Happy New Year family and friends! I’ve been sitting in front of a blank computer screen this morning for quite some time trying to figure out how to put a positive spin on, well, “things.”

At the start of any new year we’d like to at least begin with some positive thinking right? Some renewed hope maybe. A new year ought to be about new possibilities, personal resolutions and a time to let go of the past. Forgive and forget as they say.
I think most folks are like I am. On the personal front we are hopeful for a better year and we set out to change those things we don’t necessarily love about ourselves. I am told that most New Year’s resolutions fail because most set the bar too high. I don’t know if that is true or not. It sounds reasonable. Kind of like the Miss Universe thing right? “I want world peace.” Eh, how about we start with just you committing to be a good & and kind person and we’ll go from there. Seriously though, the new year can be whatever you want it to be. You’re in charge of you. Sort of. 🙂
I can tell you this, I don’t know a single person who isn’t more than happy to say goodbye to 2021. Most have used the term “good riddance.” I am sure we all have “personal” memories during the year that were positive, fun and worth remembering. A new member joined your family, your health was good, a new home maybe, hell, if you’re like I am, you might even celebrate the time last year where you played a full round of golf without losing a single ball! For the record, that didn’t happen for me but it is a renewed hope of mine for 2022. LOL. The world around us, specifically our Government however, kept us in a constant growling state of mind or rather I’ll speak for myself and say, “It did for me.”

Yeah, me either.
I think it is safe to say that this Government of ours would like nothing more than for you and I to just move on, just look forward, pretend nothing happened. You know, the forgive and forget thing. I refuse and in fact it’s my New Year’s resolution, to not forget and not forgive. How Christian of me right? Wrong! I am fully prepared to forgive the evil doers just as soon as they are made to stand in front of the world and accept justice. The American people, you and I have been used and abused. We’ve been lied to and many, many among us have lost their lives and all of it, all of it, in the name of politics, power and greed. I refuse to let the rigged 2020 election go. I will never stop hollering about it and I will never stop calling out those that allowed it. The list is long; the Democrats for sure, but the media and the Republicans too. I am appalled that so many Americans seem to be more than willing to just move on. “What can we do?” “Just face it, they got away with it,” “There will be a red wave in 2022.” “Let it go already, we lost.” These are all things that I hear over and over. The 2020 election was rigged and the evil doers stole the American election from the people. They installed arguably the dumbest son of a bitch on the planet to “rule” over us, rule, not lead and I’m supposed to just “move on?” I’ll be on my deathbed, wave one of my sons over (you know if they allow them to visit me at all) and in my old and weak ass state, I’ll whisper, “Don’t let the evil doers win.”
The work to clean this mess up is insurmountable. It’s not just the rigged election and all those involved. It’s the Russia, Russia, Russia folks, starting with Ms. Crooked herself Clinton. It’s the Ukraine impeachment folks, it’s the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA. It’s the CDC, Doctor (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci, its Nasty Nancy Pelosi who once famously said “It’s dangerous to let the voters decide Trumps fate ”, Adam (pencil neck) Schiff, Eric (Chinese spy fart boy) Swalwell, the entire Biden Administration and these awful, lying people in the media who to this day continue to black out the truth. It’s also these local election officials in these states that not only allowed the election rigging to occur but participated in it and in a big way. From the very top to the very bottom we must see justice through. These evil acts must not, and cannot be allowed to stand.
While I admit my desires here make Miss Universe’s “I want world peace” seem more likely, I still think it’s imperative for us to keep fighting to turn the wrongs into the rights. To make sure good wins over evil. If we don’t hold these people accountable, all of whom work for us damn it, then there is no end to what they will do. Never before has it been so easy to see what our future holds. These people are so emboldened that they don’t even try to hide their evilness. Today they come right out and say what they want for our country; Socialism, which in the end is communism. Not just rule over us, but do so with an iron fist. Wear a mask, get a shot, show your papers. Soon this Government will take their lead from C-hina and tell you how many babies you can have, what job you’ll work at, how much you’ll earn and what hat you’ll wear and trust me, it won’t be a “Make America Great Again” hat.
So there you have it my friends, Happy freaking New Year! Let it be known, let it be written, no one on the planet wants to see a so called “red wave” this year more than I do. Do I have faith a republican controlled congress will undo the wrongs we’ve been made to endure? I don’t but I do hope they will at least slow the spread of pure nonsense. No red wave is going to tackle the insurmountable hill we must climb. That is going to take a bold, brave, non-political, unafraid leader to do that. You know, someone like the guy we voted for and who won in 2020…

I send my best wishes to all of you for a prosperous New Year. I hope you all have good health and achieve any goals you may set for yourselves. My biggest wish for 2022 is for you and I to watch, the slow arm of justice being served. While hope is not a strategy I do hold out some hope that John Durham is a true justice warrior. Why not right? What do I have to lose? Anywho, as they say. Only time will tell. If you find yourself growing tired of my continued beat of this same drum all I can say is, the Government is winning you over. Stay with me friends. Let’s pound the drum even harder here in 2022. God bless you all and once again, Happy New Year!