Canada, Ukraine and Durham are the three topics that kept my attention this week. The media spent the majority of their air time on the first two and nearly none on the third. Surprise, surprise. Let’s talk about these in the order listed shall we?
For me if there was ever a way to look at the future this was it. Everything that we saw occur in Canada, can and more likely than not, will happen here. The truckers took a brave stand against their Government and it was text book. Martin Luther King would have been proud. A more peaceful protest there never was and yet, look at how it ended, Government storm troopers marching in swinging their batons and trampling old ladies on scooters (one anyway who ended up dying). While MLK would have been proud of the truckers, it’s fair to say that Hitler would have been equally proud of Trudeau. During the weeks of peaceful protest, the “one world order Hitler-Wanna-Be” never even once considered listening to or talking with the thousands of law abiding citizens who were pleading for their freedom. Not once. He responded like the best of the dictators do, with lies and the power of the state. It was disgusting and my friends it is exactly what will happen here in what used to be the freest country on earth when our truckers roll into DC. The media will do as they are told and paint our truckers as insurrectionist Trump supporters and sadly, all our “back the blue” won’t matter. The DC SS will get in line and mount their Government horses too. If anyone dies it will be of our own Government’s making. Oh ANTIFA and BLM will be most pleased to do their part just as they did on January 6th. And let us not forget about the famous FBI who will certainly be happy to play their role too.
My wife made a point that I kind of agree with. She said our truckers shouldn’t put themselves in harm’s way but instead just stop trucking. Call a news conference, list their demands and let the Government know they will not be moving until they are heard. The result would be the same without them having to deal with the US storm troopers. My guess however is that the storm troopers would just find their way to the truckers homes only to be picked off one by one without the fan fair we just witnessed in Canada. If our truckers are going to take this on, it is up to all of us to support them and join them where we can. My only wish is that the message would be on everything that is wrong, not just mandates. Start with the rigged election. Truckers, bus drivers, farmers, ranchers, cowboys, bikers and every God fearing, bible toting America loving person driving a pick-up who owns a flag ought to join in as well and then some! And to show this insane Government of ours we do have a sense of humor let’s get these folks with ice cream trucks in that line too! That ought to get diaper boys attention… #idiot

Tired Brain is really (for him) working overtime pushing this Ukraine/Russia invasion isn’t he? It doesn’t even occur to him or any of the DC swamp riddled America haters how stupid they look
in the eyes of the American people and the world really. For over a year we’ve been all but begging the Government to secure our own border and pushing for them, at the very least, to go to our southern border to see the mess they’ve created which, as you know, they’ve yet to do. Remember diaper boy’s statement at one of the CNN town halls “I probably should go to the border but the truth of the matter is, I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to go.” Yeah, the guy that works two hours a day, takes every weekend off, and sleeps in until noon doesn’t have the time. And then there’s his phony sidekick, the unlikeable Harris who evidently also hasn’t been able to find the time to go but when Ukraine’s border is in jeopardy she’s on a plane in a hot minute… seriously, these people are about as useless as they come. No one gives a rip about Ukraine or Russia. What we care about is the United States of America which is slowly but surely being overrun by the great reset, the new world order of money exchangers pulling the strings of the world and diaper boy is reading the script handed to him. Not well I might add.
In my eyes, Ukraine is little more than a distraction to keep our eyes off the awful job this moron is doing. As inflation continues to climb and his poll numbers continue to fall nothing will divert this disastrous failure of a Government better than a war. Russia, Russia, Russia… Honey, where’s my bullshit flag?
I have to be honest, every time I hear just a little bit about what Durham has found or is doing my heart skips a beat. All of us are so starved for justice any good news is more than welcomed. I have a very hard time believing any of the main players in the Russia hoax will ever see the inside of a prison cell but like so many of us, it’s about the only thing it seems we have to hang on to. Hauling crooked Hillary off to prison would put a smile on a lot, (millions) of faces in this country and go a long way to restoring hope of a fair system of justice. While she roams around laughing it off we all hold our breath praying Durham is the real deal and somehow, someway he is able to plow through all of the Leftist judicial ilk that has now permeated our courthouses and legal system. There are many more that need to be hauled in as well, many! Hillary however would be the cream of the crop for me. The only other thing that would bring a smile to so many American faces right now would be the fixing of the 2020 election. You know where I stand on that. Fix 2020 and everything else will fall in place.
Before this is all said and done, I will fall out of my chair if Durham is successful. Hell, I’ll fall out of my chair if the man remains alive. Godspeed and protection Mr. Durham. Somewhere around 100 million Americans are rooting for you sir.

Family and friends as you celebrate the long President’s Day weekend just know that someday we will, once again, have a President worth celebrating… In the meantime, take care of yourselves and your families and enjoy those hotdogs and hamburgers! God Bless the U.S.A. and before I forget #Fix2020
You hit all the bases this week Dan.
And hit them correctly
Ukraine is a distraction as well as a covet up . You wife has a great idea and we all pray for Mr Durham’ success as well as his health.
Stay well my friend
Sorry for the delayed reply friend. I thank you for taking the time to hear me ramble. And for “keeping me around.” Ha, ha, ha! Love it. You be well too.