To nobody’s surprise, this week is finishing up just as all the others have over the past many months; a week of complete and utter nonsense.
I don’t even want to talk about it because as I keep pointing out, it’s all distractions from the real issue at hand, the same issue we’ve been avoiding since November 4, 2020; the damn stolen election. We are literally being “led” by a worn out life long fool who is actually an installed puppet who is taking orders from unknown elite communist loving, American hating evil doers. This pretending to be President has become very old, very quick. After watching the display on the Supreme Court yesterday over the pretend President’s vaccine mandates, I now understand why they’ve refused to hear any arguments on election fraud. Short of Justice Clarence Thomas, it’s a three ring circus, so much for scholarly thinkers. Good grief. Think about it, the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, the so called be all-end all in justice is arguing over whether or not to require people to get shot with a vaccine that does not stop them from getting the very virus the vaccine is supposed to stop. You know how long it would take me to make my mind up on that argument? About the same amount of time it takes me to sneeze. Worse, Justice Sotomayer spews fake news that you can only get by watching CNN or MSNBC. No! There are not 100,000 kids in the hospital on ventilators. No, Omicron is not more deadly than Delta and besides, what in the name of Biden-Wears-Diapers does any of that have to do with the constitutional rights of the American people?
I have always found listening to the Supreme Court interesting and more often than not, educational and enlightening. Yesterday I might as well have been watching the View. The topper for me was waking up to learn that Sotomayer had dinner with Pelosi, Schumer and Amy “eat a salad with a comb” Klobuchar last night. How does that give the American people confidence in the court? That would be like finding out the lead prosecutor in the Maxwell case is, I don’t know, James Comey’s daughter. Oh wait… you can’t make this crap up. Optics means nothing to these people and you know why? Because they have no respect for We The People.
The more time that goes by the less I believe in anything related to this virus and the treatment thereof. I don’t believe the tests are accurate, I don’t believe the vaccines work and I don’t believe the number of reported dead people. They’ve made such a nightmare out of this whole thing I honestly don’t know how I can ever trust another so-called anything coming from this insane Government of ours. If I believe that these Covid vaccines don’t stop me from getting or spreading the virus, and that makes me an “anti-vaxxer” then color me an anti-vaxxer. At this point, I don’t care. How do you trust a Government that withholds drugs that have a proven track record of keeping people out of the hospital (monoclonal therapies)? Today, about the only way you can get these alternative treatments, you know the ones that have been around for longer than I’ve been alive and don’t cause blood clots, death, heart attacks and foaming at the mouth is if you’ve been fully vaxxed and a skin color other than white. Where do these people even come from?

Finally, we were made to suffer through a day-long solemn remembrance of what pretend phony and unlikable VP Harris described as the equivalent to 9.11 and Pearl Harbor the great insurrection of 2021. Then, Republican Senator Ted Cruz shot himself in the foot as he described that event as terrorists entering the Capitol. Terrorists! Followed by the great amount of gratitude he has for the men and women of the Capitol Police who were nothing less than heroic that solemn day. Heroic!

You know what is the most sickening part of all this bullshit? The most sickening part of all of this is knowing that there are Americans who actually believe this crap. They’re the same ones who cheered when Seattle was burning, when Washington DC was burning and statues were being torn down. The same ones that didn’t & don’t care about the innocent businesses that were burned to the ground or police officers who were killed and yes, they’re the very same people who at this very moment are standing in some long line, in the middle of winter to be tested to see if they’re sick. Worse, these idiots get to vote.
Someone on twitter asked “What lessons have we learned from January 6th?” He received many answers of course such as “people should not have entered the capitol” and “Nasty Nancy should have taken President Trump’s advice and brought in the National Guard,” and many more. My answer was “That we should have never left.” I know, I know, I am a radical SOB… No, I am not, I just want my vote to count, I just want the rightful winner to be our President. Come on, you have to be a stone cold moron to think Joe Biden got 80 million votes.
Finally, if January 6th was an insurrection then we folks that support President Trump and the million supporters who made their way to DC that day absolutely sucked at taking over the Government, even the ones that entered the Capitol. They have to be the worst terrorist wanna-bes on the planet! Hell, they even stayed within the velvet rope walkways as they entered. And none of the idiots even thought to bring a weapon or take a hostage and none of them blew themselves up or for that matter blew anything up. The only shot that was fired was from that murdering SOB who somehow wants us to believe an unarmed veteran being lifted through a broken window was a grave threat to him. Oh wait, there was a broken window, maybe it was an insurrection after all… nonsense, pure utter nonsense. This is all just another narrative by the Left and this so called January 6th commission? It has two pre-designed goals. The first is to distract the lame public into thinking the President caused all of this nothing burger and the second is to come up with some fake, made up bullshit charges so they can somehow disqualify the President from ever holding office again. That’s it, there’s nothing more to it. President Trump running again is “the” worst nightmare of all nightmares for these Leftist piles of lizard poops and the only thing worse than that thought to these pricks is for a complete and fair audit of the 2020 election. They know they cheated, we know they cheated, and the world knows they cheated. They will distract, hide and go to no ends to ensure this never happens.
Broken record? You bet. This country cannot and will not ever be able to heal and come together until such time that the 2020 election is fully vetted and trust regained. We can bounce around and talk about vaccines, open borders, high gas prices, inflation, mandates, schools, Afghanistan, Russia, China, equality, genders and the rest of the nonsense all we want but until such time that we know our vote counts none of it matters because we don’t have a country. Let me put it this way, don’t be surprised that on my gravestone I don’t have my wife put “Fix the damn election.” LOL

Well, there is another DG rant of the week my friends. The only thing y’all can honestly count on nowadays is that no matter what nonsense they throw at us, I, your humble ranter and raver will continue to “Beat The Drum”. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. Might I recommend to you to keep the television in the off position. That alone will make the “wonderful” part of your week a reality.
As usual, right on point
Thank you sir! Appreciate you taking the time to read. Happy New Year to you and yours. Won’t take much to make this year better than the last. 🙂