First and most sincerely, Merry Christmas y’all. I truly hope this finds you and your families healthy and enjoying Christmas with all those near and dear to your heart.
Every year Senator Rand Paul publishes his Festivus Grievances listing the billions in Government waste. I’ve come to look forward to the report and continue to be flabbergasted at some of the things our hard earned tax dollars go towards. The favorite one this year is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to study if bad news causes people to become up-set. Ya think? The Government does only one thing well. Spend our money.
I’ve decided I’ll take Rand’s lead and air some of my grievances. As Frank Costanza said with one small edit;

Airing of grievances:
Coming in as the number one grievance, surprise, surprise is the rigged 2020 election. As I pointed out last week, many people in the country unknowingly lose their focus by jumping onto the Left’s daily distraction(s). The Left, aligned with their paid media pals are Gods at keeping the American people on narrative. The minute the people begin to stray, they roll out a new “the world is coming to an end” narrative. Covid takes the top spot of course followed by their usual backups, racism and climate change. When one subject begins to wane, the other kicks in. Honestly if you just stand back for a minute and watch you can see the game as clear as day.
If you’re tired of hearing about the election there is really no reason for you to take up your time reading my blog because I am Mr. rigged election all the time. If we don’t fix it we’ve lost the country or at least the country I want to be a part of. Anyone who has spent any time looking at the election knows the numbers don’t add up. 156 million (81 for diaper boy & 75 for the President) Americans did not cast a ballot in 2020 or ever for that matter. Yet here we are. When you hear folks share hope for 2022 and 2024 just know, the rigged system is, well, still rigged and as I type, the Democrats are proposing the complete Federal takeover of our elections. The States be damned. This will be, if passed, the final nail in the election coffin. Trump’s been warning us and he’s 100% right. Fix 2020 or we don’t have a country.
Covid-19, C-hina virus, Rona, call it what you will. As I also said last week, I am sick and tired of hearing about it. To make matters worse, Tired Brain this week tripled down on his insane policies calling for an increase in nationwide testing. He does this, while all indications are that this latest strain is much the same as the everyday cold. I see lines in New York of people standing out in the cold for hours waiting to be tested. It’s insane! Do these people know that within two minutes after being tested they can catch the virus? Are they going to be tested hourly now? As one of the memes I saw this week said; If hospitals aren’t taking in the unvaccinated and they are being overrun with Covid cases then just who in the hell are they taking in?” Kinda of makes you think huh?

Just stop it. Live your damn life already. This week during an interview when asked about the vaccines, Trump made it clear he supports the vaccines and many of the so called Trump supporters and the very people who proclaim they are for personal choice have slammed the President. “Do you still support President Trump?” people are tweeting. For me these people ought to stop pretending to be something they are not. You cannot say you are for personal choice when it comes to the vaccines and then slam the President because he has one. That’s insane. He believes in the vaccines, so what! Geez. When I say “I don’t care what people do” that’s exactly what I mean. Get the vaccine, don’t get the vaccine. It’s up to you! Not me, not the government, not the President, not doctor “I can’t throw a baseball” Fauci. You!! It just kills me how some think President Trump has to be right all the time or rather, has to agree with them all the time. The guy is a human being, he is not going to be right all the time, he is going to make mistakes. He has made mistakes. Just who in the hell among us hasn’t? All that said, the man did an awful lot of good for this country and for the people of this country and we need him back now more than ever! See, it’s impossible for me to bitch about anything without coming back to the rigged election… Anyway, as it relates to the C-hina virus, I’ve got a lot of problems with you people (Government!). Just stop it! Stop talking about it. Stop complying with these insane mandates and for God’s sake, stop getting tested every five minutes. At least wait until you’re actually sick.
Grievance number three is justice, the lack thereof. We’ve witnessed two years of complete insanity and it’s cost many innocent lives. The defunding of the police movement, the summer of love, the robbing of stores without consequence, and the rampant lawlessness in Congress where these people outright lie and get away with it is disgusting. The Russia, Russia, Russia lie, the Ukraine impeachment, the fake insurrection committee which, let’s be honest, is designed only to stop President Trump from running for office again. Duh. The killing of Ashley Babbitt; what a lack of justice that was. And the latest, a cop, in the heat of the moment accidentally pulls her gun instead of her taser and shoots an idiot refusing orders from law enforcement is convicted of manslaughter. Meanwhile back at the elite farm dick-weed Alec Baldwin is doing TV interviews after stating he pulled the hammer back on the gun “he” was pointing at the lady on the movie set. We the people are just supposed to ignore all of this and go with the narrative flow. Some idiot with a record as long as your arm jumps into a red SUV and plows through a Christmas parade killing seven people and injuring many others and what do we get from the media and our so called justice department, a complete information blackout. Today it’s as though it never happened. And what do the masses in this country do? Nothing, they move right along like sheep waiting to be told what to think next. It’s disgusting, sad and dangerous. Let it be known, let it be said, we are not ever going to have justice in this country as long as the evil doers on the Left are in charge. Truth is, we have less than a 50% chance of having honest justice no matter what stupid party is in power. We do however have a chance with a President Trump… back to the election I go. Grrrrrr.
I have so many grievances I could go on for days. I’ll spare you by finishing this up with my final airing and that is the American people. A few months back one of my blogs was titled “What is our red line?” The blog listed a number of things that one would think would cause the American people to say “that’s it! That’s enough!” The open border for example which might very well be the biggest wrong being committed to the American people by this lame Government. Here we are in the middle of a so-called pandemic, we are being mandated to death and our economy is in shambles because of it. Americans who are unvaccinated are being treated like lepers, while over a million Illegals cross into the country without even being tested. Thousands of folks have died in the country due to the onslaught of opioid drugs coming through the border and human trafficking is at an all time high. You’d “think” this would be a red line for the American people, especially the ones who demand we all get the vaccine so we don’t infect them. What a joke that is, right? Nope, no red line here. What about killing our energy independence? Gas prices at all time highs, inflation growing by the minute just hammering the middle class. Back to begging OPEC to increase oil production and a Government in the meantime who is focused on spending more money on important matters like Federal election takeover, paying off student loans, forcing us to drive electric cars that take hours to recharge and pay $80 for a piece of damn plywood. You know, if you can find one. Red line? Nope. In today’s environment, there is really only one reason to pay taxes and that is so our Government “of the people, by the people, for the people” doesn’t smash our doors down, seize our property and haul us off to some Federal prison never to be heard from again. Land of the free baby, land of the free… Red line? Nope. “I’ve got a lot of problems with you (Government) people!” LOL
Okay, enough already. After all, it is Christmas. Fix the 2020 election if you want any chance at all, any chance of having your grievances heard. And that’s all I have to say about that. For now…
I’ll finish as I started, wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas. I hope y’all are with your families and loved ones and that you find what you hoped for nicely wrapped under your tree. Still to this day, even with all that is wrong in our beloved country we remain the best place on earth to live and grow. While we have our problems and we always will, be thankful you are an American living in the greatest country on earth. We’ll fix this mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into. Don’t ask me how or when but know that good always prevails over evil. God Bless y’all.