When you pause for a few minutes and think about what it means today to be a Democrat, I assure you that you’ll walk away shaking your head and find yourself asking, “what is wrong with you people?” It’s crazy to think there are Americans today that continue to proudly call themselves Democrats. The saying “these are not your grandfather’s Democrats” couldn’t be truer. Think about it and then ask yourself why.
If you are a Democrat you either don’t bother watching the news or worse you tune into CNN. As crazy as it sounds, not watching is a better option. You are far better off being clueless than being told lies and believing them. Anyone with an ounce of sanity can watch CNN or any of these fake news networks and catch them in a bold face lie. Trust me, it’s not a rare event, it’s a daily event. The older folks who remain Democrats are stuck in old habits. They tune in to the nightly news just as they have their whole adult lives. ABC, NBC, CBS. Back in the day they listened to the Walter Cronkite’s of their time and didn’t know what political affiliation they were. That’s because they were reporting the news, not making the news. And when I say making the news, I mean, making it up. That’s what today’s Democrats are allowing into their heads today, made up, fake news. The prime example of this are the millions of Democrats out there still to this day who believe Trump colluded with the Russians. If you are one of these people all I can do is pray for you. Here’s the thing though. What exactly are you made of? Don’t you have a mind of your own? Are you completely void of any common sense? Do you not have any life experiences that allow your mind to throw the bullshit flag when you hear it? Seriously, do you people not have an individual sane thought of your own, ever?

If you are a Democrat you voted for Joe Biden. What exactly was it that attracted you to Joe? Or did you vote for him just because you disliked Trump? And what was it that Trump did that made you dislike him? Please don’t tell me it was mean tweets. That just makes you look more stupid than you obviously already are.
Today’s Democrats are fine with all the nonsense the country is experiencing. They are fine with leaving Americas behind in Afghanistan. Fine with higher gas prices, meat, fish and poultry. Fine with teaching our children critical race theory in our tax funded schools. You are okay mandating vaccines that don’t stop you from getting sick nor stop you from passing your sickness on to others. You have no problem with the Government spending more money than we give them. Hell, you don’t even care if the Government produces a budget. Just spend our money freely as you see fit. You see no problem with the DOJ (that stands for Department of Justice by the way) instructing the FBI (that stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation) to investigate Moms and Dads who attend their local school board meetings to demand their kids be taught reading, writing and arithmetic and not that white people are bad. You agree with those you elected that guns are the problem not the people who use them for evil. You must believe that because you keep trying to take my guns away and I haven’t harmed a soul my entire life. You’re so shallow minded you think the law breakers/the evil minded thugs will lay down their guns if the Government decides to ban personal ownership. You’re all about a woman’s right to choose until it comes to taking a vaccine or fighting for their child’s education.
Everything on the planet in your eyes is a human right yet you see no problem at all in aborting a child with a heartbeat. You are opposed to voter ID yet every single one of you has an ID. So why are you opposed? That’s just being an idiot. What you are really saying is that you aren’t interested in fair elections. What you are interested in is winning no matter the cost. The truth of the matter is that fairness is not a part of your make-up. While fairness is maybe the most critical part of a sane society you reject it at every turn. Do you have a problem with the 18 year old black kid who shot up the school this week being released from jail? You do not. Hell, you’re not even screaming for gun control on this one. For the record, neither is the idiot in the White House, nor is Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson or any of the Democrat ass-hats that pretend to care so deeply about you. Do you have a problem with the people who trespassed into the capitol but didn’t hurt anyone and are still being held in jail without due process? You do not. Are you okay with being censored? Of course you are until the time comes (if ever) when suddenly you aren’t allowed to speak your filth. You idiots were fine with that moron redhead holding up a bloody head of Donald Trump but chanting FJB, that’s an outrage. Millions of your fellow Americans have grave concerns over our last election. Millions do not believe it was conducted in an honest manner. Do you care about that? Nope. Your Tired Brain man is in the White House and that’s all that matters. Is he doing the job he said he would do? Hell, you don’t know what he’s doing because you’re still watching the bullshit news or worse tuning into the View each day to get your daily dose of stupid.
Sadly I am betting not a single Democrat will read this blog. I am however hopeful some of my friends who aren’t overly political or even those of you who do make the right choices when you vote will at least consider some of the things noted in the above. I know some, whom I consider, very smart people that to this day don’t know that if you take the vaccine you can still get the virus and still pass it on and why not, our pretend President just this Thursday said as much. He lied, again. I know people who I consider friends who aren’t aware of any side effects with these vaccines. And I have people in and around my life that continue to watch only the nightly news. I know this based on their lack of knowledge about so many of the things happening in our country today. It is very sad and scary to be honest. The media truly is an enemy of the people. They play a huge role in the destruction of society today. If you are still a Democrat you believe everything they tell you and that is insane.

This country is in a horrible mess right now. These Leftist Democrats are on a fast track to take the country as we know it down. It troubles me greatly to watch so many sit on the sidelines while these evil doers tear us apart. In my short 67 years on this planet I’ve never seen so much division. My internal belief system will not allow me to give up what I believe. No screaming lunatic with pink hair, body tattoos and enough metal hanging out of every orifice of their body will convince me of anything. A man is a man, a woman is a woman, a baby is a person, and nothing in life is free. If you break the law you should be made to pay the price. The color of your skin is meaningless to me. What you do under your roof, short of breaking the law, is your business not mine. I take responsibility for my actions and I believe everyone else should do the same. I believe we have a right to live our lives but don’t believe I am entitled to anything. If I shake your hand and tell you I am going to do something you better believe it will be done. I owe it to myself to seek out the truth and I believe it would be shameful for me to look the other way when I see something wrong and say nothing. If we humans are going to live on this planet together we better be honest with each other. We better damn well stand up for what is right and what is wrong. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t cut it yet this is exactly what so many are doing. Just how much longer are we going to allow this nonsense to continue?
I don’t have a problem sharing the country with these Democrats. Well, I mind but understand people are people and have minds of their own. What I do mind though is all the lawlessness and the two tiered justice system. Our greatest asset has always been our being a Nation of Laws. Today this appears to no longer be the case and it’s quickly dragging us into the dirt and building anger that at some point will turn into mass hysteria. We are indeed an eyelash away from being Australia which by the way, if you’re a Democrat you’re okay with. Last year’s summer of love versus the January 6th protest is a clear, easy picture for us all to see what is happening. These Democrats are bound and determined to turn our beautiful America into the next shit-hole country. Either we unite now or we continue to succumb to the evilness of the Left. We can do this, I know we can. Let your voice be heard. At every opportunity, speak up for what is right and scream at the top of your lungs against what common sense tells you is wrong. When I see what is going on in this country and think about what my grandkids will be made to endure it saddens me and quite honestly, pisses me off. Do me a huge favor, get pissed off too!
This, my friends wraps up another weekly DG rant. As these ass-hats ramp up their rhetoric we must ramp up ours. Call out every lie you hear and point out every evil doer you see. We’ll lean on each other for our sanity and keep doing what we can in our journey to survive the crazy evilness that surrounds us and Pray, after all, what the hell do you have to lose?