Tired Brain left the White House on Friday just after lunch time for a long weekend. When you consider he works, maybe, four hours a day, this ass-hat can really get some evil stuff done in a short amount of time. It doesn’t matter whether pudding brain is in DC or licking ice cream cones does it? Unlike him, his puppet masters are working around the clock to make our country and our lives miserable.
Let’s take a look at what Joe Biden’s accomplishments were this past week shall we?
Via another Woodword fiction novel we learned that General Milley made an under the table call to his counterpart in China warning them that Trump could launch a nuke at them. According to Woodword, who is about as trustworthy as Adam Shit for brains, Milley told his China counterpart not to worry; that he (Milley) would give them advanced warning and he (Milley) wouldn’t let it happen. Oh for Christ sake. Really? As much as I distrust Woodword, Milley hasn’t denied he made the call, nope, instead he announced he did indeed make the call and it was nothing out of the ordinary. Perfectly normal. Nevermind that his boss wasn’t aware of the call nor did he authorize it. Like Trump, I am sure Milley will release the transcript of the call to put any concerns we have to rest. Wrong!! What gets me is that no one seems to be thinking this whole thing through. Let’s say Trump was considering bombing China, which is absurd, what was Milley going to do? Give China advanced warning so they could strike first? I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sound much like “protect and serve” to me… This woke clown needs to be investigated and not by Adam Schift.
On a 6-2 vote the FDA advisory committee voted down giving a booster shot for the China virus stating there isn’t enough data showing this is warranted or useful. This no-booster-vote follows on the heels of dumb-dumb spending the week pushing the vaccinations and pitting Americans against each other. After all, his patience is running thin, remember? Don’t wear masks, wear masks, take the vaccine but not the booster? Biden and his sidekick Mr. (I can’t throw a baseball) Fauci have made a complete and utter mess of this whole thing. Going all the way back to the beginning, Americans would have been better served had the Government stuck with “wash your hands and keep your distance from sick people.” I could be wrong but I have this feeling the results would have been the same or maybe even better. At this point half of the country is concerned about catching the damn thing from the vaccinated… Here we are a year plus later and we don’t really know how many have died from this virus. Oh we have a number given to us by the liars but that, to me anyway, means nothing. When the annual death rate from the flu goes from 30 – 40 – 50 -even 60,000 to less than 2,000, common sense kicks in and you say to yourself, “huh?” Crash your motorcycle and die, Covid? Weigh 600 pounds and smoke your whole life and die, Covid. And what is with all these blood clots? Picture DG growling right now and you get where I am in this whole nightmare.
Biden, through his red headed unlikable press secretary announces they will be cutting back the distribution of monoclonal antibody medication. These are some of the treatments that Trump took when he got the virus, these are the ones Florida has been successfully using. When questioned about this, the dead in the head red head said they weren’t holding them back; they were simply making sure the distribution was equitable throughout all the states. “We are going to be giving these out in an equitable fashion so that a state like Oklahoma receives their fair share and a state like Florida doesn’t receive more than they need. Translation: We are the all mighty Government and we shall decide who gets what and when.” Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it because you know, everything they’ve done over the past 9 months has been so right and good for the country… In case you are worried about the U.S. turning to socialized medicine, stop worrying about it, it’s already here. By the way, anytime the Government uses the word “equitable” you can be certain whatever they are referring to will be anything but equitable. It’s similar to when they say, “trust me.”
Did y’all see the pictures of the illegals under the bridge in Texas? Some 12,000 have set up camp under the bridge in Del Rio, Texas causing the Mayor to close the International bridge down. By the way, the total population of Del Rio is only 36,000. I love how we shut the bridge down “after” all the illegals arrive on U.S. soil leaving the American taxpayer to rush in with food, water and medical attention for the next however long it takes. I love Texas but if I lived there I’d be pissed off at the Governor for not closing their border down a year ago. I understand that it is the job of the Federal Government but “come on man”, the Federal Government is being run by pudding brain. He should have stepped in much sooner and let the chips fall where they may. “Shoulda, woulda, coulda…

Finally one of our top notched Generals this week admitted that the airstrike that Biden ordered to kill the ISIS-K terrorists last month (the ones who killed our service members in Afghanistan), actually ended up killing 10 Afghan civilians. General, “I warned China” Milley at the time of the strike said “It was a righteous strike.” Tired Brain came out and bragged about it using his tough guy voice, remember? The MSM praised Biden for his quick, targeted strike. Senator Rand Paul called the whole thing into question right out of the shoot. Once again, Paul was right and the ass-hats pretending to run this country were wrong. Maybe they were just lying… “Lying? This Government? Dan, have some faith.” (Just so y’all know, I am aware that I am talking to myself) I’ll have some faith when these idiots do something, anything, right. Not holding my breath.
Speaking of Afghanistan; the pretend President can point fingers at all the shiny objects he wants. Let it be known, let it be written, let it be said, “We still have Americans stranded in Afghanistan.” And we are not going to forget about them. Just as we’ve not forgotten about Benghazi, Kate Steinle, Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, rigged 2020 election or any of the other outlandish nonsense these evil doers up till now have gotten away with.
Finally Mr. “I got 81M votes” Biden held a televised press conference (I love it, a press conference where the press is invited to listen but not ask questions) with Prime Minister Scott Morrison (better known evidently as “the guy down under” (because puddin’ brain couldn’t remember his name) of Australia and Prime Minister, Boris (comb your freaking hair you idiot) Johnson of Great Britain to announce their joint submarine deal. This announcement set one of our closest allies, France, hair on fire. Following this grand sub deal, France announced they would be pulling their Ambassadors out of the U.S., Australia and U.K. LOL I swear to God, you could hand Biden a steel ball and he’d find a way to screw it up.
Not to worry though, as soon as Biden heard about France’s reaction to the deal he immediately did what he always does, left DC without a peep.
As for the California recall election I’ll just say I feel bad for the millions in the state who worked so hard to sack pretty boy. Sadly, there was never a time I ever thought they’d be able to send Nasty Nancy’s nephew walking. Of all the states in our union, none are more corrupt than California.
So there you have it my friends. All of this was accomplished in less than four full days on the job. Don’t tell me Biden isn’t productive. No wonder the ole guy needed a long weekend to relax. What’s the bad news? He’ll be back next week… and I’ll be writing to you laying out all the wonderful accomplishments he has made for the American people. To all you liberals out there, if you’re not missing Trump by now then sadly, you are simply beyond any hope. I suggest you put your mask back on, take the booster shot anyway and by all means, STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!
To my friends who take the time to listen to my weekly rants I send my sincere wishes to you for a good, safe week ahead; one where you find a way to smile and be near your family and friends. When all else fails around us remember, we have each other to lean on. Take care y’all.