As we begin the Labor Day Weekend, the word pretending comes to mind because apparently that’s what most Americans are doing, pretending America is still the one we grew up in. We’ll all have our three day weekend which is more about having an extra day off than anything to do with celebrating the hard earned labors which built this country and made her so great and why not. After all, Obama said we didn’t build that right?
The amount of pure nonsense we see today makes you realize just how sleepy we’ve all been at the wheel. It is our job to steer this ship, drive the car we call America but somewhere along the way, we lost our road map, we left the constitution in the drawer while we were all too busy “not” building anything like our families, our children, our businesses, our schools and our friendships.
For me it started with Viet Nam and the peace, love, dove revolution. Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll. Despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans didn’t think we should have been in Viet Nam, the way so many of those same Americans treated our troops was despicable. In my small mind, this was the first conflict where our all-knowing Government sided with the minority of drugged out morons and in doing so turned the conflict into one of politics rather than war. Our troops, for the first time in history were sent off to fight while being held back with one arm tied behind their backs making the conflict last longer than it needed to and causing more death than was necessary. The traditions of war have all but remained the same ever since. These TV Generals play each day based on what might hit the nightly news cycle instead of what will win the day on the battlefield.
Admittedly I am talking a bit out of my ass having never served (Tried to join the marines at 18, deaf in one ear, it was a no go) but right, wrong or indifferent, this is how I see it. From that conflict on, the country has been on a steady decline toward what we see today, woke-is-um. A once strong and powerful Nation has been pussified into a nation where the Leftist march us toward socialism. Our elected leaders march to the drum of the vast minorities in the country leaving the ones footing the bills behind and it’s even worse than that, we are now vilified as being the evil doers. We have approximately 500 American citizens rotting in a DC jail for marching on the Capitol. No one was hurt, no buildings burned, no cops killed, no weapons found by these marchers and yet there they are without due process. When you think about all the actual riots over these many years, Berkeley comes to mind and then fast forward to the 2020 summer of love in Portland and Seattle, the evilness of ANTIFA and BLM, remember this, virtually no arrests and if there were any, you can be sure that those looters, arsonists, the cop killers, the defilers and desecrators of statues, the flag burners, the traffic stoppers, and the freaks were released within hours. It is so outrageous, words are hard to come by to adequately describe the horror and complete lack of fairness, not to mention true justice which as we all know, is dead.
I have loved this country my entire life, still do. 40 years ago, if you had told me that we would be allowing what we allow today, I would have run you off. Wide open border and on our dime paying to feed, house, educate and medicate these invaders? Departing a 20 year long conflict and leaving behind fellow Americans in the process? That’s not what we do, that’s not who we are. Well, that’s not what we “used” to do and that’s not who we “used” to be. Killing a child “after” it’s born? Oh come on now, have you lost your ever loving mind? America would never do such a thing. Well it’s true. They have gone so far with this hate today we find ourselves arguing to at least allow the baby to live once we hear its heartbeat… That’s how far they’ve dragged us down into the sidewalks of hell.
Today I read where Tired Brain has pledged $500 for everyone affected by the hurricane. You know, the American citizens who lost their homes, cars, jobs and in some cases family members. $500. The Afghan refugees? Well, reportedly they will each receive $1,250. Both groups would have been better off sneaking into Mexico and then crossing back through the southern border. Then they’d be fed, housed, educated and have free medical care… It’s insane, the whole damn country is completely insane.

HHS seeks direction from the Biden Administration as to how to handle the fact they have Afghani men here with their child brides… Don’t be surprised if this woke and brain dead Government of ours makes the decision that this is ok. And then ask yourself how much longer will it be until they consider it ok for all of us to marry the 12 year old of our choice… What a sick thought huh? Yeah well, had I told you 10 years ago that we’d leave a newborn on a table until the “birthing person” decides to keep it alive or not, you would have accused me of being a sick SOB wouldn’t you? These times we are living in are rotten to the core. Rotten.
We left Americans behind, 80 billion worth of American arms and evidently thousands of Afghans who assisted our forces. Doesn’t that beg the question, “who in the hell are all of these men and their child brides we did bring over?” We have an installed President that is not capable of even reading a teleprompter, an economy that’s in the tank, and a Government on the verge of mandating we put a chemical into our body that doesn’t prevent us from becoming ill or from making others ill and in fact down right kills some folks. We have a Congress that is working overtime to print money to pad their own pockets all in the name of “build back better” under the supervision of a clown who hasn’t built anything ever. What TF are we doing folks?

Oops, never mind, it’s Labor Day Weekend. Put those masks on, go to the beach, grill some burgers, drink that beer and enjoy that extra day off! Hell, half the ass-hats in this country aren’t even working and won’t be anytime soon. As long as we allow this corrupt Government to keep sending them our hard earned tax dollars and buy into the next killer variant we will remain as we are. Up-side-down and inside-out. Good is bad, right is wrong and if you question any of it you’re a white supremacist out for the total destruction of all things good… You know, like God, Country, Family, Friends, personal responsibility and saving the life of the unborn. Awful things like that.
As you might well have noticed my friends, I am in a foul mood. I look forward to the day when more Americans get into a foul mood because at some point we are either going to wave the white flag and call it a day or get foul… For the love of God, if we are going to lose this battle can we at least go down fighting? I for one shall not “pretend” everything is fine and that those we’ve elected to lead will lead. Actually they’re leading alright, leading us down to the gates of hell.
Despite all that I’ve ranted about in the above, I seriously do wish all of you a fantastic weekend with your families and your friends. They are the only things in your life right now that truly make a difference. My goal as always is to just release all this crap we are being made to endure right now and if any of it makes you think just for a minute then that’s icing on the cake for me.
Enjoy your weekend, be safe, soak in some sunshine and keep all those who are having a rough go of it right now in your prayers.