A Festivus For The Rest Of Us

First and most sincerely, Merry Christmas y’all. I truly hope this finds you and your families healthy and enjoying Christmas with all those near and dear to your heart.

Every year Senator Rand Paul publishes his Festivus Grievances listing the billions in Government waste. I’ve come to look forward to the report and continue to be flabbergasted at some of the things our hard earned tax dollars go towards. The favorite one this year is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to study if bad news causes people to become up-set. Ya think? The Government does only one thing well. Spend our money.

I’ve decided I’ll take Rand’s lead and air some of my grievances. As Frank Costanza said with one small edit;

“I’ve got a lot of problems with you people (Government)! And now you’re gonna hear about it!

Airing of grievances:

Coming in as the number one grievance, surprise, surprise is the rigged 2020 election. As I pointed out last week, many people in the country unknowingly lose their focus by jumping onto the Left’s daily distraction(s). The Left, aligned with their paid media pals are Gods at keeping the American people on narrative. The minute the people begin to stray, they roll out a new “the world is coming to an end” narrative. Covid takes the top spot of course followed by their usual backups, racism and climate change. When one subject begins to wane, the other kicks in. Honestly if you just stand back for a minute and watch you can see the game as clear as day.

If you’re tired of hearing about the election there is really no reason for you to take up your time reading my blog because I am Mr. rigged election all the time. If we don’t fix it we’ve lost the country or at least the country I want to be a part of. Anyone who has spent any time looking at the election knows the numbers don’t add up. 156 million (81 for diaper boy & 75 for the President) Americans did not cast a ballot in 2020 or ever for that matter. Yet here we are. When you hear folks share hope for 2022 and 2024 just know, the rigged system is, well, still rigged and as I type, the Democrats are proposing the complete Federal takeover of our elections. The States be damned. This will be, if passed, the final nail in the election coffin. Trump’s been warning us and he’s 100% right. Fix 2020 or we don’t have a country.

Covid-19, C-hina virus, Rona, call it what you will. As I also said last week, I am sick and tired of hearing about it. To make matters worse, Tired Brain this week tripled down on his insane policies calling for an increase in nationwide testing. He does this, while all indications are that this latest strain is much the same as the everyday cold. I see lines in New York of people standing out in the cold for hours waiting to be tested. It’s insane! Do these people know that within two minutes after being tested they can catch the virus? Are they going to be tested hourly now? As one of the memes I saw this week said; If hospitals aren’t taking in the unvaccinated and they are being overrun with Covid cases then just who in the hell are they taking in?” Kinda of makes you think huh?

Just stop it. Live your damn life already. This week during an interview when asked about the vaccines, Trump made it clear he supports the vaccines and many of the so called Trump supporters and the very people who proclaim they are for personal choice have slammed the President. “Do you still support President Trump?” people are tweeting. For me these people ought to stop pretending to be something they are not. You cannot say you are for personal choice when it comes to the vaccines and then slam the President because he has one. That’s insane. He believes in the vaccines, so what! Geez. When I say “I don’t care what people do” that’s exactly what I mean. Get the vaccine, don’t get the vaccine. It’s up to you! Not me, not the government, not the President, not doctor “I can’t throw a baseball” Fauci. You!! It just kills me how some think President Trump has to be right all the time or rather, has to agree with them all the time. The guy is a human being, he is not going to be right all the time, he is going to make mistakes. He has made mistakes. Just who in the hell among us hasn’t? All that said, the man did an awful lot of good for this country and for the people of this country and we need him back now more than ever! See, it’s impossible for me to bitch about anything without coming back to the rigged election… Anyway, as it relates to the C-hina virus, I’ve got a lot of problems with you people (Government!). Just stop it! Stop talking about it. Stop complying with these insane mandates and for God’s sake, stop getting tested every five minutes. At least wait until you’re actually sick.

Grievance number three is justice, the lack thereof. We’ve witnessed two years of complete insanity and it’s cost many innocent lives. The defunding of the police movement, the summer of love, the robbing of stores without consequence, and the rampant lawlessness in Congress where these people outright lie and get away with it is disgusting. The Russia, Russia, Russia lie, the Ukraine impeachment, the fake insurrection committee which, let’s be honest, is designed only to stop President Trump from running for office again. Duh. The killing of Ashley Babbitt; what a lack of justice that was. And the latest, a cop, in the heat of the moment accidentally pulls her gun instead of her taser and shoots an idiot refusing orders from law enforcement is convicted of manslaughter. Meanwhile back at the elite farm dick-weed Alec Baldwin is doing TV interviews after stating he pulled the hammer back on the gun “he” was pointing at the lady on the movie set. We the people are just supposed to ignore all of this and go with the narrative flow. Some idiot with a record as long as your arm jumps into a red SUV and plows through a Christmas parade killing seven people and injuring many others and what do we get from the media and our so called justice department, a complete information blackout. Today it’s as though it never happened. And what do the masses in this country do? Nothing, they move right along like sheep waiting to be told what to think next. It’s disgusting, sad and dangerous. Let it be known, let it be said, we are not ever going to have justice in this country as long as the evil doers on the Left are in charge. Truth is, we have less than a 50% chance of having honest justice no matter what stupid party is in power. We do however have a chance with a President Trump… back to the election I go. Grrrrrr.

I have so many grievances I could go on for days. I’ll spare you by finishing this up with my final airing and that is the American people. A few months back one of my blogs was titled “What is our red line?” The blog listed a number of things that one would think would cause the American people to say “that’s it! That’s enough!” The open border for example which might very well be the biggest wrong being committed to the American people by this lame Government. Here we are in the middle of a so-called pandemic, we are being mandated to death and our economy is in shambles because of it. Americans who are unvaccinated are being treated like lepers, while over a million Illegals cross into the country without even being tested. Thousands of folks have died in the country due to the onslaught of opioid drugs coming through the border and human trafficking is at an all time high. You’d “think” this would be a red line for the American people, especially the ones who demand we all get the vaccine so we don’t infect them. What a joke that is, right? Nope, no red line here. What about killing our energy independence? Gas prices at all time highs, inflation growing by the minute just hammering the middle class. Back to begging OPEC to increase oil production and a Government in the meantime who is focused on spending more money on important matters like Federal election takeover, paying off student loans, forcing us to drive electric cars that take hours to recharge and pay $80 for a piece of damn plywood. You know, if you can find one. Red line? Nope. In today’s environment, there is really only one reason to pay taxes and that is so our Government “of the people, by the people, for the people” doesn’t smash our doors down, seize our property and haul us off to some Federal prison never to be heard from again. Land of the free baby, land of the free… Red line? Nope. “I’ve got a lot of problems with you (Government) people!” LOL

Okay, enough already. After all, it is Christmas. Fix the 2020 election if you want any chance at all, any chance of having your grievances heard. And that’s all I have to say about that. For now…

I’ll finish as I started, wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas. I hope y’all are with your families and loved ones and that you find what you hoped for nicely wrapped under your tree. Still to this day, even with all that is wrong in our beloved country we remain the best place on earth to live and grow. While we have our problems and we always will, be thankful you are an American living in the greatest country on earth. We’ll fix this mess that we’ve gotten ourselves into. Don’t ask me how or when but know that good always prevails over evil. God Bless y’all.

Note: This isn’t my tree but it ought to be! Merry “Trump is my President” Christmas friends.

Enough Already, Just Stop It!

That’s pretty much how I am feeling today and the way that I’ve felt for a while now. Enough, just stop it! Covid, Covid, Covid. I’m sick of it. You want to put an end to mask wearing and vaccine shots, stop hearing about boosters, stop all the nonsense about giving kids shots to prevent them from getting a virus they have 99.99% rate of survival and more often than not don’t even know they got the damn thing? You want to stop the crazy back and forth finger pointing between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? You want the Tired Brain diaper boy in the White House to stop threatening the end of the world every other day? You want schools to go back to virtual learning because of a variant that by all reports has symptoms that rival the everyday cold? You want the big Leftist cities to lock down again? Do we really want our cops to arrest people for going into Applebee’s? What are these cops doing, are they interviewing for a job in Australia? Well, do you want to stop all this nonsense or not? Because if you’re like me, and have just had enough of it, I can tell you how to make it all go away. STOP TALKING ABOUT IT! So says your humble weekly ranter and raver. Seriously though, just stop it. Refuse to let it be a part of your life. We all need to go full on “anti-Covid” mode. No masks, no vaccines, no tests, don’t have anything to do with any company, office, agency, school, you name it that continues to make Covid a part of their daily excuse for sucking. “But wait Dan, what if we get sick?” Have some chicken noodle soup, two Tylenol, and use some of the smelly shit mom used to rub on my chest when I got a cold. If that doesn’t cure you then go to the freakin doctor!

This China virus thing has been a huge money maker for DC and the power players. It ain’t never going away as long as we all continue to act like sheep standing in line for our next test, our next shot or buying our next pack of masks made out of China paper. Look, I realize thousands have died from the virus and that’s awful but you’d be surprised how many folks died of all the other things if the news cycle reported on it 24/7. You’d fall out of your chair if you knew how many folks died in car accidents if every time one did it was breaking news. Drug overdoses, heart attacks, and what if every time a baby was aborted the pretend President did a news conference and every news network made it their number one story? It’s time to “Just stop it! Enough already.”

Sadly that’s the dang truth

As far as I am concerned, all of this along with all the other nonsense; Build Back Better, inflation, debt ceiling, Maxwell trial, Black Lives Matters, ANTIFA, smash & grab robberies, Biden’s stumbling, bumbling, pooping his pants, Kamala gaggles, the MSM propaganda campaign, the prick Baldwin who pointed the gun, cocked the gun but says he didn’t shoot the gal on the set, and the lack of justice is astounding as is all of this nonsense and let us not forget about these asshats in Congress, OMG one stupid thing after another.

Mrs. Nonsense

It’s all one big distraction. China this, China that, Russia this, Russia that, January 6th kangaroo court, the Cuomo brothers and all of it; I’m sick of it. I have become a single issue “ranter”. Don’t get me wrong, I can and do, bitch and moan about all of these stupid distractions right along with the best of ya but at the end of it all, there is only one thing I feel deeply about and that, surprise, surprise, is this rigged up, messed up, fraud riddled 2020 election. Fix that and suddenly there is hope again for a country we all can be proud of again. Don’t fix that and the lawlessness just keeps rolling along. Everyday remains just another act in a very depressing play. If the election isn’t fixed, Biden isn’t the only one with strings attached to him by the puppeteers. We, the people, become puppets too. Pay this, say that, go here, go there, take this, take it again, don’t go there, don’t say that… ya following me?

Needless to say, the stealing of the 2020 election and understand, it was stolen, is one very, very big deal. Perhaps the biggest fraud ever committed upon the Republic ever, ever! And that my friends is a mouth full. The election must be corrected and those involved must be held accountable. Without this, our country doesn’t have a chance of ever being the country we love and believe in. It is maddening to me that every Republican in Congress hasn’t been screaming about this every day since November 4, 2020. This shows that they are no better than the average Democrat, socialist, globalist one world puke evil doers. I’ve written and tweeted a thousand times “we are on our own” and I’ll continue until such time we either get justice or we seek justice ourselves 1776 style. It’s that important. My grandkids, your grandkids are depending on us, me, and you.

So friends, don’t be distracted. Use all of your energy to demand that the election is corrected and that justice is served and that our rightfully, duly elected President is reinstalled into “our” White House. Do I think that can happen? The only thing I know is if we do nothing, we are assured to get just that, nothing. Except for more of the pure nonsense we’ve been getting for the last 11 months. Soon 11 months will turn into a year, then two, then three and the longer this goes by the less likely it will be fixed. This is why every morning since January, every morning, I’ve tweeted “Good Morning, It’s (date) and we know who won the election.” Because I don’t want anyone to forget and more importantly, I don’t want anyone to stop talking about it and fighting for what is rightfully ours. President Donald J. Trump.

There is only one way to secure our Republic and the trust of the American people. Restore the duly elected President, Donald John Trump

Until next week then my friends, thanks once again for allowing me this time to rant. Y’all are the best and I mean it! Thank you for being a friend and a fighter. I’ll do my best next week to focus on Christmas instead of all this… well, you know. Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead and please send your prayers for those folks who suffered and still suffering through the tornados this week. God Bless them all.

We Are The Deplorables Huh?

We’ve been called every name in the book and accused of every crime ever committed yet at the end of every day we are the ones that are right. For nearly six years, the Left has been on a full court press, pulling together all their troops in Washington, the Media, Hollywood, Obama’s BLM racists and Bernie-like ANTIFA fans to flood the country with Hillery’s basket of deplorable MAGA narrative. They work to convince the world that we uneducated, bible thumping, flag waving, constitution loving Americans and our guns are what’s wrong with the country. The millions of folks that listen and follow this pre-planned narrative are so brain washed and blind that they don’t see the truth even upon the rare occasion it comes to light. When the truth comes out it’s as though it never happened. Their system is widespread and when it fails they don’t even blink they just keep on going with their lies and deceit.

Russia, Russia, Russia; the uneducated deplorables knew it was a lie from day one. We knew the Ukraine call was perfect from day one. We knew the noose on the garage door of the race car driver was a fake racist hoax designed to start something that doesn’t exist. We knew and still know that BLM doesn’t care about black lives. We knew January 6th was not an insurrection and we know Trump didn’t call on us to riot. We knew the Covington kid did nothing wrong just as we knew Jussie Smolett MAGA country beating was a hoax designed just like BLM to create a race war furthering their narrative of all those bad deplorable Trump supporters. We never doubted for a minute that Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t murder anyone, we knew the instant we saw the video that it was self defense. We knew all of this just as we knew masks don’t work and the vaccines aren’t vaccines and guess what we know, the 2020 election was rigged. Yet the Left doesn’t let up, do they? Even when they (the Left) are proven wrong, they keep going and simply erase these things that they pushed as truth in order to present them as if they never existed. But we remember. We won’t forget, just as we won’t forget those claiming to be on the Right while they work alongside the Democrats to destroy this country. Our eyes are open and we can thank Trump for that and thank God for the American legal system. While the Left has managed to penetrate the courts with so many of their evil doers, there remain some, too few, but some who follow the law and when they do it truly is a beautiful thing to witness.

Funny, not funny that we aren’t hearing from any of these idiots now… They just move on to the next BS narrative. Guess what, they knew it was a hoax when it happened. They didn’t care.

This week we lost Bob Dole who served his country in war and in Congress. God rest his soul. When I watched his funeral service and saw all the Washington insiders, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Diaper Boy, and then Mike Pence, I wanted to puke. No Trump. One of my followers on twitter posted “why isn’t President Trump there?” I asked myself that question while watching the funeral but the thought no sooner came into my head when the answer followed loud and clear. President Trump wasn’t at the funeral for the very reason that 100 million Americans love him. He’s not a part of that crowd. He never was and never will be. That’s what makes him so popular. For the first time in my life and you could argue the first time ever except for the founding fathers, we had someone leading us that didn’t care about the political nonsense. He cared about the country and those of us who care about it too. Those supporters out there that maybe didn’t like the tone he used or the frank language sure as hell liked his policies and his results. I’ve said on many occasions there is no perfect human and Trump was certainly not perfect. He made mistakes, who in the hell doesn’t. The Monday morning quarterbacks in all their glory are quick to point out what Trump “should have” done while none of these same geniuses could even begin to understand the complexity of running a nation. Especially a Nation filled with evil doers with the singular goal of destroying everything in their path. Just imagine what Trump could have accomplished had these Washington blood suckers worked with him instead of against him and us. One can only imagine. I know one thing for sure, we wouldn’t be paying twice as much for gas, we wouldn’t see inflation spiking at the highest level since the dreaded 80s. We wouldn’t see 100,000 troops standing at Ukraine’s borders and China wouldn’t be shooting off supersonic missiles. We wouldn’t have a President working against us mandating that we put something in our bodies that we know nothing about. Speaking of which, the FDA has assured us we can get this information in, wait for it, 75 years. What does that tell you? Just what on earth would be the motive to keep this information from the public for 75 years? The saying “I miss Trump’s mean tweets” is an understatement at this point. Every single week Pudding Brain makes a fool out of himself and the country. His health is deteriorating right before our eyes and no one in this stinking Government of ours is moving a finger to stop it. While millions flood our border and we grind though this mess of an economy, while the other superpowers do as they please knowing we are leaderless, the evil doers are having their way with America.

Such a simple statement yet in the world of politics it’s so rare it shakes the very core of the American Government. The evil doers.

I continue to hold out hope and I am certain that in the end truth will prevail. However I find myself tossing and turning and wondering how long it will take and what it will all look like for my grandkids when it does. While all the talk about taking back Congress next year is hopeful, it is hard to wrap my brain around it knowing we’ve yet to fix the 2020 election. I’ll keep speaking the truth and I know you will too. Let us lean on each other and find our way through this awful mess. As Ben Franklin said, “It’s our Republic, if we can keep it.”

Have a good rest of your weekend friends and a good week ahead. The new head of twitter appears to be on a real roll, purging many accounts and back to taking followers away. Should I disappear one day, I hope y’all will find me on Gettr or Gab and continue to visit this blog. I’d hate losing touch with you. Be well friends, fight on!

Let Me Point Out The Obvious

Not a week goes by without a litany of insane events, followed by further insanity via the back and forth debates among folks of all walks of life including, of course, this pitiful Government we’ve inherited and our untrustworthy media. Throw in a dose of the filthy Hollywood clowns coupled with a mixture of BLM and the “woke” crowd and what you have is enough to make a sane person lose any desire to even engage in the nonsense much less try to convince the deaf, dumb and blind to see the obvious. I’ll tell you one thing, I can see why we no longer have insane asylums. Because if we did, I think 90% of the damn population would be in them. It would sure cut down rush hour traffic though. As the old man (Dad) used to say, “The only ones I trust anymore are you and me and I’ve got my eye on you. LOL.

So let’s discuss just a few (couldn’t possibly list them all) of the insane things that hit the airwaves this week.

During another adventure into the land of make believe (a white house press conference), the dead in the head red head was asked if the White House blames the pandemic for the flash mobs that enter stores and steal everything in sight. In her usual condescending manner, she replied by saying “yes I think the pandemic causes a lot of things we are seeing” and then looked away and called upon another reporter. By the way, I use the word “reporter” loosely…

When I heard her answer, what went through my mind was this; So you idiots in the White House blame the pandemic for all the insanity we are experiencing around the country. So knowing that, what do you do in order to provide some relief to all of us so called stressed out over the pandemic folks? Well, the first thing you do is kill the oil and gas industry so that on top of the pandemic we have to pay twice as much to drive our vehicles. This of course just murders the trucking industry which by the way have a direct impact on the so called supply chain. When folks cannot get the things they want and need, guess what? It stresses them out you idiots! But y’all are concerned for us Americans so you keep spending money we don’t have (like that’s something new) until you introduce inflation into our lives. Now, we not only have the pleasure of paying more at the pump, but our lumber, our food and you name it is now way more expensive. What is your plan to help us poor stressed out Americans over this inflation debacle? You propose to hire 50,000 more IRS agents to make sure none of us fighting to keep our heads above water cheat you out of a nickel. Of course you do this all while you filthy tax evading creeps pack your own bank accounts offshore with millions upon millions of dollars on an average income of $170,000 a year. You’re not done helping us though. To pile on your kindness you leave our southern border wide open during the very pandemic you claim is the single cause of our problems. This is a good thing, right? Because then all of us trying to keep a roof over our heads can also take care of a million or more illegals flooding into our country. Our country? Wrong! If it were truly our country, you ass-hats would be sitting in one of those insane asylums I was talking about earlier or prison which would be more just. Finally, in your endeavor to help us through this horrible pandemic that you claim is the single cause to all of our problems, you work day and night attempting to provide relief by doing what, enforcing unconstitutional mandates. “Get the shot or else!” is your motto. By the way, what the hell ever happened to herd immunity? Is that no longer a “thing?” Doctor “I can’t throw a baseball” Fauci better known as “Doctor Dumbass” previously said that herd immunity would kick in if we got half the country to take the vaccine which as we know doesn’t do anything except make those who got it feel safe when in reality they are not safe. Not safe from the virus or in too many cases, not safe from the vaccine itself.

So as I’ve pointed out, this Administration and the Government as a whole truly do care deeply about you, so much so that they have done all these great things to ease our burden over this worldwide stressful pandemic. Hell, no one cared more than that ex-Governor of New York. Remember he was so concerned he managed to kill off several thousand of our moms, dads, grandpas and grandmas. The love and concern for us is over freaking whelming isn’t it? <mad face>

It is pretty obvious diaper boy isn’t running anything. And how could he, he doesn’t even know he’s alive.

At least we conservatives have the Republicans we can count on. No, no we don’t. Time and again these sons-a-bitches have voted alongside the evil, hate America Democrats. “We are going to take back control of Congress in 2022.” First off, that is yet to be seen. The voting system remains rigged. I keep saying that if we don’t fix 2020 then why exactly do we think we are going to take back anything? Secondly, if we end up with the majority of the House and Senate with the same turncoat Republicans we have today, we are no better off. The number of Republican Congressmen and women that need to be thrown to the curb to truly make a difference is simply astounding. It really is easier to remember the few names of the good ones than to try to remember all the names of the bad ones who have screwed us at every turn. What’s funny is that these are the very same ones that keep tweeting about our taking back congress. If by luck and the grace of God we do take back Congress I’ve got news for these TV Republicans, you won’t be among them. I hope Americans are keeping a list of these RINO pieces of dog doo. For example, in my state, Graham, Scott and two faced Mace must go! The three of them can enjoy a private life and write letters to one another. <mad face>

And “If you still think Government will protect you you ain’t been paying attention.

Finally I just want to weigh in on this case in Michigan where the kid shot up the school with his parents newly purchased gun. I am seeing a lot of debate back and forth over whether or not it’s right to charge the parents. Hate me if you want but I fall on the side of charging them. They were irresponsible gun owners and they knew damn well their kid has mental issues yet they did not properly secure the gun. We all have the right to bear and keep arms. No question about it. As parents, we also have the responsibility to be responsible keepers of these arms. These parents failed in that responsibility. Like I said, hate me if you want. I’m not changing my stance on this. To me this was no different than leaving your car keys on the kitchen table knowing damn well that your under age son was drunk out of his mind. Be responsible parents damn it!

Speaking of responsibility, how about that dipshit Alec Baldwin? Did you see his interview claiming he didn’t pull the trigger? It reminded me when Bill Clinton was asked if he had sex with Monica. He wanted to quibble over the meaning of sex? Remember, a blow job, in his mind, was not sex. Baldwin wants us to believe cocking and releasing the hammer is not shooting the gun. Charge the bastard. <mad face>

I am really lousy aren’t I at saying “finally” and then not stopping. Sorry. Crap pops into my head and I tend to just keep ranting along…

Well friends, another week filled with nonsense and a rant pointing out what I believe is obvious. The Government and the Leftist ass-hats do not care about we the people. If they did, they’d resign their posts, quit their jobs and seek therapy. It’s our job to help them accomplish these noble endeavors. Keep the noise level on high and together, some dog gone way, we shall prevail. Have a good rest of your weekend and week ahead.