Trick or Freaking Treat?

There isn’t any getting around it. This year’s Halloween is filled with nothing but tricks; unless of course you find it a treat that, oh I don’t know, the Feds want to track the movement of your bank account activity over $601 dollars or maybe if your 5-11 year old’s costume is so good that they are invited in for their first dose of Pfizer. I don’t know about you but you have to admit it’s pretty tricky for Tired Brain to tell you he’ll spend 5T dollars and have it cost you nothing. Now that’s some trickery right there… By the sounds of it, the only ones who will get any treats this year are the Illegals. As if they haven’t already received enough, right? Diaper boy in the White House is now suggesting that we pay reparations to each family separated from their children during the Trump Administration to the tune of $450,000 and they don’t even have to wear a costume! This idea must be going over well with the black community who have been begging for reparations for the past “forever.” Ha, ha, and the majority of them actually voted for Tired Brain/Diaper Boy/ dumbass. What’s even more pathetic? They’ll vote for him again if given the opportunity. Newsflash, black community, neither he nor the Democrat party care about you. Never have, never will. Stop being damn fools!

Nasty Nancy. Enough is never enough for this vile excuse of a human

What else went on this week that grated on my nerves? Marsha, Marsha, Marsha Blackburn came out demanding the Biden clowns not mandate vaccines on the “essential” workers. While I know she means well, it grates on my skinny white rear end when I hear the words “essential workers.” You tell me who isn’t an essential worker? I promise you that my grandchildren, who are too young to know the difference, consider their mom and dad to be essential workers. How else will they have food to eat and a warm place to sleep at night? That guy stocking the shelves in the local supermarket seems essential to me as well. The Truck driver catching an hour of sleep in the cab of his truck before he drives another thousand miles to deliver goods across America, he seems pretty essential too… Like I said, who isn’t essential, the lady at the McDonalds window. If you’re craving that sausage egg mcmuffin because you’re late for work and didn’t have time to eat before you left the house, she’s pretty essential. Besides, does she not have bills to pay and a family to feed? Everyone is essential and Washington ought to stop trying to separate us into special little groups.

While it’s hard to pick just one thing that occurs in any given week under the leadership of Tired Brain, if you made me do it, I’d have to go with his statement at the CNN town hall when he was asked if he was going to go to the border. His response, “I suppose I should go down there, I’ve been many times, I know it well but the truth is (you always know you’re about to be hit with a big league lie after that), I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to go.” Wife and I just looked at each other, smiled while we shook our heads in pure disbelief that he said that out loud. And here I thought his statement that spending 5 Trillion wasn’t going to cost us anything was the worst. The moron is a walking, talking embarrassment. He spends more time having his diapers changed than doing the work of a pretend President. Give me a break!

On the “I feel sorry” front – I feel sorry for folks who are watching the Virginia Governor’s race between that idiot McAuliffe and Youngkin. You know McAuliffe right? He’s the Democrat who said a couple weeks back that parents have no right to say what their kids are taught in school. He’s so worried about losing that he brought in all the ass-hats except for crooked Hillary herself. Obama and Kami (boy was that ever a bomb) and even old tired brain himself flew in to give his pitch for this guy. You know, because he doesn’t have time to go to the border. Biden spent his whole time talking about Trump which makes sense. What else does he have to talk about, certainly not his record. Anyway, the reason I feel sorry for those who have their hopes up for a Youngkin win which is about all of us, is because I don’t think he has a prayer. “Youngkin leads in the polls!” Why do you believe the polls? Haven’t you been slapped around enough with these misleading polls? Seriously, I don’t trust polls, not even the ones I want to be right. Polls are provided for one reason and one reason only, to drive a narrative, to direct opinion. Here’s an example, “Youngkin leads in the polls!” This is designed for Republicans to stay home, no need to vote, he’s got this election in the bag. It is also and perhaps more importantly, designed to tell Democrats to get out and vote! Just as I said during the Newsom recall election, I will fall out of my chair if Youngkin, the Republican, wins the race in very deep blue Virginia where they have cheating down to a science and you know, we must trust the science. As I also said during the Newsom head fake, no one wants to be more wrong than I do! All of us are looking for some hope, looking for a sign that the country has finally woken up to the cheating that has gone on in our elections. I’ve seen a number of tweets from my followers who say if enough Republicans get out and vote they (the Dems) won’t be able to steal the election. 75 million people voted for Trump and here we are so I am not buying that argument. It always comes down to who is doing the counting. Having said all that, Youngkin winning would be a real positive for the country. My fingers and eyes are crossed for a win but I’ve been disappointed so many times I refuse to get my hopes up. So much for the cup being half full… Grrrr.

Tired Brain meeting with the Pope. You know, because he doesn’t have a hell of a lot of time to go to the border.

At least I have a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing our pretend President will be representing us this weekend at the G20 summit followed by a meeting with world leaders (you know except for China, the world’s biggest polluter) & climate change experts (that’s hard to even type much less say with a straight face) to discuss how the United States will lead in the fight against the biggest threat to humanity, climate change. Or is that global warming, or global cooling depending on the year and most up to date talking point at the time. Good freaking grief friends! We have sent a guy who can’t even walk up stairs without falling to represent us in front of the world. God please forgive us.

Before I wrap this weeks rant up, enjoy a few of my favorite memes this week. The folks that put these together almost make in worth enduring the weekly nonsense. Almost…

Another one of those “It would be funny if not true” memes
LOL – This might be my favorite! Before you get all uppity remember Joy (ugly to the core) Behar has millions of followers. 🙂
Yeah, Lets go Brandon – the leftist retard only has the crap candy anyway.

Ok friends, enough of all that. Wishing y’all a fun and safe Halloween. May your kids come home with a bucket full of candy so you can steal your favorites from them. It’s the American way! LOL. Enjoy your week ahead and “Go Youngkin!”

Is It Just Me?

I have really been struggling to write this week. For whatever reason, and there are many, the political nonsense has got me in such a foul mood that my desire to fight back this week has been diminished. Do you ever find yourself feeling the same way or is it just me?

It’s not as though this week was any worse than prior weeks and truth be told there’s a case to be made that this week was a bit better than most. I can’t quite put my finger on it. I just know at some point, I didn’t feel like engaging in the nonsense. Twitter suddenly appeared to be this revolving door where the same stories were scrolling across my screen boring me to death on one hand and just pissing me off on the other hand. Of course, the first thing I think of when I feel this way is to say to myself, “this is exactly what they want you to do Dan. Sit down, shut up and give up.” Well trust me, I am nowhere near doing any of that. I just got to a point where the insanity was so absurd, I had to either take a breather or pop a cork… LOL

When the story came out about the father at the school board meeting seeking justice for his daughter who had been raped and they arrested him, I was (still am) so angry I can’t even tell you. This is exactly the kind of crap that is happening all over the country and it’s all due to this woke nonsense that is not only insane but downright dangerous. Excuse me, but damn-it, boys don’t belong in girl’s bathrooms. For the love of God, these people who support this BS need to be locked up in a cell and the key thrown in the river. This stuff infuriates the holy hell out of me and all of it is supported by these awful, evil, lousy excuses of human beings who call themselves Democrats. Why are we allowing this crap?

I no sooner climb down off the ceiling over that and I find myself reading about the first ever “woman” to become an admiral in the Navy except it’s not a woman it’s that freak weird SOB who, of all things, is the assistant director of HHS. You know who I’m talking about, the guy that dresses like a woman and supports, rather, promotes, young children being given the opportunity to choose their gender. Shit, I can’t even believe that I am talking about this crap much less all of it being true. And don’t accuse me of having some “trans-phobia”, it’s not a phobia, I simply think it is all sick and has no place in a civil society. We are what we are, deal with it! No, instead we must embrace it, and celebrate people’s choice to be utter morons. I always say, do and be whatever the hell you want, but keep it out of my face. If you don’t want me to judge you then don’t prance around looking like an utter fool.

This is Rachel, Rachel is a man who is now an admiral in the Navy. I know I feel safer knowing he/she is at the helm…

Whew, this ranting thing is helping. Ha, ha!

At the end of the day, I just don’t understand why we are allowing all this nonsense to continue, not any of it. Did you catch any of Tired Brain’s Town Hall Meeting the other night? Come on man… this is simply embarrassing, not to mention a complete utter disaster. How much longer is this country going to allow this prick to destroy this country? No one can name one thing, not one single thing this oxygen starved brain has done that is good for the country, her people or even the rest of the world. Newsflash people, this guy doesn’t even know he’s alive. He can’t talk, he can’t read, he can’t remember and according to him himself, he can’t even wipe his own ass. So when is enough? Ten million Americans ought to be standing outside the WH demanding he resign and not leaving until he does. We don’t need to burn anything or hurt anyone but need to be heard and seen. He hasn’t had time to get down to the border? Really? That’s what you’re going with Joe? You’ve been too busy with floods, hurricanes and traveling the world to get down to the border? You’ve been to the border. You know it well, you say? What is that? It is four lies, back-to-back? Someone asks him a question and he rattles on for like five minutes talking about something completely different. It was so bad that even that idiot CNN Anderson Cooper had to remind him of the topic – he had to remind Tired Brain that the LARGEST U.S. PORT was Long Beach. The idea that this guy is running the country is just ridiculous.

He stood in this pose for what seemed like five minutes as Cooper reminded him what the question was. What is he thinking? “Please don’t poop, please don’t poop”

What else….(There’s no end). The military was surprised that China had super-sonic missiles? I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want is our military to be is “surprised” about anything. Don’t get me started with these ass-hat TV joint chiefs… Notice I didn’t refer to them as men. Why? Because for all I know they’re not… Geez.

This is what I refer to as a Twofer #IdiotsNCharge

Let us not forget Peter Pumpkin Eater’s picture floating all over social media wearing some plastic fake boob thing to pretend he is breast feeding his kids. I don’t know if that picture was real or not. I’m just upset that I had to see it and that there even is such a thing… People are upset because he’s taken I don’t know how many months off to be with his newborns instead of dealing with the cargo ships sitting off the coast of California. I understand their anger but seriously folks, do you really think having this clown engaged would help? Please! This Administration doesn’t employ one person that has a lick of common sense nor an ounce of ability to do anything. What’s important though is according to what I am told, is that they are brown, white, black, female, male, and everything in between so it’s all good. Bullshit, give me qualified, capable and experienced and for heaven’s sake, can we have at least one that actually loves the country? The answer? “Nope.”

I’ll wrap up this week’s rant with the push to vaccinate the kids. These are the ones with a 99.9905% survival rate. The kids aged 5-11. Again, what in the hell are we doing? This cannot, must not, fly. I don’t care if you don’t have kids this age, join in with those that do and raise your voices friends! This Government is so friggin’ out of control that it’s near impossible to verbalize. And speaking of vaccine, can someone, anyone tell me why Dr. “I can’t throw a baseball” is still employed and walking around free? Grrrr…

I don’t know what else could have gone on this week to make it anymore insane. Before we know it we’ll be reading some story about one of these liberal Hollywood pukes pointing a gun at a non-actor and for some crazy reason pulling the trigger… Don’t get yourself all up in arms folks. It was just an “accident.” And don’t you worry, when they get to the bottom of this you can be sure that it was the gun’s fault. You know those guns and how they are, loading themselves, always aiming themselves and pulling their own triggers and all…

Okay friends and family, I really, really mean it when I say THANK YOU for allowing me to vent because this week had me by the tail but thanks to you allowing me this time to rant I am feeling much better. I just hope in the process I didn’t bring any of you down. We are living in some crazy, crazy times aren’t we? The whole world has gone mad it would seem. I’m thankful for each of you because together we’ve got each other to lean on. Have a great rest of your weekend and week ahead. May the sun shine its light upon you.

Oh We’re Woke

Yeah, those “whatever” they are on the Left aren’t the only ones woke in this country. While they walk around bumping into each other like zombies with their pink, purple and green hair which by the way gives them a total advantage during Halloween, calling for social justice in all their wokeness, those of us fighting for sanity to return are woke too. Just not in the, you know, insane out of your freaking mind way.

We are now “woke” to a lot of things. We might very well have been asleep for far too long. One could make the argument that this mess we find ourselves in is of our own making. While we got up every morning and went to work, got the kids off to school and made sure our taxes were paid, the zombies somehow convinced the ass-hats in Washington that they were the most important things walking the face of the earth. While they only represent a small segment of society, if that’s what you call this mess we are living in nowadays, the DC crowd has embraced them and their insanity. Why? Because DC knows that they can have power over these people. They have figured out that the more they give these folks the more they can control them and sadly, it’s working.

The biggest and best thing Trump did for us is wake us the hell up. All those mean tweets that the cry babies hated so much were like cold water in our faces. “They aren’t sending us their best and brightest” he said and we thought, “he’s right.” “Crooked Hillary” he warned us, good grief was he ever right about that. “Fake News” he chanted over and over again and suddenly the wax in our ears melted and we couldn’t believe what we were/are hearing from these evil sons-a- fill in the blank. Seriously, how many of you used to watch CNN before Trump? Maybe it was just now and then on a casual basis but still you tuned in. I bet you wouldn’t last two minutes watching that fake news junk pile today. ABC, NBC, CBS? How many of us picked up mom and dad’s habit and watched one of those each night? Be honest. The answer? Too many of us. While there are some of us out there (I’m not one of them) that have always had their ears clean and eyes wide open, millions of us didn’t. Like I said, we were busy…

We are woke now aren’t we! We are woke to the filth of Washington DC and those filled with what can only be accurately described as human ilk. The lying, the cheating, the scams, the waste and abuse of the American taxpayer is downright disgusting. We see it, and we feel it everyday now. Truth be told, not a day passes that we don’t hear of some insane thing that these fools come up with under the guise of being good for us. Yesterday it was to look into everyone’s bank account who conducted a $600 or more transaction. The day before that it was to accept a 5.5 trillion dollar spending plan that oh by the way wouldn’t cost us anything. And before that? The list is long my friends. How about the evacuation (which by the way no one talks about anymore) of Afghanistan? According to the DC swamp, it was a tremendous success, remember? My favorite is that Tired Brain got 81 million votes. This is how much respect they have for us. With a straight face and zero remorse, they tell us this tired old man who can’t put two sentences together and couldn’t bring together a 100 people to listen to him, got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history. What makes it even worse is the fact that between Tired Brain’s 81 million votes and Trump’s 75 million, more people voted than we have on the voter rolls and the voter rolls are full of dead people! Yeah, we are woke alright.

Don’t worry folks, brilliant ideas like this won’t cause folks to make a run on their banks… Who comes up with this crap? The evil doers that’s who.

They think so little of us that they actually think we are going to accept that Mothers and Fathers who attend and participate in local school board meetings are the new domestic terrorists. Really? Not even some of those on the lame Left are buying this one and these are the people that do indeed believe spending 5.5T will cost them nothing… We’re woke.

The summer of love, ANTIFA and BLM burning, looting, killing that we saw with our own eyes yet we (you know by the leader of the most respected law enforcement agency in the world, the FBI), are told our biggest domestic threat is the white supremacists. Geez, make up your minds, evil doers. Is it the white supremacist or the soccer mom? Yeah, we are woke.

Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. Get the vaccine and it will prevent you from getting the virus. Wait, what? What do you mean you can still get the virus even though you got the shot? Hold on, why didn’t you tell us we could still pass the virus on even though we got the shot and why are you firing all the nurses? Why don’t you just have them wear a mask? They work right? Right? Yep, we are woke. I can’t even begin to tell you how pleased I was to see the Southwest pilots call in sick earlier this week to send a message to the world that they will not stand for forced injections. I can’t tell you how impressed I am with the basketball player, Kyrie Irving for giving up millions to stand his ground. As the deadline looms for our soldiers, millions have yet to line up for their shot. We are indeed woke and getting more woker (see I can make up words too!)

On the heels of an absolutely disgusting jobs report this week (less than 200K went back to work) Tired Brain tweeted; An average of 600,000 new jobs have been created every month since we took office. Jobs are up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. This progress is attributed to the hard work and resilience of the American people, who are battling through this pandemic by the day.

Tired Brain promises not to raise your taxes… Inflation hits us folks harder than anyone else. I am pretty sure the millionaires can afford to have their drivers fill up their gas tank.

See, things are great my friends! Wrong! Unemployment down? I don’t know about you but I’ve yet to walk into any store that doesn’t have a “help wanted” sign on their door. Progress? Come on man! We are indeed woke. We may very well still be busy but now, are eyes are wide open and we’re not buying all the BS anymore. I truly hope the Southwest pilot move starts a chain reaction throughout the country. We are seeing the nurses stand up now, American Airlines pilots raised their hands this week too. I hope this grows like wild fire sending a message to these idiotic people and their fake mandates that this is our country not theirs. As they say, “no pain, no gain”. Let’s shut this place down if we have to and yes, lets make America strong again, lets make American rich again and as my favorite President says, Lets Make America Great Again which doesn’t include Tired Brain and the evil doers that for the past “forever” have been working overtime to dismantle the American way of life. Nope, not having it, we are woke and we ain’t going back to sleep any time soon.

I invite you all to stand up and show your support every time you see one of our fellow Americans take a stand. Whether over the vaccine nonsense, this lousy economy, or some insane woke thing like chest feeding or allowing guys in gals bathrooms. Stand beside these folks that stand up for what is right and hell, if you’re so inclined and can, do some standing up yourselves!

We WILL get through this. What we look like afterwards, Lord only knows. We’ve got an awful lot of work to do to clean up this mess. 90% of the evil doers in Washington must go. We need to all but dismantle the FBI and DOJ. The TV Generals need to find their rightful spot on the sidewalk and this media, oh this media. We need to break them apart into little small bits and pieces. CNN, the most trusted in news. WRONG!

Question everything and trust your gut, it won’t let you down! Have a great rest of your weekend friends. Let’s talk next week ok? In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite memes of the week.

Boy, it that true or what? Tired Brain, a one man wreaking ball
Just shut the hell up and be thankful for what you have. Dear Lord forgive me but, these people…

If You Are A Democrat

When you pause for a few minutes and think about what it means today to be a Democrat, I assure you that you’ll walk away shaking your head and find yourself asking, “what is wrong with you people?” It’s crazy to think there are Americans today that continue to proudly call themselves Democrats. The saying “these are not your grandfather’s Democrats” couldn’t be truer. Think about it and then ask yourself why.

If you are a Democrat you either don’t bother watching the news or worse you tune into CNN. As crazy as it sounds, not watching is a better option. You are far better off being clueless than being told lies and believing them. Anyone with an ounce of sanity can watch CNN or any of these fake news networks and catch them in a bold face lie. Trust me, it’s not a rare event, it’s a daily event. The older folks who remain Democrats are stuck in old habits. They tune in to the nightly news just as they have their whole adult lives. ABC, NBC, CBS. Back in the day they listened to the Walter Cronkite’s of their time and didn’t know what political affiliation they were. That’s because they were reporting the news, not making the news. And when I say making the news, I mean, making it up. That’s what today’s Democrats are allowing into their heads today, made up, fake news. The prime example of this are the millions of Democrats out there still to this day who believe Trump colluded with the Russians. If you are one of these people all I can do is pray for you. Here’s the thing though. What exactly are you made of? Don’t you have a mind of your own? Are you completely void of any common sense? Do you not have any life experiences that allow your mind to throw the bullshit flag when you hear it? Seriously, do you people not have an individual sane thought of your own, ever?

Pretty much sums it up don’t you think?

If you are a Democrat you voted for Joe Biden. What exactly was it that attracted you to Joe? Or did you vote for him just because you disliked Trump? And what was it that Trump did that made you dislike him? Please don’t tell me it was mean tweets. That just makes you look more stupid than you obviously already are.

Today’s Democrats are fine with all the nonsense the country is experiencing. They are fine with leaving Americas behind in Afghanistan. Fine with higher gas prices, meat, fish and poultry. Fine with teaching our children critical race theory in our tax funded schools. You are okay mandating vaccines that don’t stop you from getting sick nor stop you from passing your sickness on to others. You have no problem with the Government spending more money than we give them. Hell, you don’t even care if the Government produces a budget. Just spend our money freely as you see fit. You see no problem with the DOJ (that stands for Department of Justice by the way) instructing the FBI (that stands for Federal Bureau of Investigation) to investigate Moms and Dads who attend their local school board meetings to demand their kids be taught reading, writing and arithmetic and not that white people are bad. You agree with those you elected that guns are the problem not the people who use them for evil. You must believe that because you keep trying to take my guns away and I haven’t harmed a soul my entire life. You’re so shallow minded you think the law breakers/the evil minded thugs will lay down their guns if the Government decides to ban personal ownership. You’re all about a woman’s right to choose until it comes to taking a vaccine or fighting for their child’s education.

Everything on the planet in your eyes is a human right yet you see no problem at all in aborting a child with a heartbeat. You are opposed to voter ID yet every single one of you has an ID. So why are you opposed? That’s just being an idiot. What you are really saying is that you aren’t interested in fair elections. What you are interested in is winning no matter the cost. The truth of the matter is that fairness is not a part of your make-up. While fairness is maybe the most critical part of a sane society you reject it at every turn. Do you have a problem with the 18 year old black kid who shot up the school this week being released from jail? You do not. Hell, you’re not even screaming for gun control on this one. For the record, neither is the idiot in the White House, nor is Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson or any of the Democrat ass-hats that pretend to care so deeply about you. Do you have a problem with the people who trespassed into the capitol but didn’t hurt anyone and are still being held in jail without due process? You do not. Are you okay with being censored? Of course you are until the time comes (if ever) when suddenly you aren’t allowed to speak your filth. You idiots were fine with that moron redhead holding up a bloody head of Donald Trump but chanting FJB, that’s an outrage. Millions of your fellow Americans have grave concerns over our last election. Millions do not believe it was conducted in an honest manner. Do you care about that? Nope. Your Tired Brain man is in the White House and that’s all that matters. Is he doing the job he said he would do? Hell, you don’t know what he’s doing because you’re still watching the bullshit news or worse tuning into the View each day to get your daily dose of stupid.

Sadly I am betting not a single Democrat will read this blog. I am however hopeful some of my friends who aren’t overly political or even those of you who do make the right choices when you vote will at least consider some of the things noted in the above. I know some, whom I consider, very smart people that to this day don’t know that if you take the vaccine you can still get the virus and still pass it on and why not, our pretend President just this Thursday said as much. He lied, again. I know people who I consider friends who aren’t aware of any side effects with these vaccines. And I have people in and around my life that continue to watch only the nightly news. I know this based on their lack of knowledge about so many of the things happening in our country today. It is very sad and scary to be honest. The media truly is an enemy of the people. They play a huge role in the destruction of society today. If you are still a Democrat you believe everything they tell you and that is insane.

Or just because you heard it on the nightly news or in a press briefing or read it in the New York Times, or on Yahoo, Twitter or Facebook. Be a Lion not a sheep. If I need to explain the difference, it’s too late for you.

This country is in a horrible mess right now. These Leftist Democrats are on a fast track to take the country as we know it down. It troubles me greatly to watch so many sit on the sidelines while these evil doers tear us apart. In my short 67 years on this planet I’ve never seen so much division. My internal belief system will not allow me to give up what I believe. No screaming lunatic with pink hair, body tattoos and enough metal hanging out of every orifice of their body will convince me of anything. A man is a man, a woman is a woman, a baby is a person, and nothing in life is free. If you break the law you should be made to pay the price. The color of your skin is meaningless to me. What you do under your roof, short of breaking the law, is your business not mine. I take responsibility for my actions and I believe everyone else should do the same. I believe we have a right to live our lives but don’t believe I am entitled to anything. If I shake your hand and tell you I am going to do something you better believe it will be done. I owe it to myself to seek out the truth and I believe it would be shameful for me to look the other way when I see something wrong and say nothing. If we humans are going to live on this planet together we better be honest with each other. We better damn well stand up for what is right and what is wrong. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t cut it yet this is exactly what so many are doing. Just how much longer are we going to allow this nonsense to continue?

I don’t have a problem sharing the country with these Democrats. Well, I mind but understand people are people and have minds of their own. What I do mind though is all the lawlessness and the two tiered justice system. Our greatest asset has always been our being a Nation of Laws. Today this appears to no longer be the case and it’s quickly dragging us into the dirt and building anger that at some point will turn into mass hysteria. We are indeed an eyelash away from being Australia which by the way, if you’re a Democrat you’re okay with. Last year’s summer of love versus the January 6th protest is a clear, easy picture for us all to see what is happening. These Democrats are bound and determined to turn our beautiful America into the next shit-hole country. Either we unite now or we continue to succumb to the evilness of the Left. We can do this, I know we can. Let your voice be heard. At every opportunity, speak up for what is right and scream at the top of your lungs against what common sense tells you is wrong. When I see what is going on in this country and think about what my grandkids will be made to endure it saddens me and quite honestly, pisses me off. Do me a huge favor, get pissed off too!  

This, my friends wraps up another weekly DG rant. As these ass-hats ramp up their rhetoric we must ramp up ours. Call out every lie you hear and point out every evil doer you see. We’ll lean on each other for our sanity and keep doing what we can in our journey to survive the crazy evilness that surrounds us and Pray, after all, what the hell do you have to lose?

I Want To Say Thank You

Every week, the Government led by evil doers provides us with a long list of things to rant about. It really is the one thing we can count on nowadays. Seriously, when all else fails you can be assured these idiots will announce some flat out stupid thing to get the hair on the back of our necks to stand straight up. It becomes tiresome and depressing. Every time I get to the point where I want to throw in the towel and just retreat to my inner self, I realize this is exactly what they want me to do. Just stop fighting them, let it be what it will be, get in line with the rest of the sheep and “hope” for the best. Sadly millions of Americans are doing just that and to be honest, I understand it. No one wants to walk around being pissed off and depressed. Finding the good in a world filled with bad can be pretty damn hard nowadays. A lot of this is how we choose to view the news. You can take something that is bad and flip it over to be good. It’s the cup half full method. Here are a few examples of this.

I want to say thank you to all of you out there in the country right now putting your jobs on the line over this mandatory vaccination mandate which, for the record, has not officially taken place yet and by the way, just because pudding brain mandates something doesn’t mean we must comply. We don’t have a king or queen running this country. We have a dictator-in-chief but I digress. When you think about the fact that these Americans, nurses, firefighters, police, troops, first responders and all the others working to put food on the table are putting their health and their families first it is impressive, brave and shows this lame Government that people have red lines they refuse to allow these evil doers to cross. These Americans do us all a huge favor and at a great personal cost. Personally, I support them, thank them and encourage more of us to do the same. Stand up to these ass-hats in Government. Think about the New York case where they have now suspended over 50,000 healthcare workers who refused to be vaccinated with a shot that does not stop you from getting the virus nor from passing the virus on. They have suspended the very people who just a few short months ago were considered heroes for taking care of and saving the lives of those who came down with the virus. And to top it off, they are replacing them with National Guard troops who, wait for it, have not yet been vaccinated… National Guard troops have until April of 2022 to get vaccinated… We are being led by morons. Sorry, there’s no other way to explain it.

Whoever did this meme is deserving of our thanks. Common sense on display!

Both of these stories are examples of lousy situations that have positive stories to tell if you choose to look for the good instead of the bad. The cup is half full.

This of course isn’t always possible. You would be hard pressed to find any good in the story about Tired Brain wanting to allow the IRS to track our bank accounts. The only good in this communist idea is that it shows us again, just how rotten this guy is. Having said that, we really don’t need any more examples of that, do we? The man is a walking, talking American way of life wrecking ball. Hell, what’s next? Before we know it he will announce parents who demand accountability from these leftist insane school boards are domestic terrorists. Oh wait… That is exactly what the teacher’s union has requested of Tired Brain this week. BTW, these parents who are attending school board meetings and county supervisor meetings standing up for their kids, they are heroes too and deserving of our thanks! Their kids are their red lines. I certainly hope so! Thank you parents! No masks and no stupid, insane, CRT BS. Geez.

Another “Thank You” to the author of this cartoon. Common sense on display!

Rand Paul wins the DG “in your face” award this week for putting these mask wearing, vaccination Nazi ass-hats in their place. Senator Paul was on a roll in the truth telling department this week and we Americans say THANK YOU!

Here are a few other memes that I personally enjoyed this week. Those folks who take the time to make and publish these are doing all of us a favor. They are making folks think and many give us an opportunity to smile. Some make us spitting mad too.

Ain’t that the truth!
This is an actual photo. Makes sense right? Fake White House, Fake President getting a Fake Vaccine Booster shot. Fake, Fake, Fake!
This is coming but don’t worry, Tired Brain isn’t going to raise your taxes. You know, because the 5 trillion proposed spending spree cost zero… Huh?
Higher gas prices, America last agenda, open borders, Americans left behind, inflation and an unlikable phony for a Vice President

Okay friends. Enough is enough. Try to find some good in all the bad we are being made to endure nowadays. Nearly every ugly story out there has some sort of good to it. All you have to do to find it is stand on one foot, close one eye and hold your breath… Hardly a week goes by that I don’t ask my sons, “What’s the good news”. They hate the question, LOL. I hope it makes them think though.

Have a great rest of your weekend and a good week ahead. We will stay in touch and keep ranting away until we are heard. #United We Stand and I don’t think there’s ever been a time this has been more important.