If you’ve read any of my blogs or followed me on social media, my guess, reading this week’s title you are expecting me to write about Puddin’ Brain and this rotten to the core Government of ours. After all, one would be pretty hard pressed not to think, at this moment in time, the two of them are indeed our biggest threat and you wouldn’t be wrong.
When we look back over the last year+, there isn’t much that is positive to report, if any. From the minute this installed clown show took office it has been one disappointment after another. The worst one is the very fact that he took office via a souped up rigged election but that was just the beginning wasn’t it. He no sooner sat his skinny butt in the big chair than the border wall stopped and every illegal alien on the planet was allowed in, drugs, human trafficking and not a mask wearer among them. All the while, the American people pay for their housing, food and education while we wear our masks and take forced vaccines. Yep, off to a great start Mr. Tired Brain. That wasn’t enough though, he had to shut down American energy too so his far left “green new bull-shitters” would be happy too. As you know, the list of America last accomplishments by this Administration is quite long and very disappointing to say the least. As you also know, Diaper Boy isn’t in charge of anything really. The big money evil doers are pulling his strings in order to direct us to their grand “one world order” plan. “We are the World” blah, blah, blah.

We’ve gone from a peacetime President to a war time President, all due to international weakness. You know him, he’s the one during the campaign (if you want to call it that) that warned of grave danger for Ukraine if Trump was re-elected… Overnight we went from being energy independent to buying our energy from our peaceful “we are the world” friends in Iran and Russia of all places. We are literary funding Russia for the war. Who would’ve ever thought it… Eh, anyone who was alive with a functioning brain during the Obama Administration that’s who.

Next week Diaper Boy will stand before our country and the world and give his state of the union speech. It will be an hour+ of glorious accomplishments bragging about things that simply didn’t happen. He’ll tell the country how he has brought the economy back to greatness! Added more jobs than anyone ever in history, how he beat the virus and now through his great efforts to mandate vaccines (you know the ones Trump pushed through) we can remove our masks and slowly get back to (I HATE this term) our “new normal.” He’ll tell us how tough he has been on Russia. You know, Russia who as we speak is taking over Ukraine. And then we’ll get to listen to how wonderful it is that he nominated a black woman for the Supreme Court. The biggest racist in Washington will once again fool the majority of the black folks with this racist maneuver. Is he the first President to nominate a black woman to the court? No, that was a republican president. She didn’t make it through though. Why? The democrats didn’t like her. The Democrats will stand and applaud at all of these great accomplishments as if they were true and real. And the state run media will send out glaring praise for all these “made-up” deeds AND the low information American voter will play right along. It’s maddening.

Now, back to the title; our country’s biggest threat. As we endure three more years of the tearing down of the American way of life, economy, independence, and moral fabric. As crime continues to rage out of control and criminals continue to be released, as gas prices soar even higher and our treasury continues to be emptied. As our border remains open and more drugs flow in, as the price of everyday goods and services continue to excel and interest rates begin to climb our biggest threat in this country lies with all those American citizens, who to this day, knowing all that we know, continue to support and praise this guy and this rotten to the core Government. The very people who continue to watch and believe the lies coming from the state run media, the ones still wearing masks and tweeting “thank God for President Biden” the same ones today blaming everything on Trump. Russia invaded Ukraine because of Trump you know… I’m serious, that’s what they’re saying. These people hate Trump so much they are willing to overlook all that is happening to our country. They won’t stand up for America, hell, they don’t even stand up for themselves. How a full grown adult can condone what is happening in this country is a great mystery to me. Be a liberal dumbass if you want, I don’t care but for God’s sake they hate Trump more than they love their country, their own families, their freedom, their prosperity. If it means the U.S. must report to China before we sneeze it’s fine, as long as there’s no Trump.
As long as millions of people in this country walk around like drones condoning this Government and worse, praising it we will never be able to get back to the America we grew up in. Not even grew up in, get back to the one we had just 14 months ago. The speed in which these evil bastards have flipped this country up-side-down is about the only impressive thing I can report on.
We are not going to change the Government’s mind and certainly bitching and moaning to this ass-hat pretending to be President isn’t going to do anything, the man doesn’t even know he’s alive. But, we must scream, beat the drum of freedom, honesty, integrity, and responsibility to our fellow Americans especially the Left leaning morons who simply don’t give a rat’s ass about anything other than, NO TRUMP. Like many of you, I tend to give everyone the space they need. Just because I think differently doesn’t mean I have to shove my ideas down their throats even though I know I am right and they are being stupid. We can’t do that anymore, sadly, we must be more like they are and what I mean by that, is we must push back and push back loudly. When you hear these people say stupid things don’t just “let it go” push back. You have a right to your opinion just as they do. We simply must find a way to change the hearts and minds, as difficult as that is, of these people who are a big part of the problem in this country. Most of them can’t give you reasons why they like Diaper Boy they can only tell you why they hate Trump. This is our country, it’s not Trump’s and it’s not the Government’s. They can hate Trump all they want but they cannot be Americans and hate America. That’s not okay with me and I know it’s not okay with you. We don’t have to be mean but we do have to speak up. We’ve “let it go” far too long. A guy a golf with the other day when politics came up said “I don’t even listen to it.” I replied “And that’s why we are in the shape we are in.” He looked at me like I had fallen off a turnip truck. For some reason he decided to ride with one of the other guys that day… lol
Whew, another week, another rant. Please let’s get back to a place where I can write about the time I was a kid on grandpa’s ranch shooting squirrels and fishing in the river… Anything other than this weekly discussion about the corrupt world we’ve been thrown in the middle of.
As always I send you good wishes for the week ahead. I got a feeling you’ll need it… Enjoy the rest of your weekend friends and remember, united we stand.