I have really been struggling to write this week. For whatever reason, and there are many, the political nonsense has got me in such a foul mood that my desire to fight back this week has been diminished. Do you ever find yourself feeling the same way or is it just me?
It’s not as though this week was any worse than prior weeks and truth be told there’s a case to be made that this week was a bit better than most. I can’t quite put my finger on it. I just know at some point, I didn’t feel like engaging in the nonsense. Twitter suddenly appeared to be this revolving door where the same stories were scrolling across my screen boring me to death on one hand and just pissing me off on the other hand. Of course, the first thing I think of when I feel this way is to say to myself, “this is exactly what they want you to do Dan. Sit down, shut up and give up.” Well trust me, I am nowhere near doing any of that. I just got to a point where the insanity was so absurd, I had to either take a breather or pop a cork… LOL
When the story came out about the father at the school board meeting seeking justice for his daughter who had been raped and they arrested him, I was (still am) so angry I can’t even tell you. This is exactly the kind of crap that is happening all over the country and it’s all due to this woke nonsense that is not only insane but downright dangerous. Excuse me, but damn-it, boys don’t belong in girl’s bathrooms. For the love of God, these people who support this BS need to be locked up in a cell and the key thrown in the river. This stuff infuriates the holy hell out of me and all of it is supported by these awful, evil, lousy excuses of human beings who call themselves Democrats. Why are we allowing this crap?
I no sooner climb down off the ceiling over that and I find myself reading about the first ever “woman” to become an admiral in the Navy except it’s not a woman it’s that freak weird SOB who, of all things, is the assistant director of HHS. You know who I’m talking about, the guy that dresses like a woman and supports, rather, promotes, young children being given the opportunity to choose their gender. Shit, I can’t even believe that I am talking about this crap much less all of it being true. And don’t accuse me of having some “trans-phobia”, it’s not a phobia, I simply think it is all sick and has no place in a civil society. We are what we are, deal with it! No, instead we must embrace it, and celebrate people’s choice to be utter morons. I always say, do and be whatever the hell you want, but keep it out of my face. If you don’t want me to judge you then don’t prance around looking like an utter fool.

Whew, this ranting thing is helping. Ha, ha!
At the end of the day, I just don’t understand why we are allowing all this nonsense to continue, not any of it. Did you catch any of Tired Brain’s Town Hall Meeting the other night? Come on man… this is simply embarrassing, not to mention a complete utter disaster. How much longer is this country going to allow this prick to destroy this country? No one can name one thing, not one single thing this oxygen starved brain has done that is good for the country, her people or even the rest of the world. Newsflash people, this guy doesn’t even know he’s alive. He can’t talk, he can’t read, he can’t remember and according to him himself, he can’t even wipe his own ass. So when is enough? Ten million Americans ought to be standing outside the WH demanding he resign and not leaving until he does. We don’t need to burn anything or hurt anyone but need to be heard and seen. He hasn’t had time to get down to the border? Really? That’s what you’re going with Joe? You’ve been too busy with floods, hurricanes and traveling the world to get down to the border? You’ve been to the border. You know it well, you say? What is that? It is four lies, back-to-back? Someone asks him a question and he rattles on for like five minutes talking about something completely different. It was so bad that even that idiot CNN Anderson Cooper had to remind him of the topic – he had to remind Tired Brain that the LARGEST U.S. PORT was Long Beach. The idea that this guy is running the country is just ridiculous.

What else….(There’s no end). The military was surprised that China had super-sonic missiles? I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want is our military to be is “surprised” about anything. Don’t get me started with these ass-hat TV joint chiefs… Notice I didn’t refer to them as men. Why? Because for all I know they’re not… Geez.

Let us not forget Peter Pumpkin Eater’s picture floating all over social media wearing some plastic fake boob thing to pretend he is breast feeding his kids. I don’t know if that picture was real or not. I’m just upset that I had to see it and that there even is such a thing… People are upset because he’s taken I don’t know how many months off to be with his newborns instead of dealing with the cargo ships sitting off the coast of California. I understand their anger but seriously folks, do you really think having this clown engaged would help? Please! This Administration doesn’t employ one person that has a lick of common sense nor an ounce of ability to do anything. What’s important though is according to what I am told, is that they are brown, white, black, female, male, and everything in between so it’s all good. Bullshit, give me qualified, capable and experienced and for heaven’s sake, can we have at least one that actually loves the country? The answer? “Nope.”
I’ll wrap up this week’s rant with the push to vaccinate the kids. These are the ones with a 99.9905% survival rate. The kids aged 5-11. Again, what in the hell are we doing? This cannot, must not, fly. I don’t care if you don’t have kids this age, join in with those that do and raise your voices friends! This Government is so friggin’ out of control that it’s near impossible to verbalize. And speaking of vaccine, can someone, anyone tell me why Dr. “I can’t throw a baseball” is still employed and walking around free? Grrrr…
I don’t know what else could have gone on this week to make it anymore insane. Before we know it we’ll be reading some story about one of these liberal Hollywood pukes pointing a gun at a non-actor and for some crazy reason pulling the trigger… Don’t get yourself all up in arms folks. It was just an “accident.” And don’t you worry, when they get to the bottom of this you can be sure that it was the gun’s fault. You know those guns and how they are, loading themselves, always aiming themselves and pulling their own triggers and all…
Okay friends and family, I really, really mean it when I say THANK YOU for allowing me to vent because this week had me by the tail but thanks to you allowing me this time to rant I am feeling much better. I just hope in the process I didn’t bring any of you down. We are living in some crazy, crazy times aren’t we? The whole world has gone mad it would seem. I’m thankful for each of you because together we’ve got each other to lean on. Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. May the sun shine its light upon you.
Hi Dan,
So here’s the deal why you feel like it’s same ol’ thing day after day, weeks and months and now years. It is this corrupt governments grand plan to just wear us out, same as a lot of big company’s business model-wear them out and make them give up. Insanity? The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. “It’s not as though this week was any worse…” The Crooks are winning because the American people are allowing them to and accepting of this behavior from our “leaders”. Until We the People are able to lop off the snakes head there will not be any improvement in the situation. Period. The corruption is so deeply rooted in this country that if we started to undo it today, it would be years or decades until we’d see some type of change. And just for the record I’m not a radical dissident but you have to agree with my perspective that letters, protests or voting is or will ever fix this thing. Do you think any of the revolutions that have taken place in the past wouldn’t of happened if not for the governments squashing “their” people? Yup, it’s depressing as Hell watching our great nation going down the shitter because of out of control, zero accountability crooks. Clean sweep, people-that’s the only way to right this sinking ship. Absolute term limits and total transparency in all facets of our government is what this country needs and should be pushing towards-how will this happen?
And on that note I bid you all have a nice evening with family and friends.
Everything you’ve said I’ve said myself one time or another Dave. When I hear folks say “call or write your Senator” I just say to myself “Bless your heart” because it is a useless endeavor. I ought to know, I’ve wrote my share of letters, made my share of calls and even hosted a few politicians back in the day to hear them speak. I’ve yet to have any of them do as they say they will do and the responses to letters are pre-written blah, blah, blah letters “Thank you Mr. Garrison for writing and sharing your concerns. Please trust I share these with you and intend on getting to the bottom of these” or some such nonsense and then nothing. They don’t work for us, we work for them and it ain’t changing any time soon. Certainly not until the masses say enough and get in front of these pukes day and night until they get out of the way. I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Most folks have lives and/or just don’t have the will to give up what little they still have. Sad state of affairs my friend. I’ll be ready when the rest of the country is, that I can promise… Hope you have a good and productive week Dave, thanks for “jumping in.”
Mr Dan nope it’s not just you that feels like your in a really bad Twilight Zone movie. I think every single one of us feels your agony. I use to laugh when friends say “Jan your never going to believe what they (demonrats) did today.” Because I knew it was going to be a zinger yet I also knew it wasn’t going to be good for us “WE THE PEOPLE” Now when Allen say’s “babe” I almost hold my breath waiting to hear what the hell these ass hats did.
As for the Dad trying to find out what those POS board meeting ass hats were doing about his daughter being raped by some pervert pretending to be a female and got away with the evil crime he did. AND being arrested? I don’t think I can type out the correct words to convey without being arrested how I feel for this dad and his family. But I damn sure think my thoughts on this issue. Perverts just like this were waiting for the right opportunity to strike and the useless peace of trash in the white house gave him a free pass. Every single one of these woke meat heads all should be shot and pissed on. Yeah that fell out my mouth and through my fingers. FACTS are that.
For a while the demonrats were on a mission to destroy good decent WHITE men. Now I guess their rage has turned to us women. If they think I am going to be happy and praise some UGLY man for pretending to be the first WOMAN bla bla bla. They can take a flying fire truck to never never land. Not happening.Disgraceful and DISGUSTING to even think a man that has MALE parts swinging below that dress can lollygag around getting stars and were all suppose to jump up and down. (BIG EYE ROLL). This ranting really does release. Thanks Mr Dan HAHAH
OMG yes I did unfortunately see #Let’sGoBrandon standing there with his fists clenched. I wasn’t sure if he needed his depends changed or he was driving his imaginary bus again. Either or both him and ding bat cooper made complete fools of themselves. I think they have all been drinking the same kool-aide. There is NO way any SANE person wouldn’t keep that fool away from everyone.
As for the other fool sitting pretending to breast feed a baby. Oh hell no this ass hat doesn’t get a free pretend pass. If he’s going to do this he needs to do it right. Let that baby suck down on his REAL nipple like us REAL Mom’s had to do up until the time they started popping them toofies out. That way he’ll get the pleasure and PAIN that comes with REAL BREAST FEEDING.
The adventures of the stolen 2020 ELECTION. Woow and what a price were all paying for trying to VOTE a real MAN and PRESIDENT into the White House. shame shame on us..Great Rant Mr Dan as always. Keep up the wonderful work we all really need to know were not alone in this scary place right now. Have a Blessed Week and we send our best wishes to you and your family.
The adventures of the stolen 2020 Election indeed Jan… And “wow” is right. The speed in which these evil bastards have taken this country down is no less than remarkable. They knew they had brain washed half the country into believing their hogwash wok-ism, socialism communist one world order BS and they’ve wasted not a single minute with implementation. This hill we must climb is tall and the path narrow. Like the troubled sole, until he’s hit rock bottom he’s not going to be able to make a turn for the good. Seem’s like that’s where we are as a Nation right now. The question is, what is rock bottom and will it be too late by then? I don’t believe its ever too late to right the wrong so we’ll keep pointing out the nonsense while we wait for the others to join in… Until then, like I’ve been saying, you can lean on me just as long as I can lean on you. 🙂 There’s a lot of good people around us with broad shoulders. And to that I say “Thank God!” Wishing you and Allen a nice evening.