Here we are, arguably the number one super power in the world or at least we were just 10 short months ago. We have hundreds of thousands of people employed by the Government and as well as “outside” Government agencies to cover every aspect in our lives. The CIA, OSHA, and all those in between and yet, with all of these people and all of these agencies and trillions of dollars being spent, this ding dong, tired brain, phony tough guy cannot make it through one week without tripping all over himself and making a complete joke out of our once beloved country. The secret service can’t save him from himself. The so called Chief of Staff can’t, the dead-in-the-head red head press secretary can’t, not even his “not a” doctor wife can keep this man from making an utter fool out of himself. Virtually everything this clown touches becomes something very bad for the country and those of us living here.
This week has been no different than any of the others. The one thing all Americans can count on is this pretend President’s ability to screw something up. If the media reports on these at all and that is a BIG if, they spend less than a minute and write them off as gaffs followed by a cute little giggle. While most engaged Americans find nothing he does to be funny at all.
“The great Negro Statchel Paige ” he says this week. Not the great man, not the great baseball player, the great Negro. Here, in 2021, Negro. That’s not a gaff; this is how this guy thinks. This is exactly like his comment about Obama in 2007 when he was running against him for President. Biden said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” And did this make the news? Of course it didn’t. Just imagine if Trump said Negro. Oh my God! We’d hear about it on every news station, newspaper and every big city in the country would be on fire right now. I’m not kidding. Not with their puppet though, hah, just good ole boy Joe making another funny little gaff. That’s alright though, wait until BLM addresses this! Wait, you mean they’ve not said anything about this? Well in fairness to them, they are pretty busy right now threatening to burn cities down if WHITE guy Kyle Rittenhouse who “in self defense” killed two other WHITE guy thugs and injured another who pointed a pistol at his head isn’t convicted. Famed racist MSNBC’s Joy Reid proclaimed that Kyle Rittenhouse will not be convicted because, well, you know; white privilege. She all but added that if Kyle was black he’d already be in prison. This filthy racist woman is living in the 50’s because if Kyle Rittenhouse was black there wouldn’t even be a trial would there, case in point; all the burnings, killings, rioting and looting during the summer of love last year. Y’all hear about all those law breakers going to prison? Yeah, me either.

I’ve gotten off track here but one more rant about the Rittenhouse trial that angers me. During the trial, the judge’s cell phone rang (turn the phone off when you’re in court, geez) and the ring tone was, as the Left wing media reported, “Trump’s theme song”, I’m Proud To Be An American.” Oh holy hell! This is a mistrial; this judge is a Trump supporter and therefore cannot oversee this case! How dare he? First, I believe he was appointed by a Democrat and second, and this is the point I want to make, ALL freaking judges ought to have that song as their ring tone! You see, the Left doesn’t want anything to do with anyone who is proud to be an American. That is a telltale sign of white supremacy you know… Good Lord, stick a fork in me because I am done. Grrrr
Back to the moral of the story. Sorry. Diaper boy cannot make it a week, more often than not, he can’t make it even a day without hacking the majority of America off. If he’s not lying then he’s doing something that by all appearances is designed to hurt the country and piss people off. This week was again no different. A reporter asked the red head press secretary (I’m done using her real name, she’s awful and doesn’t deserve the respect) what Biden thinks of the rising gas prices. In response, she says “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investments and focus on clean energy options.” We learned this while he is working to shut down yet another gas pipeline in the country, which follows on the heels of his begging OPEC to increase oil production, which follows on the heels of him attending the global climate change summit which China and Russia (two of the world’s leading polluters) did not attend and all in the same week, when he supposedly pooped his pants while visiting the Pope and farted in front of Camilla Parker Bolles, Diana’s replacement who married Prince Charles. Did I already say “stick a fork in me?”

Speaking of the climate change summit where every ass-hat globalist in the world arrived by private jet, our ass-hat arrived with multiple jets and brought, wait for it, 300 people with him. 300 people! And yet not a single one of them could make sure he made it to the restroom on time… We are living in a time that makes the twilight zone seem sane.
While China is shooting off supersonic missiles, Russia is building up troops on the Ukraine border, rebels in Yemen storm our embassy and take hostages (this was all over the news, NOT!), Tired Brain is focusing on what? Vaccine mandates for kids aged 5-11 who have a 0.005% chance of catching the virus and a 99.99% chance of surviving it, all cars in the US must be electric by 2030, a transportation secretary is worried about racist bridges and his nominee for Currency Secretary said she wants to bankrupt the fuel industries so we can move to his sustainable energy policies more quickly. Shit! You have to give it to the guy, he is making good on his campaign promise. The trouble is that his promise was to China not the US. And I didn’t even know there was a “currency secretary, did you?

I have gotten to that point during these weekly rants where I have to stop. This idiot makes my blood boil. The media makes my blood boil. The politicians make my blood boil. Speaking of politicians, nothing chaps my ass more than to hear Republicans continually tweet out things we are well aware of as if there is something we should be doing to stop it. “Democrats are causing inflation!” Yeah? No shit Sherlock. WTF are you doing about it? “Biden has left the border wide open” Really, you say? These pricks should have thought about all this insane crap before they decided to certify a rigged up dirty ass election. Friends, this insanity makes it hard to breathe sometimes.
Okay, enough already (climbing down off the wall) I hope y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead. Between us we will keep calling out the evil doers while we hope things like the Durham investigation keeps going and takes things all the way to crooked Hillary and Mr. Innocent James Comey. We’ll keep pointing out the things that the media refuses to report like the poop-your-pants racist-n-chief insane America last policies but most importantly, we will stick together as we pray for a better America to return. You know, one that doesn’t include a guy who falls while going up the stairs. One that doesn’t say things like “did you ever think gas prices would be this high?” Oops, I’m starting to feel an increase in my pulse again. LOL Have a great day y’all!! Thanks for letting me vent!
My favorite find on twitter this week: