I cannot get over the fact that every single week some insane event(s) occurs. Is it planned chaos or just pure ignorance? I am convinced it is both, but lean more on the side of planned.
Last week we got a small dose of sanity. We witnessed two judges, count them, two! Two judges who oversaw clear cut cases and did so without implementing any bias. I was beginning to think we didn’t have any non-George Soros Judges in the system. Both stuck to the law. Just as gratifying, we saw the jury system work. Both juries in the Rittenhouse case and the Arbery case focused on the evidence presented to them, and took the time they needed to come to the correct verdict. The best part of it all is that they didn’t allow race to play a role. For me it was refreshing and provided hope for the country as a whole. While the racist Left wing media worked overtime to make these cases about race, the Jury and the majority of the country didn’t buy it. Thanks to President Trump, I do believe the vast majority of Americans no longer believe these state sponsored media outlets and their lack viewers are proving that. We have many enemies within our borders, none are more dangerous than the lying, fake news media.
That’s the good news, but our Government wasn’t having any of that were they? As the American people begin to wake up and push back against these insane mandates, what does the Government do? They announce a new, much more dangerous, hell, 30 times more dangerous (how did they come up with that?) virus and to scare everyone even more, this one is from Africa. Woo the Omicron African Virus. Certainly they aren’t making this up so that they can continue to push their vaccines that don’t work, so that they can continue their control over our everyday lives, so that the power players continue to rake in trillions. Nah, our Government wouldn’t think of such a thing, they care deeply about us. In fact they care so much that they have placed a ban on travel from some African countries. What’s that you say? Is the southern border still open? Well yeah but that’s different… No, that’s not different. Until such time that the border is closed, this Government, headed by the diaper boy himself cannot be taken seriously. It really is that simple.

By all accounts, everything that comes out of this Government’s mouth is a lie. Now I am hearing stories that the Afghan refugees were not vetted. I don’t know if that’s true or not but based on every single thing these people do, I find it much more believable than not. Can you even imagine what evil they have allowed into the country? Don’t worry, it will show itself in time, the truth always comes out. The question is this, what will the American public have to endure in the meantime? Is this planned or just ignorance?
Finally I can’t let the week go by without ranting about these “flash mobs” we are watching and hearing about. I don’t know if y’all remember several months ago when speaking about our Government I used a bank robber analogy. I said that if someone robs a bank and no one does anything about it, what will the bank robber do? He’ll continue to rob banks right? Right. Why wouldn’t he and that is exactly, on many fronts, what our Government is doing to us. Well, the same is the case with these criminal bums conducting these flash mob thefts. They are totally emboldened because this Government and Liberal State Governors have all turned a blind eye to these criminal activities. It all falls under the Leftist narrative to defund law enforcement. It falls right in with their idea of justice reform which isn’t reform at all. It is lawlessness designed to instill fear throughout our country, so that we poor, scared folks become dependent upon the almighty Government to protect us. Again, planned chaos or ignorance? This one is 100% planned just as the so-called “summer of love” was planned. The BLM are Government troops and for all I know, they work hand in hand with the damn FBI. I’m sorry, but I’ve lost all trust and faith in this current Government. I don’t trust diaper boy, I don’t trust Congress, FBI or the DOJ. They are evil doers, every last one of them. How dare they allow these flash mobs to exist? They allow this BS to go on while they break doors down arresting moms who are fighting for the children at the local school board meetings. They allow this crap to go on while American citizens rot in a Federal Prison in DC and for what? Trespassing? They allow a kid to shoot up a school and get released 24 hours later but a guy wearing horns (Jacob Chansley) whose only crime was to express his support for an American President gets 41 months in prison? All of this and so much more is why the country celebrated so much in the Rittenhouse and Arbery verdicts, two cases out of hundreds upon hundreds of cases where real and fair justice is nowhere to be found. Here is one more case to highlight the outright lack of justice in this country. These criminals in DC impeached President Trump over a damn phone call, yet Biden who doesn’t even know he’s alive is allowed to all but destroy this country. The idiot-n-fake-chief hasn’t done a single thing, not one single thing good for this country. Yet the bank continues to be robbed…

People have asked me, “If you could live during a different time, which would you choose?” I always said I would have liked to have been a cowboy. Back then, you were on your own to make what you can out of your life. Based on the actions of this Government, my dream may come true. If these people “in charge” don’t get a handle on all of this crime, folks like me and millions of others are going to have to take matters into their own hands. We certainly are not going to allow criminals to rob us and hurt our families and friends. If the Government doesn’t start doing the right thing, there will most likely be many more Kyle Rittenhouses than they bargained for. Perhaps this is what they are planning on? Maybe, but the rubber is gonna meet the road if they don’t get their shit together soon and believe me, it won’t be pretty. Hell, if it weren’t for teenagers and their guns we’d still be under the Kings rule wouldn’t we?
Okay, that’s enough for this week my friends. The Garrisons had a real nice & maskless Thanksgiving here at home. I remain so thankful for my family. We are a strong group of individuals who are all about freedom and the American way. What we haven’t quite figured out is how to keep it that way but we ain’t giving up either. I hope y’all had a nice day as well. Soon it will be Christmas followed by putting an end to this dreadful year under the Leftist rule. We shall overcome my friends. Not because I say so but because we have to. Stay healthy, stay strong, remain united and keep correcting the lies and pushing the truth.
Have a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. I’m sure things will calm down next week. LOL
Good morning Mr Dan. Your a blogger and a comic. 🤣 We think everything these damn demons do is on purpose. Like you we saw a glimmer of hope and sanity return to this great country. Both cases were done following the law not the insane media threats. Rittenhouse should never have been charged for defending his life against three criminals. Had those bastards killed Rittenhouse you would of never heard a word other then he got what he deserved for carrying a gun.
The media really is the enemy of the people!! The last large group of illegals crossing our Southern border 15,000 of them living underneath a bridge in Houston were from Africa and now another group is on it’s way. Yeppers from Africa .This is PLANNING by the illegal person sitting in a diaper at the Whitehouse. Oh and let’s not forget a shout out to pretend doctor jelly bean. Hard eye roll.
I watched were the moron was asked over and over again how many were vetted. I thought Ted Cruz was going to spit bullets. We were . So we know what evil diaper boy and his side kick Barry from Kenya welcomed into our country. How many American heroes are still there hiding from our enemy’s?
The paid flash mob thieves. Another planned event hand in hand with the demonrat summer of Love. We agree with everything you’ve said on this matter.
Wonderful rant Mr Dan we also had a n amazing Thanksgiving. Lots of food family and fun.
Hold the line we’re standing right beside you. Have a great week.
Allen & Jan: Glad to hear y’all had a good Thanksgiving! If it weren’t for family and friends… Thanks again and again for your feedback and commentary. Much appreciated and always welcomed. As for holding the line, count on it. Although it feels at time more like holding a bucket of water splashing all over me/us. BTW I am not a blogger, I am a ranter. lol Have a great week you guys. Let the nonsense begin!