything we are enduring today goes back to the wee hours of November 4th when suddenly the most popular President in our history lost to someone who couldn’t gather a 100 people to come listen to him speak. As long as we allow this to stand we are not the land of the free nor the home of the brave. We are the beginnings of a Venezuela… If the midterms do not usher in a mass take down of the Left then this theory of mine will indeed be a reality. There is no way on earth the legal American citizens of this country are okay with what is happening. If midterms don’t produce a Democrat blood bath on election day then it’s the final straw, the America we grew up in is done, over, kaput because only another rigged election can maintain a Democrat majority in Congress.

And with that my family and friends I wish you well. LOL. Seriously, I do wish you well and somehow, as ugly as things continue to get I have to believe truth will prevail. Just please don’t ask me how… Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and if you find gas to be unaffordable do what Pete Butthead said and just buy an electric car… <mad face>