As if the country wasn’t divided enough, this week Tired Brain doubled those efforts during his six point plan speech to fight the China Virus. By the way, it really wasn’t a six point plan was it? It was a two point plan, them against us. Like that was something new…
During the dictator’s speech he said he’s been patient waiting for all of us to get the vaccine but his patience is running thin. He said it isn’t about freedom. It’s about doing the right thing. What else do we have to do?” he asked. “We’ve made the vaccine free, safe, and effective.” Those of us with a lick of common sense know each of these is a lie. They are not free. You and I are paying for them and not just for our fellow Americans. We are paying for vaccines for countries all around the world. I suppose that is ok. That’s what we Americans do, but please don’t say they are free, they are not, not by a long shot. Safe, there is not a person on the planet that can say that without lying. No one knows what the long term effects will be. This time, it is we humans who are the lab rats. Only time will expose all of the side effects. We already know that in a small percentage of the population, there are negative side effects. Some have caused death; others blood clots, others of a more minor nature. The question I have is what, if any, effects will the shot have on me and my loved ones? The answer, no one knows. Effective, I don’t know how you say that with a straight face. We know the vaccine will not stop you from getting the virus. We also now know that getting the vaccine will not stop you from spreading the virus. So I ask, how on earth can Tired Brain or anyone else say that the vaccine is “effective?” Well, they say if you get the vaccine and then come down with the virus your reaction to the virus will be less severe. How do they know how severe my case would be if I get the virus? Some folks got the vaccine, caught the virus, ended up in the hospital and died. That seems pretty severe to me. “Oh come on Dan, those are rare cases and you know it.” Well it didn’t seem so rare for the wife who lost her husband did it. Nor did it feel rare to the kids who lost their mom.

Knowing that the vaccines are not effective, free or safe, what does our Dictator-n-Chief do? He mandates them and all but blames the non-vaccinated for the new cases we have in the country. You know, like the Delta variant that they have no test to tell if it’s a Delta or China virus… And even though Israel, the most vaccinated country on earth, has one of the biggest breakthrough outbreaks of any country, somehow it is the evil unvaccinated that is the cause of all new cases. Finally, the fact that these mandates are ordered for all federal workers and companies with 100 or more employees but not mandated for any Congressperson or any of their staff should be enough to make anyone want to throw the Biden flag. In case I didn’t tell you, I no longer say bullshit flag; it’s now the Biden flag. Same difference, right? The sad and sick reality is that the vast majority of these large companies will adhere to the mandate putting politics ahead of their very own associates. That’s pretty damn sad if you ask me. The company I ran would have never done that, never! As for the Government workers, I feel for you but this is what you get when you turn your life over to the all knowing, all powerful Government. If they had their way and they are working at a very fast pace to make this a reality, all of us would be under their employ. And you wonder why I didn’t like Obamacare. How much longer until the Government says you are no longer eligible for Obamacare unless you get the shot? Then what, Medicare? Social Security recipients? “Come on Dan, now you are being ridiculous!” Eh, these are the same people that think it is ok to kill a baby after it’s born so…
To all of you out there working for a company who follows this insane mandate, do not quit, make them fire you. Why? Because then you can draw unemployment and who knows, once the lawsuits are settled just maybe your commie company may have some back pay for you for wrongful termination.

Every single week of this fraudulent Administration they seem to find a way to insanely top their idiocy of the prior week. To have this tired brain of a man claiming to care about us while the border remains wide open and while he brings in 90 thousand un-tested, unvaccinated Afghans is nothing less than a pure outrage.

I do want to spend a minute honoring all those who lost a loved one on 9-11-01 and all those who worked so hard to save lives. It truly is a day never to be forgotten. Those of us who were alive then know we will never forget. It becomes our job to make sure the younger folks know what happened as well. While the loss of lives was horrific and it was, we must also recognize the loss of freedom too. It is all relative isn’t it? To this day we cannot check-in for a flight without first taking off our shoes yet our border is wide open. Today those of us who love our country, fly our flag and get upset when an election is rigged are considered “the” biggest threat. We are today’s biggest domestic threat. Don’t take it from me. Ask George W. Bush or Joe Biden or the director of the FBI Wray or any Democrat in Washington DC. It was despicable to listen to some of these bastards compare 9-11 to January 6th. Politics never ends, not even on 9-11.

Friends, I hope what’s left of your weekend is enjoyable. As always I am sending my best wishes for your week ahead. It sure would be nice if this Government of ours would try not to outdo this past week but don’t count on it. We are being led by American hating imbeciles.