That’s pretty much how I am feeling today and the way that I’ve felt for a while now. Enough, just stop it! Covid, Covid, Covid. I’m sick of it. You want to put an end to mask wearing and vaccine shots, stop hearing about boosters, stop all the nonsense about giving kids shots to prevent them from getting a virus they have 99.99% rate of survival and more often than not don’t even know they got the damn thing? You want to stop the crazy back and forth finger pointing between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? You want the Tired Brain diaper boy in the White House to stop threatening the end of the world every other day? You want schools to go back to virtual learning because of a variant that by all reports has symptoms that rival the everyday cold? You want the big Leftist cities to lock down again? Do we really want our cops to arrest people for going into Applebee’s? What are these cops doing, are they interviewing for a job in Australia? Well, do you want to stop all this nonsense or not? Because if you’re like me, and have just had enough of it, I can tell you how to make it all go away. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! So says your humble weekly ranter and raver. Seriously though, just stop it. Refuse to let it be a part of your life. We all need to go full on “anti-Covid” mode. No masks, no vaccines, no tests, don’t have anything to do with any company, office, agency, school, you name it that continues to make Covid a part of their daily excuse for sucking. “But wait Dan, what if we get sick?” Have some chicken noodle soup, two Tylenol, and use some of the smelly shit mom used to rub on my chest when I got a cold. If that doesn’t cure you then go to the freakin doctor!
This China virus thing has been a huge money maker for DC and the power players. It ain’t never going away as long as we all continue to act like sheep standing in line for our next test, our next shot or buying our next pack of masks made out of China paper. Look, I realize thousands have died from the virus and that’s awful but you’d be surprised how many folks died of all the other things if the news cycle reported on it 24/7. You’d fall out of your chair if you knew how many folks died in car accidents if every time one did it was breaking news. Drug overdoses, heart attacks, and what if every time a baby was aborted the pretend President did a news conference and every news network made it their number one story? It’s time to “Just stop it! Enough already.”

As far as I am concerned, all of this along with all the other nonsense; Build Back Better, inflation, debt ceiling, Maxwell trial, Black Lives Matters, ANTIFA, smash & grab robberies, Biden’s stumbling, bumbling, pooping his pants, Kamala gaggles, the MSM propaganda campaign, the prick Baldwin who pointed the gun, cocked the gun but says he didn’t shoot the gal on the set, and the lack of justice is astounding as is all of this nonsense and let us not forget about these asshats in Congress, OMG one stupid thing after another.

It’s all one big distraction. China this, China that, Russia this, Russia that, January 6th kangaroo court, the Cuomo brothers and all of it; I’m sick of it. I have become a single issue “ranter”. Don’t get me wrong, I can and do, bitch and moan about all of these stupid distractions right along with the best of ya but at the end of it all, there is only one thing I feel deeply about and that, surprise, surprise, is this rigged up, messed up, fraud riddled 2020 election. Fix that and suddenly there is hope again for a country we all can be proud of again. Don’t fix that and the lawlessness just keeps rolling along. Everyday remains just another act in a very depressing play. If the election isn’t fixed, Biden isn’t the only one with strings attached to him by the puppeteers. We, the people, become puppets too. Pay this, say that, go here, go there, take this, take it again, don’t go there, don’t say that… ya following me?
Needless to say, the stealing of the 2020 election and understand, it was stolen, is one very, very big deal. Perhaps the biggest fraud ever committed upon the Republic ever, ever! And that my friends is a mouth full. The election must be corrected and those involved must be held accountable. Without this, our country doesn’t have a chance of ever being the country we love and believe in. It is maddening to me that every Republican in Congress hasn’t been screaming about this every day since November 4, 2020. This shows that they are no better than the average Democrat, socialist, globalist one world puke evil doers. I’ve written and tweeted a thousand times “we are on our own” and I’ll continue until such time we either get justice or we seek justice ourselves 1776 style. It’s that important. My grandkids, your grandkids are depending on us, me, and you.
So friends, don’t be distracted. Use all of your energy to demand that the election is corrected and that justice is served and that our rightfully, duly elected President is reinstalled into “our” White House. Do I think that can happen? The only thing I know is if we do nothing, we are assured to get just that, nothing. Except for more of the pure nonsense we’ve been getting for the last 11 months. Soon 11 months will turn into a year, then two, then three and the longer this goes by the less likely it will be fixed. This is why every morning since January, every morning, I’ve tweeted “Good Morning, It’s (date) and we know who won the election.” Because I don’t want anyone to forget and more importantly, I don’t want anyone to stop talking about it and fighting for what is rightfully ours. President Donald J. Trump.

Until next week then my friends, thanks once again for allowing me this time to rant. Y’all are the best and I mean it! Thank you for being a friend and a fighter. I’ll do my best next week to focus on Christmas instead of all this… well, you know. Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead and please send your prayers for those folks who suffered and still suffering through the tornados this week. God Bless them all.