There isn’t any getting around it. This year’s Halloween is filled with nothing but tricks; unless of course you find it a treat that, oh I don’t know, the Feds want to track the movement of your bank account activity over $601 dollars or maybe if your 5-11 year old’s costume is so good that they are invited in for their first dose of Pfizer. I don’t know about you but you have to admit it’s pretty tricky for Tired Brain to tell you he’ll spend 5T dollars and have it cost you nothing. Now that’s some trickery right there… By the sounds of it, the only ones who will get any treats this year are the Illegals. As if they haven’t already received enough, right? Diaper boy in the White House is now suggesting that we pay reparations to each family separated from their children during the Trump Administration to the tune of $450,000 and they don’t even have to wear a costume! This idea must be going over well with the black community who have been begging for reparations for the past “forever.” Ha, ha, and the majority of them actually voted for Tired Brain/Diaper Boy/ dumbass. What’s even more pathetic? They’ll vote for him again if given the opportunity. Newsflash, black community, neither he nor the Democrat party care about you. Never have, never will. Stop being damn fools!

What else went on this week that grated on my nerves? Marsha, Marsha, Marsha Blackburn came out demanding the Biden clowns not mandate vaccines on the “essential” workers. While I know she means well, it grates on my skinny white rear end when I hear the words “essential workers.” You tell me who isn’t an essential worker? I promise you that my grandchildren, who are too young to know the difference, consider their mom and dad to be essential workers. How else will they have food to eat and a warm place to sleep at night? That guy stocking the shelves in the local supermarket seems essential to me as well. The Truck driver catching an hour of sleep in the cab of his truck before he drives another thousand miles to deliver goods across America, he seems pretty essential too… Like I said, who isn’t essential, the lady at the McDonalds window. If you’re craving that sausage egg mcmuffin because you’re late for work and didn’t have time to eat before you left the house, she’s pretty essential. Besides, does she not have bills to pay and a family to feed? Everyone is essential and Washington ought to stop trying to separate us into special little groups.
While it’s hard to pick just one thing that occurs in any given week under the leadership of Tired Brain, if you made me do it, I’d have to go with his statement at the CNN town hall when he was asked if he was going to go to the border. His response, “I suppose I should go down there, I’ve been many times, I know it well but the truth is (you always know you’re about to be hit with a big league lie after that), I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to go.” Wife and I just looked at each other, smiled while we shook our heads in pure disbelief that he said that out loud. And here I thought his statement that spending 5 Trillion wasn’t going to cost us anything was the worst. The moron is a walking, talking embarrassment. He spends more time having his diapers changed than doing the work of a pretend President. Give me a break!
On the “I feel sorry” front – I feel sorry for folks who are watching the Virginia Governor’s race between that idiot McAuliffe and Youngkin. You know McAuliffe right? He’s the Democrat who said a couple weeks back that parents have no right to say what their kids are taught in school. He’s so worried about losing that he brought in all the ass-hats except for crooked Hillary herself. Obama and Kami (boy was that ever a bomb) and even old tired brain himself flew in to give his pitch for this guy. You know, because he doesn’t have time to go to the border. Biden spent his whole time talking about Trump which makes sense. What else does he have to talk about, certainly not his record. Anyway, the reason I feel sorry for those who have their hopes up for a Youngkin win which is about all of us, is because I don’t think he has a prayer. “Youngkin leads in the polls!” Why do you believe the polls? Haven’t you been slapped around enough with these misleading polls? Seriously, I don’t trust polls, not even the ones I want to be right. Polls are provided for one reason and one reason only, to drive a narrative, to direct opinion. Here’s an example, “Youngkin leads in the polls!” This is designed for Republicans to stay home, no need to vote, he’s got this election in the bag. It is also and perhaps more importantly, designed to tell Democrats to get out and vote! Just as I said during the Newsom recall election, I will fall out of my chair if Youngkin, the Republican, wins the race in very deep blue Virginia where they have cheating down to a science and you know, we must trust the science. As I also said during the Newsom head fake, no one wants to be more wrong than I do! All of us are looking for some hope, looking for a sign that the country has finally woken up to the cheating that has gone on in our elections. I’ve seen a number of tweets from my followers who say if enough Republicans get out and vote they (the Dems) won’t be able to steal the election. 75 million people voted for Trump and here we are so I am not buying that argument. It always comes down to who is doing the counting. Having said all that, Youngkin winning would be a real positive for the country. My fingers and eyes are crossed for a win but I’ve been disappointed so many times I refuse to get my hopes up. So much for the cup being half full… Grrrr.

At least I have a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing our pretend President will be representing us this weekend at the G20 summit followed by a meeting with world leaders (you know except for China, the world’s biggest polluter) & climate change experts (that’s hard to even type much less say with a straight face) to discuss how the United States will lead in the fight against the biggest threat to humanity, climate change. Or is that global warming, or global cooling depending on the year and most up to date talking point at the time. Good freaking grief friends! We have sent a guy who can’t even walk up stairs without falling to represent us in front of the world. God please forgive us.
Before I wrap this weeks rant up, enjoy a few of my favorite memes this week. The folks that put these together almost make in worth enduring the weekly nonsense. Almost…

Ok friends, enough of all that. Wishing y’all a fun and safe Halloween. May your kids come home with a bucket full of candy so you can steal your favorites from them. It’s the American way! LOL. Enjoy your week ahead and “Go Youngkin!”