So here we are again, another week of pure nonsense as our almighty Government continues to herd us down the narrative path of their choosing. Almost overnight we went from mandates to Ukraine to some tired, worn out old man standing before the Nation pretending everything is great and the state of the union is strong…
In all of my 67 years I have never seen such a piss poor state of the union speech. Forget for a minute about the lousy delivery. We knew that was going to be awful. The guy they decided would be our spokesperson makes George W. Bush sound like the world’s all time greatest orator and you might remember that W couldn’t spit out two words in a row without screwing them up. The speech itself was awful, depressing and filled with (surprise, surprise) one lie after another. Well, at least we learned that no matter what Russia does in Ukraine he’ll never capture the hearts and minds of the Ikrainians. What?
Anyone who is the slightest bit engaged had to walk away from watching this speech shaking their head and feeling even more depressed. Are we better off than a year ago? “Come on man!” I about lost my shit when he said we need to secure our borders. I no sooner calmed down from that only to hear him say that we need to fund the police. Wait, what? What is wrong with the people who write this crap? It amazes me just how stupid these people think we are. Of course, in their defense, based on these Leftist morons roaming the country, they’re not all wrong.
The only uplifting thing Diaper Boy said all night long came at the end when he said “The State of our Union is strong because the American people are strong.” Two things on that; first, the state of the union isn’t strong, it’s an utter disaster and second, those are the exact words President Trump used in his first State Of The Union speech. This time though, for some odd reason, the Democrats seem to really like those words. He spent some 15 minutes talking about Ukraine yet when a reporter asked the lying redhead Psaki in the press briefing the next day why he didn’t show respect for the 13 service members who lost their lives in the Afghanistan evacuation nightmare (notice that never came up in the speech) she said, “he didn’t have enough time.” Because Presidents can take however much time they want when they speak I can only assume what she meant was “because he can only stand up for so long before his weak ass legs collapse under him.”
Anyway, I can assure you that by the time he was done the American people didn’t walk away feeling any hope and they certainly didn’t walk away feeling more educated as to the state of the union. The man is as useless as a hammer without a head.

I keep hearing folks say “there is something not right with this Ukraine/Russia war.” I am no expert on these matters but when I hear this, and remember that I have zero trust in just about everything nowadays it makes me scratch my head and wonder. The media posting pictures of burning buildings that were taken years ago doesn’t help nor do the pictures of people walking around with their hands in their pockets like it’s just another day. About the only thing we can be assured of nowadays is the Government and their state run media will not tell the truth about anything. Yesterday I was watching Newsmax and they had some woman in Ukraine who was talking about the war. She brought up their nuclear plant being under attack. I had heard reports throughout the day that it was on fire. She, bless her heart talking about this said “I must be honest, the nuclear plant is not on fire, the fire is of a nearby building.” Thank you, whoever you were. Later in the day I was watching Sean Spicer who made this statement “the Nuclear plant has been attacked and on fire.” See what I mean?
I find it remarkable that in this day and age we still have people who want to take over other countries and have no problem with how many people must die in the process. Again, I am no expert in any of this but did Ukraine do something to provoke Russia to attack? Seriously, what exactly is the reason Putin decided to attack? Everyone says it’s because he wants the old USSR back. Some say he wants Ukraine for its natural resources. Hell I don’t know and as sad as it sounds, I don’t really have a dog in the fight. I do feel sad for the people having to endure this though. It’s awful. I know one thing Putin didn’t try to pull this off when we had a real President in office. Um, I wonder why.

For me, whether it’s a lousy, full of lies, state of the union speech, a war between two corrupt nations or mask mandates, vaccine mandates, cost of fuel, inflation, defunding the police or sending out crack pipes, it’s all a distraction from the root of the problem. A freaking rigged 2020 election. I’ll beat that drum until y’all tell me to go to hell, I don’t care. I’ll never be able to get over the fact that right here in the good ole United States of America we had an election stolen from us. Just as they do in every communist corrupt controlled shit hole of nations around the world. What is worse is we are supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave. Today we are everything but that. This should be the “only” thing we talk about. Just imagine if you will, if every news station talked about the rigged election, if every Republican in Congress talked about it, if every newspaper in the country wrote about it, if every God fearing American talked about it, if every tweet talked about it. Instead they talk about everything else, every other little shiny object thrown before us. Fix 2020 and the rest of the nonsense will go away. I’ll repeat it over and over.

So, how was this last week? Same song, different verse, a little bit louder, and a little bit worse.
I of course send out to you my best wishes for a better week ahead. While the nonsense continues I know each of you are living your lives the best that you can and I know, like me, you find joy within your own circles. At the end of it all, it’s about family and friends. At least those are what I care about the most. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and smile. What do you have to lose? 🙂
Mr Dan. I know long time. We’re both still alive and kicking. Now that yahoo ALLOWED me to use my email I’ll catch you up this week. To let you know we do read your weekly rant. And agree with every single word. Hope this post finds you. If not I’m screenshot and will send it along in promised email. Wow so much to talk about. We did watch the chit show SOTU with a drug induced man talking so fast that even when his clapping seals behind him were carrying on so did he. Rambling onward. Allen wanted to know if he can buy some of the drugs they had FJB on. As you say not a damn thing matters until 2020 rigged, stolen election is fixed and fixed so this can never happen again. Gas here is now $3.99 a Russian gallon. Bread a whopping $3.87 a Russian loaf. I can go on but everyone is feeling this. Carry on Mr Dan. We are. Shout out to my friends and family from Canada 🇨🇦. Keep doing the rightful things. Have a blessed day. Keep your family close but keep your enemies closer.
I am SO happy to hear from you Jan! Y’all had me worried. I will get even, just so you know. 🙂 It has been a long time since we’ve traded thoughts but as you can see, not a single damn thing has changed has it… same chit show, different day. Grrr! Went to fill up the truck the other day and the pump shut down on me when I hit $75. Talk about hacking me off. “You’ve reached your single limit”
Thanks much for touching base Jan, hi to Allen. #Fix2020