Good grief friends. Isn’t it true though, week after week, month after month and now a full year of one stupid result after another. This fake installed Commander-N-Diapers has made a complete joke out of our beloved United States and not just here at home but worldwide. When the President of a small little country filled with corruption has to tell the pretend President of the (once) most powerful nation on earth to “calm down” you need not hear anymore to know, he’s screwed the pooch. The world does not respect nor fear us anymore and in all fairness, why should they?
Take off your “Make America Great Again” hat for a moment and pretend you live in a different country. Now think about what you hear coming from the once great, powerful and giving America. Cops are being killed almost daily. Cities and businesses are being burned, statues are being torn down, stores are being robbed, criminals are being released, open borders, human trafficking, high inflation, leadership that closes down energy production only to buy our energy from countries who chant “Death to America”, men who want to be girls competing in sports and using ladies locker-rooms, emojis of pregnant men, chest feeding, birthing persons, 50 genders, BLM, defund the police, 330 million citizens and Pudding Brain has said his pick for an open seat on the most powerful court in the land will be a black woman, not the most qualified person, just a black female. We have a guy who once said Hunter Biden was the smartest guy he knows getting ready to nominate someone to the Supreme Court… really? For five years now we’ve had a media and the Democrat Party accusing the real President of things that they themselves have done and half of the citizens in this country bought it and are still buying it.

We have a Government forcing us to wear masks and get a vaccine that they themselves have no idea what the long term side effects might be? The fact is, they don’t care and why should they? They don’t have to get it. We’ve got people in line for life saving transplants being refused because they haven’t got the vaccine. Think about that, your heart is failing, your liver is shot and they want you to get the vaccine? We had an election where you could just drop off your ballot in some random box on a street corner, where you didn’t have to show an ID and they were all counted by some machine programmed by a foreign country. They blacked out the windows so we couldn’t watch them counting and pulled suitcases out from under tables filled with ballots; in the middle of the night no less. When the people yelled “fraud” the courts turned their back on them and the media pretended nothing happened. The list of stupidity and corruption is so long I’d have to write a novel to list it all and many folks have.

When history writes about this time we are living in and this tired brain of an angry old racist man it will read: The *46 President of the United States – Forget about it, it was a disaster. Notice the asterisk next to 46? It’s the same one they used for the number of home runs Barry Bonds hit…
Inflation is running rampant and only going to get worse. The supply chain is broken causing the shelves in our stores to slowly look like the shelves we all have seen in other shit hole countries. Interest rates are about to increase for the first time in over a decade I think and what does this useless pretend Administration propose, more spending. If I have to hear about this so-called “rescue plan” one more time I swear I am going to pop a cork. Just exactly what has been rescued? When we finally do get a good and proper result from the courts what does this corrupt Government do? They ignore the ruling and instead put pressure on businesses to follow their illegal mandates or else. And what do the businesses do? They buckle under that pressure and American lives are left to suffer. The person who has a limousine and driver doesn’t really care what gas costs do they? The people that have service staff don’t really know or care how much milk costs, do they? The people who have private security, they have no interest in anyone else having a gun for protection, in fact, they’d prefer you don’t. These are the very people to whom we entrust to lead us.

We had a President who has all of these things (limousines, service staff, and private security) but he was different wasn’t he? Can you now see just how rare he is? That’s because he’s a builder, a producer of “things” who knows firsthand the importance of the worker. Why? Because he had to rely on them to produce the work he wanted done. He knew he could not be successful without them so he did what any person with even two brain cells would do, he paid attention to them and made sure they had what they needed to get the job done, whatever that job was. Today we have a racist angry old fool who hasn’t worked a day in his life making decisions for us. We didn’t want him, we didn’t vote for him and yet here we are. And the multi-trillion dollar question is; “What do we do about it?” Right? Right.
These truckers in Canada have inspired us all. Many of my twitter friends are asking, why don’t the truckers in the U.S. do the same thing? You have to admit it would be great to see wouldn’t it? Thousands upon thousands of our hard working truckers closing down the filthy streets of Washington DC and not budging until the people are heard. Not just about the mandates, not just about the supply chain or inflation or any of the other nonsense we’ve been made to endure but about it all going all the way back to the time Trump came down the escalator. Don’t budge until it’s all addressed and this rigged 2020 election is made right by the people. If the idiots on the Left and the stupid corporations can fund the racist fraud riddled BLM movement then why can’t, 30-40-50-60 or 70 million patriots like you and me fund these truckers? They have bills to pay, families to care for. We should let them know we support them and back it up with contributions, millions of dollars of contributions. Make it profitable for them to sit in their trucks, waving our flag. I for one would love to see it and be the first to write a check. And for the love of God, let’s not use Go Fund Me! Rat bastards. <mad face>.
Okay friends, enough of my rambling rant of the week. I seriously don’t know who these people think they are. I do know they better put an end to the daily nonsense because they truly are an eyelash away from causing the American people (at least I’d like to think so) to open up a can of whip-ass. I have to believe, for my own sanity, that there is a red line for the American people. I thought for sure the rigged election was it but obviously I was wrong. Then I felt certain we’d hit the streets when the border was left wide open, again I was wrong. When they started these mandates for the vaccines and mask wearing I knew for certain this would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Sadly I was wrong again. Between you and me, I’ve had about enough of being wrong. Stand up folks. Let your voices be heard. If not the trucker idea, then what? This standing around waiting for the next ball to drop ain’t cutting it. The Republicans aren’t going to help us, the courts aren’t, the media has blood all over their hands and the Democrats are, well, Democrats. We are on our own!
As always I am wishing y’all a good weekend and week ahead. We all have a lot going on under our own roofs. I truly do hope all is well with you and thank you so much for letting me rant each week. My goal is never to bring you down. You don’t need me for that. I do this to vent and along the way hope it brings you some sort of comfort knowing you are not alone in this crazy, up-side-down time we find ourselves living in. God Bless every last one of you oh, before I forget, y’all can put your Make America Great Again hat back on now! 🙂