Unless you are among the few people still blindly watching one of these state run media outlets like CNN or MSNBC you’ve been watching with glee the Canadian Truckers Convoy protest. I suspect that the majority of Americans are watching and jumping up and down in support of these truckers and now farmers who finally found their red line. I know I am a fan and based on the communist based company “Go Fund Me”, millions have donated to the Truckers cause. If you remember, I spoke a little about this in last week’s rant when I said whatever we do, don’t use Go Fund Me. That California based liberal outfit did the same thing with Rittenhouse. Pulled the funds that is… But I digress.
When that soy boy Canadian leader announced that truckers would not be allowed to cross their border unless they were vaccinated, the Truckers said enough is enough. Good for them! Now the Canadian Government in conjunction with their pals in the media are working overtime attempting to paint the protesters (truckers) as being racist, violent and white supremacists. You know the ole “go to” list of accusations but no one is buying it. Every video of the event shows a completely opposite picture. Peaceful people singing, dancing and something the idiots on the Left would never think of doing, cleaning up after themselves. It really is a beautiful thing to watch.
Rumor is that the Truckers in this country are busy organizing their own convoy here in the U.S. starting in Communist California and ending in Communist Washington DC. On twitter, I am seeing folks ask “would you support an American convoy.” My circle of friends on twitter of course would whole heartily support that. Me too with a bit of a twist though. More like a YUGE twist.
I’d love to see the truckers here in our country do this and I’ll be the first to show my support but… not just for these insane mandates and not just over the C-hina virus. I want to see them and millions more meet in protest of the whole ball of American killing nonsense. “Go big or go home!”

This Government needs to be sent a clear message that we’ve had it, starting with the rigged 2020 election. Let’s be honest. If you fix the 2020 election, all and I mean ALL of the other nonsense comes to a screeching halt. The border will be closed, the Illegals will be rounded up and deported, mandates will end on day one, people will go back to work, new jobs will be created, China will be put back in their place, Russia will have their pipeline yanked out from underneath them and energy production will once again start back up here in the homeland. But that’s not all. Law and order will be restored. This whole “defund” the police thing will die a thousand deaths and these punks robbing stores and killing our men and women in blue will be held accountable. We’ll stop buying everything under the sun from freaking countries who hate us too and folks will finally be able to decide what’s best for them as it relates to this awful virus.
Then the real fun starts, diving into the many evil doers who have systematically been tearing this country apart, exposing them to the American people and seeing to their punishment. Again, begin with this rigged election that got the ball of destruction started in the first place. Laws have been broken and dirty pockets have been filled. These people need to face the music, all of them! Our country cannot be great again without justice being served.
These words are so easy to write down but the work to make them a reality is no quick and easy task. The amount of corruption is mind boggling to say the least. We are living in a country right now where no part of the Government is trusted. Not the White House, not Congress, not the courts nor any of the alphabet agencies. It is an insurmountable mess that only a non-politician like Donald Trump would have the courage and love of the country to tackle. It will take his term and several terms after him to get this ship corrected. What happened in 2020 can never happen again. Look what we did to Nixon for just spying on the Democrats. 2020 makes the Nixon thing look like a kid who sneaked a piece of grandma’s candy out of her jar on the coffee table.

And let us not forget the media who played (and continue to play) a big role in the fraud riddled election. As much as anyone else, their lies, deceit and theft of the American dream must not go unattended to. This includes social media and newspapers like the New York Times. None should be let off the hook. Go Big or go home.
Americans have been through so much and all in the name of a rigged election so that these globalist evil doers can have their way with the world and our lives. The mandates are awful and unconstitutional for sure but what they did in our election must be the singular focus of any protest. That alone is the singular catalyst for the situation in which we find ourselves today.
I’ll continue to beat the rigged election drum and refuse to just “let it go.” I hope the American truckers feel the same way. At any rate, I’ll be supporting them. Any push back against this Government is alright with me! Lord knows it’s completely out of control.

As always, wishing each of you a great week ahead. I won’t be watching a minute of the Olympics. Why would I? Watching this Government led by pudding brain is all the entertainment I need. Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends. #Fix2020