I would be willing to bet the farm that millions upon millions of Americans felt like I did when Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of “all” charges on Friday. It felt good, didn’t it?
After having to endure the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the Ukraine lie and the topping-on-the-crap-cake, the rigged election, we’ve all been craving something good. We’ve been looking for some sort of normalcy, even an ounce of sanity and just any sign of common sense. The ruling in Kyle’s case brought all of that to us. At the same time, it confirmed just how anti-American and outright awful the Left and the media are.
Because we’ve been let down so many times, many of us were almost too afraid to believe a fair and honest trial could be conducted. This is what the evil doers have done to so many of us. They’ve handed us so many lies, broken so many laws and gotten away with it that we’ve been forced to be cautious with our hope for fairness; and rightfully so. The Government, the Media and the outright freaks on the Left have been hammering us for nearly six years. All of us know right from wrong, we know the truth when we see it and we know when we are being lied to. The things these people say and do nowadays boggles the mind of everyday hard working God loving Americans.
When the Judge appeared to be fair, I was cautious because I’ve watched so many of these Judges turn on a dime and be downright mean and rule with no regard to the constitution. When threats started coming in against him, I feared like so many others have that he would buckle under the pressure. I worried that he would be afraid of the BLM bums burning the city down. We’ve seen it happen too many times before where a Judge will rule based on these threats instead of the law. This judge didn’t do that though, he stood his ground, demanded a fair trial for Kyle and he saw it through to the end. For that, he earned my respect and the respect of millions of others like me.
It is quite telling, isn’t it that we feel such gratitude and praise for a judge simply doing what he took an oath to do, follow the constitution. That’s where we are during these times. When someone does the right thing, quite frankly, nowadays, it’s a big friggin’ deal. Why, because sadly it is so damn rare.
My same concerns were felt for the jury. Many of us feared that they would rule based on emotion or fear of the idiots outside the court screaming pure lies and complete nonsense. But again, we’ve seen juries do this before. Instead of ruling on the facts of the case and the evidence presented before them, they buckle under the pressure from the idiots in the Media and the Leftist morons in DC all of which continue to promote division, fear and power. They support the evil wrongdoings of BLM and ANTIFA. The majority of Americans want these people brought to justice. Instead, we stand in awe at what they are allowed to get away with. The media lays cover for them and so do these awful Leftist politicians. It’s disgusting. You could “almost” understand the jury’s fear after all they’ve seen happen these past few years. But like the judge, the jurors didn’t buckle, did they? Nope, they did their jobs. They ruled honestly and fairly based on the evidence of the case. They took the time “they” needed and then ruled as they saw it. Millions of us watched the trial and it was pretty obvious to us Kyle’s actions were totally in self defense. Meanwhile millions of other Americans continued to watch CNN and MSNBC and the rest of the lying Leftist Media. Many of these people didn’t even know the criminals who were shot were white. How would they know, look where they get their news. Speaking of criminals, the fake news watchers didn’t know that those who were shot were in fact, criminals. Fake news is very dangerous and very, very bad for our Republic. But, you already knew that.
Like the Judge, these jurors get my praise. It felt so good and so gratifying to see the system work as it should for once. This case revitalized the hope in so many Americans that true justice is possible, it can happen and we all continue to pray that it does.
In the overall scheme of things, this was just one small little case but the outcome sends a hopeful message to many of us that good can still win over evil. None of us want to get our hopes up that Durham does the job we know he should. Again, we’ve been beaten down over the years and we refuse to be hurt again. When it comes to this Government, the Left and the Media, our guards are up. We have our own walls built around our own homes/lives. We have little trust and basically live our lives right now under the guide of “we’ll believe it when we see it.” That’s just what they’ve done to us.
For a brief moment on Friday, we enjoyed seeing truth and justice prevail. We needed this nearly as much as young Kyle did. “Nearly” being the key word there. So happy for him, his family and for our country.

Let us all take energy away from this case as we continue to take the fight for what is right in this country. Many are waking up and it’s hopeful to see. The cops, the nurses, the teachers, the truckers, fire fighters, EMTs, the doctors and the Moms and Dads who are standing up and walking out are heroes of our times. We must praise them, support them and join them.
I continue to believe we will win in the end, good over evil, right over wrong! What we look like by then is a whole other topic. Nevertheless, by hook or crook we will take this country back. The work to bring her back to greatness will be nearly as hard as taking her back in the first place. Diaper boy’s handlers are really putting the hurt on her/us. If they keep pushing and pushing, they may one day find that there are a whole hell of a lot more Kyles in this country than they bargained for…
Enjoy what’s left of your weekend friends and thank you for letting me ramble and rant again. Y’all are such wonderful folks who I’ve become quite fond of. You each make a difference and for that I remain thankful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!