These are the two top stories I got out of the chatter this week. One story is about Canadians and soon (hopefully) Americans standing up to their Government over the insane vaccine mandates. The other is about an insane fraud-riddled pretend President spending our tax dollars to send out crack pipes. Oh sure, there was some Russia/Ukraine invasion thrown in here and there and even the super bowl came up a few times but that was tied to the possible truckers convoy threat of disrupting the game. Oh what a tragedy that would be right? Good grief…
The reported 7.5% inflation rate barely made the news. 7.5% huh? If you’ve wandered outside your house to buy anything you know that number is well below the actual increase in the cost of goods. Beer is now cheaper than gas. That’s why they say “Drink don’t drive” ha! Funny, not funny.
Then there is DG’s favorite topic, the one that I harp on daily. The 2020 election. Not a peep except from my trusted and faithful followers on the communist Twitter site. Just as planned, the obviously rigged election never happened. The Government and their media sheepherders have made sure that topic is a distant memory and for most, not even a memory. Every week without fail someone, bless their heart, will say “We’ve gotta get out the vote and take back Congress this year!” And every time I reply with “I agree but, it seems like we did that in 2020 (75+ million of us) but here we are… listening to some clown that didn’t have 12 people to show up to hear him lie to them tell us he’s spending 30 million taxpayer dollars on crack pipes.” Excuse my language but, we are watching what I like to refer to as a “shit show.”

I fully expect, thanks in part to the Canadian Truckers, to see these mandates slowly be pulled back. The Truckers are certainly credited for some of this but honestly the fact that it’s an election year plays an even bigger role. It won’t be long before the media, following instructions from their Leftist political hacks will make the 900K deaths seem as if they never happened. This brain-dead Administration will claim a great victory against the China virus and the mindless drones still proudly claiming to be Democrats will celebrate diaper boy’s great victory. You and I know that more people died under his watch with the vaccine than died when we had no vaccine but the media and the brain-dead will buy into this narrative lock, stock and barrel.
As I talked about last week, if there is going to be a trucker’s convoy in this country I wish it was going to be about the primary issue that has this country in the horrible spot we’re in, the rigged 2020 election. Until such time that this is addressed, fixed and those involved prosecuted we don’t have a country. Not one we actually play a role in anyway. A pretend election like in 2020 where we all go out and vote and then the cheaters, the evil doers tell us who won is not a free and open election. It is an election ruled by the money exchangers, the global elite and their vast network of employees such as Obama, Biden, Clinton and the news media. Just a few more examples… you can throw in the Mitch McConnels and Romneys, Chaneys, Bushs, social media and big pharma for good measure. But there’s even more, much more. It’s not as though the FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS are not under the global elites thumb as well. The only thing we’ve got going for us are the numbers. There are ALOT of us and when we stand shoulder to shoulder we are a force to reckon with. When we don’t, they pick us off like fruit on a low hanging tree.
As I have also said over and over, we fix the nightmare election and suddenly ALL these other things get fixed too. Had the true winner of the 2020 election been in office this past year+, these mandates would have never happened in the first place. Fauci would have been fired or at the very least, no long in front of the cameras. Russia and China would be very quiet so to not stir Trump up causing him to apply more sanctions and I promise you, our money wouldn’t be spent on crack pipes. Oil pipes maybe but not crack pipes. Store shelves would be full, gas would be even cheaper than it was before he left office and the world would be marching to the American drum instead of beating America over the head with their drum sticks like they are today.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the American trucker convoy. Any push back against this Government I am in favor of. Those folks out there though who are letting go of the biggest scam of all scams, the 2020 election are making a Yuge mistake. Our country will never again be, well, “ours” again if we allow this to stand. Sadly, all indications are, it will indeed stand. Short of one or two, the Republicans don’t even talk about it. The GOP never whispers a word about it even though those of us focused on it learn of more and more blaring examples of voter fraud that occurred. In the end it’s pretty simple to understand. When you have more votes than you have voters the election stinks to high heaven.
Will I go out and vote this year? Will I vote in 2024? Yep and I’ll ask myself each time, “why?”
Family and friends I wish you a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. As a matter of information I don’t give a hoot who wins the super bowl. I haven’t watched even two seconds of the winter Olympics, I’ve contributed not a single penny to GoFundMe nor to the GOP. I don’t watch Fox News much less any of the other media liars and my flag flies proudly on my front porch. Am I making a difference? Hell I don’t know. But I sleep pretty well. I hope y’all are too. #Fix2020 #BeatTheDrum #TrumpIsMyPresident