My father never trusted the Government. He grew up during the depression and had experienced their evil workings. He didn’t trust the banks (money exchangers) either. He never owned a credit card, never bought a new anything if he could find used to suit his needs. He always tried to trade something before buying. Cash was king and if there was any opportunity to hold on to it he did. He accused the Government of being the biggest law breakers in the country. The biggest drug dealers, the biggest money launderers, the worst mass murderers, the biggest thieves, well, you get the picture. He loved the country and all her people, just not the ones running it. Between the military complex and the money exchangers he knew the deck was stacked against him. The Constitution was a well written document he would say but meaningless if not followed.
As I graduated from high school and became an adult I found myself more often than not at odds with the old man. I agreed with many of the things he said about the Government but many I didn’t. It was beyond my young inexperienced years (that’s the excuse I am going with) to believe that our Government could be as evil as he always made them out to be.
I lost the old man in my early 40’s to cancer. That was another outfit (the AMA) that Dad didn’t trust. He was convinced there was far too much money to be made treating cancer than curing it… Fast forward to 2022 and take a guess whom I think about almost on a daily basis and try to count the number of times since his passing where I’ve said to myself, “Dad was right.” More fingers and toes than you & I have, that I can tell you.
The current state of affairs in which we find ourselves today is nearly unimaginable to me. The old man was so much smarter than I. Back in his day, the Government and the rest of the evil doers weren’t so bold. They did all their dirty work under the sheets and in the dark of night, so to speak. You had to damn near be some kind of Sherlock Holmes to see the dirty dealing going on around you. Today things are much different, aren’t they? Fact is, today you have to be hiding under those sheets not to see the amount of corruption going on around us.
This Government of ours has become so emboldened that they are in our face 24/7/365 and why? Because they don’t fear us and why should they? What have we done to make them respect us much less fear us, nothing. Most folks agree that the protesting Americans who entered the Capitol last year were wrong in doing so and I don’t know if I disagree with that or not. What I do know is they certainly got the attention of the evil doers didn’t they? While we watched cities burn the year prior, statues being torn down, cops being killed, stores looted and whole city blocks taken over, the Government didn’t even raise an eyebrow. In fact, the Left not only approved of it, they cheered the law breakers on. Many folks don’t remember the fires and rioting that went on in the Capitol when Trump was President. That’s because the state run media suppressed it. Remember “mostly peaceful” was the talking point when it was covered. Remember the famous CNN reporter who said that, just as a building was on fire behind him?

One had to work at finding what was really going on, unless of course you happened to be one of the people that lived in one of those hell holes. You know, like retired officer David Dorn, RIP. But the great so called “insurrection” of 2021 wasn’t hard to find was it? It was on every news station, every website and front page of every left wing newspaper in the country, hell, the world.
The more time that passes and the more unimaginable things that continue under this communist rule, I am beginning to think that the folks who stormed the Capitol had it right and the rest of us should have been there to back them up and we should have never left. Sounds radical I know, not to mention dangerous. Look what they’ve done to those folks. But here’s the deal. We aren’t going to get the Government’s attention by tweeting and writing blogs… They (Government) would have been hell bent on arresting us all. If every time they hauled off a few hundred of us we backfilled it with a few thousand and kept that up until they stopped and listened perhaps, just maybe, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the shape we are today. Easy stuff to write about I know, sitting in my lounge chair this morning. Even if this is too extreme, we ought to at least be in the streets peacefully protesting by the millions. Instead we are “hoping” someone will do something to make this all go away. The old man is flat out laughing at me right about now.
On the “someone do something” front, it appears we are relying upon one of three things to occur. First and the most popular “something” is millions of us keep pushing (if you call tweeting pushing) for the rigged election to be overturned and the rightful winner placed “back” in office. We pound this message on a daily basis but, not much appears to be happening. Courts won’t hear the cases, states won’t stand up and fight and the GOP is quiet as a mouse about it. Best I can tell there are less than a handful of Republican representatives in Washington who even have the guts to say the election was rigged. On a Dan scale of 1 – 10 of the election being overturned I give it a 1. And trust me, it flat out pisses me off. Secondly, there is this hope that the Republicans take back the House and Senate this year which is possible although based on 2020 and the Left’s ability to cheat I have one eye closed even on this happening. At any rate let’s be positive and say that happens. Now we are in 2023 and the Republicans are in charge. What are they going to do? Do you think these cowards are going to impeach Diaper Boy, seriously, under McConnell and McCarthy? Do you think the new majority will oust these two career politicians and replace them with one of the handful I spoke about earlier who seem to have the guts to do the right thing? Every single time the Republicans have held power they’ve disappointed us. It is almost as if they don’t know how to be in the majority, how to wield their power or is it? Dad’s voice rings in my ear telling me the vast majority of the Republicans are no different than the Democrats. They are in love with their cushy jobs more than they are the country and her people. You know, you and me… On a DG scale 1 – 10 of the Republicans taking power I give it a 5. On the Republicans impeaching Biden, I give it a zero. Besides, who the hell wants a President Kamala (nobody likes you) Harris anyway.
Finally coming in at number three on the “somebody do something” list is the military. Just look at what this pretend puppet in the White House has done to this country. It is truly an OMG! He is bankrupting us, killings us with unconstitutional mandates (it’s not okay the healthcare workers were left out to dry by the Supreme Court,) and has put the country in a very dangerous situation on the world stage. Both China and Russia have never felt more emboldened. Both are testing Tired Brain to see just how far they can go. History shows when our country has economic problems our beloved Government finds a way to start a war. It’s a great distraction and believe it or not, a money maker for the evil doers. When you look at everything this clown has done to the country you wonder just what more has to happen before the military steps in and says “hold on a minute?” This ass-hat in charge doesn’t follow the Constitution, doesn’t follow the courts and Congress allows it to continue. So does the justice department and sadly for us, so does the Military. How dare they follow his orders and do what they did in Afghanistan! I don’t need to give you the DG scale on the military stepping in. You already know the answer.

My friends, I apologize for being such a party pooper this week. Sometimes even dear ole Dan has a hard time putting up with the unimaginable. I am thankful nearly everything Diaper Boy has proposed has been shut down thus far. Thank the Lord above for Sinema and Manchin. The Supreme Court really disappointed me this week with their ruling. While most folks cheered over their ruling for private businesses (I did too) it aggravates the hell out of me that they didn’t have the courage to stand up for our healthcare workers too. It is unimaginable that they’d allow healthcare workers to be fired during a pandemic. Unimaginable. It’s constitutional because the hospitals and alike are Government funded? Really? So if your paycheck is somehow tied to Government funding they have the right to inject you with an unknown substance? “Dad please forgive me for I was young and ignorant.”
Onward we go friends. Sending each of you my best wishes for a good week ahead. As long as you are healthy and your families are safe and sound I will remain thankful. God Bless y’all.
I agree with you completely Dan. History proves that the republicans are truly the weak arm of the communist democrat party. What can we do? I wish …. I’ll continue to support you and as always, some really great writing. Stay strong my friend.
Dan, so well said. Wish I had a way with words like you do. It’s as if you read my mind. Thank you
Thank you Maydaw – Very kind of you to say. Much appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read my little weekly blog/rants. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and together, somehow, someway, we’ll get through this mess together.