Not a week goes by without a litany of insane events, followed by further insanity via the back and forth debates among folks of all walks of life including, of course, this pitiful Government we’ve inherited and our untrustworthy media. Throw in a dose of the filthy Hollywood clowns coupled with a mixture of BLM and the “woke” crowd and what you have is enough to make a sane person lose any desire to even engage in the nonsense much less try to convince the deaf, dumb and blind to see the obvious. I’ll tell you one thing, I can see why we no longer have insane asylums. Because if we did, I think 90% of the damn population would be in them. It would sure cut down rush hour traffic though. As the old man (Dad) used to say, “The only ones I trust anymore are you and me and I’ve got my eye on you. LOL.
So let’s discuss just a few (couldn’t possibly list them all) of the insane things that hit the airwaves this week.
During another adventure into the land of make believe (a white house press conference), the dead in the head red head was asked if the White House blames the pandemic for the flash mobs that enter stores and steal everything in sight. In her usual condescending manner, she replied by saying “yes I think the pandemic causes a lot of things we are seeing” and then looked away and called upon another reporter. By the way, I use the word “reporter” loosely…
When I heard her answer, what went through my mind was this; So you idiots in the White House blame the pandemic for all the insanity we are experiencing around the country. So knowing that, what do you do in order to provide some relief to all of us so called stressed out over the pandemic folks? Well, the first thing you do is kill the oil and gas industry so that on top of the pandemic we have to pay twice as much to drive our vehicles. This of course just murders the trucking industry which by the way have a direct impact on the so called supply chain. When folks cannot get the things they want and need, guess what? It stresses them out you idiots! But y’all are concerned for us Americans so you keep spending money we don’t have (like that’s something new) until you introduce inflation into our lives. Now, we not only have the pleasure of paying more at the pump, but our lumber, our food and you name it is now way more expensive. What is your plan to help us poor stressed out Americans over this inflation debacle? You propose to hire 50,000 more IRS agents to make sure none of us fighting to keep our heads above water cheat you out of a nickel. Of course you do this all while you filthy tax evading creeps pack your own bank accounts offshore with millions upon millions of dollars on an average income of $170,000 a year. You’re not done helping us though. To pile on your kindness you leave our southern border wide open during the very pandemic you claim is the single cause of our problems. This is a good thing, right? Because then all of us trying to keep a roof over our heads can also take care of a million or more illegals flooding into our country. Our country? Wrong! If it were truly our country, you ass-hats would be sitting in one of those insane asylums I was talking about earlier or prison which would be more just. Finally, in your endeavor to help us through this horrible pandemic that you claim is the single cause to all of our problems, you work day and night attempting to provide relief by doing what, enforcing unconstitutional mandates. “Get the shot or else!” is your motto. By the way, what the hell ever happened to herd immunity? Is that no longer a “thing?” Doctor “I can’t throw a baseball” Fauci better known as “Doctor Dumbass” previously said that herd immunity would kick in if we got half the country to take the vaccine which as we know doesn’t do anything except make those who got it feel safe when in reality they are not safe. Not safe from the virus or in too many cases, not safe from the vaccine itself.
So as I’ve pointed out, this Administration and the Government as a whole truly do care deeply about you, so much so that they have done all these great things to ease our burden over this worldwide stressful pandemic. Hell, no one cared more than that ex-Governor of New York. Remember he was so concerned he managed to kill off several thousand of our moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas. The love and concern for us is over freaking whelming isn’t it? <mad face>

At least we conservatives have the Republicans we can count on. No, no we don’t. Time and again these sons-a-bitches have voted alongside the evil, hate America Democrats. “We are going to take back control of Congress in 2022.” First off, that is yet to be seen. The voting system remains rigged. I keep saying that if we don’t fix 2020 then why exactly do we think we are going to take back anything? Secondly, if we end up with the majority of the House and Senate with the same turncoat Republicans we have today, we are no better off. The number of Republican Congressmen and women that need to be thrown to the curb to truly make a difference is simply astounding. It really is easier to remember the few names of the good ones than to try to remember all the names of the bad ones who have screwed us at every turn. What’s funny is that these are the very same ones that keep tweeting about our taking back congress. If by luck and the grace of God we do take back Congress I’ve got news for these TV Republicans, you won’t be among them. I hope Americans are keeping a list of these RINO pieces of dog doo. For example, in my state, Graham, Scott and two faced Mace must go! The three of them can enjoy a private life and write letters to one another. <mad face>

Finally I just want to weigh in on this case in Michigan where the kid shot up the school with his parents newly purchased gun. I am seeing a lot of debate back and forth over whether or not it’s right to charge the parents. Hate me if you want but I fall on the side of charging them. They were irresponsible gun owners and they knew damn well their kid has mental issues yet they did not properly secure the gun. We all have the right to bear and keep arms. No question about it. As parents, we also have the responsibility to be responsible keepers of these arms. These parents failed in that responsibility. Like I said, hate me if you want. I’m not changing my stance on this. To me this was no different than leaving your car keys on the kitchen table knowing damn well that your under age son was drunk out of his mind. Be responsible parents damn it!
Speaking of responsibility, how about that dipshit Alec Baldwin? Did you see his interview claiming he didn’t pull the trigger? It reminded me when Bill Clinton was asked if he had sex with Monica. He wanted to quibble over the meaning of sex? Remember, a blow job, in his mind, was not sex. Baldwin wants us to believe cocking and releasing the hammer is not shooting the gun. Charge the bastard. <mad face>
I am really lousy aren’t I at saying “finally” and then not stopping. Sorry. Crap pops into my head and I tend to just keep ranting along…
Well friends, another week filled with nonsense and a rant pointing out what I believe is obvious. The Government and the Leftist ass-hats do not care about we the people. If they did, they’d resign their posts, quit their jobs and seek therapy. It’s our job to help them accomplish these noble endeavors. Keep the noise level on high and together, some dog gone way, we shall prevail. Have a good rest of your weekend and week ahead.
Another spot on rant for another crazy week filled horror show. We also listened to dead red head while she blew off a reporter from south Africa. She refused to even allow the man to explain this new made up planned pandemic scare was false. Glad OAN allowed him to explain this variant is like a mild case of the flu. We have friends that are so terrified their going to die they have no life at all.
On a positive note frido is now fired for his covering his scum bag brothers crimes up.
We’re with you these evil government swamp dwellers need to go right to jail. And stay there. We also agree about all the tongue waggen about taking the house back. Fix 2020 election or sit down and shut up. We watched mike pence crying about why he had to stab President Trump and we the people in the back. According to this traitor pc of crap he knows there were no irregular ballots.
We AGREE 💯 with you on the parents of the kid that shot his class mates. The parents went to the School the day of the shooting to hear all the things their son was doing inappropriate. If they have nothing to hide then why are they hidding from the police.
Yes we watched baldwin lying to Georgie the dunce. Baldwin is a lying douche bag. We pray he goes to jail for involuntary manslater.
We’re thinking about betting on the government’s screw ups for the coming week. Have a awesome week. Keep up the great job of letting us all know we’re not alone.
Good evening Allen. Yep another week of nonsense last week and this new week is off to another shit show start. Don’t worry, it’ll only get worse… The media blackout is astounding but oh too predictable with the red SUV that drove itself into the Christmas folks and Maxwell, forget about it. Far too many of the important people among that filth for us peasants to see and hear about. As for Baldwin, I’m with you guys, charge him! Who shoots someone and then gets to go on television and do interviews? Hollywierdos are “special” you know. Special kind of stupid. Hope y’all have a good week on the home front Allen. Thanks for jumping in!!
Easy to enjoy because I’m like minded! I don’t like them ruining this country for my grandchildren and children. You forgot our woke military. I firmly believe what Trump said about them recently!
Thanks for jumping in John. There is a whole other list of these evil doers I didn’t list. Our great military folks are being led by complete sissified morons right now. It’s sad and scary to say the least. I hate to think what happens if China or Russia decide to make a move… As for our kids and grand kids, I’m right there with you on that as well. Thanks again. Have a good week John.