Yesterday the long awaited election audit in Arizona was released. To my knowledge none of the networks covered it and according to what I read on Twitter, Tucker Carlson didn’t even mention it. I wouldn’t know because I stopped watching Fox on November 5th, 2020 and never looked back. I understand that Bret Baier took the time to say the audit results showed that Biden won. This was the narrative all over the internet yesterday. If you actually watched the audit presentation you know this to be false. You know that thousands upon thousands of votes were fraud riddled and what most folks fail to realize is the audit was conducted on one, however large, county in Arizona. Just imagine what the results would be if the entire state was done. The other major reveal for me was their proving the election tabulation machines (Dominion) were indeed connected to the internet. That fact alone, by law, is cause for the election to be decertified. Every day after the release of the Arizona Audit, the results will become quieter and quieter. Washington DC and their state run media outlets will bury these election findings hoping to outlast all of us who have demanded accountability. We won’t forget and we won’t stop demanding but will we be heard?
We, the legal, taxpaying citizens of these United States of America are no longer the priority of those we have elected to serve us. When our elected representatives no longer fear us and no longer fear the power of our vote, we open our eyes and find ourselves exactly where we are today; voiceless, unimportant and little more than an irritant to these corrupt millionaire Government ass-hats.
Think about it. A Government that was truly “for and by the people” would never stand for there to be any question as to the fairness of an election. 80 Million+ Americans have questioned the honesty of the 2020 election yet it is as if we don’t even exist. Our elected leaders (99% of them) have turned their backs on us. Making phone calls and writing letters is futile. “Mr. Garrison, Thank you for your letter and sharing your concern over the 2020 election. Please trust that my office takes very seriously the importance of our elections. I will continue to promote voter ID laws throughout all states. Again, thank you for communicating with my office. Sincerely, Joe (I don’t care about you, here’s my form letter) Congressperson.”
My hat is off to all those who worked so hard on the Arizona audit and nobody wants this audit work to spread throughout all the other states that are in question more than I do. Ensuring honesty and fairness in our elections should not be this hard. Proving that the election was fair has resulted in lawsuits being filed, county officials refusing to comply with court orders, and Congressmen & women unwilling and disinterested in what the American people demand. This is disgusting and sadly has become the norm rather than the exception.
Proof that we (the people) are no longer the priority cannot only be found in the rigged election but in nearly everything this current joke of a Government does.
Take the border as an example. The majority of Americans don’t like our borders being left wide open for any Tom, Dick, Harry, Terrorist, Covid-infected, drug dealer, or child trafficker to waltz in and we certainly don’t want to pay for their food, education, housing and healthcare but yet, here we are as if our opinion on this matter doesn’t even exist.
Another example: mandated vaccines. At least half the country is opposed to the Government, you know them, they are the ones “For and by the People”, forcing the vaccine on them and yet this is the path our Government is moving toward. I’m retired thankfully but both my sons and their wives are in fear of losing their jobs over this mandate. All four are taxpayers raising my grandchildren, working hard to pay their mortgages, putting food on the table and trying to live the American dream, yet they live in fear of losing their ability to provide for their families due to a Government mandating that they inject an unknown chemical into their bodies. The chemical that doesn’t even prevent them from getting sick for Christ sake! This is America? Not the one I grew up in…

We have allowed this Government to get so far away from the founding documents that now if we quote those very documents (the Constitution and Bill Of Rights), we are labeled by our own Government (who is supposed to work for us and who swore to uphold these documents) as terrorists, white supremacists or worse, Trump supporters. We are witnessing the final stages of an America that has been fundamentally changed. Whose goal was that…
Friends, I don’t pretend to have all the answers or even any answers. I am just like you. I am frustrated as hell and looking for a way back to a time when my voice at least seemed to be heard. It wasn’t that long ago that we had a President that talked and acted just like we do. He made promises and he kept them. Isn’t that what you and I do? He loves America, so do all of us. He believes in us. That is the reason why we feel so strongly about him. This puppet in the White House could not care less about us much less what we want or what we have to say. We truly don’t exist in his corrupt little world surrounded by global evildoers; the evildoers who are devoted to the bringing down of the greatest, strongest, most giving country in the history of the world.
While nothing would make me happier than to see audits like that in Maricopa County, Arizona occur throughout the country, I know in the end, in order for the election to be overturned, this corrupt Government would have to admit that the 2020 election was rigged and no one can make me believe that they will ever do that. The best that we can hope for are changes to the election process such as voter ID and going back to paper ballots counted by humans not machines and time is running out for that for the 2022 election.
Short of a civil war, I fear that America will remain under a regime that doesn’t stand with its people. These are sad and dangerous times my friends. When I hear folks say “pray for justice” (believe me I get it) I think of this joke… A guy prays to the Lord, “Please God, let me win the lottery. I really need the money and promise to do good Lord.” The lottery numbers are called and the guy doesn’t win. The guy gets back on his knees and prays again, “Please God, please let me win the next lottery.” Once again he doesn’t win. “Again, the guy gets back on his knees and prays “Oh Lord, please grant me this one gift to win the lottery, I promise you Lord I will do good with this gift, Amen.” This time God answers the guy; “Do me a favor and at least buy a ticket.”
As long as we allow these evil doers to do as they please, we should not be surprised when they continue to do as they please.
Have a great rest of the weekend friends and thanks for letting me rant. Y’all are great Americans and I am proud to know you. Enjoy the Rally tonight!
Well said, Dan.
Thanks much Mike.