We’ve been called every name in the book and accused of every crime ever committed yet at the end of every day we are the ones that are right. For nearly six years, the Left has been on a full court press, pulling together all their troops in Washington, the Media, Hollywood, Obama’s BLM racists and Bernie-like ANTIFA fans to flood the country with Hillery’s basket of deplorable MAGA narrative. They work to convince the world that we uneducated, bible thumping, flag waving, constitution loving Americans and our guns are what’s wrong with the country. The millions of folks that listen and follow this pre-planned narrative are so brain washed and blind that they don’t see the truth even upon the rare occasion it comes to light. When the truth comes out it’s as though it never happened. Their system is widespread and when it fails they don’t even blink they just keep on going with their lies and deceit.
Russia, Russia, Russia; the uneducated deplorables knew it was a lie from day one. We knew the Ukraine call was perfect from day one. We knew the noose on the garage door of the race car driver was a fake racist hoax designed to start something that doesn’t exist. We knew and still know that BLM doesn’t care about black lives. We knew January 6th was not an insurrection and we know Trump didn’t call on us to riot. We knew the Covington kid did nothing wrong just as we knew Jussie Smolett MAGA country beating was a hoax designed just like BLM to create a race war furthering their narrative of all those bad deplorable Trump supporters. We never doubted for a minute that Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t murder anyone, we knew the instant we saw the video that it was self defense. We knew all of this just as we knew masks don’t work and the vaccines aren’t vaccines and guess what we know, the 2020 election was rigged. Yet the Left doesn’t let up, do they? Even when they (the Left) are proven wrong, they keep going and simply erase these things that they pushed as truth in order to present them as if they never existed. But we remember. We won’t forget, just as we won’t forget those claiming to be on the Right while they work alongside the Democrats to destroy this country. Our eyes are open and we can thank Trump for that and thank God for the American legal system. While the Left has managed to penetrate the courts with so many of their evil doers, there remain some, too few, but some who follow the law and when they do it truly is a beautiful thing to witness.

This week we lost Bob Dole who served his country in war and in Congress. God rest his soul. When I watched his funeral service and saw all the Washington insiders, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Diaper Boy, and then Mike Pence, I wanted to puke. No Trump. One of my followers on twitter posted “why isn’t President Trump there?” I asked myself that question while watching the funeral but the thought no sooner came into my head when the answer followed loud and clear. President Trump wasn’t at the funeral for the very reason that 100 million Americans love him. He’s not a part of that crowd. He never was and never will be. That’s what makes him so popular. For the first time in my life and you could argue the first time ever except for the founding fathers, we had someone leading us that didn’t care about the political nonsense. He cared about the country and those of us who care about it too. Those supporters out there that maybe didn’t like the tone he used or the frank language sure as hell liked his policies and his results. I’ve said on many occasions there is no perfect human and Trump was certainly not perfect. He made mistakes, who in the hell doesn’t. The Monday morning quarterbacks in all their glory are quick to point out what Trump “should have” done while none of these same geniuses could even begin to understand the complexity of running a nation. Especially a Nation filled with evil doers with the singular goal of destroying everything in their path. Just imagine what Trump could have accomplished had these Washington blood suckers worked with him instead of against him and us. One can only imagine. I know one thing for sure, we wouldn’t be paying twice as much for gas, we wouldn’t see inflation spiking at the highest level since the dreaded 80s. We wouldn’t see 100,000 troops standing at Ukraine’s borders and China wouldn’t be shooting off supersonic missiles. We wouldn’t have a President working against us mandating that we put something in our bodies that we know nothing about. Speaking of which, the FDA has assured us we can get this information in, wait for it, 75 years. What does that tell you? Just what on earth would be the motive to keep this information from the public for 75 years? The saying “I miss Trump’s mean tweets” is an understatement at this point. Every single week Pudding Brain makes a fool out of himself and the country. His health is deteriorating right before our eyes and no one in this stinking Government of ours is moving a finger to stop it. While millions flood our border and we grind though this mess of an economy, while the other superpowers do as they please knowing we are leaderless, the evil doers are having their way with America.

I continue to hold out hope and I am certain that in the end truth will prevail. However I find myself tossing and turning and wondering how long it will take and what it will all look like for my grandkids when it does. While all the talk about taking back Congress next year is hopeful, it is hard to wrap my brain around it knowing we’ve yet to fix the 2020 election. I’ll keep speaking the truth and I know you will too. Let us lean on each other and find our way through this awful mess. As Ben Franklin said, “It’s our Republic, if we can keep it.”
Have a good rest of your weekend friends and a good week ahead. The new head of twitter appears to be on a real roll, purging many accounts and back to taking followers away. Should I disappear one day, I hope y’all will find me on Gettr or Gab and continue to visit this blog. I’d hate losing touch with you. Be well friends, fight on!