Planned Chaos or Pure Ignorance?

I cannot get over the fact that every single week some insane event(s) occurs. Is it planned chaos or just pure ignorance? I am convinced it is both, but lean more on the side of planned.

Last week we got a small dose of sanity. We witnessed two judges, count them, two! Two judges who oversaw clear cut cases and did so without implementing any bias. I was beginning to think we didn’t have any non-George Soros Judges in the system. Both stuck to the law. Just as gratifying, we saw the jury system work. Both juries in the Rittenhouse case and the Arbery case focused on the evidence presented to them, and took the time they needed to come to the correct verdict. The best part of it all is that they didn’t allow race to play a role. For me it was refreshing and provided hope for the country as a whole. While the racist Left wing media worked overtime to make these cases about race, the Jury and the majority of the country didn’t buy it. Thanks to President Trump, I do believe the vast majority of Americans no longer believe these state sponsored media outlets and their lack viewers are proving that. We have many enemies within our borders, none are more dangerous than the lying, fake news media.

That’s the good news, but our Government wasn’t having any of that were they? As the American people begin to wake up and push back against these insane mandates, what does the Government do? They announce a new, much more dangerous, hell, 30 times more dangerous (how did they come up with that?) virus and to scare everyone even more, this one is from Africa. Woo the Omicron African Virus. Certainly they aren’t making this up so that they can continue to push their vaccines that don’t work, so that they can continue their control over our everyday lives, so that the power players continue to rake in trillions. Nah, our Government wouldn’t think of such a thing, they care deeply about us. In fact they care so much that they have placed a ban on travel from some African countries. What’s that you say? Is the southern border still open? Well yeah but that’s different… No, that’s not different. Until such time that the border is closed, this Government, headed by the diaper boy himself cannot be taken seriously. It really is that simple.

I am thinking we won’t hear much from Nasty Nancy on the Biden ban… Nor CNN for that matter unless it’s to praise Tired Brain. BTW why is he waiting until Monday to stop travel?

By all accounts, everything that comes out of this Government’s mouth is a lie. Now I am hearing stories that the Afghan refugees were not vetted. I don’t know if that’s true or not but based on every single thing these people do, I find it much more believable than not. Can you even imagine what evil they have allowed into the country? Don’t worry, it will show itself in time, the truth always comes out. The question is this, what will the American public have to endure in the meantime? Is this planned or just ignorance?

Finally I can’t let the week go by without ranting about these “flash mobs” we are watching and hearing about. I don’t know if y’all remember several months ago when speaking about our Government I used a bank robber analogy. I said that if someone robs a bank and no one does anything about it, what will the bank robber do? He’ll continue to rob banks right? Right. Why wouldn’t he and that is exactly, on many fronts, what our Government is doing to us. Well, the same is the case with these criminal bums conducting these flash mob thefts. They are totally emboldened because this Government and Liberal State Governors have all turned a blind eye to these criminal activities. It all falls under the Leftist narrative to defund law enforcement. It falls right in with their idea of justice reform which isn’t reform at all. It is lawlessness designed to instill fear throughout our country, so that we poor, scared folks become dependent upon the almighty Government to protect us. Again, planned chaos or ignorance? This one is 100% planned just as the so-called “summer of love” was planned. The BLM are Government troops and for all I know, they work hand in hand with the damn FBI. I’m sorry, but I’ve lost all trust and faith in this current Government. I don’t trust diaper boy, I don’t trust Congress, FBI or the DOJ. They are evil doers, every last one of them. How dare they allow these flash mobs to exist? They allow this BS to go on while they break doors down arresting moms who are fighting for the children at the local school board meetings. They allow this crap to go on while American citizens rot in a Federal Prison in DC and for what? Trespassing? They allow a kid to shoot up a school and get released 24 hours later but a guy wearing horns (Jacob Chansley) whose only crime was to express his support for an American President gets 41 months in prison? All of this and so much more is why the country celebrated so much in the Rittenhouse and Arbery verdicts, two cases out of hundreds upon hundreds of cases where real and fair justice is nowhere to be found. Here is one more case to highlight the outright lack of justice in this country. These criminals in DC impeached President Trump over a damn phone call, yet Biden who doesn’t even know he’s alive is allowed to all but destroy this country. The idiot-n-fake-chief hasn’t done a single thing, not one single thing good for this country. Yet the bank continues to be robbed…

Speaking of robbing the bank… Nixon was a saint compared to these corrupt sons-a-bit*hes

People have asked me, “If you could live during a different time, which would you choose?” I always said I would have liked to have been a cowboy. Back then, you were on your own to make what you can out of your life. Based on the actions of this Government, my dream may come true. If these people “in charge” don’t get a handle on all of this crime, folks like me and millions of others are going to have to take matters into their own hands. We certainly are not going to allow criminals to rob us and hurt our families and friends. If the Government doesn’t start doing the right thing, there will most likely be many more Kyle Rittenhouses than they bargained for. Perhaps this is what they are planning on? Maybe, but the rubber is gonna meet the road if they don’t get their shit together soon and believe me, it won’t be pretty. Hell, if it weren’t for teenagers and their guns we’d still be under the Kings rule wouldn’t we?

Okay, that’s enough for this week my friends. The Garrisons had a real nice & maskless Thanksgiving here at home. I remain so thankful for my family. We are a strong group of individuals who are all about freedom and the American way. What we haven’t quite figured out is how to keep it that way but we ain’t giving up either. I hope y’all had a nice day as well. Soon it will be Christmas followed by putting an end to this dreadful year under the Leftist rule. We shall overcome my friends. Not because I say so but because we have to. Stay healthy, stay strong, remain united and keep correcting the lies and pushing the truth.

Have a good rest of your weekend and week ahead. I’m sure things will calm down next week. LOL

It Felt Good Didn’t It?

I would be willing to bet the farm that millions upon millions of Americans felt like I did when Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of “all” charges on Friday. It felt good, didn’t it?

After having to endure the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the Ukraine lie and the topping-on-the-crap-cake, the rigged election, we’ve all been craving something good. We’ve been looking for some sort of normalcy, even an ounce of sanity and just any sign of common sense. The ruling in Kyle’s case brought all of that to us. At the same time, it confirmed just how anti-American and outright awful the Left and the media are.

Because we’ve been let down so many times, many of us were almost too afraid to believe a fair and honest trial could be conducted. This is what the evil doers have done to so many of us. They’ve handed us so many lies, broken so many laws and gotten away with it that we’ve been forced to be cautious with our hope for fairness; and rightfully so. The Government, the Media and the outright freaks on the Left have been hammering us for nearly six years. All of us know right from wrong, we know the truth when we see it and we know when we are being lied to. The things these people say and do nowadays boggles the mind of everyday hard working God loving Americans.

When the Judge appeared to be fair, I was cautious because I’ve watched so many of these Judges turn on a dime and be downright mean and rule with no regard to the constitution. When threats started coming in against him, I feared like so many others have that he would buckle under the pressure. I worried that he would be afraid of the BLM bums burning the city down. We’ve seen it happen too many times before where a Judge will rule based on these threats instead of the law. This judge didn’t do that though, he stood his ground, demanded a fair trial for Kyle and he saw it through to the end. For that, he earned my respect and the respect of millions of others like me.

It is quite telling, isn’t it that we feel such gratitude and praise for a judge simply doing what he took an oath to do, follow the constitution. That’s where we are during these times. When someone does the right thing, quite frankly, nowadays, it’s a big friggin’ deal. Why, because sadly it is so damn rare.

My same concerns were felt for the jury. Many of us feared that they would rule based on emotion or fear of the idiots outside the court screaming pure lies and complete nonsense. But again, we’ve seen juries do this before. Instead of ruling on the facts of the case and the evidence presented before them, they buckle under the pressure from the idiots in the Media and the Leftist morons in DC all of which continue to promote division, fear and power. They support the evil wrongdoings of BLM and ANTIFA. The majority of Americans want these people brought to justice. Instead, we stand in awe at what they are allowed to get away with. The media lays cover for them and so do these awful Leftist politicians. It’s disgusting. You could “almost” understand the jury’s fear after all they’ve seen happen these past few years. But like the judge, the jurors didn’t buckle, did they? Nope, they did their jobs. They ruled honestly and fairly based on the evidence of the case. They took the time “they” needed and then ruled as they saw it. Millions of us watched the trial and it was pretty obvious to us Kyle’s actions were totally in self defense. Meanwhile millions of other Americans continued to watch CNN and MSNBC and the rest of the lying Leftist Media. Many of these people didn’t even know the criminals who were shot were white. How would they know, look where they get their news. Speaking of criminals, the fake news watchers didn’t know that those who were shot were in fact, criminals. Fake news is very dangerous and very, very bad for our Republic. But, you already knew that.

Like the Judge, these jurors get my praise. It felt so good and so gratifying to see the system work as it should for once. This case revitalized the hope in so many Americans that true justice is possible, it can happen and we all continue to pray that it does.

In the overall scheme of things, this was just one small little case but the outcome sends a hopeful message to many of us that good can still win over evil. None of us want to get our hopes up that Durham does the job we know he should. Again, we’ve been beaten down over the years and we refuse to be hurt again. When it comes to this Government, the Left and the Media, our guards are up. We have our own walls built around our own homes/lives. We have little trust and basically live our lives right now under the guide of “we’ll believe it when we see it.” That’s just what they’ve done to us.

For a brief moment on Friday, we enjoyed seeing truth and justice prevail. We needed this nearly as much as young Kyle did. “Nearly” being the key word there. So happy for him, his family and for our country.

The Sweetness of justice! Now sue everyone of the ass-hats who have attack your reputation Kyle!

Let us all take energy away from this case as we continue to take the fight for what is right in this country. Many are waking up and it’s hopeful to see. The cops, the nurses, the teachers, the truckers, fire fighters, EMTs, the doctors and the Moms and Dads who are standing up and walking out are heroes of our times. We must praise them, support them and join them.

I continue to believe we will win in the end, good over evil, right over wrong! What we look like by then is a whole other topic. Nevertheless, by hook or crook we will take this country back. The work to bring her back to greatness will be nearly as hard as taking her back in the first place. Diaper boy’s handlers are really putting the hurt on her/us. If they keep pushing and pushing, they may one day find that there are a whole hell of a lot more Kyles in this country than they bargained for…

Enjoy what’s left of your weekend friends and thank you for letting me ramble and rant again. Y’all are such wonderful folks who I’ve become quite fond of. You each make a difference and for that I remain thankful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

He Can’t Make It A Week

Here we are, arguably the number one super power in the world or at least we were just 10 short months ago. We have hundreds of thousands of people employed by the Government and as well as “outside” Government agencies to cover every aspect in our lives. The CIA, OSHA, and all those in between and yet, with all of these people and all of these agencies and trillions of dollars being spent, this ding dong, tired brain, phony tough guy cannot make it through one week without tripping all over himself and making a complete joke out of our once beloved country. The secret service can’t save him from himself. The so called Chief of Staff can’t, the dead-in-the-head red head press secretary can’t, not even his “not a” doctor wife can keep this man from making an utter fool out of himself. Virtually everything this clown touches becomes something very bad for the country and those of us living here.

This week has been no different than any of the others. The one thing all Americans can count on is this pretend President’s ability to screw something up. If the media reports on these at all and that is a BIG if, they spend less than a minute and write them off as gaffs followed by a cute little giggle. While most engaged Americans find nothing he does to be funny at all.

“The great Negro Statchel Paige ” he says this week. Not the great man, not the great baseball player, the great Negro. Here, in 2021, Negro. That’s not a gaff; this is how this guy thinks. This is exactly like his comment about Obama in 2007 when he was running against him for President. Biden said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” And did this make the news? Of course it didn’t. Just imagine if Trump said Negro. Oh my God! We’d hear about it on every news station, newspaper and every big city in the country would be on fire right now. I’m not kidding. Not with their puppet though, hah, just good ole boy Joe making another funny little gaff. That’s alright though, wait until BLM addresses this! Wait, you mean they’ve not said anything about this? Well in fairness to them, they are pretty busy right now threatening to burn cities down if WHITE guy Kyle Rittenhouse who “in self defense” killed two other WHITE guy thugs and injured another who pointed a pistol at his head isn’t convicted. Famed racist MSNBC’s Joy Reid proclaimed that Kyle Rittenhouse will not be convicted because, well, you know; white privilege. She all but added that if Kyle was black he’d already be in prison. This filthy racist woman is living in the 50’s because if Kyle Rittenhouse was black there wouldn’t even be a trial would there, case in point; all the burnings, killings, rioting and looting during the summer of love last year. Y’all hear about all those law breakers going to prison? Yeah, me either.

Geez, if that isn’t the truth…

I’ve gotten off track here but one more rant about the Rittenhouse trial that angers me. During the trial, the judge’s cell phone rang (turn the phone off when you’re in court, geez) and the ring tone was, as the Left wing media reported, “Trump’s theme song”, I’m Proud To Be An American.” Oh holy hell! This is a mistrial; this judge is a Trump supporter and therefore cannot oversee this case! How dare he? First, I believe he was appointed by a Democrat and second, and this is the point I want to make, ALL freaking judges ought to have that song as their ring tone! You see, the Left doesn’t want anything to do with anyone who is proud to be an American. That is a telltale sign of white supremacy you know… Good Lord, stick a fork in me because I am done. Grrrr

Back to the moral of the story. Sorry. Diaper boy cannot make it a week, more often than not, he can’t make it even a day without hacking the majority of America off. If he’s not lying then he’s doing something that by all appearances is designed to hurt the country and piss people off. This week was again no different. A reporter asked the red head press secretary (I’m done using her real name, she’s awful and doesn’t deserve the respect) what Biden thinks of the rising gas prices. In response, she says “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investments and focus on clean energy options.” We learned this while he is working to shut down yet another gas pipeline in the country, which follows on the heels of his begging OPEC to increase oil production, which follows on the heels of him attending the global climate change summit which China and Russia (two of the world’s leading polluters) did not attend and all in the same week, when he supposedly pooped his pants while visiting the Pope and farted in front of Camilla Parker Bolles, Diana’s replacement who married Prince Charles. Did I already say “stick a fork in me?”

Y’all ever been stuck in one of these? I have, it once took me 5 hours to travel 50 miles. You ever see the traffic jams during hurricane evacuations? Maybe the build back better plan will have electrical outlets instead of white lines on our roads… And don’t even think about turning on the heater or A/C.

Speaking of the climate change summit where every ass-hat globalist in the world arrived by private jet, our ass-hat arrived with multiple jets and brought, wait for it, 300 people with him. 300 people! And yet not a single one of them could make sure he made it to the restroom on time… We are living in a time that makes the twilight zone seem sane.

While China is shooting off supersonic missiles, Russia is building up troops on the Ukraine border, rebels in Yemen storm our embassy and take hostages (this was all over the news, NOT!), Tired Brain is focusing on what? Vaccine mandates for kids aged 5-11 who have a 0.005% chance of catching the virus and a 99.99% chance of surviving it, all cars in the US must be electric by 2030, a transportation secretary is worried about racist bridges and his nominee for Currency Secretary said she wants to bankrupt the fuel industries so we can move to his sustainable energy policies more quickly. Shit! You have to give it to the guy, he is making good on his campaign promise. The trouble is that his promise was to China not the US. And I didn’t even know there was a “currency secretary, did you?


I have gotten to that point during these weekly rants where I have to stop. This idiot makes my blood boil. The media makes my blood boil. The politicians make my blood boil. Speaking of politicians, nothing chaps my ass more than to hear Republicans continually tweet out things we are well aware of as if there is something we should be doing to stop it. “Democrats are causing inflation!” Yeah? No shit Sherlock. WTF are you doing about it? “Biden has left the border wide open” Really, you say? These pricks should have thought about all this insane crap before they decided to certify a rigged up dirty ass election. Friends, this insanity makes it hard to breathe sometimes.

Okay, enough already (climbing down off the wall) I hope y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great week ahead. Between us we will keep calling out the evil doers while we hope  things like the Durham investigation keeps going and takes things all the way to crooked Hillary and Mr. Innocent James Comey. We’ll keep pointing out the things that the media refuses to report like the poop-your-pants racist-n-chief insane America last policies but most importantly, we will stick together as we pray for a better America to return. You know, one that doesn’t include a guy who falls while going up the stairs. One that doesn’t say things like “did you ever think gas prices would be this high?” Oops, I’m starting to feel an increase in my pulse again. LOL Have a great day y’all!! Thanks for letting me vent!

My favorite find on twitter this week:

Stay united friends for we will win in the end!

Too Accepting & Too Patient

I don’t know how many of my readers have run their own companies or been in charge of running a business or for that matter been in a leadership position where you were responsible for a division within a company or a team of people. In the last 10 years of my career I was the Senior Vice President of a small management company overseeing all operations within the company. We employed a little over 250 people. During those years I would hold management meetings once a month. Over the years I recall accusing the team of managers, always including myself, of becoming too accepting and in other cases, too patient.

The accusation of being too accepting always came about when our customer satisfaction surveys dipped below an acceptable level. Our rating system was simple. It was based on the standard 1 through 10 with 10 being excellent. As far as I was concerned anything below a nine was a red alert. These surveys or comment cards if you will were the benchmark by which we operated the company. The only thing that is worse than a company who doesn’t track customer satisfaction is a company who does track it and then doesn’t care enough to do anything with the information. We cared and we were quick to react. We weren’t perfect, that’s for sure and at times I would become sidetracked only to look up and find we had fallen behind. The longer you wait to correct something the more difficult and costly it becomes to fix. In every case of low customer satisfaction, it came down to management being too accepting of staff performance. It was either, their quality of customer service or their quality of work, the two most obvious key elements in any business, right? Not rocket science by any means. Keeping the rocket in the air however is a whole other challenge.

There is a moral to this story, I promise. I cannot help but to think that we, as a Nation, have been too accepting of our elected officials for too long. Our excuse is the same as the one I gave above in running my company, we’re sidetracked. “Most” Americans are busy with their individual lives, attending to the needs of their families, their jobs, and all that challenges them along the way. Meanwhile, when we get a minute to look up we find a Government that is completely off the rails. Years go by and we find that we’ve accept the seat belt law, we’ve accepted no smoking at the bar, aborting babies at-will becomes okay, we allow the Government to take over our healthcare, men dressing up as women is fine too. We are so accepting that our only push back, if you call it that, is to tell people to do whatever they want just keep it to themselves, not taking into consideration the impact this and so many other things we accept have on society itself. Thousands of fellow Americans are killed each year on the streets of our major cities and for the most part our only push back is to say to ourselves “glad I don’t live in the city.” Our taxes go up and up and we bitch and moan but few do much of anything about it. I am among those of whom I speak. There is no holier-than-thou in me. We’ve become so accepting that we just spent a year+ walking around wearing masks. Companies throughout the country are putting their fingers right in the middle of their employee’s healthcare choices by demanding that they get vaccinated or else! All because they are “accepting” a mandate from a guy who in many folks’ eyes is not even a duly elected President much less a King. The mandate is neither legal nor morally acceptable but here we are.

While the election in Virginia this week was a refreshing change and rightfully so and we all (well, all of us on the right away) celebrate this change, at the same time we watched a replay of the 2020 election and a replay of the California election this year in New Jersey. Once again all counting stopped and then restarted giving the necessary votes to the evil bastard who spent the last two years screwing the good folks of Jersey not to mention what he did to those poor elderly folks in the nursing homes. But again, here we are, accepting it like a bitter pill.

As for the “too patient” side of this week’s blog, the same was true within my company as the accepting story. I would look up to find the level of urgency within the company was nowhere to be found. Our managers were far too patient for my liking. “Did the sidewalk get fixed?” I’d ask, knowing it hadn’t. “No sir, the contractor was delayed on another job.” So we just wait until someone slips and falls and sues us? We spend $600,000 a year employing maintenance people and no one knows how to mix and pour concrete? There’s only one contractor in the whole area? Stop being so damn accepting and so darn patient! Almost without question, no matter the topic, the reason something wasn’t getting done was someone else’s fault and the thing is, I was never looking for whose fault it was. I was looking to get something done. If it wasn’t some vendor’s fault then it was some other internal department’s fault but rarely was it the manager’s fault. Sometimes the amount of finger pointing would make me dizzy. Who cares? Have enough urgency to get the thing fixed.

Well once again, are we not, as a Nation of people, just a bit too patient? I say we are a LOT too patient. How is it even possible that we are in month 11 accepting a complete and total take down of our election process which has produced a fake installed President who everyone can agree doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing, who’s not really in charge and by all accounts is completely destroying the country? Why are we patiently sitting back allowing this fraud to continue? Why hasn’t Arizona’s election been overturned? Why are we still “hoping” justice will be served on all the Russia, Russia, Russia hoaxsters? And why in the hell is our border still open? Why, why, why, because we are a Nation with zero urgency and far too much patience. That’s why.

If you are a sitting Congress person and you are not screaming at the top of your lungs every single day over all that is so wrong in this country then you should be fired and we should be standing outside your office daily until you get up off your lazy, lousy, useless ass and do what is right by the people and our country. If you are not doing this you are a part of the problem and you need to be dealt with. Not tomorrow, today, right now! None of this is okay, none of this can wait. It all has to be tackled and with swiftness and a strong arm. What the FBI has been doing to us is NOT okay. It’s not okay that Americans were left behind in Afghanistan. It’s not okay that our elections are rigged. It’s not okay to mandate people to inject their bodies with anything much less a drug with side effects we still don’t know about. We should not accept these things and a thousand others. Why do we accept killing a baby at birth? Why do we accept these shootings in Chicago every weekend? Why do we accept Congress passing bills they don’t even read? Why do we allow them to pass laws they themselves don’t have to follow? Who made it okay for a lawmaker to lie without consequences?

I could go on and on and right about now I’m guessing you are saying to yourself, “I wish you wouldn’t.” LOL

My point is that we should not continue to sit back and be patient, our lawmakers aren’t going to help us. They are a part of the problem. The courts might, in time but why are we being so patient? What will our country look like by the time these ass-hats actually rule on anything? Besides, what makes you think they’ll rule in our favor and when I say “our” favor I mean in favor of the Nation, the Constitution. Most of these judges might as well be Nasty Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck “dumbass” Schumer or hell, that racist son-of- a … Obama.

And why is this evil puppeteer still allowed in this country?

Our time to stand up and be heard was yesterday! All hundred million of us better get up off the couch and let our voices be heard because this crap we are experiencing today ain’t going away by itself. God Bless the airline pilots who are taking a stand, and the parents at the school board meetings, the one or two pro sport athletes, the one or two country singers, the one or two congress people but that’s not going to get the job done until We The People stand beside them and pitch a full on, ugly and loud bitch! Seriously friends, are we just going to step aside after all that we’ve been made to endure? Do we need to join forces and say “nope, we’re not paying taxes until OUR Government hears us.” Sounds pretty radical don’t you think? It’s pretty damn scary to even think such a thing, yes? Well, it’s pretty damn scary and radical to have open borders during a pandemic of all things and pretty damn radical to be told what to do by a guy who wasn’t fairly elected or who doesn’t even know he’s alive.

Whew… Y’all might have thought this week’s rant was going to be a bit more positive following the wins we racked up in Virginia this week and don’t get me wrong, that was great. It was wonderful to win again but it’s not enough, not for me. I am not interested in living off the crumbs they decide to throw at me. I want, and I know you do too, our country back, all of it!

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to let me get this crap off my chest. I wish you all a nice rest of your weekend and week ahead. The good news is, we’ll stay in touch and together, good or bad, we’ll have each other to lean on. #Resist

From Sea to Shinny Sea, this is OUR Country. Let’s take it back.