Every week, the Government led by evil doers provides us with a long list of things to rant about. It really is the one thing we can count on nowadays. Seriously, when all else fails you can be assured these idiots will announce some flat out stupid thing to get the hair on the back of our necks to stand straight up. It becomes tiresome and depressing. Every time I get to the point where I want to throw in the towel and just retreat to my inner self, I realize this is exactly what they want me to do. Just stop fighting them, let it be what it will be, get in line with the rest of the sheep and “hope” for the best. Sadly millions of Americans are doing just that and to be honest, I understand it. No one wants to walk around being pissed off and depressed. Finding the good in a world filled with bad can be pretty damn hard nowadays. A lot of this is how we choose to view the news. You can take something that is bad and flip it over to be good. It’s the cup half full method. Here are a few examples of this.
I want to say thank you to all of you out there in the country right now putting your jobs on the line over this mandatory vaccination mandate which, for the record, has not officially taken place yet and by the way, just because pudding brain mandates something doesn’t mean we must comply. We don’t have a king or queen running this country. We have a dictator-in-chief but I digress. When you think about the fact that these Americans, nurses, firefighters, police, troops, first responders and all the others working to put food on the table are putting their health and their families first it is impressive, brave and shows this lame Government that people have red lines they refuse to allow these evil doers to cross. These Americans do us all a huge favor and at a great personal cost. Personally, I support them, thank them and encourage more of us to do the same. Stand up to these ass-hats in Government. Think about the New York case where they have now suspended over 50,000 healthcare workers who refused to be vaccinated with a shot that does not stop you from getting the virus nor from passing the virus on. They have suspended the very people who just a few short months ago were considered heroes for taking care of and saving the lives of those who came down with the virus. And to top it off, they are replacing them with National Guard troops who, wait for it, have not yet been vaccinated… National Guard troops have until April of 2022 to get vaccinated… We are being led by morons. Sorry, there’s no other way to explain it.

Both of these stories are examples of lousy situations that have positive stories to tell if you choose to look for the good instead of the bad. The cup is half full.
This of course isn’t always possible. You would be hard pressed to find any good in the story about Tired Brain wanting to allow the IRS to track our bank accounts. The only good in this communist idea is that it shows us again, just how rotten this guy is. Having said that, we really don’t need any more examples of that, do we? The man is a walking, talking American way of life wrecking ball. Hell, what’s next? Before we know it he will announce parents who demand accountability from these leftist insane school boards are domestic terrorists. Oh wait… That is exactly what the teacher’s union has requested of Tired Brain this week. BTW, these parents who are attending school board meetings and county supervisor meetings standing up for their kids, they are heroes too and deserving of our thanks! Their kids are their red lines. I certainly hope so! Thank you parents! No masks and no stupid, insane, CRT BS. Geez.

Rand Paul wins the DG “in your face” award this week for putting these mask wearing, vaccination Nazi ass-hats in their place. Senator Paul was on a roll in the truth telling department this week and we Americans say THANK YOU!
Here are a few other memes that I personally enjoyed this week. Those folks who take the time to make and publish these are doing all of us a favor. They are making folks think and many give us an opportunity to smile. Some make us spitting mad too.

Okay friends. Enough is enough. Try to find some good in all the bad we are being made to endure nowadays. Nearly every ugly story out there has some sort of good to it. All you have to do to find it is stand on one foot, close one eye and hold your breath… Hardly a week goes by that I don’t ask my sons, “What’s the good news”. They hate the question, LOL. I hope it makes them think though.
Have a great rest of your weekend and a good week ahead. We will stay in touch and keep ranting away until we are heard. #United We Stand and I don’t think there’s ever been a time this has been more important.
Great job Dan. Absolutely agree. Love your writing. Keep up the good work and I pray you and your family Stay safe.
Much appreciated David. All my best to you and your loved ones.