As another week is logged in the history books, I at some point or the other asked myself this question. Why are we talking about this? “This” being the many downright insane topics we find ourselves discussing on the national stage every day. I’ll explain this in a bit but first I want to comment on Diaper Boy’s second news conference. For the record, I have little interest in spending much time on this so let me just say; it was long, it was full of lies and ignorance and the man obviously lives a life in complete denial of the utter failure he is. In millions of American’s eyes, he is an installed puppet President and a very, very, poor one at that. And that sums up my input of Tired Brain’s second of only two solo press conferences. That in itself says a lot about him.

Now, on to the topic I’ve chosen to write about. Why are we talking about this? If you pause for a minute and think about the insane things that have become a part of our normal conversations in this country, you have to ask yourself how this came to be. Here are just a few examples of what I am talking about.
Abortion at birth: really? This is something we are debating? This is something we have to stand up against? We are seriously having a debate in this country as to whether or not we should make it legal to kill a new born baby “after” he or she is born? Why are we letting these loons, these awful people in this country even have a voice on this? These people should have been shut down 2.1 seconds after they spewed this devilish thought. Kick them off the stage never to be heard from again. These babies are human beings for God’s sake yet here we are, having a discussion about legalizing murder, disgusting.
120 Genders: again, really? This is a serious discussion we are having? Chest feeding, men having babies, birthing person, men in women’s sports, shared locker-rooms, paid sex change operations, let the kids decide what gender they want to be? What kind of world are we living in? Why are we allowing any of this? Hell, why are we even considering it? We’ve got a male and we’ve got a female. Do we really have to have this discussion? The LGBTQWXYZ people who, by the way represent a tiny percent of the country, thanks to the far Left crazies are allowed a national stage to spew these insane ideas all in the name of equality. If they had their way, and it appears they do, about the worst possible thing one can be nowadays is white and straight. Straight, who the hell came up with that? We now have to disclose who we are, or what we are. I am a white, straight, male, for now anyway. At this rate I may want to change who I am so I can, I don’t know, get a loan, buy a house or you know, hold some high level position in the Government or some ‘woke’ ass corporation, insane.
Voting IDs: Here’s another completely insane conversation we have been forced into. We are actually debating whether or not we should require someone voting in our elections to have an ID. It reminds me of the discussion we had a couple years back that even made its way to the courts, should only American citizens be allowed to participate in the American census? What?
How is this even a question? As for IDs, this is maybe only one of hundreds of stupid topics where the vast majority of Americans agree. 81% of all ‘Americans’ want voters to show an ID to be allowed to vote. 81%! When you remind these Leftist politicians of this, including Diaper Boy himself and Mutt & Jeff (Pelosi and Schumer) they act as if you didn’t even say it much less if it matters or not. Now we hear that places like New York (what a friggin’ joke that place has become) is going to allow illegal aliens to vote. They don’t even pretend to care or hide it. That’s how far we allowed the Left to take us. They’ve gone so far that today they can say anything, propose anything and we hardly even blink. As for the 81%, forget about them. Now, when it comes to dining out or going to a museum, you better by God have your vaccination card with you or else! You see the story this week of the NYPD arresting the nine or ten year old for being in the museum without proof of vaccination? Nobody backs our law enforcement more than I do but these bastards are making it harder and harder every day. Oops, getting off topic. Blacks and other minority folks can’t get an ID, don’t know how to use the Internet, don’t have access to get an ID. How insulting is that? How racist is that? Why any black or brown or pick a color folks vote for these morons on the Left will remain a mystery to me. While I stick up for y’all the majority of you must really be too stupid to get an ID because you keep voting for these idiots. Sorry but, wake the hell up man! Geez. Reminds me of the Jewish community who continues to vote for Democrats. “Hello, (thumbing them on their head) anybody home.”
Secure the border: Here’s another stupid debate and conversation we allow these ass-hats to shove down our throats. This shouldn’t be a debate. You know that, I know that and they know that but again, here we are. Wide open border in a completely insane world filled with drugs, human traffickers, murderers and terrorist. “Give me your tired and poor” has nothing to do with give me your terrorist, murderers, drugs and child molesters. But when it comes to someone else’s border, Katy bar the door! The idiots in Washington spend more time talking about the Ukraine border than our own border. Hell, we may very well send our troops over to fight the Russians over Ukraine’s border. Our border, nah. It’s simply insane this border discussion even occurs. Close the damn thing down, protect our citizens, do your freaking job! We’ve handed this country over to evil doers and getting it back ain’t gonna be easy nor peaceful. If we even try…

Defund the Police: We allowed the idiots to play with this fire and look at what it’s gotten us. More crime than ever, more murders than ever, more cop killings than ever yet again, here we are, STILL talking about it. You tell me how it is we put up with groups like BLM and ANTIFA? Hell, I am bewildered as to why we put up with the insane far Left much less these anti-American hate groups. White supremacy my ass. There’s another stupid discussion we continue to allow to be shoved down our throats. What a stupid, awful, downright dangerous track we find ourselves on my friends and all due to a rigged election… (You didn’t think I was going to let a week go by without bringing that up did you?) You know damn well that if the actual winner of the 2020 election had been given the four more years he earned these insane topics would be shut down and shunned from the National narrative. Or at the very least, exposed for the stupidity they are.
To put an end to this week’s DG rant I’ll just finish by saying the amount of work to be done to bring back the America we love, the society we want and the greatness we can be is overwhelming. There has never, in my lifetime anyway, been a more important time for us to speak up and be heard. Every single one of us must stop looking the other way, stop accepting these completely insane conversations. Being polite and minding our own business isn’t cutting it. The days of going along to get along are over and that is the reason we find ourselves in the place we are today. When someone says we need to move on from the 2020 election don’t wave your head up and down as if you agree, just to avoid conflict. State your mind and be heard. Stop avoiding the leftist insane narratives and instead hit it head on. If you think killing a baby after birth is wrong then let the world know it! If you think defunding the police is dangerous and bad for the country, make sure everyone knows it. If tearing down a statue of Teddy Roosevelt bothers you, then speak up! I couldn’t possibly list all of the moronic topics we find ourselves discussing today. You know what they are and when you hear them take a stand against them. The evil doers have taken our country away from us. It was only 5 years ago we had placed a leader in office who shared our values. They took him away from us too. I urge you all to say enough is enough. Speak up now or forever hold your peace… We aren’t going to get another bite at this apple folks. #Resist

As always, sending you all my very best for a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. When all else fails, we have each other and guess what? There are a lot of us!